Are you going to thank me?

By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
July 8, 2012 5:00pm CST
My husband tells me that one of his biggest pet peeves is when he opens the door for a lady, and she walks through without saying, "Thank you." He always opens the doors for me and other ladies when the opportunity arises. I always thank him when he opens the door for me, so it makes me sad when he goes out of his way to be kind, and he is ignored. Obviously, my husband doesn't open the door to get recognition. He was raised to be a gentleman. However, I think it is common courtesy for the ladies to thank the men (whether they know them or not) when they open the door. Ladies, how do you feel when men open doors for you? Do you expect them to do so? Do you always thank them? Guys, do you always open the doors for women? How do you feel when they do not thank you?
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31 responses
• Valdosta, Georgia
8 Jul 12
I think it is very rude not to say thank you. I think it is so sweet when a man opens the door for me. Such a gentleman. I always say thank you when a guy opens the door for me. It is terrible that some people don't say thank you. It is a nice thing to do and it should be noticed and appreciated. =)
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
I agree! I don't think anyone is in too much of a hurry not to say a simple "thank you" on their way in the door. My husband said it's such a common thing for people not to thank him. That's not why he does it, but it's still like a slap in the face when no one even acknowledges it. I always say "thank you," even to my husband, when a guy (or girl) opens the door for me. I just don't want them to think that their kind deed went unnoticed. I think they should be recognized for it. A couple months ago I was about to open the door to go into the gas station. A man was on his way out the same door, and we got to the door about the same time. Instead of opening it from the inside, walking outside, and letting me go in, this man (who clearly could see I was there!) waited for me to open the door and barged right through, almost running into me, before I could go inside. How rude! Not to mention, this was a set of double doors, so I could've gone in one, and he could've gone out the other. We wouldn't have even had to have this rude meeting. I just thought it was really inconsiderate of him. No one is in too much of a hurry that they can't be at least civil to others! That's what I don't understand. Manners are pretty much nonexistent nowadays. Thanks for your response!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Jul 12
hi lovingmybabies I use a walker and the front door here is hard to pu sh so i have a time as I need two hands on the walker and another one to shove that darned when som eone holds it open I am totally grateful.there is one man here so is the same age as my son and wif he sees us having time with the door always rushes over and helps us. I always thank him too. I am watching him and a friend of mine here pairing off and thinking its sort of sweet whether they ever do more than just have a relationship or get married, its'nice to see two really great people in love witheach other.
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• United States
8 Jul 12
I'm with Hubby. If a guy In this Age holds a door One Better say thank You! But Courtesy is not That common! Tell Hubby Thank for me! I want to say thank you for all the B1tches that don't say thank you!
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• United States
8 Jul 12
Manners is not being taught. Back in the day, parents would teach their kids manners and if they didn't, those kids stuck out and the parents were shamed! But now the tables have turned. Now it is the kids With manners that stick out! tell Hubby to come join us here. It is fun. And... if he does to send me a friend request!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 12
It's so sad, but very true that those who were taught manners stand out now. I can't believe how things have changed since I was young! As you know, I'm one of six kids, so when we didn't behave, we stuck out like a sore thumb! We'd be embarrassed just within our own family, much more if we misbehaved out in public. For that reason, we very rarely acted out. We knew better than to make our parents ashamed of us. I'm going to keep working on the hubby! He really needs to be on myLot!! He doesn't like to read or type much, but myLot can design the discussions (daily newsletter) and interests to what people like. I think he'd get very involved if it was stuff he was interested in. Someday I'll convince
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Thanks, Sarah! I passed along the message to hubby. He says thanks! (While he's not active on myLot, he's really getting into it now! He tells me discussions I should post, and I post them. He doesn't like to read, so I read the discussions and responses to him. That's how he gets involved here, and I love that!) I think saying "thank you" is the least someone can do when another person goes out of their way to help them, whether it's holding the door or something else. I appreciate that you know what manners are made of! That is unheard of nowadays, unfortunately.
