Is Islam really a peaceful religion?
By phyxius
@phyxius (3464)
United States
December 3, 2006 9:25am CST
I want to state for the record that I do not believe that all people who practice the Muslim faith are criminals and terrorists. Nor do I believe that every Muslim man, woman, boy, and girl hates Christians and Jews. However, I do believe that Islam itself is a hateful and sinister and even a diabolical evil that is bent on spreading its ethnic purity around the world. The Qur'an tells the follower of Allah to destroy the Infidels, and according to the Qur'an the Infidels are those who do not adhere to the practice of Islam.
So what do you think, is Islam a peaceful religion?
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48 responses
@Athique (154)
• India
4 Dec 06
I wholeheartdly beleive in my religion and for sure it is a peaceful religion and nobody has the rights to say that it is a hateful and sinister and diaboical how sure r u that there no criminals belonging to christianity. It is American chiristian who speard a lot of Terror and disaster in IRAQ by initiating the war that IRAQ possess highly destructive weapon However the fact is there were no such weapons found I strongly beleive that that AMERICANS are the major threat for ISLAMIC COUNTRIES. They made policies for their gains and expect the whole world to follow them.
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@phyxius (3464)
• United States
4 Dec 06
It is true that there have been Christians who are extremists and have committed acts of violence. The difference is that these people are condemned by the vast majority of Christians and not considered to be "martrys" or praised when they kill and maim in the name of their beliefs; when caught, they go to trial and are punished. There are also no texts in the bible to support those actions.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
4 Dec 06
Athique you are absolutely right brother. Before they attacked Afghanistan claiming thayy want to get Osama, but all they did was attacking unarmed civilians in the name of peace and then they repeated their crimes in Iraq. They say muslims are killing muslims there. I want to ask them why were muslim not killing muslims when Iraq was not blessed with their control. And what about Osama, nobody is talking about him anymore. Looks like he did his job well and now as his services are not needed anymore, there is silence at that front. And yes the 9/11 issue.. Its interesting now people in the US have started questioninig how 2 plane crashes can destroy such high and strong buildings without some proper 'homework'.
@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 06
Before we start a fire we cannot control here, I wish to differ with Athique that it is American Christians who started the war. It is in fact Terrorists who claim to be Muslim and destroyed the Twin Towers that started the war process. And it is America who started the war in Irag. Nothing to do with Christians. It is not a Christian verses Islam war - it is a war of power verses power - the military kind that arises out of nationalism. Nothing to to with religion.
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@Marie2473 (8512)
• Sweden
3 Dec 06
I am actually living with a muslim and although he is not practicing the religion alot, he says that he totally do NOT agree with the people who tres to use the quran as an excuse of commiting hate-crimes.
I do think that the violence lies within the man - and not in the religion!
@estherlou (5015)
• United States
3 Dec 06
I think that is a great answer! We all have the capability towards violence or is our choice on how to respond. And there are fanatics in every religion and in every situation.
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@phyxius (3464)
• United States
4 Dec 06
Surah 2:190-193 "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits...And slay them wherever ye catch them. And turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they first fight you there; But if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution. And the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression"

@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
4 Dec 06
I want to state for the record that I do not believe that all people who practice the Muslim faith are criminals and terrorists. Nor do I believe that every Muslim man, woman, boy, and girl hates Christians and Jews.
@phyxius (3464)
• United States
4 Dec 06
First of all you have no rigthe to tell me what or what I cannot write. in responce to where in the Qur`an did u read that says that the infidels or those who do not adhere to practice of islam should be destroyed Surah 2:190-193 " Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits...And slay them wherever ye catch them. And turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they first fight you there; But if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution. And the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression".....Now get off your lazy rear and do some reaserch and learn before you spout of at the mouth, just think if you did you might avoid a group of Muslims that are cutting of your head screaming Allah Akkbar.
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
"Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression"
As long as you dont oppress the islam there is no violence....
"But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they first fight you there;"
its clearly show that in nature they are not violent....only when the oppressor strike them first and thats the time they will be striking back...
But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression
And they will stop if the oppressor stops ...
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
ohh so there we go we just started to think about it during 9/11 ...what do you think made them do such thing...did u not think that they we're just victims too that wants revenge on what happened to their innocent families during gulf war.... :) ... and i think it can go way back...u can have lil view of what happened even in the past...try to watch kingdom of heaven ..its something like that...u can see legolas (orlando bloom) in action hehehe
@jricbt (1454)
• Brazil
3 Dec 06
And the Bible tell you that you shall not suffer a witch to live? Does Christians go on rampage killing wiccans? No (I admit that some would want to).
The problem is not Islam.
The problem is the use that some who practice the Muslim faith do and use their religion to justify their acts.
@boeyong (256)
• Malaysia
4 Dec 06
I agree. It is the people who do hideous acts and hide behind religion. Look at the situation in Iraq. Muslims are killing Muslims and have no qualms in killing their spiritual brothers. And guess what? They have no conscience killing children and women either. I am very sure God is going to have a day of reckoning with them. I have many Muslims as good friends - I don't see them as killers.
