Would you want your life to be simple, interesting or chaotic?
By gloryacam
@gloryacam (5540)
October 11, 2012 7:19pm CST
Many times, I think that my life is boring. But then things happen, and I get stressed over these things that happen and I wish that life would be simple and easy. When I was younger, I wanted an exciting, spectacular life that is why I moved to the metropolitan area. I thought that my city was small and that I was too big a fish to stay there. But, see, I have been here for almost 5 years now, and though the income is much higher, life is a whole lot more complicated and I wish for just a simple life.
It's true what they say, be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. But here's what I truly want now - have a family, live in a modest house with a garden I can tend personally, practice my profession occasionally and have both the time and resource to do what I want to do, that is to travel. I don't care anymore about having a grand career, or having a vast amount of money, or stuff just like. I'd like to be able to wake up everyday and enjoy what little treats life has to offer.
How about you, dear friends?
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22 responses
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
12 Oct 12
Wow, sounds like you don't have much expectation from your life anymore. Now, to answer your question, I originally want my life not so simple, because I want it to be different just like everybody else. Going through many failures and nonsense, I look forward to peaceful, and stable life too. But that doesn't mean I won't try again. Anyway, we only live once, why not give it a try if you still got the passion and the bravery on you.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
It's not that I don't have expectation from life anymore, it's just that I have found out what would truly make me happy and content. And it's not what I've imagined when I was younger. I still look forward to doing things I am passionate about hence, travelling and gardening, but less of the stresses that I encounter now, mostly from work and from my troublesome brother.
@bravewoman (153)
• Singapore
12 Oct 12
hi glorycam!Anyway,you have encounter such things.Life have already holed you by your job.I agree that you should do things you love than. I want to have a great life with proper training and unusual career but I still want to finish what I really love to do at least.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
12 Oct 12
One needs a plan in life, And try to stick to it. Take care there.

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
12 Oct 12
I know what you mean. I have never had alot of money... and now at over 50 I just bought my first home...my kids are gone, and I was never able to give them a home with a back yard and all that... like I had. I have found tho...that it does no good to think that way. I did the best I could at the time with what i had. I see my daughter spending alot of money on her daughter and Iknow it is partly "I didn't get this when I was a kid and I am going to do it for my kid" kind of thinking for her...but stlll.. that is her life and she can do what she wants.
I now have the time to do nothing but crafts...all day, every day. Back in the day of working full time with 2 kids and no microwave, convenience foods, cell phones and all those quick and easy life style things...I remember thinking.. if I could just have a weekend to myself! Well, now I have them every weekend and I am lonesome and bored. I remember thinking "I wish I had a week...just for crafts.. alld day, all night"...well, I have that now and no one to give the crafts to do make for and I dont' do as many and what I do do... is with my kids/grand kids in mind.
I still don't have much money...I make ends met but dont' have much to save...but I still coupon and rebate and watch for sales and yard sale and thrift shop. Am I happier now that I have all those things that I "wished" I could have then? Nope. I miss the kids, I miss the family meal times, I miss friday night tv night etc.
So.. I have finally decided and seen that you just have to do the best you can at the time and enjoy what you can at the time. Hoping and wishing for waht you can't have at that time is no good. And like you say..be careful what you wish for....
I have what I wished for... and not any happier!

@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
13 Oct 12
I think too.. that as younger age people...early 20,30's...we tend to want to "get out of here"...wherever we are. Something else always seems better or we want something different than what we had etc. We want to grow up and be our own person, independent..make it for ourselves and the like. And then while we live what we think is our perfect life or "better than where I was"...we find as we get older and wiser... we tend to look back and see things weren't all THAT bad. I remember as a kid...we didn't have tV. Dad always said that there were better things to do than star at the "one eyed monster". We hated it! All the other kids talked about hte shows. We were only allowed to watch TV when Grandma babysat while she lived with us...or when she didn't and parents would take us over to her house to babysit. We thought he was the worst dad ever to not let us have a tv and thought we wre just missing out on life without one! I was in 9th grade before we got a tv...my mothers sister gave her a 12" black and white portable. We (I had 2 older brothers and yonger sister) all huddled around it. Anyway...later in life I watched tv with my kids and I enjoyued it and all. Now...these days.. tv is so stupid, trashy, dumb, ridiculous and nothing worth wasting time watching! I have raised my grand kids on crafts and reading and board games etc. TV is hardly ever on when they are at my house and they never even ask for it! THey love doing the activities I have for them! But I see what my dad meant...better things to do than star at that one eyed monster!
So I think that as we age... see things in different ways and we begin to relaize that maybe it wasn't so bad back then...we were just different!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
That's right. I guess that's what they mean when they said you get wiser with age. All your experiences will lead to learning and then you will realize that what you've had before was actually good.
As to the TV, I agree with your dad. There are A LOT of better things to do that watch. Sometimes, I get trapped by theat one-eyed monster and it steals away my time. Now, I try to limit watching it because there are so many other things I'd like to see. The more you sit there, the more it wants you to just sit and watch all day. Not very productive. 

