We made salami roses

@JudyEv (335361)
Rockingham, Australia
September 17, 2024 8:21pm CST
The photo has nothing to do with the discussion. It's an old trough we found on the station when we were looking for wildflowers. I haven’t posted for a few days as there hasn’t been anything interesting to talk about. There still isn’t really but we did make ‘salami roses’ yesterday to offer to some friends who came to visit Vince. The wife of the couple is Italian and always puts on a great spread for us when we visit so we thought we’d try making salami roses. There are YouTube videos to watch and they’re surprisingly easy to make. I forgot to take a photo of them but they did look fancy. Vince continues to do well although some days, strange as it may seem, it’s hard to find time for as much exercising and walking as he should do. We’ve had to go to the hearing aid place. Then we went to our GP (general practitioner/doctor) who said Vince was doing ‘better than most’ at this stage of his recovery from lung surgery. So that was reassuring to hear. Today, it’s the dentist for me but just a scale and clean so it’s all good.
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21 responses
@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
18 Sep
I'm so happy that Vince is doing so well. How are you doing? Have a great day.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
I'm well, thanks. It's nice to see Vince getting a little bit better each day.
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@LindaOHio (171927)
• United States
19 Sep
@JudyEv You're welcome. Yes, that's a big surgery to recover from.
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@FourWalls (65837)
• United States
18 Sep
So thankful to hear he’s doing “better than most.” I’ll keep you both in my prayers! Salami roses, huh? More salami than rose, I assume.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Thanks for that. It's a bit tricky pulling the rose to bits so you can eat it.
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@RebeccasFarm (88703)
• Arvada, Colorado
18 Sep
I love that 'bench' in the photo. I also love salami.
3 people like this
• Arvada, Colorado
19 Sep
@JudyEv I see Judy
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Not that it matters but it's a water trough for stock. It would be very old and isn't used now.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
I am so glad to know that Vince is doing well. I have seen those videos to make salami roses. I baked apple roses in the past. I took a photo.
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@LadyDuck (467835)
• Switzerland
18 Sep
@JudyEv I found the recipe on YouTube and it is very simple.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Oh Anna! Those are really lovely! We must try them one day.
@jstory07 (137893)
• Roseburg, Oregon
18 Sep
Those apple roses are really nice.
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@xFiacre (12821)
• Ireland
18 Sep
@judyev It’s amazing how we ever find time for anything - so many appointments etc. Retirement was supposed to be relaxing I thought.
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@xFiacre (12821)
• Ireland
18 Sep
@JudyEv We’re about to get a 4% rise in the state pension and about time too given the incredible busyness that retirement brings with it.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
@xFiacre That's good that you're getting a rise. Our pension goes up a bit from time to time.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
I don't know how we ever managed to run our lives AND work.
@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Sep
That is good to know that Vince is feeling better from his health challenge.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Thanks. He is making good progress.
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@Deepizzaguy (100140)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
18 Sep
@JudyEv You are welcome.
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@snowy22315 (177347)
• United States
18 Sep
You know what they say .no news is good news; Good for Vince.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
He had an X ray today ready to meet the surgeon next week.
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• China
18 Sep
The ‘salami roses’ look true to life,I won't bear to eat them . Glad that Vince makes a quick recovery from lung surgery !
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Thanks. Having good friends visit is good for his overall mood but it can make him a bit tired.
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@rebelann (112387)
• El Paso, Texas
18 Sep
I'm so glad that Vince is doing so well. Oh dentists, they scare the bageezas outta me
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
I'm not at all keen on dentists either and now I have to have a filling next week. At least it's a small one.
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@wolfgirl569 (102597)
• Marion, Ohio
18 Sep
It can be hard to get everything done. Glad Vince is doing great
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
We have so little to do really but it's hard to fit in all the exercise sessions and walking that he should be doing.
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@rakski (114572)
• Philippines
18 Sep
I think salami roses are pretty.
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@rakski (114572)
• Philippines
18 Sep
@JudyEv oh yes, really impressive
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
They aren't hard to make but are quite impressive on a plate.
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@Fleura (29833)
• United Kingdom
18 Sep
Glad Vince is doing so well, and you are managing at least most of the walks etc. I need to do something about the dentist too
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
The scale and clean has turned into a small filling but that's next week.
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
18 Sep
It is the first time I heard about salami Roses, is it a sweet treat? I am glad that everything is going well with vince.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@nela13 I thought they looked very complicated but following the YouTube tutorial made it easy.
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
19 Sep
@JudyEv I ave just searched, silly me, I have seen this but I didn't know what it is called. It doesn't look simple to do.
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@nela13 (57357)
• Portugal
19 Sep
@JudyEv and they look beautiful in the table.
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@Beestring (14213)
• Hong Kong
18 Sep
Good to know that Vince was doing better than most.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
It was nice to get such news. We're inspired even more now to keep exercising and walking.
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@GardenGerty (159885)
• United States
18 Sep
Sounds like a fun activity, making salami roses. Yes, sometimes it feels as if there is not time to be healthy at all.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Either that (not time) or being healthy takes up a heap of time! I'm sure it will be worth it in the long run.
@allknowing (132675)
• India
18 Sep
There cannot be better news than knowing Vince was in the kitchen with you.
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@allknowing (132675)
• India
19 Sep
@JudyEv Your positive thoughts go a long way in helping Vince.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
Thanks. Yes, he must be feeling better to be wanting to help/take over again.
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@Juliaacv (50342)
• Canada
18 Sep
I do not think that Vince likes to be out of the game, he did remarkably well after his heart surgery and is doing the same. Good luck at the dentist appointment. I am going to research the salami roses, that sounds neat.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
Vince offered to take over making the roses. He is cooking an 'easy' tea tonight but I'm keeping a close eye on how much he does.
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@RasmaSandra (78025)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
18 Sep
I have never learned to make salami roses, If I served guests I made an antipasto, I am glad Vince is progressing and I hope he recovers completely soon,
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@sallypup (59945)
• Centralia, Washington
18 Sep
The landscape in your photo reminds me of my last home. That's great that Vince is doing well.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
18 Sep
That's interesting. Where was your last home? What county does this remind you of?
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@sallypup (59945)
• Centralia, Washington
18 Sep
@JudyEv I am in Washington state. There are very distinct parts to this state. Further west of me are rain forests and the Pacific ocean. I used to live East in Washington state. That means east of the Cascade mountains. My last home was over there. That part of my state has colder, snower winters. AND is very dry in the summer. Sage brush and nasty weeds that leave needle like burrs on the ground. NO underbrush- I am in the Southwest part of WA state now. Much wetter than the East side Underbrush, too. Lots of conifers and Vine Maple trees. I grew up in the northwest part of WA state- colder but green. I hope this does not confuse you.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
@sallypup Thanks for the information. Our state has a great variety of climatic regions too but no snow.
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@Ronrybs (18508)
• London, England
18 Sep
Not heard of salami roses before, but I am not a great one for salami which makes me the odd one out in the family! I find days it is hard to fit in all I wanted to do! Also went to the dentist today, all good, so that is a relief!
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
19 Sep
We mostly only have it if someone is coming for drinks. I have to have a small filling next week. They're calling it 'preventative'.
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@JudyEv (335361)
• Rockingham, Australia
@Ronrybs Exactly.
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@Ronrybs (18508)
• London, England
19 Sep
@JudyEv If it prevents a big filling best to get it out of the way
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