Ample Time for an Apple

rotten apple -
@Shavkat (137762)
October 10, 2012 3:35am CST
Are you a person who waits for an apple from a tree to fall down? It applies on how people act in such a way to earn for a living. If they don't act now, then they will remain stagnant. Same principle with the apple, it will rotten if you are not going to harvest them.
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15 responses
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
10 Oct 12
I am on person who wants to be assured always. That's why it isn't my style to just wait for an apple to fall down. I am a person, who would every now and then test if an apple is ready to be picked and the moment it is, i would already. Thus, i my job, i always do my works ahead of the scheduled deadlines. That way, i get to check it well, if it meets or even surpass the standard being asked of me.
@Shavkat (137762)
• Philippines
10 Oct 12
That's a nice piece of statement my friend, we just need to act right away. Don't ;et all you work behind schedules, if you do it will be a great set back in you work load. thanks
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
hi, i will agree on that,because money will never ever come to you unless you will do some effort so that the money will come to you,for me i don't like to wait the apple to fall down instead i will take it until i have a chance to get,also like in the life of people should always take the opportunity that come.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
14 Oct 12
That's true. Opportunities pass people by if they don't get up and go after them. Time and tide wait for no one.
• India
21 Oct 12
Hello my friend Shavkat Ji, Well, it is very true and applies to all lazy people around. But ultimately they suffer as time never waits for tehm. On eshould act fast and decide , life is too short to complete, what one wishes. let's be smart and act smartly. May God bless You and have a great time
• Mexico
14 Oct 12
Hi Shavkat: Sometimes we wait that the opportunities came and lock to our house. That would be really comfortable but in real life that's not how things work. If we want to get our dreams we have to plan and work hard for them. We need discipline and to have goals to evaluate how we are working. ALVARO
• China
11 Oct 12
The flowers are easily pick to pick,not treatsblossomless spatial booklet.Its a chinese saying,the opportunity is not here for every moment but one aspect certained is that the opportunity is given to those who are prepared,if there are no usual effrots,is difficult to be successful.
• United States
11 Oct 12
I usually wait for an apple to fall, that way I know its ready. If I pick it too soon then it might upset the plans. Life is like that, jump too soon and you might miss what was going to happen naturally. I don't run ahead and hope that people will follow me, I wait for the right opportunity and then I pounce.
@celticeagle (164045)
• Boise, Idaho
10 Oct 12
Many apples have fallen by this time of year and are ready for picking. Left there under the tree they will rot. On the tree it will ripen and then fall. I think people need to go with their gut and move forward when they feel good about it. Remaining stagnant and not moving forward is something that happens if they don't go with their gut.
@vandana7 (99882)
• India
10 Oct 12
It will rot even otherwise, unless you have proper storage facilities. :) So it is not enough to jump at the opportunities. It means making use of them properly. Sometimes, waiting might mean better option, a job that is easier, and more rewarding. Here is where the luck is.
@gaiza12 (4884)
• Philippines
10 Oct 12
I admit, I am guilty with what you are trying to say. I am not ashamed of that because I know I am happy with where I am at the moment. I have a job and I am trying to enjoy mylot with the extra earnings. Waiting for the right job to come without even trying to look for it or practice it while waiting is really not good. I am lazy when it comes to that. Maybe time will come that I will have to climb the tree to be able to get the apple and eat it feeling the success.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
11 Oct 12
You enlightened me up and i feel this is so sensible for every single person in real life.Nothing will come to us if we do anything.That really counts for we wanna make that and we try to make a move.Thanks for share and i will remember that everyday when i have my goal.
@stringer321 (5644)
• Kiryat Ata, Israel
10 Oct 12
I also think waiting for the opportunities in our life to come to us is a wrong attitude. We can wait for love to find us and it will not happen. If we look for love, the chance for us to find it will be better. It is also applicable in looking for jobs. The jobs won't just come to us if we don't do anything to find or make them. There are many nice girls around and one of them can be a good girlfriend, but, I'm too shy to start talking with them. So, they meet someone else and who knows, maybe I could meet the girl of my dreams already. I always wait for the situation to be more natural to talk with the girls and most of the time, it doesn't happen. I admit I can be more active in looking for a job, I search through available jobs everyday, send and change my resume often, but, I think I can do more. And what about trying to achieve my dreams ? I want to be independent, free of economical worries, but, I can do a lot more to get it.
@litvillegas (1274)
• Philippines
11 Oct 12
Hi Nice words friend. We should always think that time is gold. We should work hard to survive. This discussion reminds me that I should be diligent at work. No pain no gain.:) If only we can always remember this principle then we will positively improve in our financial status. Thanks and have a great day..:)
@zjnbsxs (47)
• China
10 Oct 12
Yes,i agree with you!We must do something immediately.Likes works.If you not to catch the chance,you will regret
• China
10 Oct 12
i agree with you,lots of us like waitting,it is a bad habit,we often think we have no good ready,we often think we should wait a moment and we will think more,but when we act,the apple is rotten,we regret,so i think do the things you want to do now,never thinking more ,including the missing,we should act now,good luck!