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• United States
8 Jul 12
I always thank the person who holds open a door for me, whether it be a male or female. I think it's just polite to say thank you, and it was polite for them to hold the door open. Unfortunately, manners today are becoming a thing of the past. I actually grumble when someone does not have the courtesy to hold open a door. It's just a nice thing to do.
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@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
9 Jul 12
If I am close by when a person comes to a door I will hold it open for them, male or female, makes no difference. I am disabled but it amazes me as to how many young people crowd in front of me so they don't have wait til I am able to get through the door.
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• United States
10 Jul 12
Hi there manleyjoe, You know what manleyjoe, I've seen that happen quite a few times and I stand there shaking my head. If the parents early in life do not show their children manners, it will never take hold. I have waited holding the door open for a disabled person on many occasions. They might be 10 feet away, but I've waited. They've always thanked me, and I'm not in any hurry to have the door slam in their face. That's terrible. I would like it very much if someone held the door open for me if I was disabled. How nice is that! Unfortunately, many older people (my age) have cut me off in line running to get ahead of me, almost pushed their carts into mine running to get into line, won't move in the aisle with their carts and park them right in the middle, and downright look at you like you owe them something. UGH!!! I told my kids if I EVER got like that, just shoot me. Sorry to be so descriptive but I NEVER want to be like that....EVER. I feel like I want to slap them upside their heads, LOL!! JJ4EVER,....I have to say most people but not all, are polite and just take the initiative to open the door. I think it's all on the way people were raised today. I've had some pretty young guys hold the door open for me when I wasn't even that close to the door...I love it. And boy do I really make a big deal out of thanking them, and of course, with a big smile.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
I do the same! Saying "Thank you" is the polite thing to do. If you were holding the door for someone, it might hurt your feelings if you were ignored! I would feel the same way. I think manners are going out the window! It's best to set a good example for others too. I would hope a man would take the hint to see you standing outside the restaurant for instance. Any guy should take the initiative to open the door for you!
@TazRes (827)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Hello JJ4Ever, I always say thanks when someone opens or holds a door for me. I have encountered a lot of men or women who let the door close in my face, and i think that is so unkind; when i walk through a door i always make sure i hold the door for the next person behind me.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Me too! I always thank whoever opens the door for me. Likewise, I will not let the door slam in someone else's face. I always look behind me to see if someone else is coming my way. If they're not up to the door yet, then sometimes I'll wait for them. Sometimes they're too far away, but that's fine because it's not like the door will slam in their face either. I try to be kind because I treat others the way I would want to be treated!
@TazRes (827)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Exactly!...That's what it's all about treating people the way you want to be treated; I think people nowadays don't care.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 12
That's the truth! It's so sad when people couldn't care less. No one is too busy or in too much of a hurry that they need to be rude to others.
• United States
8 Jul 12
I open or hold the door for EVERYBODY and I am female. Same goes for my husband. It's just common courtesy not to let the door slam in the face of the person close behind you. I could never ever do it, I don't care who they are, young old whatever. Walking into a store restaurant whatever, its sometimes funny, I hold the door, they walk through then they hold the door for me. I only very rarely have someone let the door slam in my face and then looking at them it is usually self explanatory.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
If I'm not with my husband, I think it's kind for other guys to hold the door for me, but I don't expect them to. I can get the door for myself! However, I won't hold the door for another guy because that's just awkward! If it's a woman or a group of women or a woman with children, I'll absolutely hold the door for them! I like being helpful and kind to others because I'd want them to do the same for me! If I'm walking out of a restaurant or something, I'll hold the door behind me for whoever (man or woman). I don't want the door to slam in their face either because that's just rude. I've had doors slam in my face numerous times, but like you said, it's normally understandable. Either the other person wasn't paying attention, they didn't see me coming, or whatever.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 12
Oh yes, I see what you mean. If there's a man behind me, I absolutely will hold the door. I wouldn't let it slam in his face! I just meant if we were walking up to a door. I don't mind holding the door for myself if my husband isn't there, but it'd be a bit awkward if I were holding the door for a bunch of guys to walk in lol.
