When Was The Last Time You Saw A Live Show?

Image from Pixabay.
By Jabo
@jaboUK (64354)
United Kingdom
October 2, 2015 3:10pm CST
We've just returned from a short break, and while we were there we went to see a live show in a small seafront theatre. It was a good old-fashioned variety show, and the whole cast consisted of just eight people, but they were so versatile. They told jokes, sang and danced, did magic, played musical instruments, did impressions, and acted laugh-out-loud sketches. The compere got us on his side straight away with his funny patter, and he introduced the first act with - ''He must have swallowed a windmill, he does such a good turn''. That just tickled me no end. The whole show was brilliant, with the highlight being the repartee between the compere and the comedian - so funny, and delivered in a delightful Norfolk accent. There was no foul language, no blue jokes, though there was perhaps a little innuendo. But honestly, you could have taken your granny or your children, and everybody would have enjoyed themselves. The theatre itself was charming, and has been there for 130 years. The seating wasn't in rows, but around small tables, and if you wanted a drink you just waved a flag (put on each table for that purpose), and a waiter came and took your order. I think it's a pity that we seem to get our entertainment from the TV and computer these days, instead of going out to see shows like this. Have you been to a live show lately?
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50 responses
@amadeo (111938)
• United States
2 Oct 15
Yes,Mike and I go to the theater about several times or more. Will be going soon and we have three shows that we want to see. Sound like you had a happy time there.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
2 Oct 15
so there you are did jabo send you an invite? i am so happy to see you friend
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@bunnybon7 Alfredo was here on this site quite a long time before me. It's great to see so many friends. isn't it?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@amadeo You're a regular theatre goer then? It's much better than seeing something on the TV, isn't it?
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@Ceerios (4698)
• Goodfellow, Texas
2 Oct 15
Ms Janet ( @jaboUK ) - Live shows can be lots of fun. The last time my bride and I took in a play was back around 1980 or so - it was a good production of "South Pacific" with lots of music and a good play line.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@ceerios That's a long time ago Gus - 35 years. It's about time you went again
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Oct 15
The very last live show I saw was a high school production. It's not professional, but it's still fun.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK Occasionally there is some real talent to be found in a school show.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@Rollo1 Things like this don't have to be professional to be enjoyable, do they?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@Rollo1 Even the stars have to start somewhere, so why not a school show
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@rebelann (113514)
• El Paso, Texas
2 Oct 15
The last time I saw any kind of live show was when mom took us to see Aida in the Theater on Ft Bliss back in the 1960s, I doubt I would have gone were I older but I had no choice nor did I enjoy it. I think I would have enjoyed your theater much better.
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@rebelann (113514)
• El Paso, Texas
2 Oct 15
@jaboUK sadly no, those they might have are usually in Spanish and I did go once but felt so out of place as I don't understand spanish.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@rebelann Oh crikey - in Spanish! Are they mostly Spanish speaking people around you then?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
Oh goodness @rebelann you need to get out more. Don't they have any shows like this anywhere near you?
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
3 Oct 15
I like live shows, there is a Theater in Milan only a few steps from my Mother apartment. The last time we went to see a show has been the last month of June. I would love to see an Opera at La Scala Theater, but the tickets are pretty expensive.
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@LadyDuck (472504)
• Switzerland
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK It is surely worth the price, I love so much live shows.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@LadyDuck Yes I know that tickets to the sort of thing you are talking about, at La Scala, must be expensive. It's the same with the London shows, but this show here was only £14.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
2 Oct 15
I love Live shows, I dont even mind if they are a little amateur - but the whole point is the going out.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@Inlemay Yes, you can forgive a bit of amateurism, it can even add to the fun. I know that you are involved with the ballet shows. Comedy can be hit and miss, but this show was definitely a hit
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
2 Oct 15
I went to see Alvin Ailey Ballet three weeks ago, but havent been to some comedy.
