Moms sue dad for child support
By Justme2007
@Justme2007 (1848)
United States
December 14, 2006 12:10pm CST
Two moms(gay women)ask a friend to donate his froggies to make a baby he agrees on one condition he will not be a part of this childs life and he gives up custody you know the whole nine yards. The moms stay together for 6 years then they split up and the other mom refuses to pay child support for the child that they share, so the mom who has the child takes the dad to court for child support mine you he gave up custody and they gave their word not to bother him about this child:Story below
Stockholm - A Swedish man who donated his sperm to a lesbian couple must pay child support for the three boys he fathered, the Supreme Court has ruled.
The man, now 39, gave his sperm to the couple in the early 1990s. Three sons were born in the years 1992 to 1996.
He agreed he would play no role in the boys' upbringing, but signed a document saying he was the father. The women separated and the biological mother demanded that the man pay child support. The man went to the district and appeals courts, but lost. The Supreme Court upheld these rulings
What is your thoughts on this
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95 responses
@lilmissy (481)
• United States
14 Dec 06
i think its wrong as they made a cotract with him not to have any legal responsailty and this is why gays should marry the other female was nfact the male of the couple and should pay chld support to the biological mother, no one sues spermbanks to make them pay child support and sperm banks would be out of business if the men who donated found out they were responsable to take care of 300 chldren financially in child supprt because of all the gay women who used thier sperm. i think its wrong jus because they had his contactinfo that they were able to sue him and all the cost it took i mean they saved hundreds and thousands of dollars being cheap and asking him to wank for them and yet ,they got 3 children she wouldnt of had otherwise and now wants him to may for masterbateing for them so very very wrong the other woman should pay support jus one more argument why gays should have same marriage law as us and then this would never happen as he was a donor .
@MySpot (2600)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Great point! I completely agree.
He did them a favor and was basically a sperm donor, not a parent. I would think the parent raising the children would sue the absent parent, in this case. The marriage laws would definitely make things easier for the courts to decide where resposibility lies. In this case, he made the huge mistake of signing, as their Father, which would make him 'legally' responsible even if he isn't morally responsible.
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@clownfish (3269)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Hi! Evidently, this court didn't take much stock in verbal agreements. The general concensus is that if it isn't written down, it didn't happen. Basically, this man and the women should have signed a contract stating that the man would not be financially or otherwise responsible for the babies after the donation of the "froggies." Without a written contract, this man couldn't prove the agreement. :-)
@kcbabez14 (967)
• United States
14 Dec 06
See this is one of the reasons i don't agree with the gays and gay marriage because things like this happen all the time.. The guy was doing them a favor and now he has to pay for it in the end, because the two women messed up!It's stupid and it's not right nor fair.. the man shouldn't have to pay for the children (even though he is the father) because he gave the rights up and he donated... DONATED his sperm.. So what is it? If i donate a car i have to pay for the repairs because someone later on messed it up?
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@pasychosheep (169)
• United States
15 Dec 06
You know, if gay marriage were legal, this wouldn't have happened. Legally, the other woman would have been responsible for child support, had the two been married.
That said, the biological father should still have signed a binding contract.
@chiquita1977 (1706)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I think the judge ruled wrong on this case the sperm doner should not of had to pay child support he is like a sperm donor.thats like saying if a guy onates at a sperm bank he should have to pay child support it is wrong this guy gave up his rights he shouldnt have to pay because the other mom wont.
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@therosemob (29)
• Australia
15 Dec 06
If you donate at a sperm bank it is an anonymous donation and details of the donor are never released
@mfrancq (1806)
• United States
14 Dec 06
Those poor kids, they probally feel so abandoned in this situation. One "mom" leaves, the other is to busy to notice them, and then the father is fighting to not be involved. They need to step back and open their eyes to what is more important. The needs of the children. How sad that people get so wrapped up in their own disputes to see what they are doing to the kids!
