What I did yesterday

@JudyEv (334404)
Rockingham, Australia
February 11, 2024 5:39pm CST
Our standard lunch is a banana sandwich for Vince and one of those instant cup of soups for me. We usually buy a pre-packaged bunch of bananas but with the extreme hot weather, they very quickly become over-ripe and really squishy. I froze the last of the last batch we bought but yesterday I thawed them and made two banana walnut loaves. I will cut them in half and freeze them for future eating. If one looks a bit short, it’s because we had a slice each before I remembered to take a photo.
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21 responses
@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
11 Feb
Those look perfect. I love banana bread but the rest of the family are not keen so squishy bananas normally get made into milkshakes or smoothies these days!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Feb
I'm not fussed about the taste of cooked bananas but I wasn't going to waste them. Vince likes this but says the walnuts make it.
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@1creekgirl (41067)
• United States
12 Feb
I love banana bread...those look delicious. Judy, I've eaten banana sandwiches for years, but it's always seemed like we are the only ones in the US who eat them. I'm so excited to know you all eat them, too! I make ours by putting lots of mayonnaise on plain white loaf bread, then cutting a banana in disk size pieces. How do you all fix them?
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@1creekgirl (41067)
• United States
12 Feb
@JudyEv I'm just so surprised you all in another country like banana sandwiches. You don't know what you're missing!
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@Fleura (29677)
• United Kingdom
12 Feb
I love banana sandwiches! Great with peanut butter too and very sustaining
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Feb
I'm sorry to disappoint you but I don't eat them at all. I can't stand the look of them. Bananas in bread? No thanks. Vince butters the bread then squishes a bit if they'll squish; otherwise cuts them in rings. I do know others here who like them so maybe it's me that a bit funny about them.
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@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
12 Feb
It sounds awfully tasty! The picture makes me want to make it, but I doubt mine would taste as good as your bread does.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Feb
It's a good way to use up squishy bananas. They (over) ripen very quickly in this heat.
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@Juliaacv (50051)
• Canada
11 Feb
I love banana bread, yours looks delicious.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
12 Feb
We mostly butter the slices.
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@xFiacre (12767)
• Ireland
12 Feb
@judyev Banana and walnut cake is what I want right now at 3.10 in the morning. Thanks for cheering up my insomnia.
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@MarieCoyle (34027)
13 Feb
We love banana bread a lot here. It's so good anytime. I have heard of a peanut butter and banana sandwich, but never just a banana sandwich before. I just like my bananas sort of plain, or in bread, or a fruit salad. And they have to be on the green side, because I don't like it when they get very ripe, which of course they do very quickly. I generally just buy maybe 3 at a time at the most.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
I don't like them soft and mushy. I like them with ice-cream or custard but not in bread. Isn't it funny how we're all different?
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
@MarieCoyle That is just about my most favourite dessert. If I see one on a menu, I have an entree/starter just so I'll have room for a banana split.
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@MarieCoyle (34027)
13 Feb
@JudyEv Yes, it truly is. I’m not sure just why I like bananas on the green side, but I do. One day last summer my daughter and I shared a banana split. I hadn’t eaten one of those in many years. It was delicious but huge, the two of us couldn’t finish it all!
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@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
12 Feb
I haven't baked anything in years... about 7, since I moved. I don't really like my kitchen here with its electric stove and no counter space.
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@BarBaraPrz (46490)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Feb
@JudyEv No kidding.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
It's hard work cooking with no or little counter space.
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@snowy22315 (176746)
• United States
12 Feb
Banana bread is so good. I made some not long ago.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
I have more bananas frozen but we need to get through these two loaves before I make more.
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@RebeccasFarm (88351)
• Arvada, Colorado
12 Feb
Oh Judy those look divine..I can smell them through the photo.
2 people like this
• Arvada, Colorado
13 Feb
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
The smell of freshly cooked bread makes you feel hungry, even if you shouldn't be.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
12 Feb
I was looking at the three bananas left in the kitchen and I think that I am also going to make a banana bread today.
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@LadyDuck (467179)
• Switzerland
13 Feb
@JudyEv I imagine it's a problem and keeping the bananas in the refrigerator is not a good idea their skin gets black.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
Because it's so hot here at the moment, the bananas are going soft very quickly.
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
12 Feb
The bread looks delicious,
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
My oven sometimes burns the top but I covered this with foil for the last little while.
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@Ronrybs (18341)
• London, England
13 Feb
Last time I made banana bread, there was mixture all the kitchen and I swear I still find little bits to this day!
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Feb
Sorry but I had to laugh. Did you use a mixer? I mostly mix by hand these days, except when it comes to beating up egg whites.
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@Ronrybs (18341)
• London, England
14 Feb
@JudyEv I did it by hand as it was quite thick as mixtures go. There must be a knack to it, but I didn't have it!
1 person likes this
13 Feb
thanks for the share Judy. I did not taste such type of bananas
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
Some of your foods are strange to me too.
1 person likes this
13 Feb
@JudyEv thanks Judy if i go to Australia one day I will taste your foods
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
12 Feb
I always applaud one who can make a delicious banana bread with bananas that all too often go "bad" before they are eaten. I don't care much for bananas, personally. But I have always been fond of banana bread. I will take mine without the walnuts, though.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
I don't like wasting anything. And a whole loaf is a bit much for two of us so I freeze half which solves that wastage problem too.
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@porwest (85053)
• United States
14 Feb
@JudyEv Good idea as well.
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
12 Feb
They look good
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
They tasted okay too.
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@TheHorse (214031)
• Walnut Creek, California
12 Feb
Can you send me one, piping hot, just to make my house smell good?
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
That's just about the best part. The wonderful smell of freshly cooked cakes.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
12 Feb
They look delicious. Have a good week.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
They taste good too, thanks.
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
13 Feb
@JudyEv You're very welcome.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
17 Feb
Bananas can make for some tasty meals. Banana pudding, bread and muffins come to mind. I enjoy bananas in my cereal too.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
17 Feb
Banana split is my favourite.
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@dgobucks226 (34957)
17 Feb
@JudyEv Oh yes, now that's a banana at its finest.
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@lazydaizee (6735)
• United Kingdom
14 Feb
I enjoy a banana sandwich now and again. I did not know that you could freeze bananas.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
14 Feb
The skin goes black but they're okay inside.
@Beestring (14133)
• Hong Kong
12 Feb
Oh, I love banana walnut bread.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
13 Feb
This tasted as nice as it looks.
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