• United States
9 Jul 12
Hmm, I hold the door if there's a guy behind me, I don't find that awkward at all. Now I won't hold it if they are more than say ten feet behind me, I think it just depends on how far behind me they are, it's a judgement call.
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@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
9 Jul 12
Well I certainly don't expect people to open doors for me but when they do I always thank them whether they aer male or female. Sometimes I open doors for people too and I certainly like to be thanked. I don't see it as attention seeking either but if you are there and you are going through you may as well open the door to let people in or out. People who don't say thank you for a nice gesture are just plain rude in my opinion. It doesn't take much effort either to say it!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 12
I totally agree! Not only does it not take a lot of effort, no one should be so busy or in that much of a hurry that they can't say a simple "thank you" as someone is kind to them! If they're in that much of a hurry, what would they have done if they had to open the door themselves? I don't know if people intend to be rude by just walking through without saying anything, but I think it's rude not to as well. People can't possibly be that oblivious! I always take a moment to thank people who are kind to me also, including my hubby! When someone is going to go out of his or her way to thank me, I can give them the same courtesy. It's the least I can do! Thanks for your response!!
• Australia
9 Jul 12
Yeah that's it. No one should be that busy to be rude and not say thank you. Serously it's not that hard but people these days think they don't have the time but I think it's because they don't make the time! You're welcome
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Jul 12
Hello JJ. During the second wave of feminism that started in the sixties I think many women decided it was demeaning too allow a man to open the door for them. It seems to me that that was the start of manners going out the window for a lot of people. I always say thank you to any one opening the door for me because as with Hatley I also use a walker. I also thank my family members for every thing they do for me. I have rheumatoid arthritis and my hands are very weak so I often need help opening jars and have to ask for help. I even say thank you for when they do their chores. Thank you and please goes along way to getting your way.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Jul 12
That movement has both helped and hurt women
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 12
That movement definitely explains a lot as to why women nowadays feel the way they do. I guess the perception is different, but for me being married has been nice because I let my husband do all of those chivalrous things. It's not that I can't hold the door for myself or open the car door getting in or out. It's just nice knowing he takes care of me, and it also shows that he has a lot of respect for me and women in general. I love to see men treat their women that way! I'm glad your family is helpful to you when there are things you can't do for yourself. You are so right when you say that "thank you" and "please" go a long way! Thanks for your response!!
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@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
8 Jul 12
I always say Thanks it is often an awkward situation, though. Sometimes, if they have double sets of doors, and someone gets one set for me, I tell them it is my turn and I get the inside set. Often young women with children will hold the door for me. What I really enjoy, and make a big thank you about is when a young child holds the door for me. Boy or girl. It is clear that that child is being taught manners.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
8 Jul 12
Same here - I always thank whoever opens the door for me, even if it's another woman. I love to see kids show respect to others as well! My husband and I learned our manners like this from when we were kids, but nowadays it's rare to see. I always make a point to brag on kids who hold the door for me because their parents are doing the right thing. They deserve to be recognized for it!
@Onyxe121 (206)
• United States
10 Jul 12
I have taught my boys to be polite and they tend to open doors for me and others without being asked to do so. When it's children most people feel compelled to respond in kind and say thank you or make other complimentary remarks to them or about them to me. It makes me feel good as a parent that my boys can and will demonstrate their manners and that their small efforts are appreciated. Some teenage boy even gave my youngest a dollar once cause he opened the door as the boy was leaving the store. He was so proud of himself that he asked me to put it in the bank-smh. I agree that there seems to be a gap in our education on manners and how it's being taught to our children. We should show gratitude that someone was kind enough to open a door for us or hold it open as we approach. They don't have to, but it's the small things like that that makes our corner of the world a nicer place.
