Begging Dog....

@T_gray (7774)
Salina, Kansas
February 7, 2016 2:53pm CST
When I am eating, I always share my food with my dog. I guess I feel like it would be a special treat for her to have something different then her regular dog food, and it gives us a special bond as well. I am very careful what I give her, and i make sure I don't give her the bad foods that dogs can't have. If you have or ever had a dog do you feed them left over food from your plate? Or food while you are eating? I know some people think this is a bad idea and I am curious what you all think?
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25 responses
@kevin1877uk (36988)
7 Feb 16
Yes, I had dogs over the years and they always had bits from my food. I'm sure they are fine with treats now and again. I know when I over at my kids my daughters dog can't wait for treats.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
That's cool. What kind of dog does your daughter have?
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
8 Feb 16
@T_gray Oh I don't know the kinds of dogs are it's this one lol. better to show you a photo.
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@kevin1877uk (36988)
8 Feb 16
@T_gray or this might be a better photo, yeah she's wearing a hat lol
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@vandana7 (101375)
• India
7 Feb 16
I think it is bad idea because it affects their health alright. But their faces are so cute that we cannot deny them..
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
You are right. Somethings are good though as I used to make homemade dog food from ingredients that my vet suggested. But you are right that other things could be bad and they are just too cute
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
7 Feb 16
I give my dogs treats of cereal because since I found out the boxed dog bones will put on weight I stopped buying those and once in a while I will give them a treat of green beans which they like.
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@Marcyaz (35316)
• United States
8 Feb 16
@T_gray My vet and I discussed veggies and she even said that carrots are good for them but fattening. They do love veggies.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
Veggies are really good for them. My vet suggesting veggies when I put my dog on a diet
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@nonersays (3336)
• United States
7 Feb 16
Pretty much every indoor dog we've had got scraps from the table while we ate. It doesn't matter that I would prefer NOT to feed them from the table, as it makes them awful beggers, and even makes them want to steal food from the baby (who is not trying to give them his food, he just happens to be..well..short, cause he's a baby. My husband is the biggest culpret, and as long as he does it it doesn't do the rest of us any good not to.
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@nonersays (3336)
• United States
8 Feb 16
@T_gray One of our dogs is a street rescue. Shortly after he came to live with us he stole a plate of food off the kitchen counter. Our other dog stood in the halway peeking around the corner with a look on his face like, "Oooohhhh. You're in SOOOO much trouble!" Thankfully he's not stolen food off the counter again, but if its at his level he thinks its fair game.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
I can't leave any food unattended with my dog. She will steal it for sure. I babysit and he knows that he has to be careful with his food. I have to make sure I push the chairs in at my table or she will climb up and get the food. There are downfalls for sure, but I still feel like she deserves her treat.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
@nonersays Haha, glad he learned his lesson. I got my dog when she was 7. I found it hard to train her even thought I tried my hardest.
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@JudyEv (347329)
• Rockingham, Australia
7 Feb 16
I wouldn't feed a dog at the table but I might give her any leftover scraps afterwards.
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@JudyEv (347329)
• Rockingham, Australia
8 Feb 16
@T_gray I have been in houses where the dogs just about hypnotise you staring at you while you're eating. And if it is really nice food, I don't always want to share it!
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
@JudyEv I can understand that. I don't always want to share my good food
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
sometimes my dog will stare me down from across the room, but I got used to it. Even those sometimes it can be annoying, I just ignore her until it is her time to have a turn.
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• Japan
8 Feb 16
Just don't give them anything with onions, garlic, or grapes/raisins, or chocolate, as those can be fatal. Also, if it is very spicy you may have a mess to clean up later. (The voice of experience.)
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
Hahaha, I have yet to give anything too spicy, I can imagine though. Thanks for the warning.
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
8 Feb 16
I have had those experiences. Yes I learned to only give him a taste of human food.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Feb 16
My husband and I always eat breakfast in the garden and our dog would always stay under our table and so we always throw some pieces of bread to them.
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@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
8 Feb 16
@T_gray yes, sometime i can't eat anymore because i am having fun throwing breads to them.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
That's sweet that they just sit under the table and wait for their reward.
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@allknowing (141569)
• India
8 Feb 16
We never feed our pet at the table. She has her special food. I have never liked dogs begging.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
I can understand that. Some don't
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• United States
7 Feb 16
I don't have any pets right now, nor have I owned a dog. But, my boyfriend had a dog before ~ and he would feed his dog human food ~ but not much. He was really careful.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
I am very careful too. I don't give her too much. Just enough that she knows she is getting something.
