sad how everything has to be politically correct
By lilmissy
@lilmissy (481)
United States
November 30, 2006 1:10pm CST
this is something i will hve to quote but i find the world is becoming a sad plce when christmas lights are going to banned as offensive or renamed to protect muslims feelings ........i mean christmas is christmas and shouldnt be changed because of other religions i doubt smaller religions chnge the name of thier holiday functions in order not to offend christians ........i am neither christian nor muslim i am buddhist and i wish everyone would jus get along with each other and respect the diffrent religions and practices of other people in the world without always haveing to be politically ech thier own and allows others the freedom and enjoyment of thier own
direct quote*
*November 08, 2005
UK: local council bans Christmas lights for fear of offending Muslims
Britain's-Rush-to-Dhimmitude Update: "Christmas lights fail to shine in equality zone," from the TimesOnline, with thanks to Romy:
A COUNCIL is planning to scrap grants for festive lights because Christmas does not fit in with its “core values of equality and diversity”. A report drawn up by the council in Suffolk concedes that the move could lead to officials being accused of “not supporting the spirit of Christmas”.
The move is the latest in a string of decisions by organisations to downplay the celebration of the birth of Christ — ostensibly to prevent offence being caused to non-Christian religions. Last week it emerged that Lambeth council in south London had insisted on renaming its Christmas lighting displays as “winter” or “celebrity” lights.
The latest is Conservative-controlled Waveney council in Lowestoft which provides grants totalling £10,000 for festive lights. Its report states that because Christmas focuses only on the Christian faith, continuing the funding would “not fit well with the council’s core values of equality and diversity”.
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13 responses
@brentjh (677)
• Namibia
1 Dec 06
Well there are two main problems in the world. If they were removed, there would be so much less problems on this planet. The problems are politics and religon. Unfortunately they both thrive on money, power and greed. If every one in the world were just normal people, the whole planet would be a much more normal and nicer place to live.
@lulu897 (176)
• Canada
1 Dec 06
I use to try and be politally correct but not any more. the more we bend over backwards to make these people feel better the worse it gets. I wish that every one would just get along too. We don't get offended when a woman comes to you with her face covered or when they are praying in the corner. They are coming into our countries and trying to change us. What happens if we went to an all muslim country and tried to change them, they would not allow it, so why are we allowing it. Right now where i am from you cannot go through a drive through window and ask for a black coffee, that is a little ridiculous. As far as I'm concerned a coffee with no cream or sugar is black. I have been saying Merry Christmas for 40 years and I am not going to change. I am still going to call christmas lights, christmas lights, still going to ask for black coffee. I am not going to change because someone from another religion thinks it is offensive. If we keep this up all of our traditions and religions will be a thing of the past. The world is becoming a sad place and it will probably only get worse.
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@sarilynne (273)
• Canada
7 Dec 06
What you are saying about "black coffee" is a new one for me! I have never even thought that anyone could find this to be offensive - it is the colour of the coffee without anything in it? What is wrong with a simple description? I think it's ridiculous how over the top things have gotten with political correctness. I usually say "Happy Holidays" if I don't know someone well, because you can't assume, but I never get offended if someone says Merry Christmas to me (Even though I don't celebrate Christmas). Good old fashioned Holiday Spirit and Friendliness should be appreciated, not condemned! It's not as if people are forcing their religion on others.
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
1 Dec 06
i dont think how the christmas llights offend muslims. i am a muslim too. here in india, sometimes we celebrate Eid and Hindu Festivals on the same day and without any untoward incident. every religion follows its own as it should be and in most parts of the country no untoward incident takes place.
i dont why christmas lights should renamed, as far as my knowledge goes.
there is a temple very near to my mosque. while we are praying, the prayers from temple are heard on loud speakers. we never felt even disturbed.
the religious riots in india take place due to the exploitation of masses by politicians by flaring up the human emotions[not religious intolerance - note]and thousands are losing their lives.
@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
1 Dec 06
by banning the Christmas lights so as to not offend one group is it not offending someone else in the process?? I do not understand the point here. why do they want to offend one to keep from offending the other? the lights should not offend anyone because, for everyone they should be a sign of peace and joy.
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@lilmissy (481)
• United States
5 Dec 06
exactly christmas should be a about peace and joy as it alwys has it even meant santa to the non religious for decades and that was just fine too so that all could enjoy such a wonderful holiday, i feel as if something more than our right to our religion has been taken away by overly protecting others
@spcbrass (1190)
• United States
30 Nov 06
Political correctness has made our society very soft. Whats worse then that is minorities claiming that they are being discriminated against and people bending over backward to do everything they can so that the minorities always have their way. I believe in equal opportunity for eveyone. Race, religeon, ethnicity or backgroud should never play a role, but sadly because of the discrimination against minorities by a select few individuals the rest of us are left to deal with the aftermath. Everyone has a right to believe in whatever they want to believe in, sadly we have to be careful how we express ourselves.
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
1 Dec 06
I have never protested or objected to other religions or cultures celebrating in whatever manner is deemed appropriate, so in return I refuse to be told that my religion or tradition is unacceptable.
The really annoying thing is that this decision will have most likely been made by a christian, and someone who is more concerned about being seen by everyone to care about other cultures than to protect their own.
I have not used Christmas lights at home for a long time, but if I was told by the authorites that they were no longer acceptable then I would be buying several sets tomorrow.
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@seeyogeshwagh (724)
• India
1 Dec 06
Do you really think politics had affected your life so far. I don't think so. I am not interested in politics. I even do voting. Why to contribute to elect the people you really do not know. I have one policy "Live and Let Live". I do not even know the name of our carporator. If you can't do good, then do not spoil what is going.
@ineedaname (957)
• United States
1 Dec 06
and I thought it was bad that we have to call the Christmas parties in school a Holiday party to make everyone happy.
@Lugh69 (149)
• United States
1 Dec 06
That's too bad because the use of lights, originally the lighting of candles and fires, is a Celtic tradition that predates Christianity. The begining of Winter on December 22nd was the Celt's begining of a new year when the hours of light were longer than the hours of darkness in a day signifying a new birth. Christ was born in the spring. Christians just co-opted the concept when their religion spread to Europe.
@bsabers (668)
• United States
5 Dec 06
It is very sad these days how being politically correct is the right thing to do. I just hate how people are so afraid to offend someone these days. It's pretty sad how kids can't sing christmas songs at school, or wear certain halloween costumes, and all this other BS. I will celebrate Christmas! Sing Christmas Carols and put up Christmas lights!