What do you think?
By Mommamea
@Mommamea (1215)
United States
December 10, 2006 10:48pm CST
It came to mind with all the hype of taking away the Wishing a Merry Christmas to people and only saying Happy Holidays what woud people do if money was taken away from those who are against this when on money it says in God we trust? What about making those who don't believe in such holiday work instead of getting a paid day off of work? What would they think then? Is this not taking away a freedom of speech? Why can't we let things be the way they have been in this country from the beggining when it comes to issues like this? I say to those who can't accept the beliefs and the teachings and sayings that this country has lived by for years, if you don't like it go somewhere else where you think it would be better. What is your opinion?
35 responses
@Buterfly_india (219)
• India
11 Dec 06
I would think a very good job in my life .Because life is enjoyed so I want money .
My opinion is I take a decition I want a job immeditily.

@ASoldiersAngel02 (633)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Nothing you have said is remotely relevant to this discussion

@mybigbear_ron (146)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Your question seems flawed from the beginning. First of all, no one is stopping YOU from saying whatever you want on your own time. On your boss's time, there are other opinions that matter let alone good business sense. Secondly, not everyone in the USA celebrates "Christmas." Thirdly, not everyone who celebrate "Christmas" does so due to the same reasons nor for the same purposes. Fourthly, the USA doesn't not belong to only YOU.
Why not eliminate ALL paid holidays?
Why not simply take "God" off all the currency?
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I totally disagree with you. How many businesses say they do not disregaurd ones application because of race or religion? Now they are saying I will hire you but you cannot voice your religion or belief by saying Merry Christmas. Racism is not only the color of ones skin. Think about that one. This is MY Country I was born and raised here under the laws of this country. MY husband did his duty for 20 yrs to keep you safe and free while I stood by him day after day waiting to meet him when he got home. I supported him as a Good military wife does so I paid my dues as well. Why change the way things were from the beginning? If you didn't like the way things were done here then like I said go somewhere else where you think you will get away with making the changes to the way you want them. Do you think you could get away with that in another country? I hardly doubt it.
@mybigbear_ron (146)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Well, you're not even arguing coherently. Seems to me like your disagreements here have no logical connection with reason.
Also, it seems to me that the only solution you're willing to consider is your own, and it seems like the only situation you are willing to see is your own. So, your point, it seems to me, must be more about registering your own rage and prejudiced slant rather than proving the validity of your claims. I can acknowledge that you have the inalienable right to speak your mind, but I cannot agree that you have faithfully represented justice here.
This country belongs to ALL of its citizens, not only the ones who chant, dance, short, clap, rage, sing, walk the same as you.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree with you. I say Merry Christmas, unless I know the person to be Jewish or someone else that doesn't celebrate Christmas. Our money should continue to have In God We Trust. We should continue to say One Nation Under God.... We as Americans are tolerant of others beliefs. We should have the right to believe the way we want. We as a nation should not have to cater to others that do not believe the way the majority do. Our nation should be able to stick with out core values that were here since the beginning of our nation.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I am glad we think alike. I do not put down others on their beliefs and ask to learn more about them so I to can honor them when the time comes. I appreciate your feed back in this manner I just wish this country would leave well enough alone. I think more of us need to be heard. Thank you
@lissaj (532)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I agree also. This is just getting ridiculous to be honest. I heard that one retail store(won't mention names) is telling their cashiers to try to guess what religion the customer is to know to say Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or whatever. Ok, let's just look at someone and decide if they celebrate Christmas or not! What is this world coming to that we can't even say Merry Christmas anymore? We have been saying it for years, and NOW someone wants to be offended. Come on already.
@scorpius (1792)
• India
11 Dec 06
i do agree with you only to a certaqn degree.sometimes freedom is overrated in the sense that we tend to take it for granted.just as you are so are the others.what if they say that it is thier freedom and rights to be only wished "happy holidays " and not "merry xmas".
in such cases any country would be in a quandry.you cannot force someone to adopt some religion or to only say a certain form of greeting.just as you respect your rights the others rights should also be respected.
that said i think that taking away the saying of "merry xmas "
is just nuts.
if people do not want to respond to that then they need not respond.but just because some people do not like xmas,does'nt mean that they should be deported.more often than not the people who do not like such greetings would belong to some other religious community.so if you want them deported just becasue they do not like xmas and xmas greetings then we would be doing the same thing that the nazis did to the jews!
we wil be no better than them!
so it is better to live and let live!
