How we hate it when we are being judged but go on judging others unforgivingly!
By sharksfin
@sharksfin (1091)
October 29, 2012 4:42am CST
It's funny how I hear people talking about how they feel so bad that people are so judgmental and this and that. How people are always saying negative things about them. Most would even quote lines about "judging others". What they don't realize is that they're just having a taste of their own medicine.
I hope I'll be very cautious not to do the same, though. I don't want to be doing things to others which I rather not experience being done to me. Golden rule should apply.
Am sure of myself that I don't have the habit of judging people. Of course, there are times when I get to describe how a person had been to me. But, I think the distinguishing factor is how you tell the story. How you say things. Like, "she such a liar" is different from "there's one instance when she lied to me about..." Describing what was done to us is far different from describing the person for one act s/he did. I think this is a good way to tell whether one is judging or not.
There are also other scenarios like they don't verbally attack anyone but through their actions you'll see how they're so prejudice. Many would stay away and choose not to be friends with certain people because of judgment that had penetrated in their thoughts about a person. This isn't nice, as well.
It's too much to suggest that we better not judge the action but the motive. In truth, we'll never have enough time to make judgments if we are to investigate the motive because nobody really knows. But, it's safe to just describe an action without having to tag a person being this or that only because of what s/he's done once or maybe a few times. Besides, there's a better way to deal with the concern. In stead of talking about it, why not talk to the person? Someday, we'll also need understanding and compassion from other people when we fail or commit a mistake so, let's be generous in giving these than judgment.
Happy week ahead!
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19 responses
@deriellevc73 (982)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Hello sharksfin!
Yes, you are right. People do get in the habit of complaining about other people making judgements yet they too, commit the same act against their fellowmen. These people think they are the only one doing right while other people are doing wrong.
We do not have the right to judge anyone especially if we do not know their real story. In this world, we are responsible for our own evolution but not of others. Whatever they have become is not our concern and we are not in the position to judge them because we do not really know what happen to them or what they experienced that lead them to act in such a particular way.
Your advices are sound and it should be the guide of everyone in dealing with people.
If people will only think, act and understand how people should act like you do Sharksfin, this would be a better world to live in, that's for sure.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Thank you, deriellevc73. You're so kind.
I agree to all that you said. It is none of our business anymore whatever others might want to do with their lives because that's theirs and we have ours to focus on and be concerned about. By judging them or meddling with another's life, we don't improve ourselves. We make ourselves worse, rather; because the act of judging is in itself wrong. And, we become blinded to our own flaws because we are too engrossed watching others make more and more mistakes. Doesn't benefit anyone, at all. What a filthy habit.
The Bible warns us not to be self-righteous nor be conceited and consider others better than ourselves. Judging others should never be a habit in our lives.
See you around.
@MiaFerrari (51)
• Argentina
29 Oct 12
First of all, very interesting topic! There is one simple thing we have to keep in mind, whether we are judging others or being judged: who is really in the position to judge others? Who can "cast the first stone"?
I don't enjoy judging other people, mainly because I find trying to see my own flaws and doing my best to improve more important that messing in other people's lives. But that's just me.
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
I do have that same principle and conviction, MiaFerrari. Though, I won't say that I don't have the nature of having judgment in my head. There are, of course, times when my mind just goes before me. But, I see to it that it doesn't affect my behavior and treatment toward anyone. And, definitely, I tame my tongue.
A lotta people open up to me about their darkest pasts and if I am to compare their mistakes and decisions to mine, I would really qualify as a saint. But, like what you said, who is really in the position to judge anyone? Who has the guts to cast the first stone because s/he has no sin? Makes a lotta sense to ask these questions, firstly. And, I believe, this is my same reason why I with hold myself from placing judgment on anyone. I am aware of my own demons and it makes me humble enough not to judge others.
