Quitting A Job On The Spot

United States
March 5, 2022 2:52pm CST
Have you ever been so frustrated or treated so badly that you quit a job on the spot? No notice, just quit? It could be that conditions were unsafe or you were treated unfairly or you just didn't want to do that job any longer. There are many reasons why a person quits a job but leaving without notice and walking out is making a statement to the former employer that conditions were so bad, they didn't deserve any notice. I have done this two or three times over the 45 years I was employed. Any horrible work stories you care to share that led you to quit without notice?
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21 responses
@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
5 Mar 22
I did it once, felt satisfying loll
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• United States
6 Mar 22
@sol_cee Yes. It was worth it. Very few people get their dream job
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• United States
5 Mar 22
I hope you found something else quickly. There was a certain amount of satisfaction for me too. I know that I did the right thing.
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@sol_cee (38219)
• Philippines
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 lol it took me a year but it was my dream job so it was worth the long wait?
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@DaddyEvil (143272)
• United States
6 Mar 22
Yes, I've done that twice, I believe, and once, after giving notice, the employer fired me on the spot. I was happy about that. I had gotten full custody of Pretty when she was 5 and told my employer I had to be home when she came home from school, per the judge's orders. I worked in a window manufacturing factory. A couple weeks after that they suddenly started telling me I needed to stay and help clean up behind everyone else because one of the maintenance men had quit. I reminded them that I had to be home by 4 pm to stay in accordance with the judge's orders. They told me to hire a babysitter. I couldn't do that. The judge was explicit. I HAD to be home when Pretty was home. I walked out.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
You had to walk out. Sure seems funny that only after you were under court order did they pull the mandatory extra time. Do you think the ex had anything to do with the new policy at work?
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• United States
6 Mar 22
@DaddyEvil I hope she gets what's coming to her. That's an evil thing to do.
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@DaddyEvil (143272)
• United States
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 It's entirely possible. At the job I got next, she went into the office a few days after I started and told them I was a child molester. They fired me. I sued them over it and won. That was really nice!
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@rebelann (113406)
• El Paso, Texas
5 Mar 22
I never had the luxury to do that although I wanted to more than once. It's never easy to quit a job if that job pays your bills, food, shelter and clothes.
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• United States
5 Mar 22
You're right. It's not easy to walk away without a backup plan. Lucky for me, I took jobs the very next day. I had been considering a change and had some options if the last straw came each time.
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@rebelann (113406)
• El Paso, Texas
5 Mar 22
I did quit a couple jobs but always gave notice so I'd get a good letter of recommendation. It was scary because I had to pay rent and utilities while unemployed. Those were tough times but I'm glad I got my letters, it helped me get another job.
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• United States
5 Mar 22
@rebelann Two of the jobs that I quit on the spot were before I was married. I may have handled this differently if I had people depending on me.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
6 Mar 22
I worked with (for) my husband during all my life... there were days I would have quit.
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@LadyDuck (472507)
• Switzerland
7 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 I knew what to expect, because he was my Boss even before getting married. I only have to blame myself.
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• United States
7 Mar 22
@LadyDuck That's funny! My wife and I used to make things to sell. Things like birdhouses, garden markers, painted milk cans and many other things. I would build or refinish things and she would paint. On weekends we worked together, usually in a rush, and I always looked forward to Mondays when I got to go back to work lol. We don't work well together all the time.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
Hahah I laughed out loud.
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@1creekgirl (42854)
• United States
6 Mar 22
I never quit without notice, but I did retire at 27 years at our local health department instead of 30 like I had planned. We got a new director and when people started quitting, the work was given to the few of us who were left. I couldn't have survived three more years.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
I retired early too. I had planned to work until I was 65 but life happened and I needed to be at home. It was a juggling act to keep above water for a few years but it turned out ok. In another two years, I won't need to juggle anymore.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
@1creekgirl I'll start collecting my Social Security. We will have extra money instead of having to be so frugal and watching every penny. I hope I live long enough to enjoy it lol. How did the Anniversary party turn out? Did you sing today too?
