By Marie2473
@Marie2473 (8512)
December 2, 2006 9:44am CST
I have been surfing around and has come across some discussions about abortion.
It seems as many people consider it murder and that it is a mortal sin.
What if u are raped? Should u be forced to give birth to a child that was created under such horrible circumstanses, a child that u might end up recenting?
And what if u have done everything in your power to protect yourself from getting pregnant and still end up pregnant?
It would be interesting with some comments...
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76 responses
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Dec 06
No you should not be forced to do so. I was on the fence about that and abortion as an option when I got raped in December of 1994 I had my son and his adoptive parents were chosen in an open adoption three months before he even arrived. I found that for my personal concience I could not get an abortion.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
11 Dec 06
Thanx for your honest opinion. I guess it is up to the person to decide!
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@yorb24 (2179)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I agree with you totally. Why should you be forced to give birth if it wasn't with your consent? Worse what if a young girl is raped by a family member? Should she be forced to have that child? It's a woman's right to have an abortion.
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
3 Dec 06
Oh never though about the family member situartion. There are so many that thinks that you should keep it even though you were raped - I wonder if they would feel the same is it was by a family member??
There was also ome who thought you should get the rapist to marry the girl who was raped and the problem would be solved.. oh my God...
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@limcyjain (3516)
• India
2 Dec 06
It needs guts to go for abortion. I personally would find it very difficult to go for it. When you are talking about forced and unwanted pregnancy it seems quite ok to have abortion.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
2 Dec 06
in my opinion abortion is a matter of choice. Ultimately, if a woman feels the need to have an abortion she should be allowed to have it, no one else is really involved. Maybe she should take the opinions of her partner, but in the end it has to be her decision. I honestly dont believe any woman makes this decision lightly and ultimately it is her body, no one elses
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
2 Dec 06
I can only speak for myself but i had to face the tough decision of an abortion a few years ago. And i was crushed... the decision was very hard but in the end we choose what was best for us at the time... but like u said - i dont think anyone can have an abortiona nd don´t feel a little sad
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
2 Dec 06
i respect your opinion but i do not agree with you. I do not think you should be forced to give birth to a child who was consumed by rape
@carradee (91)
• United States
7 Dec 06
"Should u be forced to give birth to a child that was created under such horrible circumstanses, a child that u might end up recenting?"
I rather like being here, thanks. =(
My mother could've put me up for adoption if she hadn't wanted to raise me, but she did, and I like being alive. And that was over her family kicking her out for initially not aborting me, and then continuing to be mad at her for not putting me up for abortion after I was born.
I'm sorry that I can't add much to the discussion, but I hope I've proven that it's too close to home for me to say much else without losing it.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
8 Dec 06
It shouldn't effect you at all, a child is not responsible for the sins of the father or the mother and a child is a product of both nature and God. Who is to say that those two factors together don't have some "Bigger Picture" in mind when they allow life to begin that way. I admire your mothers courage and standing the courage of her convictions against her family. Enjoy your life, I am certain it is one that ie worth living!
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@carradee (91)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Having been conceived by rape has affected me in one way:
1. I hate this discussion. I absolutely loathe the abortion discussions because someone at some point will start talking about it being okay to rape babies like me or will define "life" in such a way that I would not have been a life when I was born 3 months prematurely.
I realize, though, that many people don't give a thought to those whose lives who come from rape, which is why I try to say anything at all. If no one from my perspective speaks, how is anyone going to hear it?
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
8 Dec 06
I do understand that u appreciate life - but was you concieved during rape?
hasn´t that affected you at all?

@cr1st1nel (3564)
• Romania
3 Dec 06
I agree with the abortion .. there are many circumstances a child can be born.Some of the must be hide.But there can be another part of abortion in the face of god.. only him will judge if you've done right or wrong
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@urzicutza (1971)
• Romania
2 Dec 06
well i love to laugh!
and some times i am so in to it that my tummy hearts if you know what i mean.
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@urzicutza (1971)
• Romania
2 Dec 06
well soryy oabout that!
i was mic taping the posts!!
well about abortion!
you beter taka e an abortion in sted of abantonate you child
and girls you have a nother obtion
the next day pill!!!
you an havit after 72 hour after the incident!
be more careful
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@wwfn2223 (109)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I feel the only time it is ok to have an abortion is if you are raped. If you are not raped then it is NOT ok to have an abortion. Child are something to be proud of. You should not have an abortion just because you are not wanting this child. I think you need to have the child and then give it to a couple that cannot have any childern of there on. This is my two cents please take it for whats it worth.
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@fufletel (14)
• Romania
3 Dec 06
i think each woman should have the right to choose. A baby means a lot of responsibility, and if you can't offer him what he need is better if is not born.
Yes i agree is like killing but we have to look at the scientific part. If you are making an abortion early (8 weeks) in there is only a bunch of cells.
Anyways that is tough decision for a girl/woman....but is not punishable.
@kstanley7 (1171)
2 Dec 06
so what!!!!! who cares what people really consider, the way I see it, is it's upto that person and if there is any repurcussions, then that person has to deal with them, it's not really upto anyone else but that person. unfortunatly our society is judgemental which is saddening to say the least.