Another way I deal with myself is, I try to place myself in the person's sitch and think about how I would react to the problem. When I was in grade school and high school, I kept hearing other girls talking about another girl being flirt and all...esp those who got pregnant in their teens. There's something in me that stops me from participating in that kind of activity because I have no idea how I will behave if I were in their same shoes. Just so happened I didn't have a boyfriend and the case with that girl is opposite mine. That's all. But, what if I had a boyfriend that age? Could I have kept my virginity and purity? It's too self-righteous for me to conclude, I would. I'd be too conceited to say that.
Appreciate your comment, mia. ^_^
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
30 Oct 12
I'm sure you mean funny as in unusual, not humorous, but I don't find it funny at all. To me it is just another way in which people behave with immaturity. Who are they to judge other people? I don't have to agree with something a person says or does, but it doesn't mean I should judge them.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Right, as in RIDICULOUS, INSANE, NONSENSE. We are all different and we have to respect each other's uniqueness. If a person is vain, and another is poorly groomed or even smelly... it's not for us to judge PERIOD.
Thanks for your comment, canellita.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
31 Oct 12
I have to admit, if I knew the person who was poorly groomed and smelly I might take them aside and make them aware of the impression they were making on others by their disheveled appearance. Sometimes people are unaware and sometimes they just don't care.
@WakeUpKitty (8692)
• Netherlands
29 Oct 12
It is hard to say when we judge or not. I wonder what is more dangerous.. just judging (somehow the same as making up your opinion about someone/labeling that person) or to judge, gossip and "punish" that person because of your judgement which many people do (out of jealousy for example or just to force someone into the group because they can't handle someone who is thinking/acting different as they are used to). I think how easily we judge also has to do with our own education, the way we are raised, how threated we feel by the outside world/other people plus how aware we are of what we are doing. I agree with you that in many cases those who scream out loud the first are also those who judge themselves the first. Weird thing is they seldom see that what they do is exactly the same as what others do to them (which makes it impossible to make them aware of this behaviour).
Personally I stay away from many people and I am less interested in what they do, think, say, which makes my life way easier and relaxed. Happy week to all of you.
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Good thinking there. I like the way you try to broaden your viewpoint. Well, to answer your question which is more dangerous... judging by labeling a person in your mind OR judging by spreading nasty talks about a person... I believe both are.
Labeling other people in our mind without correcting ourselves isn't healthy and will never foster relationships. We usually treat people with prejudice because they're not like us or they do not have the same value, conviction or whatever. And, we tend to just stay away from them. We become biased with their opinion. We practically become hostile to them firstly within us then will later reflect in our behavior toward them, which is harmful to them because we hurt them emotionally. Everything starts with thoughts anyways. Then, they become what the famous quote says. So, as soon as we start labeling/judging people in our minds, we must tell ourselves, we don't even have basis enough. Possible, they may have shown us something to warrant the judgment we give them or the person who said something not nice about them is credible...but, still, we don't truly know. Only a part of the entire picture is what we what we can see...NOT the entirety.
Gossiping because we have judged someone is also harmful and very dangerous because we damage reputation. It's like killing a person slowly. Like a torture. A very hostile way to treat another human being. We do not have the right to put another person down esp we don't know them. Esp when they didn't do us any harm. Or, even if they did, vengeance is God's NOT man's. It is safer to be right with God than to avenge ourselves. It's harmful and dangerous because we cause other people to hate another who they don't even personally or deeply know. We cause hostility, animosity...We damage not only the person we hate but also the people who do not hate and made to hate.
I used to be like you. I rather not socialize in order not to get the bad habits of many like gossiping and talking about another person behind his/her back. That's something I really can't take and I don't want to involve myself in. Of course, who's not susceptible to it, right? And I can't be self-righteous to think that I will never do the same. Although, most of the time, I gave comfort to the one being attacked. I realized later on that avoiding people and situations won't be of any help to my growth as an individual. We are born social beings. And we are all called to be united with each other. The Bible tells us that there are only two commandments which are: LOVE GOD and LOVE OTHERS. I won't be able to fulfill the second commandment if I will continue to keep walking away from them.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Appreciate it a lot.
