Fighting with boyfriend?? What do you think?

June 4, 2011 3:34am CST
We love each other. We meet frequently and said trust each other. But why & why you always seem to have fun fighting with me and shout on me?? Honestly, I don't like rude boy so please try to be more slowly with me?? I'm so tired fighting with my boyfriend always and always. Just small thing, but can be a big problem!! OMG!! I hate him because he had rude mouth and his words often hurt me.Some people said that fighting in simple realtionship is so funny and memorable moment, but please, don't be too much.It's teary me apart!! Do you ever fight with your boyfriend?What do you think about it?
15 responses
4 Jun 11
Hi. . . . if my boyfriend do it to me. our relationship is better ended. many other man is better for me.
1 person likes this
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sorry for lately response... how if your relationship is about two years and sometimes he's very kind with you?do you still decide the same?
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11`s really your experience.. i never fight with my boyfriend because iam a man...i had no boyfriend.hehe
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
at least you can tell me about your girlfriend, brother?? hmmmm.... will you??try to open to me now
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
i had no boyfriend, sista
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
I said girlfriend, brother??you try to play hide-seek now!!
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
I think it's normal to have petty fights and misunderstandings in a relationship. There is no perfect relationship after all. We do always fight with my bf, and I should say that I am really so full of it already. The issue just keeps on repeating again and again. So what we do is we have an agreement to settle fights and misunderstanding right then and there. We have to calm each other so that the fight won't go to the extreme. It works for us, so try talking to your bf. Might work for you as well. Good luck
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
hi,gaiza,sorry for lately response... we've try to understand each other, but both of us are stubborn heart and never confess mistake... I don't know how to stop it..
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
hi,gaiza,sorry for lately response... we've try to understand each other, but both of us are stubborn heart and never confess mistake... I don't know how to stop it..
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
I think it's too much when he says rude words to you and when he does it often. You are still his girl and he should still treat you with respect. Fights are normal but when they get to the point when you are left to feel like trash, that's when the lines are crossed. I'm not telling you to break up with him because I don't know the whole story, but you have to know your rights. Verbal abuse is still abuse.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sometimes I think so.we've been two years together but can't solve that problem.he's rude,but I realize that it's his basic characteristic,then I try to accept him even it's not easy.I ever think about break up,but I still love him..
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sometimes I think so.we've been two years together but can't solve that problem.he's rude,but I realize that it's his basic characteristic,then I try to accept him even it's not easy.I ever think about break up,but I still love him..
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
Fighting is normal to a relationship. Some say it can strengthen the relationship and some say it can end the relationship. Well, It's not about what people other would say.. It's up to you to handle your own relationship. If you really love each other, Why fight all the time? because in my opinion, If you love the person meaning you already accepted his/her bad attitude, you understand each other and you trust one another. You said that you hate him right? so, I think you're smart enough what to do... because last yr, Me and my boyfriend were having a fight(serious fight), and he pushed me hard that I hit my head on the wall. He always said that he didn't mean it... But, I can't accept people hurting me especially physically so I broke up with him... I cried but its the right thing to do. There's still a lot of man out there... We just have to open our heart to others... =)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
ordinary, sometimes it`s easy for us to say like that if it`s not happen to us.. but i can bet, you are frustrated too when it happens to you
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
wow...your solution is perfect but it`s hard to be applied in daily life.. because everday , our emotion is not same...
• Indonesia
19 Jul 11
sory for lately response, I can understand what you feel, dear, and I wish you've made right decision.If I were you I'd rather go away and left my boyfriend, but I have to say thank since my boyfriend never hit me or doing even worse.He just so shout off, but I think I can handle situation better than I were before. good luck for you
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Jul 11
I can really relate with your situation. Me and my boyfriend also fight with each other even just small things becomes bigger. Of course I don't want any fight because it is not good. But I have observed that we already frequent misunderstandings. It really hurts also hearing unkind words from the one you love.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
20 Jul 11
so are you not boring face the situation like that everyday??
@Shar19 (8231)
• United States
4 Jun 11
It's normal to fight sometimes in any relationship. However, if someone is always rude to you and shouting at you then I can't believe that they really love you. Real love doesn't act that way. I would find another boyfriend if I were you and break it off with this guy.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sory for lately response... for me it's very confusing.. he's rude,but actually he's very kind and protect me as well, but in other hand he's very stubborn, over jealousy and rude mouth.. we've been two years together but still keep on fighting somehow
@emerillus (467)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
What do you fight about, may I ask? True, it's normal to have fights every now and then, but him using bad and hurting words seems like he doesn't respect you at all. He doesn't love you anymore or maybe it's a signal that he wants to break up with you but cannot say it directly so he waits for you to end it up for him. That's only my opinion, but I've already known a similar situation like yours.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sorry for lately response.. sometimes I think so... he doesnt seem respect me, but longer I recognize him then I realize that it's part of his basic character... I can't change him!!sometime he become so kind to me and try to protect me, but when his rude mouth is come out, it's make me feel apart
@ariana01 (182)
• United States
7 Jun 11
I fight with my boyfriend because he is sometimes immature and says mean things to me but i know he is kidding. If he would scream at me i would throw a big fit. You cannot let any guy belittle you and make you feel bad. I think that if he really loved you he would not treat you that way. I think you should consider finding another boy. Good Luck!
