Do the younger generation of men today expect to be waited on hand and foot?
By emisle
@emisle (3822)
December 4, 2006 7:04pm CST
If and when I get married, there is absolutely no way on earth, that my husband is going to get away with doing no housework!
My dad helps out around the house, no where near as much as my mum does, but he's a civil engineer and Sunday is his only real day off.
And I have also seen the other side, my aunt is a housewife and my uncle does work a hard day as a farmer and a carpenter, but now the 2 sons are starting to expect everything to be done for them!
And would the younger generation of women be happy to do everything for their husbands?
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215 responses
@silkkat (231)
• Canada
5 Dec 06
I am a housewife but I expect my husband to do his share. I believe that since he gets days off of work then I should as well. I don't believe that men should be waited on hand and foot. I know alot of men who expect but I don't think that I would be able to be one of those wives. My father raised me and my brother and did everything so I guess that's where my expectations come from.
@sankethadiga (1087)
• India
5 Dec 06
I'm really sorry for going ballistic at that honeylover or whomsoever it was, I too went out of the way to criticicse.
But coming back to the topic, yes, I think men too should have an equal share in the household chores. My father has always helped my mother with her work irrespective of whether it was a holiday for him or not. I too try being as helpful as I can to my mother and the least I can do is keep my room clean and wash my own clothes, ironing them myself.
Such small things go a long way in reducing the workload on the woman, it would be gross injustice if only the woman is to do the household chores.
Good day to you, bye.
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@InconvenientFacts (61)
• Canada
5 Dec 06
I'm 39 years old... and I have always cooked, cleaned, and more-or-less fended for myself for decades. My wife and I share most chores... and I often cook and clean while she rests or vice-versa... depending on who had the rougher day.
Younger folks, I hope, are learning that "chores" are "chores"... and there's no "gender-specific" ones.
...I hope this is what they're learning!!!
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@sankethadiga (1087)
• India
5 Dec 06
All I can say to the person above is - "Go to Hell".
How many times will you post such irrelevant things. I think we should all report the user above, this isn't the first time I'm seeing this person post such things.
All she's doing is pasting the same things in all the topics.
I think such people should be repoted because what they are doing is nothing short of spamming!
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
5 Dec 06
Ok that looks like another Idiot playing silly Games as there is no call for that response what so ever so I think we have another Spammer here who is copying something and not knowing what it says and accusing People I suggest we ignore him lol
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I hear that sister. My husband helps around the house when I ask him. He doesn't expect me to wait on him either. So we're cool. I don't know about everyone else but nowaday men are taking care of themselves and don't ask much from us.
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
5 Dec 06
It's good to hear that, but you still find the odd few. Last year I was sharing with 2 lads whose mothers did all the tidying up after them, they would leave dirty plates etc everywhere, and wouldn't even put their rubbish in the bin...I'm just soooo glad to be outta there!
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@emarie (5441)
• United States
5 Dec 06
i do the bulk of the work because i'm a housewife, but my husband still does some, like take out the garbage and if i'm sick take care of the boys...i don't think men should EVER expect it...the housework should be shared if possible epsecially if both sides work. and children should do chores as well...especially if they're older like pre-teens and teens. my first duty was to take all the garbage out and clean my room...those where my chores when i was younger, every child should...if you want your husband to help...tell him to help or don't take care of him, make him wash his own clothes and cook his own meals.
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@sweetpea_216 (1470)
• United States
5 Dec 06
It seems like it! They have everything from the clothes to cell phones to cars. And the housework thing, there is just not enough discipline. I believe that being spoiled factors into this. If the parent doesn't enforce the rules, how do they follow other rules? About the husband thing. It's a partnership and I think we forget that.
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@Desertbird (323)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I doubt it, the younger generation of women are more rebellious and are likely to protest greatly if they were confronted with this.
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@smilekeith (248)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I help my girlfriend around the house all the time. I also have to say that she helps me out around the house all the time as well. It is not my job to dump the trash, and it is not her job to wash the dishes. Items such as that.
However, I do say one thing, she doesn't put in more work around the house because I finish it and she says it isn't done the way she wants it. I think MOST men have gone through this bit of thinking. Women tend to think that their way is the only way, and a man might sit down instead of fighting it. Why work if it is only going to be re-done?