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
30 Oct 12
Yes it is a funny situation that we all go through when you come to think of it. I wish Life was just plain and simple like a blackboard. Unfortunately, it's not. Some judgments are made in silent without us noticing it at all. There are many ways of judging people, our eyes and minds make a lot of unintentional judgments. It cannot be controlled at all.
Talking behind somebody's back is bad, but it does not stop us from doing it cuz we are not at all perfect. If we do not speak at times, it gives us depression and stress.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
There's a proper way to address our concerns about another person and this doesn't have to be talking behind their back. We can confront them gently and tell them what they did which offended us, in stead of sulking in one corner and mull over the offense and how bad the person is for doing it to us. It's undeniable that there are really people who have bad attitudes and this and that. There are people worthy of judgment (at least in the world's viewpoint). But, truth is, none of us has the right to judge because it is only God Who has that sole right because it is HIM who created us. Judging another person is insulting to HIM who formed every person in this world -- black or white, short or tall, fat or thin, good or bad. If we want to release whatever ill feelings we have toward someone because some harm was done to us, then, there's no other way to do it but to communicate. That's what communication is for. Talking resolves many problems (although, sometimes it doesn't).
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
31 Oct 12
Some people cannot be confronted because they react badly to confrontations. I am talking from experience here. Yes only God is allowed to judge, but we are all sinners here on earth. It is easily said than done, we try it works the first time, then the second time we tumble again, the third time we manage to the right thing again. God is a forgiving God and will always forgive us, but we need to show him that we are trying as hard as we can and not play around when it comes to doing the right thing. nobody is perfect at all.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
29 Oct 12
This sounds like a lot of high school nonsense but you're right they're a lot of adults who never grow up. I live my life for myself and nobody else. If I wanna wear a chicken suit and head to the mall then I will. Life would be pretty boring if we all acted like a bunch of Ambercrombie wearing, Twilight watching drones.
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@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Yeah, live and let live. Care not so much how others wanna live their lives and give them their freedom to do whatever they wish. Besides, so what if they do whatever crazy thing they are doing? What is it to us? We're not even a bit affected! Nice, thoughts, sindelle.
@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
29 Oct 12
I am sure that there will be a vast number of people who agree with you, in fact the vast majority are likely to. nevertheless, it is almost certain that despite knowing how it feels to be judged, we are certain to continue judging others. This is a sad fact of human nature and not something that we can easily overcome.
I am probably one of the few who can honestly say that I never pre-judge a person, and when rumours and gossip appear I will not form an opinion accordingly. Experience showed me a long time ago that if I attempt to formulate an opinion without all the facts then I would end up with a wrong conclusion. However, I am still guilty of judging people by their actions, which I know is wrong.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I had answer this same idea a few times already through the comments of people who posted before you, Asylum. Please, if you have time, just browse the discussions. But, I so appreciate your thoughts.
My style is like yours. I don't really allow myself to judge people. And, like I mentioned, there's a righteous way to judge...which is to judge actions not persons. Because people only react to situations out of fear...out of whatever reason they might have but definitely, there's something that will justify their deeds. Also, if someone's doing something habitually, then, I believe that person's worthy of the judgment. Because that's already self-inflicted. If s/he has to suffer, it's because s/he chose it.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
29 Oct 12
hi... It is Human Nature my friend... Thats how it has always been.. There were wise people, who always told not to judge... Lincoln, for example, once said, 'Do not judge, even God will not choose to judge until the judgement day..' I have used my own words in the quote as I dont remember the original one... But we know Lincoln was a very wise guy, who definitely knew how to deal with people...
And yet, Human Nature is always in action... No matter, how many times we've been told about it, we still go on judging people...

