Would you try camel (elk, alligator…)?

@AmbiePam (88834)
United States
July 15, 2024 4:22pm CST
My brother-in-law received a batch of exotic jerky, one being camel. He also got elk, alligator, bison, kangaroo, ostrich, regular beef… So far, he said the alligator is the best, and while not bad, camel was the least tasty. I used to be up for trying anything, but I don’t know that I’m taking the chance on camel. I’ve had most of the other ones. He looked at it like hey, a free, healthier snack. Why not? He at least got my sister to try the alligator.
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21 responses
@xFiacre (12767)
• Ireland
15 Jul
@ambiepam I'll pass on the camel too.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
16 Jul
@AmbiePam I bet camel has stringier, tougher meat because they use their muscles a lot.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
I would be interested in hearing your analysis!
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Jul
I would try them
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
15 Jul
Of course, you would. You have no fear!
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@wolfgirl569 (102054)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Jul
@AmbiePam I do. I have no urge to be near a live alligator
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@snowy22315 (176745)
• United States
15 Jul
I didn't even know they used camel for meat..who knew? I would probably at least take a bite of all of them.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
15 Jul
I don’t think I did either.
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@xstitcher (31602)
• Petaluma, California
15 Jul
My first thought was "Ew."
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@RasmaSandra (77609)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Jul
No thank you I just couldn't.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
15 Jul
It isn’t appetizing, is it.
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@dya80dya (36155)
15 Jul
I would try it. But it's not available here.
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
31 Jul
Ewww! Camel sounds disgusting. I have had alligator; it is good! Elk, bison should also be good. Not sure how the ostrich and kangaroo would taste, but I would probably taste them for sure!
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@kareng (59055)
• United States
31 Jul
@AmbiePam Right!
@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
31 Jul
It’s hard to imagine camel being good, but then I guess if you grow up in a region where it is widely eaten, you get used to it.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
17 Jul
I think I'd try it if offered some . . . but I don't think I'd actually buy them. I remember seeing cans of alligator, kangaroo, and can't remember what at some eclectic gourmet foods shop . . . I was curious, but didn't buy nor try.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
18 Jul
@much2say I think it must be like pork. Maybe I should go buy some and give it a taste test.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
17 Jul
Just in case you get curious, he said the elk was bad (greasy and fatty), and the alligator and wild boar were flat out good.
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@much2say (54804)
• Los Angeles, California
18 Jul
@AmbiePam Is boar essentially like pork? I have heard that about alligator. But elk - I guess I won't be touching that anytime soon .
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• United States
16 Jul
I would pass on it all Just the thought of eating exotic jerky makes me squirm
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
It seems to be a big guy thing.
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• United States
16 Jul
@AmbiePam I'm going to ask my son in law when he comes back from vacation. He seems to like all those jerky things and I wonder if he would enjoy them.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
@Marilynda1225 My BIL said the alligator and wild boar were the best, but they were all good except the Elk.
@just4him (317038)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jul
I'm glad he liked the alligator. I don't think I would try it.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
It's really all about what we're used to, isn't it? People in certain countries live on these so-called exotic meats. There are some I wouldn't really want to try either.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
Bison and ostrich aren’t weird here, and in the south, alligator is common. But the kangaroo and camel are not something we normally see here. I don’t think I knew camel would be eaten in anything but a starving situation.
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@JudyEv (334404)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
@AmbiePam You might be right. In its country of origin, it's probably more valuable as a pack animal.
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@jnrdutton (2951)
• United States
16 Jul
I'd try them, if for no other reason than the novelty of it. Gator jerky sounds good. I had never even known there was a such thing as Ostrich jerky.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
My friend says Alligator was the best (wild boar a close second), and the only bad one was the Elk Jerky as it was greasy and fatty tasting.
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16 Jul
That's sooo brave for your brother and sister to try exotic food.. I would never.. Though I have accidentally tried horse meat, and cried when I knew what I was eating.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
Yes, I would have been upset if I unknowingly ate horse meat too.
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17 Jul
@AmbiePam Yeah.. the taste was same as beef but quite more tangy.. But still. I wouldn't dare to if they have told me so
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@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
16 Jul
I have had Deer Jerky..it was okay I guess. But if someone bought any kind of jerky and offered it to me...I would try it. I learned in Mexico that sometimes what you THINK will taste awful really is pretty dang good. I ate Octapus, Squid, Cow Jaw meat, trapitas (pig intestines). All of it pretty good eating. I have always loved Deer meat and Bear meat even though it is rather greasy. I am open to new foods.
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@AmbiePam (88834)
• United States
16 Jul
I forgot that venison jerky was included too. I would try cow jaw meat, but pig intestines might be hard for me to do. I had octopus, but I think mine must have been over cooked. I’d probably like it otherwise.
@Ghostlady (1018)
• United States
16 Jul
@AmbiePam Had octopus twice down there..One was chewy like rubber, the other was really good. Makes a big difference in how you cook it.
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@GardenGerty (159754)
• United States
16 Jul
Oh, I probably would. One of the few places to process Ostrich in Kansas is in McPherson County, where I used to live.
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@jstory07 (137351)
• Roseburg, Oregon
15 Jul
I would not try alligator or camel. But I would try the rest.
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@Tampa_girl7 (49864)
• United States
16 Jul
I think that I’ll pass on them all.
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@Dena91 (16488)
• United States
16 Jul
Mike is an adventurous eating and would probably enjoy them. Me, not so much.
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16 Jul
I have no idea how a camel tastes. In India in Rajasthan they are used for travelling in the deserts
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@LindaOHio (170715)
• United States
16 Jul
I have eaten alligator. I don't know that I would try camel. I would try the rest. Have a good day.
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