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Well it isn't anyone's "freedom" or "right" to hear anything... you only hear because you have ears...therefore you don't CHOOSE what you hear and have your RIGHTS messed with because you HEARD something, that is ridiculous. And if people actually do think that way then they should be thankful that they can hear at all and that they aren't deaf. Saying Merry Christmas isn't imposing your religion upon anyone, it is a nice thing to say and if you don't agree with it then just nod your head or don't say anything at all. What is next...not being able to say have a nice day because someone wants to stay in a bad mood????? Gimme a break.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
You are correct to a certain degree as well. Freedom is not overrated it is what people feel their freedom is. Freedom is being completely free from all aspects. I am not asking anyone to adopt my religion because I wish them a Merry Christmas. If that is the case then we wouldn't be allowed to say Happy Holiday as well. After all do you know the meaning of Holiday? It means Holy Day. Do all believe that it is a Holy Day when it is said? For those that wish to say Happy Holidays let them say it but don't forbid anyone to say Merry Christmas either. As far as the deporting thing goes, I say if they don't wish to abide by what this country has been doing for thousands of years and what it was doing when they chose to come hear then they should have stayed where they were allowed to do the way the wanted it. Or was it they chose to come here because they weren't allowed to do what they wanted? I am not against anyone or their religion just let this country continue to be the melting pot of the world and stop trying to change the traditions of this country. They knew what this country was about when they came here in the first place. Others are coming here trying to make it a country of what they want not letting it be the country it started out to be. You say it is better to live and let live. I say you are right. My ancestors have handed down the tradition of celebrating Christmas with saying Merry Christmas. I will continue to live this tradition so let me live and you live what you want. Don't petition our Goverment to change that because you are offended by it. Is this the way you see it as well?
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I am with you on this. I believe it is taking away freedom of speech...don't dare tell me what I can and cannot say. I am an American! Those employers that tell their employees not to say Merry Christmas to people are completely in the wrong. They think that by saying it they might offend some customers and they will leave. Well how many customers do they think they are making mad by not allowing their employees say two simple words...Merry Christmas. I for one don't want to shop at a store again if I find out that these practices are going on...it is Un-American and politically ridiculous.
People aren't saying Merry Christmas to be mean or hateful to someone, they are simply being nice and if they get offended by people being nice to them then that is their own problem and they obviously need to seek counsel. It has NEVER hurt anyone to hear the words Merry Christmas and I will say it to everyone I meet just to prove it.
Great discussion...I almost started it myself...lol. Have a GREAT day and I hope you and your family have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Merry Christmas to you as well! I hope you have a great one and many more to come!
@Kscott (634)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree with you so much....why should we..Americans, stop saying what we have been saying since the beginning to satisfy other people.....why do we have to change we were here first!! It's total bullcrap, and I think that it is a violation of our freedom of speech, we should be allowed to say it....and if they want to tell us Happy Chanukah, or Happy Kwanza, or whatever the holiday is....I dont mind...We used to at work celebrate all Holidays to allow those who dont traditionally celebrate Christmas, on different days, and it worked out great....I actually learned a few things about Holidays that I never even knew existed.....I say it to everyone also.....I say the heck with them...I have freedom of speech as well as anyone else!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS...MERRY CHRISTMAS....MERRY CHRISTMAS...!!!

@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you for your response and May you have a Very Merry Christmas yourself. May you wish all a Very Merry Christmas that you meet each day. I pray we all do and show those in charge we will not stand for this type of treatment. After all we are in the Land of the Free aren't we? For those who don't like it A Merry Christmas to you all and May God bless each and every one of you.
@angeliamj (632)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Thank you so much for posting this. My husband and I recently had a discussion when our son came home and said the "Pledge of Alligence" with "One nation Under God" still in place. I was so happy to hear this because I know a while back they wanted to take that out of schools too. I think it's ridiculous that people are trying to change so much that our country was founded on. I lived in Japan for 3 years...did I run around everyday ticked off because at noon chimes go off and they give thanks over loudspeakers for the job well done"...No, they have that right...flame me if you like but my take on it is this I was in another country, I lived the way they wanted me to live. With that being said "Merry Christmas Everyone"...if you don't like it, go somewhere that they don't say it.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I too have spent time in other countries and have participated in their cultures. My children who are well diversified in other cultures have been taught to respect all people. In my family, my children and husband are babtized Catholics however I have not been allowed to be babtized by them. I have never been babtized but I believe in God almighty. I have taught them as I was taught growing up in a Babtist family and I have an Uncle who is a Deacon in the church of God, I have an Uncle who is a Preacher of a Protestant church, I have a Brother in Law who preaches in the Protestant church as well. I have friends from all different religions and I can't believe I have to teach them now that this country that is supposed to accept everyone and allow freedom of speech and to be allowed to have a choice on religion is denying us the simple jesture of saying Merry Christmas. What is this country coming to?