@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
2 Nov 12
Hi... Yes, I agree with you dear... I was just trying to explain how human nature works... It's been taught for centuries not to judge, and yet human mind tends to fall for it... Yes, as you say and I agree, we always have a 'choice'. We should be careful... Personally, I'm going to be more careful, in future... I'd not judge anyone, unless it is called for officially e.g. In office... On a personal basis, I'll always refrain from passing judgements....
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Hi, mr_pearl. I do agree that it's human nature and it's hard to just change it by merely repeating the rule. But, I don't think accepting something as natural and not try to change it is anything good or helpful. I mean, well, it's natural to feel the call of nature but we can't just do it anywhere but in proper places, right? It involves "control". We may have the inclination, tendency, propensity...whatever it should be called but, there's such a thing as "choice". We must not stop educating in order that people will make better choices. My two cents on your comment. Thanks, btw.

@GemmaR (8517)
29 Oct 12
I have always said to people that they should never judge others unless they know them well enough to be able to make that judgement accurately. I hate it when I find out that people have ideas about me that aren't accurate, and it makes me feel as though I should be doing my best to be able to challenge these ideas. But I will always judge other people, and because of this it makes me feel a little bit guilty. But I suppose that it must just be human nature, and something that the majority of people do.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
It's true that it's almost inevitable that we judge people as instantly because our mind works all the time. We are all exposed to an environment where we are challenged to have opinion about everything or you're judged to be dumb. So, we get used to it until it becomes a part of us. But, that's why we are given the Word, we are given examples, we are placed in situations where we learn that we shouldn't do a certain thing. Not really to teach us but to remind us or to correct the way we think. Like the idea of it being our nature. Well, if we go back to history, it's human nature to be barbaric and all. But, we evolved. We shouldn't go back being the barbaric nature, in stead, we are to become more and more graceful and proper and refined as we keep evolving. Otherwise, what is education for?
Thanks for your thoughts, gemmar.
@HeartROB (434)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Yeah, those kind of people really have a taste on their own medicine. They complain that they are judged without knowing who really they are but then they also do that to other people. Well, we have a saying that what we don't want others do to us, then don't do it to them also. Have a nice day my friend.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Thanks for that, heartRob. Yes, it is the Golden Rule, which happens to be also Biblical.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
29 Oct 12
I kind of feel as if it is in human nature to pre-judge people. Maybe it's stuck with us from the caveman years... we have to be really careful and fear the strange and the new... and trust our kind of people. People are just scared of the new - now because of that other people can kill us, steal are gadgets etc. Especially I, as a girl, am really vulnerable when I'm travelling alone, and it's kind of easier to mistrust most people, because nowadays more people are getting kidnapped or mugged etc., and I just choose not to leave any surface for them to attack. But at the same time, yes, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, and I hate when people think that, for example, that I'm boring, stiff or personality-less, because I'm not obnoxious and I don't wear crazy clothes and don't do stupid things just because yolo is trendy now...
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
Hi, doroffee. I think that example you gave really calls for discernment or proper judgment. Truly, you can't just give your trust to just anyone. Esp, being a girl, we have to be very cautious to whom we give our trust to. My topic doesn't include that. And I would say that being careful and being judgmental are still two different things but can be both abused and misused. Takes a lotta wisdom to be able to apply proper judgment for safety's sake. Thanks for your comment. ^_^
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
29 Oct 12
Thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well yes u are absolutely right, we are always ready to judge others and jump straight on to a conclusion then but when it comes to someone judging us we fume at that person and in the process speak away a lot of things to him. I think in such a case we should never judge anyone, yes we might have a thinking of that person in our mind but concluding immediately is not appreciable as a human being.
What say?
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
You're right, we may have personal judgments in our mind about a person or persons but we need not let it influence our behavior towards the person. And, with all our might, we should not allow these judgments be our basis in telling what kind of a person s/he is. We have to always give people the benefit of the doubt. At some point in our lives, we'll also make silly decisions and we don't want people judging us for being silly ones. This is my stand.
