@STEFAN0871 (55)
95 responses
@jmafofo (359)
• South Africa
8 Oct 06
STEFAN0875 you are right earlier you said baptism is to remove sin. But which sin? In the begining our first parents committed the first sin that separated man from God and as such were chased from Eden. That sin is still with every unbaptised person to date so regardless of who you are you have to be baptised to remove the Genesis sin and get accepted into the flock that belongs to Christ.
Now why can't we baptise babies to remove that sin? You say in your earlier statement that we are baptised to remove our sins; so do you think we should be baptised everytime we sin (according to Paul noone is sinless we all sinners meaning according to your reasoning 'we should all be immersed in water everyday to remove sin.
I think rather it is written that we shall confess our sins to one another and given that Peter was given the keys of Heaven 'whatever resolution we give to the sinner here on earth and forgive them then it shall be forgiven also in Heaven.
So we get baptised to take away the original sin and confess to get rid of our own daily sin.
@stillseeking19 (68)
• United States
5 Oct 06
the bible says that the one true church is the body of Christ,and the body of Christ is ALL of Christ's followers
@callalily (165)
• United States
10 Oct 06
Pisshole, I have a real problem with people who think that only the KJV Bible is a divinely inspired translation. There is far too much brainwashing among certain denominations. The Bible was divinely inspired in the original writing. And do you seriously think that no one other than the 'translators' of the KJV have prayed for accuracy and guidance? If you think that, then shame on you! That would mean that no one since 1611 has prayed for God's direction, including your own church! Please think about that before you spout something.
@krishna183 (2284)
• India
7 Sep 06
why do u have to always believe in what the bible says ? .. there are 6 billion churches on the planet .. becoz there are 6 billion hearts .. god has no boundaries

@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
15 Oct 06
The problem with the differneces in the bibles are actually very big. They change the whole meaning of the scripture. Read a Jehova's Witnesses bible John 1:1 and then read the New living Translation (its just modern english not a changed bible) or read the King James Bible or most any other bible out there. The same verse reads and I quote
New Living Translation
In the begining the Word already existed. He was with God, and he was God. He was in the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that he didn't make.
The Word is Jesus that is one of the many names given to him in the bible.
They also don't believe in hell ever place in the bible that hell is spoken of is changed giving new meanings to the scriptures. they don't believe that we go to heaven even thou the bible says we do. They believe that only the 166 000 choosen go to heaven and the rest of the faithful stay on Earth to rebuild it. They believe that we just go to sleep until Jesus returns and then we all wake up and face our judgement and thoses who and redeemed stay awake and the rest go back to sleep. They don't all take communion because only the elders are aloud to. Even thou Jesus tells us to remember him and share that reminder with others.
Matthew 7:21
Not all people who sound religious are really godly. They may refer to me as 'Lord' but they still won't enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The decisive issue is whether they obey my father in heaven.
Jesus says we go to heaven.
Matthew 28:18-19
Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Jesus speaks of the holy trinity.
See the changes are small but they speek volumes when the meaning is changed.
Jesus says beware of the wolf in sheeps clothing. They will speak of truth and of the rightous but lead you on the path to hell.
@jessclarenz (75)
• India
10 Oct 06
We talk of the EPICS Ramayana and Mahabaratha but Bible has been tested by history and it was found to be true. The various Transalation differ only in a few verses which in no way affects the foundation of Christianity.

@chihouse (213)
• United States
10 Oct 06
respecting the culture of the land is not neccessarily "pagean". wearing a wedding band could actually fall into " do not give the appearance of evil doing". if you are wearing your wedding band you are letting others know that you are committed to your spouse, and therefore "off the market".
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
15 Oct 06
The wedding ring actually was placed only on the womans finger when the idea was created. It was a sign of ownership, like the ring in a bulls nose. The modern church took it and made it what it is today as a way of removing the pagan or old world meanings and made it the symbol of the union of a man and wife. If you go back through history the modern church has changed many pagan holidays and symbols to remove them from the world. The holiday of Christmas was moved from the real time of christs brith the Dec. to cover up and remove a pagan winter ritual. Halloween also is a modern church removal of a pagan holiday. Look it up, you will see many things that are church doings not Gods will. Eating fish on fridays, The pope did that because the people where getting sick and the church was looking after their health. As far a Jehovah's Witnesses believing in Christ, they do, They don't belive in the holy trinity. The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. They don't believe that Jesus is God is The Holy Spirit they believe it is three different beings. Teh don't feel Mary is anything more then the vessel used to give life the Jesus in the flesh. They don't celebrate holidays and birthdays because their bible says only celebrate in God and there for holidays are against Gods law. They do however celebrate things like weddings and events in their lives that unite their families.
@chihouse (213)
• United States
6 Oct 06
none of the above. the "church" has more to with the family of Christians or rather the followers of Christ. I'm a member of an Evanglical Free church but I have also attended baptist,catholic, etc churches. the separation of the "churches" is due to theological differences
@chihouse (213)
• United States
10 Oct 06
do explain. I haven't looked totally into the catholic
(hope I'm spelling that right) church. as far as I know it is not right. there are idols, there is the worshiping of people almost more than God, and my fav 'new' religous movie is Stigmata. if I'm wrong correct me, please.
