Are you afraid of dogs?

@jdalaqui (1073)
October 14, 2012 2:33pm CST
Dogs can be a very good pet in the house because they have that kind of characteristics that pleases their owner. On the other side, dogs can be very scary to strangers. I remember walking on a dark street one night when one dog barked at me. When that one dog started to bark, all the dogs of the neighborhood barked as well. The scary thing that follow was that, those barking dogs went out to the street I'm walking. There I realize how dangerous dogs can be. There were at least 8 dogs running to and fro having me their subject. Whew! I am just so thankful enough when these dogs started to challenge one another forgetting me as their target. I went home safe!
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22 responses
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
14 Oct 12
Oh boy am I afraid...I have had some very unusual incident involving dpgs...I just don't like them and they don't like me... My daughter has a pit bull and mastiff mix and he is good because we know each other,,,lol, but other than that, dogs are not my friends... I often have to ask owners, who swears their dog dosen't bite, "how did he eat his breakfast"...yep thats what I am talking about....LOL
1 person likes this
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
"How did he eat his breakfast"? hahaha bj! I guess we are on the same boat! I have issues with dogs,too. I just don't trust that they won't bite even if the owners swears they don't bite or they have anti-rabbies vaccine.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
bjc66bjc, thanks for joining in. yah dogs we don't own can be very scary because sometimes they really bite. The owners sometimes trust that their pet will not bite but who knows when they goes wild, they are still dogs. Belle, thanks for joining in. yes dogs can't be trusted fully well because they are dogs and even if they have anti rabbies vaccines, the bite still hurts.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
15 Oct 12
When I was young there was this dog up at the top of our street who when I think of it now, must have been a pit bull or the dog that looked like that one with the back eye on the Little Rascals. It did grab me and held onto my arm and I was afraid of that dog, but the other dogs that I have seen or met hod no fear for me. Except for that one, have not had a terror of dogs. There was a man who lived about a mile away who had this German Shepherd who was very nervous and when I went in his yard to deliver papers about ten or so years ago, was rather upset. But I could not understand why he would be nervous. Sure the dog barked, but there is a neighbourhood dog that does a lot of barking.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Hi suspenseful thanks for sharing in here. ah, your story reflects your profile name, it is full of suspense indeed. Maybe the man is either really nervous or just over reacting. Did the dog managed to bite you?
1 person likes this
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
18 Oct 12
Oh, good you you were not bitten. It's not good to run when a dog is attacking, better yet face it and growl as well (just kidding sir. Well you make me smile in your story. The person in your story rally can't live without a dog...
@julyteen (13252)
• Davao, Philippines
14 Oct 12
Dog considered as man's best friend. Dog mostly won't harm to it's owner. They only a dangerous if we won't take them. They are the best animals I know. I have many dogs before and until now. They are unquestionable trusted friend ever. Did you watched LASSIE?
• United States
14 Oct 12
Dogs will not harm their owner but not the same with strangers , that is why they are also good for protection . I see dogs that hate my brother but like me lol but I can understand because when my brother was younger he can be mean to dogs always trying to get them angry .
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
julyteen, Yes, dogs can be a good friend, but I won't agree that dogs are man's best friend. I could be that they are man's animal best friend. And yes gain, dogs won't harm their owner as long as they are taken care of. silverfox, My son is a hate of dogs because he seems to be challenging them always, he is not mean though but the way he looks at them intrigues those dogs we pass by. thanks for joining in.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
julyteen, I did not watched that movie. is it about dogs? I watched a movie before about a japanese dog who was so faithful to his owner even until his owner is gone. It was a very touching story.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
14 Oct 12
Im never afraid of dogs. Now snakes thats a different story. Have a great sunday there.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
hahaha, yes snake is a different story. Good if you're not afraid of dogs. Just be careful, avoid them and ya, there's nothing to be afraid of. It's Monday here in the Philippines. have a nice day. john, thanks as well for joining in.
• United States
15 Oct 12
Snakes are cool no need to be afraid of snakes.
@eiram23 (421)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Oh wow.. That was so scary!! Good thing their attention was diverted away from you or else worst thing have could happened.. Good to know you went home safe. I am not really into pets of any kind. We have dogs, cats and other kind of pets but I really not into them unlike my mom, my dad and my sis who reaally love dogs. They even sleep with our dog. They love to bath it and play with it. But I never did. I wasn't scared of dogs though untill one moment when we had one school activity which requires us to have a study about pregnant woman. We accompanied our subject till their house. Just as i got out from the tricycle we rode her dog ran so fast and in blink of an eye, he bit my leg. Good thing it was just so little cause the owner was able to guard me somehow. But that started me for having phobia towards dogs. When I saw a dog even if it's too far from me , my whole body would be shaking. my fingers are trembling and all i can do is cry.. Good thing I was able to overcome that fear and now I was able to learn to love dogs. Right now we have 3 big dogs at house and I use to play with them now..:)
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi eiram, thanks for joining in this discussion. I was thankful that they did not rip me off and so I went home safe. Some people love dogs too much even sleeping with them in their bed, which am I thinking not advisable. You were like my little boy who is so nervous whenever he saw the dogs. He too has an experience when we were still in Batangas, he was playing with a dog and then suddenly, this big black dog bit his hand. W e were just thankful that the dod was too old and toothless...toothless? honestly yes...
