Post fall

@ElicBxn (63252)
United States
October 18, 2023 2:32pm CST
Ain't I beautiful? I am surviving, but I suspect it'll be a few more days before the pain isn't quite so acute. However, it was about 4 hours after I woke up before the pain really kicked in this morning. I did, however, start off the morning with my pain medication, so that probably helped. Now, about 9 hours after I woke up and 8.5 hours after my first dose of pain medication and a half hour since my second, and the head is starting to ache. Despite the about 30 minute nap and a nice visit with my sister on the phone. I've had better weeks... How about you?
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8 responses
@Deepizzaguy (96040)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Oct
I hope you feel better soon. You are beautiful.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 Oct
Well, thank you George. Right now I feel like a sidewalk punched me in the face...
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@Deepizzaguy (96040)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
19 Oct
@ElicBxn You are welcome.
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
18 Oct
Ouch! That looks like it hurt! I think I'd take that second dose of pain meds a half an hour sooner so I didn't have that ache after the second dose. (Ask your doctor if taking the dose a little sooner will hurt anything.) I hope you feel better soon. Good luck to you!
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 Oct
I'm supposed to take them every 8 hours, but I often take them more like 7, so I don't have to stay up to the small hours to do it on 8 hours.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
@DaddyEvil Oh, I hurt between doses, I just don't normally hurt this badly. Fibromyalgia bites...
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@DaddyEvil (137142)
• United States
18 Oct
@ElicBxn Then I'd definitely take that second dose a little earlier. You aren't supposed to hurt between doses.
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@BarBaraPrz (45818)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
18 Oct
Lovely shade of purple.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 Oct
Yeah, can't wait until I turn green...
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
Getting some green now...
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
19 Oct
Oh my goodness, this does not look good at all. When I fell and hit my head years ago, 5 days were needed before the pain fully stopped. I wish it will be shorter time for you.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
I have awaken yesterday and today without pain, but this morning it was back pretty quick. Yesterday I got through the trash/cat boxes before it came. Having said that, I was very careful about how I have been doing things. I have tried to limit my leaning over, because blood going to my head is bad.
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
19 Oct
@ElicBxn Leaning is the most painful movement, I hope you will feel better soon. Have you seen a doctor?
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@LadyDuck (461938)
• Switzerland
19 Oct
@ElicBxn I hope they can help, often the more you see the less help you get.
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@xFiacre (12560)
• Ireland
18 Oct
@elicbxn I imagine most of your weeks have been a lot better than this one. Hope the pain abates soon.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
18 Oct
Yeah, this has been a pretty exceptionally bad week since about 2:30 Saturday 10-14-2023 afternoon.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
19 Oct
Sorry about your broken nose. Hope you feel better in a couple of days. I’m not having any particular problems.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
20 Oct
@RubyHawk honestly, the headache isn't that new, long history of migraines, and there was the injury I got back in 1972 which is where this is mostly hurting... maybe hurting worse, but I'm using an ice pack to try and keep the nose from being so bad, and I'm sometimes leaving the ice pack on the top of the head...
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
I'm now 4 days post fall and I just napped from around 7 to 10 because my head hurt so bad. My chest hurts too, but that doesn't have much to do with the fall. This was my longest nap yet, but I've taken one or two every day because my head hurts.
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@RubyHawk (99421)
• Atlanta, Georgia
20 Oct
@ElicBxn Maybe you should see you’re doctor.about the headache.
1 person likes this
• United States
19 Oct
oh, ya poor dear! so saddened 't yer mishap 'n the lingerin' pain that's followed. sendin' healin' i've been battlin' with other schtuff, but thankfully 've come to no physical harm.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
yeah... 2nd fall in 2.5 months! That's a new record for me! I need to watch my step!
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
@crazyhorseladycx my sister and I saw Mom nearly fall off a step-ladder in the mid-1980s and after that, she was forbidden to get on them. I changed the lights, got on the roof and things of that nature until she moved into a place where they had staff to do it in 1998.
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• United States
19 Oct
@ElicBxn oh, bless ya! i know such cannot 'lways be successfully 'voided, but please try. 'fter my 6th fall from a ladder i've sworn off 'em fer a bit e'en though the necessity still 'xists.
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@porwest (78786)
• United States
19 Oct
Yeesh. Ouch. This reminds me of my mom when she tripped over a sleeping policeman in a parking lot and broke her nose. I hope you feel better.
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@ElicBxn (63252)
• United States
19 Oct
My wife tripped on one of them, but while she got burns (summer in Texas) and banged up, she didn't get hurt more than that. Two very nice men helped her up since she couldn't touch anything without getting more burns.
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@porwest (78786)
• United States
19 Oct
@ElicBxn My mom did a doozie. I mean, it was kerplat literally, and sounded exactly like that. Yeesh. I am hurting just thinking about it.
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@porwest (78786)
• United States
19 Oct
@ElicBxn I can imagine. I have two left feet. I have to be very careful.
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