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@Inlemay (17713)
• South Africa
2 Oct 15
@jaboUK I am so glad otherwise the last good one I went to was Monty Python last year
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
2 Oct 15
This would certainly not be my type of entertainment, although I have nothing against live performances as opposed to recordings. It is quite a while since I went to a live performance, but the last would have been at the Palace Theatre in Manchester. Opera North were appearing there for several weeks and I watched a few performances, although I am not sure whether the last one would have been La Boheme or Madama Butterfly.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK I have listened to a few of Gilbert and Sullivan's operettas, but much prefer Grand Opera.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@Asylum Wot? Would this have been too common for you? lol . Each to his own - i wouldn't have much cared for opera, though I like light opera - Gilbert and Sullivan is right up my street.
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@Fleura (31369)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK I'm with you, I like Gilbert and Sullivan too!
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• Preston, England
2 Oct 15
I was at a burlesque event last Sunday, though more of a talk than a performance but very good.. The last cabaret I went to was themed round Raiders Of The Lost Ark and very funny I was in it myself and I'm in their zombie show on October 5th. Also going to a proper burlesque cabaret tomorrow night.
• Preston, England
2 Oct 15
@jaboUK some of my performances involve burlesque though I stay mercifully dressed
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@arthurchappell I'm glad that you don't strip off! My aunt didn't either - she seems to have been a male impersonator. I have a picture of her in top hat and tails.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@arthurchappel We have a performer inn our midst! . I wish I lived nearer to you as I'd love to see you perform. I love burlesque too - my great aunt was a music hall performer yonks ago.
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• United States
2 Oct 15
Oh wow. The last time, I saw a live show was 14 years ago, in Las Vegas. It was about an Italian couple planning their wedding. It was part comedy and part drama. It turned out to be pretty good.
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• United States
2 Oct 15
@jaboUK Yes, they have different types of shows there. Enough variety to cater to most all. I just haven't been back to Vegas to see another.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@TexanTornado I've heard that they do fabulous shows in Las Vegas, I'd love to go there.
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
2 Oct 15
The last time we went to a live play was decades ago.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@marlina It's well worth the effort to go and see something like this. Mind you, we only went because we were on holiday, but we were very glad we did.
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@wetnosedogs (1533)
• United States
2 Oct 15
I've been to see the school shows the kids put on. Does that count?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@wetnosedogs Of course it counts. The school shows were live performances, and I'm sure you enjoyed watching the kids.
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• United States
2 Oct 15
@jaboUK , I sure did.
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@xFiacre (13358)
• Ireland
2 Oct 15
@jabo Ages since I've been to a live show. Went to the opera a few years ago and got upgraded to the best seats in the house because there was almost nobody there. Also saw Romeo and Juliet performed in Italian by a touring troupe of Italian actors from Lucca, and what sticks in my memory from that is a dwarf who was playing with himself at one point!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@xFiacre Not too many people wouldn't know the story line
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@xFiacre Do you speak Italian? I can't imagine that Romeo and Juliet would have been much fun if you don't. And trust you to lower the tone with your last sentence!
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@xFiacre (13358)
• Ireland
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK The actors spoke slowly and distinctly for their Irish audience so I could follow it fine. It helps if you know the storyline. The dwarf was a bit of a nuisance though!
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
Theatre prices in London are so expensive Janet. I love shows too they are usually much better value and are often really hilarious. We should support our local theatres they are a bargain compared to the over priced tickets in London. Regionally out in the suburbs we get quite a few top shows coming our way!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@garymarsh6 Yes, the regional shows may not be so professional, but that only adds to the fun. This show only cost us £14 each (£16 if you're not a pensioner), and we thought it was great value.
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@garymarsh6 (23410)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK we get some big names down here too Janet so I guess we are just lucky! I am looking forward to being able to get a discount for being a pensioner! LOL
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@brit25 (7)
• United States
3 Oct 15
Last year I saw a "The Lion King" it was an amazing performance and I'm very glad I got a chance to see it. It was something to see!!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@Brit I've never seen that show, but I know it's very popular. Glad you enjoted it. ARE you a Brit?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@brit25 Ok, we can't all be from the best nation in the world!!