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@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
11 Jul 12
I always say thank you whenever someone do a favor for me, weather it's his job or just simply paying off courtesy it is impolite not to recognize the effort at all. But then there are individual that are not aware of the effort done by the others or rather ignore the simple but most adorable gestures. Anyway, keep up the good work, the good motives and the gentleman nature. you're lucky you have such a husband like him.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
7 Aug 12
Thank you for your kind words about my husband. That certainly means the world to both of us! I agree with you. I think people should thank others who are kind to them, whether it's their job to do so or not. For instance, even if I walked by a doorman who held the door for me only because it was his job, I'd still thank him. It'd be mostly out of habit, but I think it's the polite thing to do.
@anklesmash (1412)
10 Jul 12
I usually hold doors for people male and female because its a nice thing to do and i try and treat people how i would like to be treated. If the door is particularly heavy i would make more of an effort to open it and hold it for them to go through especially if i thought they would find it harder to open than me.If somebody opens a door for me u always thank them as it is common courtesey and i was brought up to be polite,and despite it being often said that people are getting ruder i would say most people i hold the door open for thank me
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
7 Aug 12
That's really kind of you that you show good manners and politeness to hold the door for anyone and everyone! If the door is heavy, as a woman, I'm that much more grateful when someone holds it for me. Your response reminded me of medieval times where the men always held the doors for women. I think they were trying to be polite, but that wasn't the main reason. I heard it was because the women's bodices and dress were so tight (because all the ladies had to have the perfect 18-inch waist) that they would pass out if they held those huge, heavy doors of the castles from back in the day. Interesting, isn't it? I'm glad you were brought up like me, having good manners and being kind to others. I agree that we should be treating others as we would like to be treated. That's so easy to forget a lot of times!
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
16 Aug 12
It is second nature to me to hold a door to let someone through (if we were at the door at the same time). It doesn't matter if it were a man or a woman. I also don't do it for recognition, or expecting thanks, but it's just the way I was brought up. If I get beat to holding the door, I'm always surprised. I just don't expect that from most people. So, I always say thanks.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
My instinct is automatic as well, just like you. If I get to the door first, I'll grab it. Most of the time, the men I'm with including my hubby will make it a point to get there first, so that's nice. There's nothing more awkward than neither person taking initiative to grab and hold the door for others, so I just don't let that happen!
@jricky1 (6798)
• China
10 Jul 12
Honestly,i'm a lady and i feel really great each time a gentleman do that for me.So i always say thank you and it's polite i think.For i always do not understnad people who jsut do not say so.Maybe the gentlemen do not feel good either.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
I think it's nice for men to treat ladies with respect, so I agree with you. I'll always say thank you until I can't anymore! I'm grateful for chivalrous acts like this.
• Philippines
10 Jul 12
Your husband pet peeve is quite justified. I mean, being a lady doesn't give you right to have doors opened for you. On the part of gentlemen, its a courtesy, not a responsibility. Word of appreciation should always be given for anyone courteous to you.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
I like that! Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean men need to automatically go out of their way for me. I shouldn't expect it, but I should express my thanks when they go out of their way to have good manners. I'll have low expectations, but I'll always express my thanks if they surprise me!
10 Jul 12
I actually don't mind if the person in question thanks me or not. I think for me it just became a habit from when I was a kid. I must have thought it was fun lol.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
7 Aug 12
I think that's a good thing when you don't mind the outcome either way. That shows that you are easygoing, and that you're holding the door for the right reasons - not simply to get a "thanks." If you feel good about holding the door for others whether they thank you or not, then you are doing a good thing and should feel great about it! I remember having fun with holding doors for people when I was a kid. My parents always taught me manners, but it was especially fun for my siblings and me to hold the doors for others because of their reactions. I remember doing things like that when I was little. People always have the greatest reactions when a kid holds the door for them. Likewise, I love when kids hold the door for me because it shows their parents are raising them with manners!