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
I guess you're right. You just have to make do with what you have at the moment because some time in the future, you're gonna say it was good then. It is just so tiring living a stressful life and one can just wish for a simpler, easier life. I actually grew up in a farm, and after I got my degree, I moved out and thought I would never be able to live in that farm again. But, seems like it's in my blood, that's why I long for even just a small space to make my own garden. One day I know I have to go back to the farm, because it will be left to me and my brothers by my parents, and no way would I ever take it for granted again.

@adforme (2114)
12 Oct 12
Life is a combination of simple things, the interesting, and the chaotic. We can choose a lot in our lives, but what we go through when we make theses choices are not always planned. That is why life is such a mystery. How to live it, what is it going to be, how can we make it; are questions that can only be answered while going through this journey called life. The choices you make are a result of living and learning, and learning to live. I guess I would like my life to be the curious wonder that it is. I feel it is an appreciation of the simple, provoked by the interesting, and sometimes chaotic in nature.

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
You are right. There no such thing as purely simple, or interesting or chaotic, but a wonderful combination of the. And, it really depends on how we choose our lives to be. Well, perhaps I may be regretting some choices that is where my discontent lies. But, there is always a chance to change that.

@inertia4 (27980)
• United States
15 Oct 12
When we are young we love the hustle and bustle of a busy life especially in a big city. We all think we are too big for ourselves. I know I thought that way. I lived here in NYC all my life. I am not going to say I don't like it, but now I would like a more simple life and have more relaxing time then before. But I still do enjoy the excitement of the city. Too bad we cannot have both without stress.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Yah, I guess stress is just a part of life. But, I have had too much of it lately. I just want a break.
Though, yeah, I am really looking forward to a simpler life in the future. In 5 years, my best bet is I'm moving out of the city.
@PointlessQuestions (15397)
• United States
13 Oct 12
I think lots of people get into the same rut. They want their life to be exciting and satisfying all the time. Then we later get to the point where we are just content as we are.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
I guess you're right. It's probably a stage. Of course when we're young, we have all the energy so we like life to always be on the go, go, go.
@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
12 Oct 12
When I was younger I thought I would have an interesting and exciting life travelling around the world with my first husband. I did this for ten years and found it was not a source of happiness for me, I wanted a settled life with friends and neighbours who were not continually being left behind.
Then I found myself alone and enjoying independance and city life but the weeks were too busy and the weekends too quiet. There is not such a thing as the perfect life, there are always pluses and minuses.
You are right to want a life in which your waking thoughts are gentle,and your desires simple and to enjoy the little treats that come your way day by day. In the end our lives are not made up by riches, careers or ambitions. Riches are accompanied by worries, careers by frustration and ambitions fade. If you listen to old people sharing their memories you will find that it is the simple things that they remember long after they have forgotten the rest.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Yes, and that is the reason I love hearing stories of older people. I try to learn from them. I guess, though, that there are a lot of things that you have to learn on your own, based on your own experiences.
@namiya (1718)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
i just want a simple and peaceful life and glad that i am having it now that my children are all grown ups. having the 24 hours at my own disposal i'm grateful to be consuming these through simple tasks and activities that make me physically and mentally active while i age.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
That's nice. I guess that's one thing to look forward to in the future, when your kids have all grown and living their own lives.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
13 Oct 12
What I want is a very simple life with just a few things that can make it exciting and interesting so that we could get away with boredom.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Yeah, that's right. A once in a while excitement is good. Daily stress is not. So I am with you. I prefer a simple life.
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
13 Oct 12
I am similar to you in how I feel about my life. I have a simple life and times do get boring but just like lst evening with a lot of stress I missed just having nothing to worry about. I would rather try to keep my life simple because I enjoy a quiet life. I really get stressed easily and I behave really poorly under stress. I act impulsively and I could drink a lot under stress which I know that I shouldn't.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Yeah, simple is boring, but you can always spice it up once in a while. Stress does affect us in different ways and like you, I don't like dealing with stress. Maybe you should avoid drinking when you're stressed because it could lead to an addiction.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Yes, it all boils down to choosing family. Alas, for me, life is not simple even with family.
I have a brother who gives me soooo much headaches. 

