do you really think life is unfair?

September 7, 2011 12:08am CST
Sometimes I really think that life can be so unfair. I look around and so many people seem to be more blessed than anyone else. Some are blessed with divine good looks! Great set of teeth, good, blemish-free skin, height,intelligence, talent and on top of all those great wealth! One would think that when the gods showered all these blessings, some lucky people seem to have caught more than the others! When I see people like that, sometimes its hard not to feel envious. I look at my ordinary self and really feel like down in the dumps. SIGH! Its hard to feel lucky when you see somebody else who seem to have everything. Well, I guess that's life! We can't all be good-looking otherwise they wouldn't be so fawned over! I guess its the plain looking people around that makes good-looking people special. Nor cant we be all rich! I guess that makes life more interesting! There will always be people greater or lesser than us.
14 responses
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
Well we can say that life has its own ways. From almost all visible angles we can say that life is unfair. That how come others have more money and others struggle for a days earning. I feel somehow that we do not see what is hidden. We never know that maybe that rich man we see has a lot of criminal charges filed against him or maybe that beautiful woman we see have not found true love yet.. Its just that we do not know each persons battle right?
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
You're right. We dont know whats happening with those people we envy.
@euer24 (13)
• Philippines
8 Sep 11
Yes Its really Unfair
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
8 Sep 11
i stop to think like that and prefer just to be content and happy with what God had given to me... otherwise there is no point in grumbling and feeling unhappy as well as life is too short for that... i had learn over the time that being contented with what i have and never compare with other people make me a happier and more grateful person as well... take care and have a nice day...
@1hopefulman (45120)
• Canada
8 Sep 11
Your assessment is correct! There are those that fare better than us and those that fare worse. Today life is unfair but we can still learn how to be happy and enjoy whatever hand is dealt us. The Scriptures promise a better world where we will all have all that we need and more. We just have to do what we can at this time.
@rose1717 (190)
• United States
7 Sep 11
I believe that life can be very unfair, and more so for some then for others. I think if people concentrate on the good parts of life and what they do have instead of what they don't have and the bad parts of life then more would be happier!
• United States
8 Sep 11
i do think that life is unfair. 3 years ago i got 2 maltese puppies for christmas and they both caught parvo and passed away before either was 12 weeks old. if life was fair then they would have been able to live theirs but they were cheated out of life by a dreadful disease. the man i fell in love with has an unknown illness that prevents us from being together if life were fair we would be able to live ours together but instead were cheated out of each others company. i could go on and on but i feel as if i have made my point...
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
7 Sep 11
Sometimes it can give that impression indeed. Yet, there are just a lot of times where we got to work past what we see as fair or unfair. We are going to move forward through our lives. There are going to be a lot of wicked people never being punished once and a lot of good people who have dealt a harsh hand in life. It does send a mixed message and that could be unfair. Still in the end, that is really just life. It is just something that we have to deal with on a case by case basis. Life can be a rather complex thing, it can be enjoyable. But it can seem like everything is just going against us and not going our way. That is just the way life does seem to be. Just deal with life and what it is. Trying to agonize about how unfair it is and you'll never survive.
• Indonesia
7 Sep 11
nope, i think life is fair enough as long as we think positive
@tiina05 (2317)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
hello, Every people has their unique differences to each other and no need to question about things that you dont have because that's life. We just have to accept the reality that not everything cant be with us. It will be too selfish if we do that. right? but always it makes life more interesting. Being an ordinary girl like you and me have its own different to other maybe we did not find it yet but I know soon we can develop it.
@thatgirl13 (7294)
• South Korea
7 Sep 11
I do so feel life is unfair at times. Looking every one moving forward in life and me stuck in the same place makes me feel like that way! And actually I am in the very situation right now It makes me sad and kinda, I don't really know what. But yeah I am feeling my life is so unfair right now. Well i guess to only way to stop feeling this way is to stop comparing our lives with others. We have to understand that no matter what, there will always be someone in front and behind us. No one is the same. Just keeping this in mind and being glad for what we have and working hard for the better tomorrow will be the ideal thing to do. Good luck.
@ankitbhat (269)
• India
7 Sep 11
just yesterday i answered the same question anyways life was always complex but never unfair its you have go beyond the normal and turn it into fair be an anomaly
7 Sep 11
hi:) yeah you're right sometimes I envy those people too and makes me dream that I wish I could also experienced what they experienced even for one day, but we also don't know, maybe we could see that they have all the material things, or good looks, but deep inside their hearts they are not really happy, because for what I noticed those people that were blessed by material things have more trouble, and those whose blessed with good looks are more insecure and have bad attitude, or don't have good relationships with their family. so I think life isn't that unfair at all, we may not have what they have but perhaps we are more contented and happy than them... well we can never can tell also. G'day friend!
@jeztrose (1405)
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
I guess ..we are all equally made by god.. we just dont see what is in us that is amazing,we only focuses on others that's why you can say that life is unfair,,but deep inside us we have something to be proud of.. it's just that sometimes we are jealous of what others have but dont you know some other people also wants to have what you had..
• Philippines
7 Sep 11
Life is so beautiful. everything in this world is fair. its up to you how will you live your life to make it fair for others. Sometimes people are too busy comparing themselves to others they forgot to see want they have and others don't have. God created us fairly. Just put in your mind that there must be reasons why His letting you experience those experience that you don't like. treat yourself what you think you deserve and people will treat you the way you want to be treated. Enjoy every moment you encounter in your life and you'll surely value those times and appreciate how wonderful life is. Stay to the place you're comfortable with. be with the person whom you are comfortable with. Enjoy what you have. Value those people who value you too. Love yourself. And that's the time you can say that life is so fair. If you love yourself and you'll surely see that life is so fair.