• India
4 Jun 11
couples fight because they have so much expectations from each other and when these are not fulfilled they get irritated and fight. when we know that we can talk anything with the person opposite to us then we say whatever comes in our mouth but if a person controls his temper and keeps his thoughts properly then the relation lives longer
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
that's true.. we have over expectation each other.I expect he can speak softly to me, then he ask me to have big understanding.both of us try and try.. but still fight can't be avoided, don't you think it's the matter of time?
@zazen6 (169)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
Hi there! Your post is quite disconcerting. While it may be true that fighting is normal in any relationship, it must be distinguished from abuse. Due to the innate differences in each person, misunderstanding is unavoidable. However, you shared that your boyfriend seem to have fun while fighting, shouting and acting very rude with you. It seems that he is already abusing you. Have you ever talked to him on how you feel about the way he treated you? How did you react every time he treat you badly? I hope you may be able to tell him that you do not deserve the ill-treatment you are getting from him. I hope for the best for you.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sorry for lately response.. actually he's not too bad, he's very kind to me, but in other side, he's very stubborn and have rude mouth.that's our real problem! it's very hard to ask him understanding when we're fighting argument and so on..
• Indonesia
4 Jun 11
Sometimes I fight with my girlfriend. But I don't want say bad words to her. I will be a loser if I do it.
• Indonesia
27 Jul 11
sorry for lately response... he's basicly have rude mouth, but have soft heart too. sometime I just can't stand what he did, but sometime I realize he just want to tell me something good... what else I can say?
@783748 (178)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
I believe that fighting is part of a relationship. In a relationship, conflict is inevitable. Some people say that it even makes the relationship better. Through fighting, but not to the point of hurting each other so much, you can settle your differences and accept each other for who you are. This way you could understand each other better. Fighting is bad if it does not do any good to you and your partner anymore.
@rhejans (191)
• Philippines
5 Jun 11
I do really understand your situation. but i want you to see the BIG picture that there are different reason why he sometimes or frequently do this, Let me explain the reason why he do this and tell you what you need to do when you encounter one of this again to him: First,He get mad at you because he suspect you that you are cheating to him. In this case, He maybe wants you to see that he really sincere to you. he wants you to understand how important you are to him. He want you to be honest to him. He don't want you to do whatever things he believes that he knows is wrong. Now this is what you should do: - Do not argue with him. Let him to release his anger. (I know this is hard. But this is the only way to prevent small things became BIG) You wait until when you feel the moment is calm before you reason out. - Build trust in a way of ACTION, make it so sure not just by saying in words. Remember ACTION is louder than VOICE. It is easy to say that you trust him, and he trust you too. but it is hard to show how both of you trust each other. TRUST IS ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN A RELATIONSHIP. YOU SHOULD TRULY TRUST ONE ANOTHER. Try to work this out first. SHOW IT! ACT IT! NOW PROVE IT. Notice the difference when both of you have it. - REMOVE THE PRIDE. Pride is the one who hinder us to fix a quarrel. - Explain it! He maybe just misunderstood. Show him with sweet affection. (I know it! because I am a man too. even how you think how hard he was, still there is BIG IMPACT when he feel your sweet affection) not only woman wants sweet affection. - After you explain it and everything is good to both of you, Let him know what have you feel when he was rude to you, saying bad things and hurting your feelings so much, and warned him that you might get tired if he repeated it again to you. Second, He can't handle or control himself when he feels irritated or mad of something. He really show it! regardless of in private or in public. I tell you after he releases his anger in whatever way of hurting you by emotionally or physically. I BELIEVE AND KNOW that he felt conscience about it of what he have done. He felt ashamed to himself. You have to understand that there are some people who really can't control themselves. If you really love him, then the only thing you have to do is to study his action, his behavior and mood towards the things that cause him irritated or madness. (BEST THING you have to do is to PRAY, Nothing can compare in praying. PRAYER is POWERFUL. Believe me. How many times i have experience it.) Third, He believe that hurting you is the only way to make you follow him for whatever reason. He wants you to be scared at him. I tell you this is a DEFINITELY A WRONG BELIEF! What you have to do is to show him that this is not a right way to discipline. TELL HIM THAT YOU ARE NOT HIS CHILD to be discipline like that way. THIS IS IMMATURITY! Better to let him go. Lastly, He don't have any choice how to hurt you not by physically. He hurting by means of bad words. So he really make it so hurtful to you. Just ignore what he say.( even how hurt it is) don't think about it. He is the one who will suffer after all. Let him finish. then repeat the first part i have written above. God Bless! Hope it will help you redvakaurvaki! Sincerely, Rhejans
@shrike (123)
• Philippines
4 Jun 11
having a fight in a relationship is quiet normal because some say it may be the other way to be close and to know each other, but respect must comes first during fight, we need not to insult them or shout them bad words. because when we say we love one person, we don't want to hurt them. we have some fights with my boyfriend but not to the extend of losing our temper. when one of us gets silent, wait for some minutes to calm down then talk nicely, for us everything can be fix and a nicely manner.