Anyway, because most families have to have both parts work, then I think both parties will inevitably do both parts. As far as the housewife above who believes her husband should work seven days ( She implied that she expects him to take over the chores on his days off so that she can have days off) I think it's unfair. Maybe I misread that, and you both work six days?
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@sirensanssmile (3764)
• Netherlands
5 Dec 06
I would never wait on a man hand and foot. If he has two working legs and two working arms he can do it himself. I expect from my boyfriend an equal half of the chores and if he doesn't help then I don't clean everything. I let half of it stay dirty until he gets mad and cleans it. Usually this isn't an issue but sometimes....
My younger brother on the other hand was spoiled and so he is going to expect the woman to do everything for him. We went on holiday together once and he said "What are you going to cook for me?" I just laughed at him and showed him to the kitchen and said "Have fun!" No way.
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@gobindsing (470)
• India
7 Dec 06
It really depends on how they are brought up, give them the responsibility of helping in the house when they are very young. I think the new generation is pretty ok.
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@spoiled311 (5500)
• Philippines
6 Dec 06
i don't know about that...i'm 23 and eversince i was younger, i always try to make myself useful around the house or wherever i am...i also grew up in a family where my dad helps out in the househod chores...i believe chores wouldn't be a problem for me when i eventually get married..:)
@mygreyparrot (1461)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I think its the other way around. It seems nowadays that fathers are more involved with their children and do their fair share of the housework. I think a lot of it is because more mothers are working today. A long time ago I think a lot of mother's stayed at home, and their husbands expected them to cook/clean/take care of the kids.
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@rachelcaron (1679)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I disagree. We were all created equally. Men and women should take care of eachother equally. One gender was not created to only take care of the other. It is a 2 way street.
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@harshith10 (76)
• India
5 Dec 06
ohh i compleatly agree with u, men have to work at home or get a maid to help u if he is really busy
@cindyngeorge (333)
• United States
5 Dec 06
I'm so happy my husband doesn't do that. he helps around the house and even takes care of the kids. You just made me realize how lucky I am to have a great husband but also a great father to my kids
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@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
5 Dec 06
When my brother was alive, I always tried to get him to do things on his own and take care of himself, but he never really got the message, if he did, he would have been alive today.
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
5 Dec 06
My son has to do his share of the housework here.I'm a single parent and I have taught both of my kids that housework is shared and I have told my son that just because he is a boy doesn't mean he doesn't help.Boys need to be taught that as they make a mess in the house too,they need to clean it up.Not expect a woman to do it for them!.
@diaperpen (4)
• United States
5 Dec 06
Yes, I DO ! I am to small to do anything by myself - so I depend on others for almost everything. I can crawl around but almost everything else I must have help in doing.
@avonelle26 (364)
• Anguilla
5 Dec 06
Why do you think the younger generation of work do not do any work. My fiance always clean and not to mention cook. The only thing he does not really do is wash and that is fine with me because he irons the clothes. It depends on how you train them. If you use to do always do things for them then that is the pappern they will adapt to
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
5 Dec 06
I'm not saying that the younger generation don't do anything, I'm just wondering what people's attitues and expectations of their partners are when it comes to household chores etc.
as in the olden days the expectations of the women were to take care of the household chores and the kids, while the men were the breadwinners.
@charmness (124)
• China
5 Dec 06
Don`t worry about the young generation and take it easy. Not all youngers are lazy.
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@sarahky (1)
• Ireland
5 Dec 06
I think a lot of youg men these days expect their partners to cater for them as their mothers have in the past. I have been living with my partner for 6 months now and i still find that he leaves clothes lying all over the house and he thinks that they miraclusously jump into either the laundry basket or wardrobe themselves. I have found it very hard to break teh habits his mother let him fall into. WE both work full time so i feel that we both should contribute to the housework. He feels that cause he has a physically demanding job that i should do more at home than him. I have an office based role but one which is mentally challenging, I work as a surveyor so i have very little room for errors in my work. As a young women i think that our older female generation have a lot to answer for in sending out young men who are incapable of cooking cleaning or taking initiative to do anything housework realted.
@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
5 Dec 06
I think you should not do your partners landry unless he at least leaves his washing in the basket, and after that it depends on how 'low' you're prepared to go to make him realise you are NOT his mother, and should not be treated like one.
If i have sons they will not be taking me for granted, i can tell you that much!