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@1creekgirl (42854)
• United States
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 What's happening in another two years if you don't mind me asking?
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@yoalldudes (35035)
• Philippines
5 Mar 22
I feel envious of your assertiveness. My boss keeps saying I cannot leave the job until she retires.
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• United States
5 Mar 22
Sometimes you must do what is right for you, no matter what anyone else thinks.
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
7 Mar 22
I actually did! I was doing a side job - just a little extra to help out with bills - a stint as a waitress. The owner had, um, issues - and on my first night, swore at me because of some minor mistake I made - can't recall what it was that set him off. I said, 'You don't pay me enough to tolerate this treatment - good night' and left. Another occasion, a service job I was working at. I had stood up to the manager about some unbelievably bad behaviour (she was bullying and mistreating some teenaged workers) The owner wanted to train ME as a manager after that, but because my children were little, I had some childcare challenges. He played head trips with me to try to make me envious and force my hand. I just went about my job without saying a word. I bided my time. Shortly afterwards, a job I had been hoping for opened up and I was hired, and promptly provided my resignation. He was shocked. I think he thought I'd be so jealous and ambitious, that I'd cave in. When asked why I was leaving, I said calmly, 'No hard feelings, I just got a better offer.'
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
7 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 lol Magical transformation
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@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
8 Mar 22
• United States
7 Mar 22
It's always nice to be able to tell the boss off in a calm way. Good for you. I worked part-time for a fire and water damage business and one day, the owners son fresh from college, came to be the manager. He was a nightmare. Micro managing everything to the point where checklists were used for everything. He was rude and threatened every employee with discharge at some point. We got together and voted to join a Union. Paperwork was submitted and the owner got notice. The owner flipped out and talked with us. We explained that either he fix his son or we would organize for a Union. His son was an entirely different person the very next day.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 I know jobs are hard to find but horrible conditions are worse and a person quitting on the spot should pat themselves on the back and not have to put up with bad conditions. I think I did but cannot remember. I had a boss that was so horrible. I was the English secretary and he was not so nice to the Hebrew one either. He would put me down in front of someone and that is a very bad boss. I cannot remember when I left and if I quit or he no longer needed me. I think I had enough of him and the place and that the other secretary spent half her time on the phone and I worked hard.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
It always bugged me to have other employees goofing off when they should be working. That happened at a few places for me.
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• United States
7 Mar 22
@Hannihar If you're like me, I feel a need to be productive at work and it's hard to understand how others can slack off all day.
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@Hannihar (130213)
• Israel
7 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 It is very sad because I know how to work and it is sad that others get away with what they do.
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
8 Mar 22
No, thank God I have never had problems in my work place.
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• United States
8 Mar 22
A rarity today. Most everyone I know has had conflict at work at one time or another. You are very lucky to have never had an issue
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@nela13 (58817)
• Portugal
13 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 I just do my job and try to help if someone needs but I avoid gossip, I just hate it.
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@Kandae11 (55920)
6 Mar 22
There was one time l felt l was wronged and l wanted to quit - then l thought of all the perks that came with the job and l decided to stay.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
It's hard to leave a job that gives good benefits. I hope it was worth it in the long run. I had a job that I hated but the benefits were so good, I spent 15 years at a job I hated.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
@Kandae11 That did work out well for you then. Did you work after that?
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@Kandae11 (55920)
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 l didn't have to leave, everything worked out for the best - the office closed for good. It was a Consulate.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Mar 22
No matter how much I did not like my job or boss, I always gave a notice.
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• United States
5 Mar 22
@CarolDM I nearly lost my mind too
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 I can understand that situation. I have never been in a job where my safety was at stake, just my mind from crazy bosses.
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@CarolDM (203422)
• Nashville, Tennessee
5 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 I honestly came close a few times. I tried helping too much. I was the one that would say, I can do that. Or I will learn. And if course never paid for the extra work.
