How Not To Be Used

@jaylar (372)
Kingston, Jamaica
September 17, 2024 4:23pm CST
It is really simple. Have no use. There's a horrible woman in this district who has used everyone she met. So I decided to have no use. If I was going shopping she'd ask me to pick up a few things for her. Having been told she won't pay, I took the list then when I returned told her I forgot. She tried again to have me get her a plumber. I didn't say a word. Everyone told me she'd have them get some worker and then not pay them and they'd go after the one who 'hired' them. When no plumber showed up I told her I didn't know any. She stopped trying to use me after that. After all, I have no use.
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9 responses
@Kandae11 (54840)
18 Sep
There are times when it pays to be "useless ".
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@kaylachan (65983)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Sep
I can't say I don't blame you for that one. Sounds like someone I'd likely not get along with, myself.
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@kaylachan (65983)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Sep
@jaylar I've felt with people like that. Annoying, really.
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@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
17 Sep
oh she's horrible. goes on like she has money yet rips off everyone
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@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
17 Sep
@kaylachan want to live out of your pocket. People told me how she never repaid them for groceries or anything
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@marguicha (220229)
• Chile
You are bright!
@marguicha (220229)
• Chile
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
i listen...
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@jstory07 (137849)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Sep
I would put my hand out and say I need the money first. I have no extra money.
@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
18 Sep
that would work.. and she'd say she didn't have the money on her
@rakski (114439)
• Philippines
17 Sep
That's a good way to not be used. But so far, I have not met anyone who like to use people
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@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
17 Sep
you are blessed. But it wasn't until I came here I met her, so did have a charmed life before
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@rakski (114439)
• Philippines
17 Sep
@jaylar at least you know now how not to be used by her
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@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
18 Sep
@rakski Just be useless so don't get used
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@RasmaSandra (77960)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
17 Sep
That is the best way with people like her keep them at a distance and do nothing for them,
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@jaylar (372)
• Kingston, Jamaica
17 Sep
so many people described how she used them I was lucky to get the backstory before I fell into her net
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@akalinus (42426)
• United States
I had a next-door neighbor like that once. She was always borrowing things and taking things. She wanted money, laundry quarters, bathroom tissue, bottles of water, food, etc. She got an SS payment every month that was more than mine. Her husband had a much larger check. She did this to all the neighbors, not just me. I think that the manager had so many complaints that they told her to travel on.
@pitsipeahie (4976)
Glad to hear she stopped trying to push her luck. Sometimes setting boundaries is the best way to deal with people who take advantage.
@Shivram59 (33651)
• India
I understansld.Such persons exist everywhere across the globe.I know some here in my town.They take others for a ride.Ignore them.If you help them;they will exploit you.I keep a distance from such persons.