@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
30 Oct 12
There's a saying 'we have two ears and one mouth so we should use our ears more than our tongue' -that is the gist of it although not the exact words.
My own experience has certainly been that instant judgements are often incorrect. And I end up wishing I had kept my mouth shut and waited until I knew someone better before giving an opinion. Of course we have to choose our friends wisely and a form of judgement is required and necessary. But if we find them unsuitable friends we should certainly keep it to ourselves and the reasons why.
I get very upset if I am misjudged, and this happens with people who have jumped to a hasty conclusion. I'm far from perfect but there must be some nice things about me too and the nice things generally are the ones that we are quiet about. We do not boast about our virtues and our vices are the ones that are on show.
Jesus had some words to say about judgement which are pretty sobering: 'The same way as you judge others, you will be judged....why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye...when there is a plank in yours..' Matt. 7 verses
1-3. part of the well known Sermon on the Mount.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Very well said, 41CombedaleRoad! I, too, had moments wherein I participated in hasty judgment due to peer pressure. I wanted to be in, but deep down, I hurt myself because I hurt God Who created the persons I judged. And, I did that only because I wanted to belong, which is totally ridiculous! I was always corrected immediately, y'know, which only proved that God doesn't want anyone to do this kind of act because we are all HIS creations. We are to appreciate all that HE has made without grumbling and whining. So, no matter how difficult it is to get along with someone, we are not to judge, or say anything not nice because it's like we're insulting God. It is, in fact, mocking Him.
Thanks for your insight. ^_^
@Angelpink (4031)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
No way for one to judge others because we don't know what battle he have undergone. We are not there when his life is in turmoil even a soft pat we were not able to give . So , where is our right to judge them? Each have different battles to face , it depends now on how are we going to fight with those battles. Let us be very cautious on dealing with our fellows , we don't know might be one day we will be in his shoe . Life is full of turns and twists. Let us always be considerate , kind and compassionate because one day we'll be in same situation , nothing then will we be getting but kindness , love and compassion.
@grecychunny26 (9482)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
I really hope that I can talk to the person I hate, because I am not being the good one on this, I do judge people. I do judge politician, artists, all of the people who done wrong that I had seen on television, I read on newspaper, online like Yahoo News. I read most of the time and I judge them like I have not done anything wrong from my existence. It is hard to avoid judging them or not talk at all. Every one in this world have to say something to someone at their back regardless if they know each other or not. My take is, this is one of the things that is hard to change besides lying. Maybe I can stop talking about a friend of mine and judging whatever they done in the middle of the story but on other people in the media like in the news, I cannot promise that. I cannot erase that on my system. I still say what I want to say or judge them. I know that is wrong but everyone can fix themselves and do the right thing slowly. Maybe I can do that with myself, but I will not promise anything.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
15 Nov 12
Yes, judging others and hating to be judge ourselves is primitive thinking. The golden rule never changes in that whatever we do to others, we also get to experience.
I grew up in a typical Filipino neighbourhood with a lot of people who like to gossip and envy others. It wasn't good and I would wish I was better off living alone. But as I grew older, I learned how to be tolerant with others. There is always two sides to a story.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
30 Oct 12
People don't want to be judged but they keep on judging others.
Same goes with lying or stealing things or whatever it is that they don't like others do but then they certainly do to others as well.
It's too bad we can see people like this.
But I think there are reasons why they are doing this.
They can be insecure at their ownselves cause they can't seem to be successful so they find faults for others, which is extremely wrong!
Some people can have the guts to say that they are doing wrong, but only themselves will know how to change. It starts from within...

@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
29 Oct 12
And the ones who seem to judge us are all worse off than we ever were.
@sharksfin (1091)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Thank you for your comment, edvc77. It's true that we're not supposed to be too quick to judge because just like everyone, we're also flawed. So many imperfections and mistakes. We may do the same as they did if placed in the same situation.