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• Belews Creek, North Carolina
6 Mar 22
I've never done that. But to be fair I have spent a large chunk of my adult life as a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom. My current job occasionally pushes me to the brink due to periodic stupidity at the management level, but since I work remotely and don't work full-time hours I can walk away for a while and come back when I have calmed down. Ultimately the negatives of my current job are balanced out by the fact that it pays decently and is very, VERY flexible.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
Then it's a good trade off. You can walk away if it gets bad and then come back after calming down. That is the perfect job.
@MarieCoyle (41813)
6 Mar 22
I worked for a guy who had a ton of money but no sense. He was religious, and he was so mean to the teenagers he hired. One day one of them wasn't moving fast enough to suit him, and he slapped the kid hard across the face. I grabbed the kid and we walked out, we went to the police and filed assault charges. We had lots of witnesses...it was what I needed to do. I found out then that he was hiring 14 year olds, telling people they were 15, which was how old you were supposed to be to have a work permit.. Then he was paying them in cash, less than minimum wage. So when all of that came out, Mr. Dumb**s moneybags had cooked his goose. He had fines to pay, the parent of the boy sued him and won, he had to pay me back pay plus a vacation bonus, what a jerk. Sorry, maybe said too much here...
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• United States
6 Mar 22
I love to hear stories like that. The guy had it coming. I'm secretly hoping some of those young boys are men now and return the treatment to him a dark alley somewhere. Did I say that out loud? Dang.
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@MarieCoyle (41813)
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 He was such a piece of work. He was spouting bible verses and smacking the kid at the same time. His wife left him and took the kids, I heard afterwards. Good for her.
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@Kyalo109 (165)
• Nakuru, Kenya
6 Mar 22
One time I was teaching at a certain school and they didn't pay my salary for two months. At the end of the day I was tired of giving my services without getting paid so I ended up quiting.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
That is a valid reason to quit. Did they ever pay you what you had coming in back pay?
• United States
6 Mar 22
@Kyalo109 That's a shame on them. I'd keep on asking. I'd write letters to everyone in charge. And then to those in charge of the school system.
@Kyalo109 (165)
• Nakuru, Kenya
6 Mar 22
@Vikingswest1 no they didn't they kept making excuses
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@kaylachan (75996)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
5 Mar 22
I've known a lot of people who've quite pizza hut over the years. Not because the work conditions were appualing, but because they're young kids, who don't realize they actually have to work to get paid. They don't like being told what to do, Or, they would pick fights with employees or managment over the smallest of things.
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• United States
5 Mar 22
I know that type too. Bad employees. I had some pretty bad employers over the years.
@sjvg1976 (42079)
• Delhi, India
6 Mar 22
NO, I never came to such a situation ever in my life. Once at a job, I decided to resign but my boss solved the issue and then I never thought of it until I got a better job than this one.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
It's a terrible feeling to work at a place with unsafe equipment and unsafe workplaces knowing people could get hurt.
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@wolfgirl569 (112915)
• Marion, Ohio
6 Mar 22
Only once. The foreman thought he was god
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• United States
6 Mar 22
I have had those too. They can make your life miserable.
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@JudyEv (348065)
• Rockingham, Australia
6 Mar 22
Thankfully, I've never had to do this.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
You are lucky. It's horrible to work at a place where it's only a matter of time until someone gets hurt.
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27 Aug 22
They loved me and my diligent work. But they had to stand down against me because of a principle and position I knew was right and safe for me. Sadly, they chose the coercive mandates and said bye-bye to the best employee (me) they ever had. .
@Bubba90 (1755)
• Indonesia
6 Mar 22
i have never done that, if it happens in future to me i will do the same, why do we respect someone who doesnt respect us too.
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• United States
6 Mar 22
It takes a lot to make me want to quit but sometimes it's worse to stay when you're not treated fairly or there are unsafe conditions.