@eiram23 (421)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Oh such a humurous one. And the most important thing about it is the dog is not a rabbied dog. We know for a fact how dangerous it is if we are beaten by a rabbied dog. Even just a simple scratch would cause us to die if that dog has a rabbies. i remember a scenario when we had a visit to San Lazaro hospital as part of our affiliation, those patients who were unfortunately beaten by rabbied dogs, you can actually see in their cases how unfortunate you would be if you will be a victim.. Good thing really for your son..
• Bulgaria
15 Oct 12
Yes,dogs can be a very good friend and a great man threat!Personally,i feel no fear of dogs exept rottweiler ,because one rottweiler bit my dalmatian and it was life-threatening.And from that day to now i am very afraid of rottweiers and i look to avoid them from a long distance!
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Hi mrnasty, thanks for joining in. So you've seen how terrible rottweilers are. I haven't seen one of them but if I would base my judgement on your story, they must be big and furious. I myself will surely avoid them.
• Bulgaria
16 Oct 12
Yes they are big and furious ! they are mean dogs and if their owners don't educate them ,they become aggresive ang atack people and other dogs who don't like from some reason.
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
15 Oct 12
Hello jdalaqui. You were lucky not to be chased later because of the dogs' fight against one another that you could go home safe and sound. I am afraid of dogs, especially large dogs which can be very scary. I try not to get close to them if I see a big one. Take care.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi william, thanks for joining in. I did not wait for the dogs to finish challenging each other. When their attention was diverted, I made my way fast so I will not be their dinner. Of course William large dogs can be very scary especially if they are ASKALS? what is ASKAL, you may ask. ASKAL is a Filipino term for Dogs that roam around the streets eating every spoil and dirty stuff in garbage dump areas. We call dogs like that as "Asong Kalye."
@verolop29 (1096)
• United States
15 Oct 12
that must have been frightening to u! I remember that happening to me and my brother once when we missed the bus to go home from school. We used to live way out in the country...20 miles or so.just as we passed this gated house, we heard animals growling and it was 2 big black douberman dogs and they were fast. but we were faster! i dont think i have ever ran that fast in my life! when we got home my sides were hurting and my brother was laughing at me. But that was years ago when i was just a young girl. Now that im older(31)im not that scared of them. i kind of make it a habbit of mine to cary doggie treats so just in case i come face to face with a four legged animal! so glad u made it home safe and that u didnt get bit. some ppl arent that fortunate.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Hi verolop, thanks for taking time to join and relate to us your story. It was funny but it's a serious thing. I think your adrenaline worked double so that your legs became as fast as those of a gazelle. oh the frustration of those dogs must be awful...anyway, you add color to this discussion, thanks a lot.
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Before, I'm really afraid of dogs. Because I thought that all dogs were aggressive. But now, when I've already experienced having dogs at home, I'm not afraid of dogs anymore! :)
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
16 Oct 12
Hi toxic_lifestyle, thanks a lot for joining in. Maybe I should consider a dog to buy for my little boy so that his fear will be minimized. What bred of dog? i dont know yet but I am thinking that a Philippine native dog is better than high bred dog as of the moment because they are more easy to care for.
@STOUTjodee (3573)
• United States
15 Oct 12
I'm not afraid of dogs, since I own one. However; I'm cautious when around other dogs, even if they're big mean dogs. I never show a dog that I'm afraid of them,though. Dogs can sense fear in a person. Just because a dog is wagging their tail doesn't mean they like you, it just means they're happy to protect their owner. We have Boxer/Rotwieler mix dog, to most people she's friendly to, but dogs are a good judge of character, if she doesn't like you , she'll let us know. We can tell if she doesn't like some one because the hair on her back will be standing up, but she can still be wagging her tail. Just because a dog is wagging their tail,doesn't mean their friendly. Glad you made it home safe to tell us this!