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
12 Oct 12
My life sure isnt boring, but makes things much more easy with a daily plan. Thats how I get through it all.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
That's right. It's good to plan the day. It makes it easier to get through life. But, for me, things have not been going as planned this year. Hope things will get better.
@baddkabee (115)
• Singapore
13 Oct 12
I symphatize with you as I am in the same dilemma at the moment. I think there really comes a point in our life that we tend to pause, and look back and appreciate the little things that we took for granted when we are on the peak of reaching our goals. We become exhausted of all the hustle and bustle that we wish to go back to basics. The life that we were once in. Hope to go back and slow things up a bit.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Yeah, I hope things do slow down a bit. Even just so I could catch my breath. It's not fun anymore trying to cope with my complicated life.
@kokomo (1866)
• Philippines
13 Oct 12
Yes you are right. We are in the same shoe right now. When I was in college, I dreamed to work in the city for the higher salary and happy lifestyle. Though I already experience that right now, still I am not happy. Not happy because I miss my happy family that has been left in the province.I thought I would be satisfied and happier if I already have that high salary and happy lifestyle like night outs and outings etc. but then I realized it is not still enough for my happiness.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Well, life is a consequence of our choices and like me, it seems that what you thought would make you happy is not enough. The first time I worked here in the metro, I also felt like that. But, it will feel better in a while. But then for me, I miss the simpler times.
@winniemariposa (255)
• China
12 Oct 12
I think it is important for us to learn to be satisfied. Indeed, I also want my university life to be colourful but I always have to do those boring tasks. However, when I really have some challenging tasks to finish, I may think the simple live is better. How ambivalent I am!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
That is understandable. We are humans and it is our nature to not want what we have. So, that is right, it is important to learn how to be satisfied or else we will always be wanting what we don't have.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
12 Oct 12
My life is all of the above. As I begin to age, I do like simple moreso than chaotic. I've always had an interesting life and have been easy to please. My husband and I live in the city where we were born and have been in the same house for 39 years. I think we all get to the point where we have done pretty much all we can do by a certain age and it's time to take it easy. It's nice to be able to get up, drink coffee, sit at the computer and pretty much do as I please most of the day. Retirement is good.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 Oct 12
Hi glorya
Lets change places for a while
Today, I want to get back to my life 12 years back - when I was on the complicated things. Today, my life is much simpler and I do need something to pep it up. It has been quite a long time that I have been at home and it has started to get boring at times.

@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
If only it is possible to change places. Then I would change places with you and a number of other people. But, this is what we have. I guess, the only thing to do is accept it and try to make things better.
I really am having a rough year, and challenge after challenge are barelling on me. I am so tired. And, the only thing I could do is to cry.
I wish this year would end. I wish my misery would end. Maybe the next year has something good in store for me. For all of us.

@alberello (4752)
• Italy
12 Oct 12
Well, I start to say about my life, even though I'm 37 years old, is still to be planned. First, because I do not have a job, and at this age I think is a serious problem! Secondly, I do not have the independence, I still live with my parents. I, like you, I do not want a life fantastic, but at least decent. I have not a clue on how I can settle for my future. I would no need a lot of money, but at least the necessary to be independent .. I guarantee you that in my case, is not a simple thing!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Yes, that is indeed not simple. I guess as we grow older, we get more stressed when we don't have a job. When I was in my 20's I could recklessly quit my job even if I did not have another job to go to. Now, I just can't quit my job even though I hate it so much just because I do not have any job to go to, and it will really worry me to be out of a job. I am about to be independent again because things happened at home (my mom and youngest brother used to live with me) and now my mom will go back to our hometown (she has a home there) and my brother has found a job and living elsewhere. I hope you find a good job and gain your independence.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
12 Oct 12
I would want my life to be simple and interesting at the same time. I do not like it when life is routine and boring. i like to experience new things and face challenges. When I travel I like to do things that most people do not wish to do and eat traditional dishes. I do not wish to have a big house nor a big car one day. I would like a little house by a countryside somewhere with and a nice simple car that is not modest. I would later on in life want to be an historian or Research Officer. I do not wish to have tons of money as it will only make life complicated and less fun.
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
I get what you mean and actually wish that for me, too. I also like to travel and it's one thing that I wish to do for the rest of my life. And I get what you mean by simple and interesting. I mean, I want a stable life, but not boring. So once in a while, I would liket to travel or do any hobby I like to do. I agree, tons of money makes life complicated. I only want as much to just make me comfortable and to fund my travels and my other hobbies.
@bravewoman (153)
• Singapore
12 Oct 12
My life is more complicated and terrible than my friends because my family has met a big disaster but I still do not want a simple life.Maybe because I'm still study and have too many dreams and imaginations about my future.I always think the place I now stay is too small for me and I want to go further.
I want my life to hone myself so it must include varieties of situations.I want to be a stronger person.So I want my life to be chaotic,maybe.But still exciting!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Sorry to hear that your family has met a big disaster. My family has had some painful events this year, too. That is why I say this is a very difficult year for me. You are young, and you have you whole future ahead of you. Prepare for it well. It is good to wish for a good, exciting life ahead in the future. And, you really have to dream for things. And, plan for the future. Remember, though, to include in your plans some allowances for future bad things. Like, you could get frustrations in life later on, or things may not go as planned, or you may encounter a lot of problems. I did not take those in consideration when I was younger, so I feel lost now. But, since you will still be starting out, I hope you consider these things, too.
@ztuberi (395)
• Philippines
12 Oct 12
Hi gloryacam, what's up with you? Have you been busy?
My answer is we just need some contentment. We cant really control everything in our lives. So whether its simple, interesting or chaotic, we just have to make the most out of it. And be thankful for whatever we have.
Have a good day!
@gloryacam (5540)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Yes, busy and stressed and tired. 
I guess you're right that we should be thankful for whatever we have. Like I said, I did not appreciate what I had back then, but, I long for it now. I guess where I am now is where God wants me to be. Just don't mind me. I will rant and rant because that is what I do here at mylot (
) and it's really been a tough year for me. Most times I think I wish this year would end. Maybe, I'll be having a better one next.