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@olaff123 (433)
• Namibia
3 Feb 07
It's ridiculous! This man never was the father of the children, to begin with. He was just, shall we say, an informal sperm donor. The two mothers should be ashamed of the way they acted in this matter. I hope the court also afforded all visitation rights etc. to the father. But the ones finally suffering in this case is again the children.
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@wvchell78 (564)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I don't feel that this is fair. It makes me wonder if there were some kind of financial document that he could have had drawn up for each child saying that he would not be financially responsible. To me it seems that anyone that had a baby by artificial insemination from a sperm bank would be entitled to support from the unknown donor if they could prove who they are.
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
14 Dec 06
If the woman wanted to be THAT backstabbing, he should've sued back for child custody, & then sue HER for child support. That woman is nothing but a gold digger. Stupid woman
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@mirage108 (3402)
• United States
15 Dec 06
well 1 he should have had it written down on paper with lawyer, and notorized. 2 he should have donated through a sperm / froggies bank, then he would not have had to worry about the lawyer or the paperwork the bank would have taken care of it and he might not be in this situation now.
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@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
3 Feb 07
I think that's so wrong. How is it any different then going to a sperm bank? Aside from the fact, at a sperm bank, they're anonymous. I don't think he should have to pay, if those were the actual agreements. They're making some real good arguments for those against gay adoptions and such-not saying I agree either way. I bet if he fought for visitation now, he still wouldn't get it because he wasn't part of their lives for so long, or it'd be a "supervised" visitation.
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@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I think she should be taking her ex lover to court the guy did them a favorite and it ended that. It is not right let her lover help her and pay chilf support. He never should have sign any kind of papers.
@crystal8577 (1466)
• United States
4 Feb 07
Well i think very poorly of both of these ladies. The one for not wanting to pay the support. The other one for going back on her word to the "father". These moms wanted a baby & went the length it took to have one. They have a responsibility to take care of the kids. If they went to a sperm bank they would not be able to go back & sue for support. Shame on these women.
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@shooie (4984)
• United States
14 Dec 06
okay this is where we need to take a look at where people scream equall rights...She was with her les lover for 9 years they were a couple. Well then go after the lady for child support not the guy..geez...want equall rights or not? Can't have your cake and eat it to
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@mikeyr6000le (2123)
• United States
14 Dec 06
That poor guy. I feel sorry for him. I think the woman that has custody of the children should be sueing the other woman. They both wanted the kids and they both raised them. The man was just nice enough to provide the means for the children to be born.
If he has to pay he should also be a part of the kids life. He should be able to visit them and take them places. He might want to be a part of their lives now.
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@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
14 Dec 06
This is such a hard situation. I think that the man who donated his sperm obviously had and idea that things might not work out well ... or he would have never said that he wouldn't play a role in the children's lives. I think this whole thing never should have happened in the first place, so it's hard to respond. I think all three parties are responsible for the upbringing of these boys. How sad for them to be in such a tragic situation!

@imadriscoll (2228)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I wonder how the court would have ruled if the couple had been heterosexual and couldn't have children so they asked a friend to donate sperm. Later the couple breaks up and the woman sues the sperm donor for child support that would never fly. The sperm donor should never have signed the paper saying he was the dad.

@ashiflett (1045)
• United States
14 Dec 06 have no idea what to think about this. Kind of a weird situation.
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@sunnypub (2128)
• United States
14 Dec 06
I agree with what the others are saying.
This man did a wonderful thing helping out his gay friends. As a friend the mom who has the kids should never have gone after him.
As the man donating, he should have been smarter and had a legal document drawn up stating that he is only a donor and in no way repsonsible for the children.
I don't think it is right that the judge made him pay but I understand it. Without donor documents, he is legally the father.
There should have also been some sort of legal documents drawn up between the two women to ensure support if they did break up.
All in all I think the people involved were not very smart.
The sad thing is that these children have to go through all of this. It amazes how many parents do not think about their children.
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