@wrknggirl68 (96)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Well, I don't really run around saying "Merry Christmas" to everyone I meet. I do believe it is my right to express it whatever way I'm comfortable with. The "being absolutely politically correct club" is really getting on my nerves. I don't think anyone is trying to hurt people by not including their religion. I think in general, if someone walks by and says any Holiday greeting, it should be seen as a friendly comment. I'm not going to get angry because someone says "Happy Hanukkah" to me. The whole issue of the word "God" being on money is more historical than religious and says how this nation came about. I can spend it whether I believe in God or not. Some people have too much time on their hands picking fights about such things(No, I'm not talking about the person that posted this). Don't worry, be happy. Life is short.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you and well said. We should be worried about when this country will be at war with ourselves if we keep this up and not the war with other countries. We should leave well enough alone with some of these things. Be happy you are here and let tradition carry on as it has for years. If we are passing only friendly meanings take it as that and don't be offended. Be glad that I am not causing hatred against you. Merry Christmas.
@vmoore709 (1101)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree. Our contry was built on religion. If you don't agree, find a new place to live. I also feel this way about changing our language from English to whatever. If you come to this country to live, you need to speak our language.
@bonnitabelle (143)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
I bought my Christmas tree on Friday from some boy scouts and they weren't allowed to say Merry Christmas, they had to say Happy Holidays. I say Merry Christmas myself.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I would have returned the tree at that very moment unfortunately. What are we teaching our children? We can't believe in our own celebrations. I can bet they are teaching all the children to get along with others and the beliefs of other religion besides Christianity. If that is so then Why can't we teach them to say what they believe as well? Merry Christmas to you and your family.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
11 Dec 06
Unless you know that someone DOES actually celebrate Christmas, "Happy Holidays" is the best greeting!
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Merry Christmas is a peaceful greeting. Where should that be omitted? Why should I only say it to someone who celebrates Christmas? Why should I say have a nice day or good day to anyone who isn't? Next they will be telling us not to say that because someone may be offended. What do you suggest we say to those who don't celebrate Holy days? That is what Holidays mean. Aren't they offended by these sayings. How do we say anything to anyone anymore without offending someone? I get it let's stop talking to each other so we don't offend anyone, right? Wrong! Because then someone will be offended because we didn't speak to them.
@lovein (345)
• India
11 Dec 06
Do not speak much, it is good for you.
Do not try to look at others.
Focus your own work.
If some one made you lost your freedom, then she is your wife
or if a man has made you like this , do not stay nearer to him, because he is too much bigger than your wife. As he will never respect your wife.
@sun_flower714 (445)
• United States
11 Dec 06
What does that have to do with saying Merry Christmas???
@Hottchrs (29)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Now I experienced this at work, they told me that I am not to say Merry Christmas, I am to say happy holidays because it will upset some people and we dont want to be turning away any customers. But yet we decorated the resturaunt with a christmas tree and like presents and candy canes and such all showing we are strong supporters of christmas. So why cant i say it? I think its stupid if people get so upset over the fact that I say Merry Christmas to them?? Idk people are stupid.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
It's all about the money. It's about do as I say not as I do. And they teach us to treat everyone with respect. Yeah right. Where are they respecting me and my religion and beliefs if they are not allowing me to express it? I refuse to go into places that disrespects their employees and doesn't allow them to say what ever greeting they wish. Maybe this will start showing them where the money comes from. Merry Christmas.