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@danny1971 (1747)
• Church Hill, Tennessee
8 Feb 16
I myself, and my mother and father have owned dogs in the past. And we all fed our dogs table food. But, we'd only feed them what wouldn't hurt them ya know. I like to try to feed dog with some table food once in awhile. but, not all of the time. It will get them use to it, and than, that's what they'll expect all of the time when it comes to feeding time. Me and my wife have a puppy now, and we don't feed her table food. Except a piece of bologna one time, which, I think the puppy liked it. idk, I wasn't home when she fed her the bologna. But, I think it's OK to feed them once in awhile. as long as you don't do it all of the time. as I said before, they'll get use to eating table foods, and that's what they'll expect every time it's time to eat. :D
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@danny1971 (1747)
• Church Hill, Tennessee
8 Feb 16
@T_gray LOL I know whatcha mean man. My father's dog is like that too. He wants what he wants, no matter what my father says to him. The dog acts like a human, for goodness sakes!!! He does, and he will lay there in my father's bed, looking up at my father, begging for a slice of pizza from my father. It's too funny. My father tells me all of the time when I speak to him about his dog. and how he acts towards him and his wife. Dogs are great animals to have, but, yes they are sometimes stubborn....
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
Oh I think it's too late for my dog, she does expect food every time. But she is just so stubborn in her old age that I can't get her to stop begging anymore.
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@marlina (154129)
• Canada
7 Feb 16
Never had a dog. I see nothing wrong with giving dogs regular food.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
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@Lucky15 (37374)
• Philippines
8 Feb 16
i share with them. because they knew when i am eating. they stand up beside me, hahaha
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
Mine does too
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@paigea (36315)
• Canada
8 Feb 16
I often gave my dog a little nibble of our food. He lived to a ripe old age. But he got his treat away from the table. He did not beg.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
That's good that he didn't beg. I wish I could get my dog to not beg as well.
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
8 Feb 16
It really does depend on what you give the dogs. I have had some vets say no human food what so ever than I have had some say that I dog need fruit and veggies just like humans do. You just have to make sure what you give them because some human foods can be toxic to dogs garlic is one of them
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
I am very careful not to give her the bad foods. My vet has said veggies are good as treats...along with chicken and rice and other things. I used to make homemade dog food
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@whiteream (8567)
• United States
10 Feb 16
@T_gray I know people who make homemade dog food. My dog loved it
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@slund2041 (3314)
• United States
8 Feb 16
I try to feed my cat before I set down to eat myself. I never allow my cat to eat from my plate, and try to teach it not to beg when someone is eating. My cat is a picky eater, but loves tuna fish, and will often beg for it. I always try to give her some before I sit down to eat.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
That's a good idea. My cat would go crazy over tuna fish. I couldn't figure out how to train her to leave me alone when I was eating it!! But I don't have her anymore.
• Greece
8 Feb 16
I always leave a little meat on my plate to give to the cat after she has sat on the chair next to me looking hopeful throughout the meal.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
I have never had a cat beg before, unless it was tuna fish, then my cat went crazy!!
@jstory07 (142101)
• Roseburg, Oregon
8 Feb 16
When we had our dog he was not allowed to beg but I always gave him some left overs when we were done eating.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
8 Feb 16
That's good he didn't beg. I try to get mine to not beg, but she is stubborn in her old age.
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• United States
8 Feb 16
According to most vets, dogs don't need people food. There is a huge list of foods that should not be given to dogs, I hope you know all of them. We gave our dog just beef or chicken and she got very ill and the vet said not to ever give her people food again - they don't need it.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
I do know the list. I think every vet is different, from the comments I have read so far. Crazy.
• United States
9 Feb 16
@T_gray Well our dog ate human food most of her life until she started vomiting every evening = so an expensive trip to the vet, tests - I won't put her or me thru that again.
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@IvySaysHi (4467)
• United States
8 Feb 16
Our dogs eat freaking everything including inedible objects
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
hahaha nice!!
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@nanette64 (20364)
• Fairfield, Texas
8 Feb 16
Some foods can be upsetting to a dogs stomach and in some cases deadly @T_gray . The only things I ever gave mine as a treat was chicken and T-bones.
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@T_gray (7774)
• Salina, Kansas
9 Feb 16
Oh yes I am very careful not to give her the bad foods. I do give her a lot chicken, she loves that
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