Would you wave back?

@mydanods (6513)
March 9, 2018 5:17am CST
If you're walking along the road and a homeless person or a beggar waves at you, would you wave back? Just something that peeked my curiosity.
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18 responses
• Preston, England
9 Mar 18
depends on the wave - if it is just polite I will reciprocate - once waved back to a lady I thought was waving at me through her windows until I realized she was washing them - she must have thought I was crazy
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
That must have been a funny situation.
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• Preston, England
9 Mar 18
@mydanods yes, embarrassing at the time
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@Madshadi (8840)
• Brussels, Belgium
9 Mar 18
@arthurchappell that gave me a good laugh . I had such embarrassing situations myself
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@VivaLaDani13 (60794)
• Perth, Australia
10 Mar 18
@mydanods I would lol In fact if anyone waves at me, my reflex is to just wave back. Been quite a few occasions where little children wave at me and I just have to wave back. Makes me smile.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
That's more like a human reflex. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
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• Perth, Australia
10 Mar 18
@mydanods No worries!
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
10 Mar 18
I might think it was someone who knew me so probably yes although I'm not in the habit of talking to complete strangers I meet in the street so it would be just a wave and then carry on walking.
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@sprite1950 (30452)
• Corsham, England
10 Mar 18
@mydanods Yes I might think it was someone I knew was down on their luck and it doesn't hurt to wave at someone.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
@sprite1950 It doesn't hurt. Agreed.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
It would make me wonder if that homeless person knew me from somewhere.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
9 Mar 18
I guess it would decide on the mood I was in whether I would wave back or not.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
That's true your end.
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@Hannihar (130222)
• Israel
9 Mar 18
@mydanods I guess so Nnaemeka.
@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
9 Mar 18
It depends of their intention, probably they want to ask for money but I usually always give them something.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
You're generous then.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
@nela13 Consider yourself a generous person from today.
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
9 Mar 18
@mydanods I don't consider myself very generous but I always try to leave something, It could be just enough to buy some bread, but I have already given food too.
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@Kandae11 (54851)
9 Mar 18
I will wave back - even though it might not be the best thing to do. I remember smiling at a beggar once and giving him money - the next day I saw him again and he followed me , shouting to get my attention. Even though I was late for an appointment I was forced to take refuge in a convenience store until he wandered away.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Experience is the best teacher. The beggar thought you would give him something since you were interested in him by waving back.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
@Kandae11 That's the truth. He overdid himself.
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@Kandae11 (54851)
9 Mar 18
@mydanods If he had approached me quietly the second time I might have given again - but I don't like being shouted at.
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@Madshadi (8840)
• Brussels, Belgium
9 Mar 18
I would probably wave back
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
I think that's what many people would probably do.
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@Tierkreisze (1609)
• Philippines
9 Mar 18
I'd just smile at him, I guess. Would you?
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
I'll nod my recognition of the wave.
@tom_view (6445)
• Kolkata, India
9 Mar 18
i will ignore it often
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Would you not consider is as a human being trying to reach out to another human being?
• Northampton, England
9 Mar 18
wave ten buck sat him and move on
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
You must be joking. That got me laughing. So, that is all the wave was worth?
@dya80dya (36225)
9 Mar 18
I would not wave back because it would be strange. And I would think he waved at someone else. Because he is a stranger.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
What if you made eye contact when he waved and you realized it was to you?
@dya80dya (36225)
9 Mar 18
@mydanods Then I would wave back. Hoping that he will leave me alone
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@benbanuz (12)
9 Mar 18
id wave back, nothing wrong can come out of some kindness:)
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Okay. I like that reasoning.
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@deena123 (26)
• Kathmandu, Nepal
10 Mar 18
No, i would not respond to it, not because he is a beggar, but a stranger who might be in the disguise
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
Would you be scared that a complete stranger was giving you a friendly wave and a homeless person at that?
@jdav200 (16)
10 Mar 18
sadly, I don't think I would. I would feel "weirded out", I think.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
10 Mar 18
Because you consider a beggar or homeless person below you in status?
@vandana7 (99925)
• India
9 Mar 18
No. I'd be afraid.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Why be afraid? Are the homeless violent in your part of town?
@toniganzon (72277)
• Philippines
9 Mar 18
I will acknowledge the wave by nodding or probably smiling, but no I won't wave back.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
I think nodding is a noble thing to do.
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@jobelbojel (35115)
• Philippines
9 Mar 18
I will smile at them.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Thoughtful of you.
@MaciMaci (300)
• France
9 Mar 18
I probably would... I would at least smile back.
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@mydanods (6513)
• Nigeria
9 Mar 18
Me too. But it would leave me wondering if the wave was for my money or not?
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