@pcbulawanv (680)
• Austria
4 Dec 06
I am a Christian but i still would say that Islam is a peaceful religion. We should not equate the Religion directly to the activities of its followers. For example, some Christians too are cheaters and currupt but we do not directly equate those attitudes to Christianity. I believe we have to be fair with Islam in the same we are treating Christianity.
@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Great comment.
Christians are also sometimes racist and they stereotype people who aren't like them. But that's not Christianity's fault.
@hassei_takano (1411)
• Indonesia
6 Dec 06
I agree that if some one do bad thing, it's not from their religion. But it is their own habit. I can't explain it clearly in Englis since I have limited vocab and bad gramar. But since I am moslem (Islam), I can tell U that Islam is peaceful religion.
Our prophet Muhaman SAW when he was trown by many garbage by an old man he not mad and smile. Some day when he past that street and he not thrown any garbage he try o find out where is the old man who always thorwn him with garbage. And from his neighberhoud he knew that the old man is sick. So Rasullulah Muhamad SAW bring a fruit and visit that old man house. That old man house shock and cry.... "nobody visit me... but U visit me." And since that day, that old man become moslem.
I do not hate other religion. in Qur'an wrote in Al kafirun "Lakum dinukum waliyadin".
109. Al-Kâfirûn : The Disbelievers
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Say: O disbelievers! 109:1
I worship not that which you worship; 109:2
Nor will you worship that which I worship. 109:3
And I shall not worship that which you are worship. 109:4
Nor will you worship that which I worship. 109:5
Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion. 109:6
So.... there is no reason for hate another religion.
I live and stay with so many religion Budha, hindu, Christian. And I can say that I'm fine. And no body hate me.
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@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
Dear hassei! Let me appreciate your concern.
You said in a very simple and straight way which i was trying from last night but wasn't getting words.
But what you translate the Sorat Kafiron! is simply best,
Don't know how i forgot to narrate that earlier.
Anways keep posting and let me correct you what you wrote above,it wasn't and old man but an old lady.
May Allah bless you for ever
@prash2807 (163)
• India
4 Dec 06
I have many Muslim friends and I can vouch for the fact that Islam has been misunderstood by some Muslims as well as the Western World. It does not teach violence or hatred. It has just been misunderstood by the people, tats all.
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@rikpallav (1242)
• India
4 Dec 06
I am a Hindu and as far as I know.. Islam is a very peaceful religion and have a great great sense of devotion.. but few of the antisocial elements made the name of it a very dreadfull one and have earned a very bad name in shadow of the holy religion.
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@headshots101 (48)
• Philippines
4 Dec 06
perhaps its beyond that.those radicals are just mislead/used by their leaders..politics i may say..just my 2 cents...good day
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@LadyLudie (359)
• Philippines
4 Dec 06
If they will really follow the doctrine and walk according to what is said in the Quran,yes,it would be a peaceful one.I think it's not about the religion,but according to the person's decipline. By the way what is religion if somebody really want to become an evildoer? Not the religion but the heart.
@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
Who told you that Islam is against the peace ?
And what you wrote about Quran ...It would be better to post here the verse and chapter no here which will show that it is teaching HATE,violence or anything like that.
Then ill be able to reply you in a better way :)
@phyxius (3464)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Surah 2:190-193 " Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits...And slay them wherever ye catch them. And turn them out from where they have turned you out; for persecution is worse than slaughter; But fight them not at the sacred Mosque unless they first fight you there; But if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who reject faith. But if they cease, Allah is oft-forgiving, Most Merciful. And fight them on until there is no more persecution. And the religion becomes Allah's. But if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression"
@beautifulceiling (1300)
• United States
6 Dec 06
Do you know how many Iraqi civilians we have killed?
@soFh123 (355)
• Pakistan
6 Dec 06
you didn't wrote Complete translation.
Let me do it for you
""And fight in the Way of Allah those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allah doesn't like the transgressors.And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.But if they cease, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
And fight them on until there is no more Tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in God; but if they cease, Let there be no hostility except to those who practice oppression.""
I must appreciate you that you tried to find what is inside Quran no matter you tried it to find some -ve points.
I don't know either you find it on your own or somebody told you,but who ever done this is misguiding others too about what is written in these verses.
First of all be sure that in Quran,every Ayat (verse) have some background ,some reason in some specific period of time.So if you want to take meanings of any verse in Quran,Either to help yourself or to prove it wrong,first you must know about the background that why and to whom it was said.
Now the background of these verses for your reference.
"Mecca!" it was always the city of PEACE right from Prophet Abraham.Even people here were indulge in so many bad things,like worshiping idols, disrespecting their elders,mixing impurities in Food and so many else.Their were communities of different families who start to Fight and kill on very small things like a water, animals, or even just to prove their POWER.But still in this condition there were four months in a year when fight was prohibited in whole Mecca.
