Why am I binge listening to a silly Kiss song?

@TheHorse (216607)
Walnut Creek, California
October 17, 2024 3:11pm CST
Do you remember the band Kiss? They sang silly songs are wore silly make-up. But when I listen to their songs now, I realize that the songs were pretty well crafted, even if their tongues were largely in their cheeks when they performed. I am binge-listening to "I Wanna Rock 'n' Roll All Night..." because my 10-year-old guitar student, Gunnar, wants to perform it at a "talent show" at his school. He's the one who was in a car crash and goes into "fugue states" for a few seconds, then becoming focused again. He is a good guitar player for a youngun', and he has a pretty voice. I hope we can focus in and get the song "right" today. Do you remember the band Kiss?
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15 responses
@rakski (118270)
• Philippines
I don't know the band. But for Gunnar, it’s impressive that despite his challenges, he plays guitar well and has a good voice.
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@rakski (118270)
• Philippines
@TheHorse I know. And that is good
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
@rakski I'll have to ask his mom (perhaps without telling him) when the talent show is. Perhaps I'll crash it. But it may be when I am teaching.
@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
I love working with kids who are labaled as "challenged" in this way or that. He and I had a great lesson today.
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Saw them live twice - once in makeup, once without.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Why did you decide not to wear make up the second time? Were you worried about being mistaken for a band member?
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@BarBaraPrz (46885)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
I remember them. I remember they had a comic book wherein their blood was added to the ink. (The things you find out married to a fanboy.)
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
@much2say (55118)
• Los Angeles, California
KISS make-up always scared me . I was never into them, but after "getting-to-know" Gene Simmons in reality shows and without make-up, I kinda found his background to be interesting. Hope Gunnar rocks it at his talent show .
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
Heh. I hope so too. We had fun today.
@Shavkat (138746)
• Philippines
I have not heard their songs. Let me check it out.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
To me Kiss was silly. But they have made way more money playing music than I have.
@moffittjc (121382)
• Gainesville, Florida
KISS was the first concert I ever went to. I was in the 3rd grade, and went with my neighbors (and their parents). I was completely blown away by their music, their outfits, and their stage presence.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
They were actually pretty good musicians! I am (a bit) contrite for laughing at them back in the day.
@AmbiePam (90723)
• United States
That’s a great song!
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
Rock on!
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@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
Just now
I have heard of them, but i couldn't place their music. Though I know I do know I wanna rock and roll all night. I just didn't realize it was done by Kiss.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
Heh. Me neither. Now I can't get it out of my head.
@crossbones27 (49193)
• Mojave, California
I used to love Kiss, now can barely listen to them. Funny how music changes when get older, most of those 80's make up hair bands were just pretty simple in scheme of things. People say their show presence is what made it neat, not their high quality writing of fun songs. I love fun songs but even some of theirs kind of was destroyed by bands of the 90's I think because they lyrically showed how it was fun for them where kiss just kind of says the obvious. I dare someone to ask me to show a example.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
A bunch of 20- or 30-something musicians making music for suburban 17-year-olds. But Kiss had some interesting chords changes. I give them credit for that
@Tampa_girl7 (50028)
• United States
I do remember them and still enjoy listening to my 45’s of their songs.
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@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
I wish I had not unloaded my 45s.
@xander6464 (43316)
• Wapello, Iowa
I remember a concert review from 1978 that started, "Kiss is as tunelessly awful on stage as they are on record..." I was a big fan, anyway.
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@xander6464 (43316)
• Wapello, Iowa
Just now
@TheHorse And they are crying all the way to the bank. Several times a day because they have way too much money for one or two trips.
@TheHorse (216607)
• Walnut Creek, California
Just now
I laughed.
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@wolfgirl569 (104153)
• Marion, Ohio
I like that one and a few of theirs
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@RasmaSandra (78786)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
I love that song, I sure do remember Kiss and had a T-shirt that simply said KISS so it could have been any kind of message, I loved their crazy make up,
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@Deepizzaguy (101296)
• Lake Charles, Louisiana
I remember the rock band KISS since they were popular in the music industry during the 1970s. I like their songs despite the silly makeup and hiding their faces from the public for many years,
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@JudyEv (337535)
• Rockingham, Australia
Just now
I remember the band for sure. Good luck to you and your student.