Attitude is important or appearance of a person?

November 9, 2011 7:59am CST
If you choose to have friend with,what do you choose?Attitude or only appearance or both? I think if you have right,good attitude,will also shown outwardly..what inside of your heart, will also speak out from the mouth of yours..Attitude is the best,nd important for me...because if you have such kind of bad attitude,you are like smell of fool fish that will spread out badly..attitude is need to be teach,or to be corrected what is right and profitable for you..
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30 responses
@lingli_78 (12822)
• Australia
9 Nov 11
to be honest with you, i will definitely choose attitude over appearance when choosing a friend... having good attitudes and personalities count more than having a good outer appearance... for me, inner beauty is much more important than outer beauty... someone might not be beautiful or good looking, but if he/she has a golden heart, then that is what matters the most... take care and have a nice day...
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Very good comments!A person may dress well ,rich,nut the attittude is not acceptable it is usless.. A waste of my time to be a friend with.. Attitude is really important,because you can't waste your days,if you have such golden attitude that people will like the most!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Nov 11
Hi! A person's character, traits and attitude is more important than his outwardly appearance. Many persons look ordinary but they have golden heart and superlative thinking. Outwardly appearance has nothing to do with one's intelligence and wisdom. I would always give more importance to one's wisdom and presence of mind rather than his/her appearance.
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Yes,attitude is more important and to attract you and especially to other people should also be shown what it is inside of your heart.. Attitude is the no to be look and not the appearance,you may have good look outwardly but the heart is so dirty,wicked,fool..
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
10 Nov 11
Hope you like my attitude here ......
• India
16 Nov 11
I also want to go with laddu and his view is good.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 11
i think attitude is more important... sure is right?
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@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 11
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Yes very true,attitude is the most importnat than bad smell attitude.That is the most people look and sometimes well look only outwardly..
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
10 Nov 11
I think attitude for me is the most important. A person can be physically attractive but have an aweful attitude. In that case then such a person wouldn't be someone I would want to have a close relationship with. I enjoy being around people who are humble and don't think that they are better than others.
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• United States
16 Nov 11
I agree that it is important for us to set a good example. The way we think and react to different situation can give others the confidence to endure with a positive attitude as well. A lot of the time people don't want to admit that they have an attitude problem but once they do they are better able to deal with it.
• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Yes ,really every one want to have good attitudes..But there are people who are bad attitude and they need to change it and repent to it.. We love people who loves to care the inside attitude.and also we here should also have the right attutide and we can be a good example to others..
@shanemae (1025)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
hi friend! if given there is both. then, i would have both, the attitude and the appearance but sometimes that would not go together so i would choose the attitude. attitude is very important to me rather than the appearance of the person. what could we do with good appearance if he/she has no good attitude that good appearance will all be forfeited if he/she has no good attitude. when i befriend someone i always look on one's attitude it's because when you befriend someone it means you give your trust to that person right and if i choose to befriend someone good looking but do not have that great attitude then maybe i would just find myself in shame because of wrong gossips. bottom line. attitude is really great my friend.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
We can always be a good example to others if we have right attitude to others,, Because attitude will gives you the appreciation,I dont care if you are rich,etc,but i look on the attitude.. Sometimes outward appearnace can deceive us to look nice well person,but inside can't accept it.
@shanemae (1025)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
that is very true friend. i actually fell on those fake white sheep! i befriend them but later i found out that they were the black ones not really the white one which they appear to be.
@Mashnn (4501)
16 Nov 11
I will not care about the appearance but more on the attitude. I think if you have a good attitude your appearance will tend to shine too.
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• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Yes true,what the inside of the hert,will also shown outwardly through what you say ,a words in your motuh and actions..
• Philippines
25 Nov 11
Yes,sometimes we don't know we already said it,and knowing it after.. So we are to be careful to it... enjoy dy and blessed day..
@Mashnn (4501)
16 Nov 11
Exactly, it is good also try to show the best side of someone and try to hide those negative attitudes.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 11
People with attitude problems is a big turn off when it comes to friendship or relationship. I would settle for good attitude as having a pretty or handsome appearance is only deceiving if the attitude is like a rotten egg. But I've seen men being swept off their feet by a pretty face only to end up depressed after a while of being in couple.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Hi ,some problems of couples,friends is attitude..Because that is hard to dealt with sometimes that other person is not same attitude wit you and specially they are too pride,both of them.Problems will not fix if still pride and the attitude will get worse and more problems to face..
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
10 Dec 11
To be perfectly honest, I look more at someone's attitude more than their appearance. I think that there's more to someone than their appearance. I find that their appearance doesn't necessarily say much about the person in question.
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• Philippines
16 Dec 11
Yes appearance is not important but the inside of the persons is useless if the person looks great outwardly but inside is not acceptable.
@wongchoiyee (7413)
• Malaysia
10 Nov 11
I am looking for a good attitude person to be friend with me. I don't want the baggage just like last time.
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• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Sure we want goood attitude,and we don't want that our past experiences will be back ..But none is perfect,we just be friendly,practice to have good attitude and so others wil also do same.
@ebuscat (5935)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
For me attitude very good in it but if not I don't want to have friends I preferred to be alone.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Well,it is better we are on the friends that is good,and sometimes not all people we encounter are good,and also it is a purpose to know them and also to correcto ur self and make the right decision.