@xpress (68)
• Philippines
7 Dec 06
Just 1 question for everybody,
Does your churches teach that it is WRONG to kill your spiritual brothers just because they are citizens of other nations or tribe or just because political leaders says so ?
@Mwanza1 (345)
• Kenya
5 Oct 06
this is what Christ said before He left the earth, seek ye the Kingdom of God...." Matthew 6:33. So all this Churches are no garantee coz as one of us said we are the church and God does not look at us on basis of catholic,muslim budist or christians for that matter.Guys Christ is the only way to the Kingdom of GOD.
@Tony78 (89)
• United States
10 Oct 06
Look at all the posts above yours and you still claim the Catholic church is the one true church? I have heard the argument for that and it is ridiculous. There is no evidence in the Bible that Peter was even in Rome, yet somehow he was the first Pope. Actually there is evidence that he was never near Rome. The book of Romans was written at the same time when Peter was supposedly in Roem yet in his opening salutations Peter is not mentioned. Paul being a freind of Peter would have known if he was there and would have gave him the same respect he did the others. He was married yet somehow church doctrine made it wrong for a priest to be married. The scripture where Jesus says "upon this rock I will build my church" Jesus is referring to what Peter said as the rock not Peter Himself. No man but Jesus could be the foundation (or the rock) of the church. The church when mentioned in the Bible refers to all christians, yet many catholics are so arrogant they think they are the only true church, although everything in the Bible disputes it. People are judged as individuals not by what denomination they attend or are affiliated with. Catholic is just another denomination that is christian.
@raquel_nunez2001 (99)
• United States
11 Oct 06
I think the only one real church is the one you have in your heart, and the relationship you have with God and Jesus Christ.
@ipissakusina (930)
• United States
8 Dec 06
my vote goes to Jehovah's witnesses.
first of all they are the only religion that sanctify God's name i think you also pray for that: "our father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name."
it's the only religion that has a campaign for the Kingdom of God, which is the main topic of Jesus' ministry.
they don't participate to war, unlike any other religion that are divided by national origins.
they are reasonable and upright.
And Jehovah, the God of their fathers, sent to them by his messengers, rising up early and sending, because he had compassion on his people, and on his dwelling-place:
16 but they mocked the messengers of God, and despised his words, and scoffed at his prophets, until the wrath of Jehovah arose against his people, till there was no remedy.
2 CHRONICLES 36:15-16 (American Standard Version)
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
8 Dec 06
According to the Bible it is the Christian Church. This encompasses any denomination that preaches and believes in the Bible as the true Word of God. It may seem confusing that there are so many different types of Christians, but most of the differences rely in religious practice, not in faith. Faith is what you believe. Religion is how you practice what you believe. It is faith in Christ that saves a person, so that is the way to tell if a church is Christian or not.
@Mickie30 (2626)
8 Dec 06
This is always going to be a controversial question. For me as a Christian I believe that the Bible is divinely inspired by God. There is only one true God and that is Jesus Christ. However, I respect all religions, but will hold to my own beliefs as I have had personal experience that Jesus is the true God.
@Deane_2005 (1644)
• Philippines
6 Jan 07
I believe that their no true church but God and christ himself. All of which are places for expressing our intentions and fate to God, any type of church is a true church and that depends on what fate and religion are you nto. But true church for me is Christ himself and no one else.
@Lackingstyle (7509)
14 Oct 06
This discussion is far to amusing; it's splitting my sides.
I thought Christians were meant to have tolerance and respect?!
I don't recall the Bible says there is one true Church, though it does say there is one true religion.
@callalily (165)
• United States
10 Oct 06
The one true church is not a denomination, a sect, or a cult which hides behind the name of Jesus. The true church is simply those of us who truly believe what the Bible says, and have the simple faith the Bible speaks of. Those who do not try to twist and manipulate what the Bible says for gain or to control people. There are many people who dutifully sit in church every week, and who have no clue about having a real relationship with Christ.
@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
14 Oct 06
thir is one church that is the way that he set it up. when he was on this earth. you find that one and you will have his church. it will be called after his name not something else. look in the bible. it will tell you. waht the true has in it .whem you find it then you will know which one ot join.I know wich is his chruch
@indiandevil (2410)
• Canada
15 Oct 06
No Offense but wasn't the bible soppose to be written before religon? what ever the reason I believe that the only true religon is in yourself and your beliefs in god..I do not believe you have to go to a church and study the bible a certain way to be "right" Because to tell you the truth do any of you really believe everything 100 percent that any religion says?
Of course not you always take a little from each one till you develope your own beliefs.
Second never take the bible too seriously...sometimes you misunderstand the true meaning behind the message.
My friends dad done this, He tried to tell me God tells everyone to hate African Americans, that it says so in the bible. he was talking about when god turned a mans skin black as a punishment.
He believed it meant that as a ounishment he turned a man african american and people should not talk to them or mix with them because they are sinners.
When clearly it was talking about god punishing the man, for his skin by giving him leoporacy