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• United States
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK Brit is short for my name
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@glenniah (1197)
• Mandurah, Australia
4 Oct 15
I really love live shows. I used to act for the local community theatre here and so enjoyed it.If I had my time over again I would love to have taken up acting. I try to go to a live show at least once a month.
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@glenniah (1197)
• Mandurah, Australia
7 Oct 15
@jaboUK I have joined up with the Performing Arts Centre here to do backstage work. If I did any acting now it would be 'character acting', as in, too old for anything else, lol
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Oct 15
Wow - you've actually done a bit of acting? Surely it's not too late to take it up again - don't they have any am-dram groups near you?
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
7 Oct 15
@glenniah They still need 'characters' - lol.
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@much2say (57365)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Oct 15
We love live shows, but oh it seems to cost so much to see them. You know me, I try to find the deals. The last show we saw over the summer with the kids as a particular theater has free shows on Monday mornings. It was a young adult group of hip hop dancers - they play music from "my" generation as well as the current stuff - we all enjoyed it!!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Oct 15
@much2say That's so good if you can find something that you all enjoy. And if it's free - what's not to like?
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@allknowing (142706)
• India
4 Oct 15
The last one I saw was in Sydney. It was a boat ride by night. That too was sitting round tables.
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@allknowing (142706)
• India
5 Oct 15
It was a package tour of Australia and New Zealand in 2005
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
5 Oct 15
@allknowing That must have been wonderful.
@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Oct 15
@allknowing That sounds fun - I've never been to Australia.
@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
3 Oct 15
that sounds brilliant.. I went to a Pantomime 15 years ago... and while on holiday we went to one of those who dunnit murder mystery dinners, and I went and saw an Abba tribute night about 3 years ago... but I do love shows like that...I didn't realize it was so long... so it is time I went to another show,.... sounds like you had a good time....
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@sueznewz I haven't been to a pantomime for ages either. I've seen Abba and Queen tributes at the racecourse when the racing is finished. You would have loved this show I'm talking about here Sue.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Oct 15
@sueznewz2 I think they have shows throughout the year, not necessarily this one. I know they do 'The Good Old Days' sometimes - we've been to a couple of those and they were great too. The theatre is at Gorleston near Yarmouth. Well worth checking out if you're in the area.
@sueznewz2 (10409)
• Alicante, Spain
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK yes I think I would, and maggs and malc too... is it a permanent show, or just for a limited time... ?
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@fawkes62 (1276)
• United States
4 Oct 15
It's been a long time since I've been to a live show. That sounds like it would be a great show to go to.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
4 Oct 15
@fawkes62 This one was really worth going to, and any age group would have enjoyed it.
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@Fleura (31369)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
I've always loved theatre and I go a lot, I now volunteer as an usher at my local theatre so I go about once a month, sometimes more often, and I also go as a regular audience member with my daughter if there's something she will like as well. We go to our local amateur dramatic society's shows here in the village, and also another small theatre in the next town sometimes. I go to live music concerts too, small ones rather than the huge stadium sort, though not as often as I did before we had the girls, and I have been to opera a couple of times but have to confess that once at least I fell asleep!
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
2 Oct 15
@Fleur Well you are an old hand at this theatre going, aren't you? Opera wouldn't be for me either, though I like some of the better known arias.
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@jaboUK (64354)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@Fleura I've never even heard of that, but it does sound fascinating. Do people read their own stuff?
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@Fleura (31369)
• United Kingdom
3 Oct 15
@jaboUK The other thing we all enjoy (just remembered this because we have just come across something we want to see!) is live storytelling. We went to the 'Beyond the Border' international storytelling festival last year and absolutely loved it!
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