@atleya (946)
• Indonesia
15 Nov 11
Appearance is needed, but attitude is more important than whatever. That's my opinion. Have a great day.
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• Philippines
16 Nov 11
sure appearnace should be the center attraction ,but the most is the inside,the heart,attitude.. Because useless a person is looking nicely,but the attitude can't be accepted.
@ceasar09 (442)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
I would choose both if ever cause I really love to be with those with good appearance maybe I will also get some looks when I'm with them and also I can ask what regime they are doing to attain good looks. But I would really choose those person with good attitude because they were the person where you can really find a true friend. And having these two great qualification for a friend is truly a gift for me. =) What's important for me is that he/she knows when to listen to me and also knows when to speak by giving me advice when I'm wrong and having a problem. I would also love to have friends that doesn't have a good attitude and maybe I can help them to have good attitude. =)
@ceasar09 (442)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Yup helping others to find their way to improvement and change their visions about life is really a good work that must be done by all of us to improve our world. and these person are really the best friend you'll ever have if you have change their perspective on life. =)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Yes sometimes,we can help other friend that does not have good attitude,thats happen of some lke you are encountered of people and friend with,and you experience about him/her attitude,and i am sure you are willing to help and give advice about it..good friends,comes from the right attitude..
@fantabulus (4000)
• India
16 Nov 11
Friendy fanta like attitude even my friend appearance is not good she/he is looking ugly but her/his nature and attitude is good then fanta feel happy. Heart is most important part of body and for me heart is most important for friendship also.
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• Philippines
16 Nov 11
Yes heart is most important,and if the heart is dirty ,the attitude is the same..attitude is the center physically,and always other people will recognize your bad attitudes.
@Queen_11 (307)
• Philippines
10 Nov 11
I'll go for both, good attitude and good appearance. However, if just given one choice, that would definitely the first one. Appearance can be easily remedied nowadays :)
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• Philippines
11 Nov 11
Some people can easily look on appearance,the are contented on appearance but not the attitudes. But for me, attitudde will reflects outwardly like the way you speak,act and words to say.
• Vietnam
9 Nov 11
In my opinion, attitude is crucial factor on all sides of life. It reflects true mind inside a people in spite of sometimes they try their utmost to represent a good appearance. Time lapses away, after experiencing life's up and down, so tired that people can't remain their look, true attitude will be showed and that is what friendship is in need of. However, a good appearance have positive impact on daily communication. Fact have shown that children hardly show their love to their parents although they really care about family and as a result, parents usually think that their kids are dry, so then members of family sense a breakdown in their house. Problem will be tackle if children easily say " I love you" with their parents thanks to a good appearance.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Attitude is the one of people always care and if you have good attitude, people will apreaciate t and like your being like that,and more pople will be friendly,and if you have such weird unkind,fool attitude, i am people will say something or etc is people nature..
• United States
10 Nov 11
It's got to be the whole package for me. You can have great looks, but have the personality of a garbage can, so to speak. Attitude means everything. I think attitude trumps physical appearance by far. I really do.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Having good attitude,will always covers your self as good look.Like your wearing dress nicely i m sure you are looking good outwardly..And if you have bad attitude ,your looks outward will cover up and people will says something about the smell of being bad attitude to others..
@GroWin (44)
• United Arab Emirates
9 Nov 11
Attitude and "BRAINS" :). There are a lot of good looking people, but when they open their mouth you wish they kept silent. As the saying goes "What is within,so is without". Yes you can not hide the positive vibes of a person, it spreads like sun light and makes other people feel good and Smile :).
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
I am sure,that if you do not have brain,you can't think how to discipline your self.. So brain work on it, how to discipline our self..right Attitude is always lifted up..
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
10 Nov 11
I think attitude is important...because u can tell alot by the was we treat one is not easy and there are a lot of rude, arrogant, and disrespecful people in this wide wide world. it is very important that we pick our friends and not let our friends pick us..just bec it looks golden dosen't mean its pure gold. fake gold can't tarnish care and i am sure you will make the \proper decision...since you can't see my appearance and u be my friend?
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Yes very true,we are to be wise to choose a person that is friendly,good and acceptable attitude.. It is useless if a person looks so good,rich,and etc but attitude is not well ,not acceptable!
• United States
10 Nov 11
I honestly believe that one should be judged by the content of their character rather than by their appearance or other minute qualities. Having a good, positive attitude proves to be better when you are greeting friends and expanding your social realm. This would only lead to the conclusion that being more positive and sociabble will yield more opportunity!.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
Okay..being exposure in social site like in here can help us improves and to communicate to other people. We can know how to response and start discussions,and we learn a lot abut any topics that make us change and lear..Attitude is the best topics because that is need to be focus for you how you are nice to others..
@Jhovarie (1168)
• Philippines
9 Nov 11
Hello Attitude is very important because it is who he/she is because appearance of people is created by god and their appearance dont tell who they are but their attitude tell who they are. But i will share you my experience here in our country (Philippines)some of my friend are handsome and some are ugly but you know guys? my friend that has ugly face has also had a very bad attitude like very boost full, he act like a top guy and he feels like he is very handsome, he said he chiks is very easy to him and he said that no one can overcome him for competition in chiks even though he is very ugly compare to my handsome friend very simple with a good attitude.
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• Philippines
10 Nov 11
I am sure that no one votes those high look,high attitude..It is better that you have simple,humble attitude because people will appreciate you than looking so good i am and over than others.