Prophet Muhammad left Mecca to Medina to live in peace as People of Mecca were so against PROPHET (PBUH) and his teachings.But it was HIS homeland and HE loved HIS city.And also there is holy Mosque which is so respectful for Muslims that they do their prayers while facing that Mosque.So after a couple of Years Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and HIS companions wish to see the holy mosque.And Muslims were enough stronger then ever so a crew went their along with prophet.But The People of Mecca again tried to make violence and didn't allow the Muslims to enter into Mecca.It was almost about to start of WAR,that an Agreement came b/w Muslims and People of Mecca that Muslims will return this year w/o visiting the holy Mosque and will come next year and will have permission to live for 3 days with was Muslim's great wish to go back to their home but due to Agreement they left w/o any war .Next year according to Agreement Muslims walk from madina to Mecca to see the holy mosque.But they were also informed about the routine of People of Mecca that how do they often refuse their agreements.So the companions of Prophet asked to HIM that if they again refuse or tried to fight then what will we do?That is a city of peace for every one so we can't fight but we can' come back w/o going to holy mosque then what will we do.they had power to fight but still they were worried as their mission was to go to holy mosque for noble cause not for WAR.So in that mean time these verses were sent by Allah allowing the Muslims that goto your home and holy mosque and if they try to stop you against the agreement then you have right to fight but you are not supposed to fight from your own.If they don't say you anything then don't fight and just do for what you are going.Even if you have to fight,then still don't kill blindly,like can't touch even to any women,child,boy or OLD aged persons.If they will do so,Allah will dislike even Muslims are doing this.Just fight with those who picks sword against to kill you otherwise forgive them all cause your Lord is the biggest Forgiver.
it wasn't a general order to always kill the NON MUSLIMS.
Dude think deeply,they were being ordered to forgive those who kicked them from their homeland,who killed their belove once but they were ordered if there is any possibility to stop the war then do it and forgive them.
And same happened,Nobody fought,Muslims were in too much strength that the guys who were guarding the city to prevent Muslims from entering the city ,didn't courage to start the WAR.So Muslims didn't fight and they won their city without flowing a single drop of Blood.Even a man ABU SUFIAN who killed beloved UNCLE of Prophet,was set free.
Now you tell me is Islam teaching them Peace or Violence ?
If i enter in your home and try to kill your child ,what will you do? you will kill me dude to save yourself,and your family and its ur right to do so.
Islam itself is derived from the word "salim" which means Peace.So don't spread the rumors about a thing you don't know about,If you want to know what and why happened then try to complete your reference, the background and then decide.
And in the same topic let me clear a lil about Jihad which is now biggest TOOL to start the war against any poor country.just say to world that this country is doing "jihad" and hence kill their children,patients,women,and all creatures of that Country.
"Jihad" is derived from "Jehad" which means to try for something.or you can say struggle to achieve something.In Islam fight to protect Islam or spread islam is last stage of Jihad.Before this most important Jihad is Jihad against yourself.One should jihad (try his best) to make him free from sins,to always help others,to behave good,to do good things,to take~care of his family,to respect elders,to respect God and all of his prophets,and to follow the Quran and Prophet's teachings.But unfortunately International politics is using this word "jihad" for their own benefit and no one is stopping neither admitting this.
I am not an Islamic scholar,nor have much informations but still i tried my best to let you know that Islam is the true peaceful Religion .Hope you are clear,but if still you have some confusion then let me know ill try to give your more info.
Personally i would like to suggest you to have books , or Videos of Dr.Zakir Naik (
he have the answer of every question you might asked or think even.

@amitavroy (4819)
• India
4 Dec 06
i dont think so
they are the only people who are involved mostly in terrorism
and also they are the most fundamentalist religion
they always have one thing to say
our quaran says this and our quaran says this
but when you ask any logical que.
they say no its because allah said like that
@kungfustue (319)
• Australia
4 Dec 06
necro quote''yull get virgins in the afterlife if u kill people for god, u get a medal if u kill for the stars and the stripes, 25-life if u kill for ice and cars, ull burn in eternal hell for designing the hydrogen bomb................................................................................conform or die ur choice its not my personal choice. but it only starts one voice to start a revolution. live or die respect to the terrorists but more to the buddists they set themselves alight in protest big ups 1-2 generation plan to out breed us not fine by me tiger
@finders (56)
• Indonesia
4 Dec 06
Sure , I believe Islam is a peaceful religion . Our Qur'an teach us how to live harmony with others. Christian , jews and muslims have the same characteristic believe about One God , carrying others , loving etc . There are so many distortion now cause of interest , power , and politics .The Qur'an teach about tolerance with others who believe ar not believe in God , patience facing problem etc. The Qur'an never tells to destroy infidels . The Qur'an gives infidels to live free and harmony with Muslim society .
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
i agree...though i cannot read the arabic Qur`an but im sure that's what its teaches .... translations sometimes looses some important details...
@totomon78 (393)
• Philippines
5 Dec 06
no relgion teaches hate...its just the people who practices whatever religion.. its just that there are extremes be it christian or islam.... extreme christianism sees non christian as evil and im sure there is also extremist islam that sees non islam evil....