• United States
10 Jul 12
It is a nice gesture and a lot of guys around the city where I live hold the door open for ladies. I make sure I smile at them and say thank you every time. It is very nice for them to take a few extra seconds and let you go in first. For me I try to always hold the door open and let elderly people in first or if I am ahead of someone younger I go in but I lean back and hold the door open so they can grab it
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
You're right - it's a nice gesture to hold the door for someone, but unfortunately cannot be expected every time since some people have manners, and some don't. I will always give others the benefit of the doubt, though! I also know that people can change. Holding the door or not isn't a game-changer, but it's good to be kind to others. It makes you feel good! I like to acknowledge the kind deeds of others, so I'll always thank them.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
9 Jul 12
I ALWAYS thank a person for opening the door for me. To just keep walking is like accepting it as your due for someone to open the door for you. I open the door a lot of times for women AND men. And it amuses me a little the people who just keep going with a thank you. I don't dwell on it, but in that brief moment my opinion of that person is automatically lower than it would be if they had acknowledged the polite behavior. I appreciate someone taking the time to do something that is not the norm anymore.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
Hey! I think the key is to take the time to open the door for someone or take the time to thank them if they're so kind to do so for you. For people who don't take the millisecond to do either of those things, it's a little surprising to me as well because of the short amount of time it takes to be kind of essentially make someone's day. I'm glad you're kind and take the time!
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
9 Jul 12
well JJ, it may be wrong but I think that not only men should open/hold the doors...If Iam going inside or outside of a door ans see someone approaching then door and is near, its just the mannerable thing to do...I hold the door for men, women, and even children who are entering...Why not??? AS far as saying "thank you", it just the right thing to say whenever someone shows any type of kindness to does not hurt to say "thank you" and I get annoyed also when people don't say "thank you"...
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
Yes, exactly! It's just the right thing to do. I always ask "why not?" as well. It's so easy and simple to do, and takes seconds to be kind to someone else. You never know, you may never see this person again, and one second - the time it takes to be kind to them - could make a huge difference. It's better to take advantage of the time we have, being kind to others, treating them the way we'd like others to treat us.
@doccerz (46)
• Philippines
10 Jul 12
Hi, JJ4ever. I'm a guy and I also open doors for ladies. It's ok if no thank you's were offered. It just feels good to be courteous. Plus, it helps in shaping our character. :)
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
It's always good to help others. I'm glad that makes you happy, even if ladies don't express their thanks!
• Philippines
9 Jul 12
I find this a very cute story! I think your husband just feels unappreciated that is why he wants you to say thank you. But in reality, when guys open doors for me, I don't really say thank you because I feel it is pretty much expected of a true gentleman. But when I am looking it at the perspective of your husband, I get his point; I get why that is one of his major pet peeves. If I put myself in your husband's shoes, I will also feel unappreciated and taken for granted. Next time, I won't expect too much from guys anymore. Maybe I should give them a break or maybe my idea of a perfect guy is somewhat like prince charming. Well, bottomline is when a guy opens a door for me, I will thank him. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. Happy mylotting!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
Thanks for your response! I would hope my hubby doesn't ever feel unappreciated because I think very highly of him and don't know where I'd be without him! However, I think maybe to a certain extend he'll feel taken advantage of when he's not thanked for his kindness. However, it's probably best for him to just hold the door and expect nothing in return. If he has lower expectations of others, he won't ever be disappointed when they don't thank him. That's probably the best way for him to view others and this type of scenario in general. I appreciate your comments!
@sbucu57 (55)
• Philippines
10 Jul 12
It is one of the basic courtesies to say thank you, you're welcome, I am sorry and excuse me if the situation calls for it. I believe we do appreciate common courtesies but when if is done and was not reciprocated properly, sad to say the other person has an ample lot to learn about these. Even kids, we were trained to say at least please and thank you but often times, returning a gesture like saying you are welcome is almost always forgotten. In my case , when I am tired, a simple smile will do. But if some people still do not know what courtesies are until now, then I'd rather not waste my time on them. I just hope that one day they still have the chance to learn.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
29 Sep 14
It should be a common courtesy to acknowledge, but not expect the kindness of others. I hope that children being brought up in this generation are being taught these manners, but you just never know.