I want my Yummy Foods Again

Yummy Foods
@Ramjun (39)
September 19, 2024 12:27am CST
I just browsing my computer, then I saw this picture of foods taken last month. I want to cook these foods again to eat together with my family, yummy, delicious hotdog and crunchy chicken.
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4 responses
@rakski (114439)
• Philippines
you should cook that soon!
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@Ramjun (39)
Thanks for your suggestion, maybe I will cook it on Saturday.
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@rakski (114439)
• Philippines
@Ramjun yes, it is best when shared with family
@Ramjun (39)
@rakski You are right, sharing is good especially when you shared it to your Family to your Friends. Sharing is Love. sharing is showing you care for them.
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@jstory07 (137849)
• Roseburg, Oregon
I hope you are able to get yummy food to enjoy with your family.
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@Ramjun (39)
Yes, I know me and my family will enjoy eating these yummy foods, so maybe I will cook it on Saturday.
@Shavkat (137922)
• Philippines
It will be a big festivity for the family to have. I have the same feeling at random. However, I do not have enough time to indulge myself in the kitchen lately.
@porwest (85934)
• United States
Good food should always be repeated. lol