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi Stoutjodee, thanks for joining in. You've mention cation. It should be a good word to remember by all of us that whether we are afraid of not afraid of dogs, we must be very cautious to avoid being bitten. Your dogs are interesting, I just hope that you will not always agree with your dogs judgement of character because they might be wrong. I'm glad to meet you here...have a wonderful day.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
15 Oct 12
Thank god you went home safe. Dogs like this are very dangerous. I am scared yes when i don't know the dog. I have been bitten once and i know the pain. Thanks so sharing and have a wonderful day ahead
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi riyauro, thanks for joining in this discussion. Yes am very much thankful to the Lord that I went home safe. I was not yet bitten though but yes I believe it would be very painful. I don't like to experience one specially now that rabies is rampant, a deadly virus from a dog bite.
@Shavkat (140313)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
I don't feel threaten to like dogs, actually I have two dogs at home. I am a dod lover.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi Shavkat, thanks for joining in. Congratulations for those two dogs. You're like our friend who is a dog lover. She even feed her dog with chocolate, fruits and cheeze...really? yes, honestly...
@zjnbsxs (47)
• China
15 Oct 12
I afraid some dogs follow me at night.Also i love a pet dog,it is very lovely.I always play with this makes me happy
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hello zjnbsxs thanks for joining in. You remind me of a friend who really loves her dog. She even allows her dog to join them and her kids in their bedroom. She treats her pet as a little child. She cuddles her like one baby girls and she was happy doing it.
• Kuwait
15 Oct 12
Never afraid of any damn dog
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
HI Kratos, thanks for joining in. Just be very careful always because dogs will not really consider who the scared and not scared of them. have a nice day Kratos and again thanks for joining in.
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
14 Oct 12
I am not afraid of dogs , only if they chasing me . Yes when a dog snaps at me my first instinct is to defend myself just in case he want to bite me . Dogs can be very dangerous I dont just walk with my heads in the cloud when it comes on to strange dogs because I will not just stand and let it bite me . You are lucky to escape , I was chase by a dog when I was a child good thing my dog was also following me . From that day I dont run when a dog growl at me , I take up something to defend myself with my family though me that . You can not out run a dog , I am very slow so I wont even try
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
hahaha...dogs will only chase those who run when they comes. You've better avoid dogs. Don't run when dogs growl, you know what they're saying? "grrrr...don't run or else I will chase you until you stop running...grrrr."
@aabuda (1722)
• Philippines
14 Oct 12
I love dogs....but our own dog only....I fear dogs who are roaming around the streets because I have been chased by them one lucky that I was not bitten.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
dogs are loveable and are fun to be with if they are tamed. Here in our country, we can not deny the fact that there are many many places where dogs are allowed to roam around. I am not saying dogs has no right to roam around but they should not be allowed alone because they might bite anybody else.
@jugsjugs (12967)
14 Oct 12
I will say that I have dogs and mine will only bark when there are people about late at night or near our garden, but dogs do tend to protect their grounds, as well as their owners. My garden is secure, so my dogs would not get out onto the street, here if there were dogs on the street, you would have your dog collected and taken to a secure dog warden unit and you would be made to pay a fine and use of kennels that they were put in. I am not scared of dogs and I will say that I have been bitten by one when I was younger for no reason.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Good for you. That's one of the purpose why we have dogs at home. It is for alarm and protection. We should provide our dogs good inclosure to avoid them harming others. During the night, as long as dogs are inside the gate, there is no need to put them in their inclosure so that they can serve their purpose as guard of the house.
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
My thigh was nipped by our neighbors dog when I was six years old. Scared that my mom would tell me off, I kept it to myself. But my tattletale playmate told my mom about it.Thus,my mom panicked consequently I cried my heart out and fainted. The next thing I knew I was already in a clinic. The doctor said, it was nothing serious just a scratch from the dogs sharp nails.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Hi Belle thanks for joining in this discussion, that was a scary experience. It's good you were not infected with rabies which really is the most scary thing. Of course your mom panicked because the thing was not really an ordinary thing. Dog bites can be very painful and damaging but it's only next to the rabies it might bring.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
15 Oct 12
I hate dogs. In fact I hate all animals. I do not like pets at all.
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Why? What happened? I dislike some pets to be at my house but I don't hate all. Animals are good and fantastic as long as we treat them the way we should. Dogs can be very fun especially if they are trained properly. On the other hand they can be very dangerous and destructive when proper care is not applied. I hope you will find a reason to like some animals because they are part of God's creation and they can be very wonderful as long as treated accordingly.
14 Oct 12
i am only affraid of dogs who i dont know but i do like most dogs my friend has three dogs and i aint scared of them
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
15 Oct 12
Of course we should not be scared of our own dogs. As long our pet dogs are taken care of, they are good and even if you discipline them, they will still love you. Unlike human who hates discipline. Thanks by the way for joining in. I noticed that you are new in mylot.