@tiibbaamm (613)
• Indonesia
2 Dec 06
i can't imagine what it would feel like if i was beeing raped. the person who could live through the horrible incident would really be a strong person.
i can't really blame them who wanted to do the abortion, although i still wouldn't agree with that kind of act. the only way out..without increasing your sin, is to still be pregnant until the baby is born. then after the baby was born, you could give the baby away (if it would really disturb the psychology of the mother) to other people who could give their love to the baby and maybe have a better financial. if the baby is still with the mother while the mother couldn't face the fact of having a baby because of the rape, i would feel really sorry for the baby. some raped women couldn't face these kind of fact, therefore they would hate the baby because it would remind them of the raping that happened to them.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
2 Dec 06
That´s my poin, maybe the mother end up hating the child because of it´s connection to the rapist and do u really think it´s fair to "force" someone to carry a baby wich was consumed through rape and then give it away?
What if the person who raped the woman has a psycological disorder that will pass on to the child`?
@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
3 Dec 06
Thank you for your honest rely. i can totally understand what you mean. and like u I do not think the poeple who sazys "she can give it up for adoption" know what they are talking about.
@nobodyspecial (1011)
• United States
2 Dec 06
Abortion or not is a personal choice. It is not up to me to judge.
I am not so above anyone in my own morals as to put the onus upon any woman who chooses to abort a pregnancy. I have not lived her life, I do not walk in her shoes.
I seem to remember those who believe abortion is a mortal sin also subscribe to a book that has this line in it.
Judge not lest ye be judged.
One thing to keep in mind is that while pro life brings up if abortion had always been legal, we never would have known Beethoven...yet if it had, would we have known the difference?
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@steafania (1)
• India
16 Dec 06
I was sorry to hear from u .one thing i like to share with u is that what ever happens in our life it is for ur good.so i dont want u to abortion the baby because its really a big sin .so u can have that baby which is the gift of god and u can make him as a good man in this society .think that god has given u an oppurchinity that how nice u would take care of that child.please dont abortion the baby .its really a big sin ,if u do so u have to suffer in future ,and in next life u will be liked by the same way what u have done in this life .so think before u take a good decision.
dont u be happy when u have a child of ur own ,with whom u can share ur happiness,and sadness.as per me u can have that child and be a good mother to that child.take care my friend .my congrats to because ur giving birth to my brother.take care mom.take food at regualr intervals of time .so that baby in the womb grows well.byeee mom after u give birth to him please mail me mom at amarnathkp@yahoo.com
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@bonnielass (484)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Abortion should always be choice and as long as it done early(before) 6 months it should be available. If taken away cause people think its murder. People desperate enough will go back to the back kitchen rusty hanger abortions that killed so many. For a mom that is raising several kids already. She should not have to lose her life to try and feed her kids. It isnt murder or i dont think it is. It isnt viable till 6 months of age anyway. I can see why it seems awful but i think 3- more kids losing a mom cause the mom was desperate. Is a much worse off thing.
My grilfriend got one, She was basically on the run from her soon to be x husband and he had raped her. He used to beat her all the time.
So there are real reasons and medical reasons as well.

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Yes you are right they are quite developed at 10 weeks....but knowing that didnt change my mind on my abortion....and it certainly wouldnt have if i'd been raped!
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
7 Dec 06
I agree with u. there should be choises, but 6 months that is WAY to late. IF you have an abortion it should be within the first 10 weeks
@Amberliuk (22)
• United States
7 Dec 06
Do you realize that at 10 weeks, the baby has a heartbeat, ears, eyes, nose, 10 fingers with fingernails and toes with toenails, a mouth and CAN FEEL PAIN?? During abortions, even that young, these babies can feel pain. At 10 weeks, the baby already looks exactly like a miniature newborn.
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@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I am on the fence when it comes to abortion. Apart of me says that it's a life we are talking about - regardless of what it's called (fetus, ect). Another part of me says that it's the womans right what to do with her body. I only think it's acceptiable to abort if you were raped or if something was seriously wrong with the baby. If you're responisible enough to have s_x then you should have the baby. Regardless if you keep it or give it up for adoption. There are LOTS of couples out there who want to adopt. Everyone knows that if you have s-x then you have a risk of pregnancy. Therefore don't do it if you don't want to get pregnant. I had a cousin when we were 15 she got pregnant twice and had abortions both times - within 3 months of each other. The second time I got wind of it before hand and offered to raise the baby myself (with my parents full support). She declined! Why? To save face? Who knows? Then had the nerve about a year later to tell me that she was glad that I had a miscarriage (right after I had it nonetheless). I could have been aborted. My parents were 15 when they got pregnant. They said it was never an option. Even when an uncle offered to pay for it. A couple of years ago my stepmom had one. For no good reason. Just a lot excuses including one about her 13 year old daughter being upset. Still haven't forgave her for that one. I think it's a personal dissision but I do think the father should have an option of taking the baby if the mother doesn't want it. Just like some woman don't abort babies cause the father doesn't want it. Being on the fence sucks...
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
3 Dec 06
I do agree with the fact that the father should have som say in the decision as well, as long as they had s*x and both agreed on it. They could have been protecting themselves and still got pregnant and maybe it is just not the right time.
I belive you should have a choise but I do not belive in people using it as a protection of not having a child.
It was very nasty of your cousin to tell u that she was happy about the misscarriage - that is just plain mean...
@GnosticGoddess (5626)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Yeah that's my cousin...guess who didn't get invited to my wedding!
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