@taruha (559)
• United States
11 Dec 06
there is no need always to follow old practices of saying merry christmas and happy holidays.but doing something good for others in these holidays will surely give lots of satisfaction.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
I get my satisfaction from saying Merry Christmas and continueing a tradition of many years and I will do good for others not only during these holidays but throughout the year. Is this the only time you do something good for others? That isn't what Christmas is about and I have not found any other of these holiday traditions to be either. Christmas is the celebration and acknowledgement of the birth of Jesus Christ not the day he was born because that is unknown. Chanukah is the celebration of the victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Jerusalum Temple and commemorates the burning of the oil for 8 days. Kwanzaa is the celebration of the Africans and African Americans in their heritage. It is a time to reflect on their culture, history and themselves as a Black person. Which by the way was only started in 1966 because of political and social changes and has nothing to do with religion. I am wishing someone a Merry Christmas because it is a time for me to follow old practices of my ancestors. So to you my friend I wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you will do something good for others not only during the holidays but throughout the year so you will get satisfaction continuously through the year, not only during the holidays.
@hockeygal4ever (10021)
• United States
11 Dec 06
They don't mind taking our CHRISTMAS CLUB money we're spending do they? They don't mind BLACK FRIDAY. I'm tired of all the crap about it. We are the MAJORITY. Nobody is cramming it down anyone else's throat. It's a majority celebrated holiday, including one that that ALL government entities give the day off with pay for... so why is it suddenly so taboo!!!!!!
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you for standing up for our rights as Americans. We don't boycot their stores because they don't celebrate our holiday. Why do some of these people have Christmas decorations if they don't want to pass along the meaning of this holiday? I do commercialize it because I want to pass along the good cheer and blessings of this special day. I give donations to the poor and needy, I pay my taxes and am an upstanding citizen of this country. Why shouldn't I be allowed to voice my opinion by passing along a blessing or a cheerful message of Merry Christ-mas? Thank you for the AMEN!
@gabrriella_a (453)
• Romania
11 Dec 06
You know what is funny.. I always loved to say Merry Christmas... It is like a part of the joy we feel when the holliday season is coming.. It is so nice to say to your business partners, friends, people that serve you in a shop... anywere... I feel so good when I go buy something and they say Merry Christmas!! It is joyfull....
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you. It is a joyful time of year that should be spread to all. Even if you don't believe in Jesus Christ you should be happy someone is wishing you a good day. Are people offended when you say have a good day? I don't know why people are so offended by others. I don't get angry when someone says gazontite (if that is spelled right) when I sneeze. No I say thank you. When someone says to me Happy holidays I don't get angry I say and a Merry Christmas to you. This is my way of letting them know I celebrate Christmas and pass on my wishes to them. I would not be offended if they said Happy Hannukah to me nor would I have them punished for saying it. I would be pleased that they are letting people know what they believe in. I would not feel they are pushing it down my throat either. You should feel good about your religion and the happiness we are supposed to be creating in this country. Maybe this is why our country is in such bad shape now.
@Ambur25 (1006)
• United States
11 Dec 06
I agree completely. This country was founded on and by GOD. His name appears in every legal document, money, phrases, as well as our US Military. "God Speed" "GOD BLESS AMERICA"
If we can allow God to bless America, who will?
The bible says, "If you deny me before man, I will deny you before the Father."
I for one, will not deny our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
Thank you for those scriptures and I believe in them too. I will not deny our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ either. I will celebrate Christs Mass as others do as well. Maybe not in the same way but this is the season for many religious celebrations and in the end we who have processed our faith know we will be Blessed.
@Smoodiver (49)
• New Zealand
11 Dec 06
I'm not sure what this discussion is about, what I think it's about is that in America you can't say merry Christmas in a working environment any more, is this correct? As for saying Happy holidays instead,I guess you could say it's a quick fix instead of adding whole bunch of new holiday greetings, blanket it the holiday season instead of trying to accomadate everyone.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
You are correct in what this discussion is about. A quick fix is not needed when should be saying what you want. Adding a bunch of new holiday greetings? These greetings of all have been around since before any of us were even born. Why should we change them now? Pass along your message to me I will gladly say Thank You. Even if I don't celebrate your holy day let it be known that you do. This is supposed to be the Land of the Free. It doesn't seem that way when we are now being told what we can and can not say. This is my point. I am not saying I don't want to hear your greetings but allow me and those like me to wish you a Merry Christmas and respond with Happy Hanukkah or Kwanza if you wish. Just don't take away our celebration. It is a time of many religious celebrations and it should be announced that we Believe in our religion not that we are trying to get you to take on our religion.
@Mommamea (1215)
• United States
12 Dec 06
what is this with you not even taking the time to wish some one a merry christmas on your own, you have to copy something as simple as that from loverboy above. I am letting you all no if you can't follow a simple rule you will be kicked off and you have been reported!!!