We are seriously up Sh*t Creek

@Fleura (30018)
United Kingdom
July 15, 2024 4:22pm CST
We as in Humanity I mean. If you believe in God, and you believe that He created Heaven and Earth and everything in them, and gave them into our charge, we have a heck of a lot to answer for. At the weekend we were staying with friends and both days we went out for walks in the countryside. We saw plenty of wild flowers, but over the course of two, two-hour-plus walks, I didn’t see a single butterfly. I saw one bee, two martins and one swallow. It’s the middle of summer, the country should be full of insects buzzing and flitting here and there, pursued by flocks of martins and swallows! Do you remember when Buddleja shrubs were commonly known as ‘butterfly bushes’, because if you had one in your garden it was a guaranteed magnet for hordes of butterflies? Well round here they are a feature of many gardens, including mine (I have five in different colours) plus they also spread prolifically alongside the railway track. And there is not a single butterfly to be seen on any of them. The insect apocalypse is here. All rights reserved. © Text and image copyright Fleur 2024.
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13 responses
@xFiacre (12867)
• Ireland
15 Jul
@fleura We have indeed made a right horlicks of the whole thing. I was brought up in Malawi in the 60s where most of the country was covered in forest/jungle - very little left of it. Moreover, where I live now, by the sea sort of, all the gardens have had the life manicured out of them and the council applies good doses of pesticide to anything not growing in the correct place. One of the great things about Covid was that councils did not cut verges etc letting "weeds" flourish, and insects proliferate. God must be very ticked off. I know that I am. Thankfully I have a large bumble bee population in my garden.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
16 Jul
@JudyEv That is my excuse for my back yard or garden as some would call it. I do call it my meadow.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
It's very frustrating when that kind of thing happens, but we are not helpless, we need to all stand up and say 'Hey! This isn't right!' and put pressure on those in a position to make changes. Here we have a 'Wild about the Village' group who are trying to do a few things like that, they have agreed with the council to leave some of the verges uncut over summer. Of course it's hard to reach a compromise with those who want the place to look cared for, plus road safety etc, but every little helps!
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
Our son in Ireland is letting most of their yard revert to what he calls 'meadow'. They just (push) mow a narrow path through the trees they've planted and let the rest do what it will.
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16 Jul
It is really saddening that what we use to have fades away little by little because of other people who are not capable of taking care nature
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
We need to put pressure on those who are in power to change the situation!
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul
@Hanbinandaeyo That's true, and individuals can each make a difference. But those in power can also help. For examples decisions on whether and what pesticides can legally be sold - people buy whatever is available assuming it must be ok to use.
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17 Jul
@Fleura Yes. But aside from who are in power, it also need to start with us
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@Orson_Kart (6656)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
It’s probably my fault. When I was growing cabbages in my allotment, I used to fastidiously remove all the caterpillars from my veg. Now there are no butterflies. Sorry
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
I don't think you are taking this seriously. And the cabbage-eating butterflies are one species that are still doing OK (at least round here!)
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• United Kingdom
16 Jul
@Fleura Sorry, that’s me suitably chastised. I don’t know why there are fewer butterflies around this year. Maybe it’s the wet weather we had at the start of the year? Or maybe there is just a general decline due to evolution? I do know I don’t wipe out as many flies and bugs with my car when I’m driving about. The windscreen used to be covered every time, now hardly a mark. There does seem to be a push for farmers to leave part of their land wild, and grass verges not cut by councils until later in the year. Hopefully that helps.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
@Orson_Kart I don't think we can put it down to evolution. Twenty years ago people used to buy that special bug-remover to clean their windscreens and visors after a summer outing. Nobody needs that any more, and that's not because we have got so much better at avoiding hitting insects!
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@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
17 Jul
I’d send some your way if I could. We have a lot of butterflies, bees, wasps, flies etc.
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@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
17 Jul
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul
Thank you! But we just need more of our own species!
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jul
Not to worry. We have lots of butterflies here. I had become worried about them in the past years because I hadn't seen any here, and now they are everywhere.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
17 Jul
@just4him hopefully then there will be more soon!
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
That's great to hear!
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@just4him (317022)
• Green Bay, Wisconsin
16 Jul
@Fleura Yes, it is. Here's a recent picture I took of them. They're mating.
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
That does sound very concerning. They are now breeding a type of fly here that has similar habits and appearance to bees. They pollinate as well and the hope is that they'll supplement the bee population in orchards, etc. But of course we need bees, butterflies, birds and all the other creaures and interact and keep our world ticking over.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
Seriously?? I mean great, but why not just stop killing off the perfectly good bees we already have with pesticides etc?
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
16 Jul
@Fleura Good point but they are trying to come up with some solutions while also working on giving bees a better chance.
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
16 Jul
It is true, we are not good caretakers. As individuals we try to be, but as large communities maybe not so much. Rest assured I have butterflies of all sizes and many varieties of bees and beetles. A spider tries to web me out of my door. I know that is not typical of the entire world, maybe not even typical of the entire state of Kansas. "and tho the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet." A phrase that comes to me from the hymn "This is my Father's World". So I still have hope. I also have ants, and fleas, and mosquitoes and fire flies.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
I'm glad that at least in some areas other species are still sharing our lives
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@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Jul
That might because weather conditions aren't ideal or there's been a dip in the population?
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@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
16 Jul
@Fleura Sometimes one never really knows.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
It's possible... Longer-term surveys will reveal more. This month we have the 'Big Butterfly Count' going on so hopefully the data will shed more light on the situation.
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@jstory07 (138935)
• Roseburg, Oregon
16 Jul
We have wiped out a lot of the butterfly species which is really sad.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
It is really sad and we need to do something about it before things get worse! We can all make a big fuss and put pressure on the people in charge who can actually change things!
@wolfgirl569 (104153)
• Marion, Ohio
15 Jul
I do still see bees in the yard but seldom see any butterflies.
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
15 Jul
Things in the world of nature are not doing so well, That is a shame.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
Very true, but just shaking our heads and saying what a shame it is, is not going to change anything. We all need to sit up and take notice, and put pressure on those in a position to change things for the better!
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@LindaOHio (174650)
• United States
16 Jul
My husband and I both believe that we've made a sorry sight of our planet. We even think that humans, at some time in the future, will become extinct. Have a good day.
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@dya80dya (36414)
15 Jul
Here there are a lot of insects.
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@Fleura (30018)
• United Kingdom
16 Jul
That's good news! Where is 'here'?
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