The iPotty?!?
By CraftyCorner
@CraftyCorner (5600)
United States
January 10, 2013 7:24pm CST
There is a new gadget for the preschool set being marketed by Apple called the iPotty. It is in effect a plastic potty with an iPad attached to entertain your tot while getting him or her potty trained.
This gadget is strictly for the well-to-do toddler at an eye-watering price of $1000 if you kit up the iPad with all the gadgets for the electronically endowed Tot that is on the throne.
Needless to say, most comments from readers on the Daily Mail are scathing about this gizmo because it helps make "parents lazy", "gives Jr. the attention span of a goldfish," and "kills the child's imagination".
I personally don't give an iPoop about this iPotty. I would not, however, buy it for a tot because of the price. Buy a plastic squeaky book for him or her. These plastic books can be washed so toddler doesn't get some super bug.
8 responses
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I can't imagine a tot reading before potty training, however, yes a book is best. I wonder if there are any potty books out there? Maybe a coloring book about "my friend the potty"? Less stupid than this gizmo!
@kemak28 (724)
• United States
11 Jan 13
There are books that talk about potty for toddlers. My daughter doesn't read books yet....she is only 19 months old but she spends hours looking at books everyday so I guess that is what I would give her. But again I can't imagine they are on the potty that long anyways.
@reddog25770 (212)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Thats just really weird. Can't imagine why you would need an ipad in the potty. I mean really who takes gadgets to the toilet with them. Can't there be one place in the house that is electronic free. Besides that the price is just crazy. $1000 and the first time they throw it in it would be ruined. No thanks my kids made out fine with a small toy that was easily washable.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I personally know people who text on their iPhones when on the toilet. Sad, but its true.
Reading while on the toilet is popular too. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Not all the magazines in people's powder rooms are rated "PG" either.

@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I agree, children should not be tuned into entertainment 24/7. They need time where there is nothing going on to let their little minds wander.
@jenny1015 (13359)
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
I agree with you. I don't think that making use of such gadget just to help your child learn how to use a potty would be anything as expensive as that. I think it is still better to train your child in a way that is still within the conventional way rather than teaching a child as young as toddlers to be super engrossed with the use of an iPad.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Conventional is a whole lot cheaper too. My pocketbook cringed when I saw the price of the iPotty.
@41CombedaleRoad (5968)
• Greece
11 Jan 13
I feel rather sorry for the toddlers who need this potty thing. I would like to know why they are sitting on the potty for such a long time that they need entertainment. Will that not spoil their focus anyway - what is the point?
In the good old days if a child did not perform we turned on the tap and the sound of trickling water was a great incentive for him to perform. It is not natural for a child to sit for any length of time on a pot, it will give him rings on his posterior and he will not realise that there is a purpose for the potty other than sitting down. He will think it is just a chair.
The training that is needed is for the mother to recognise the signs when a child needs to use the pot and then to put him on it quickly and take him off as soon as the job is done.
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
As I have not yet had children, I bow to your wisdom!
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I agree with you. But I would rather my children to be trained naturally. With that price, I just won't want to do it. Maybe some toys or book they like might get them to be trained. Anyway, I am not a father yet, and I haven't thought about that yet either.
@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Agreed, besides which, there are cheaper toys that are just as fun.
I remember my favorite toys were little rubber squeaky animals made for dogs. They came with me outside, in the tub, and on the floor.
@antverdovsky (138)
• United States
11 Jan 13
I know I've heard of this too, it's at CES. It seems like one of the dumbest things there to me and I mean I really don't know what a child would do with an iPad while on a toilet. Extremely weird concept but, hey maybe it'll work.
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@CraftyCorner (5600)
• United States
11 Jan 13
Kids aren't the most sanitary of people. That iPad will be wearing more germs than your average hospital.
Besides which, the little one needs to develop imagination, not be plugged in. Too pricey, that thing costs more than a swing set!