Why do you think Darwinian evolution theory leads logically to atheism?
By achyuta
@achyuta (2851)
United States
December 15, 2006 2:58am CST
Darwin is not a scientist according to me. Yes, I am making this bold statement. He proposed a theory without providing almsot all answers.
I think the most powerful reason for believing in a supreme being is the argument for design. Living things in particular look complicated, look beautiful, look elegant, look as though they've been designed. We are all accustomed to thinking that if something looks designed, it is designed. Therefore, it's really no wonder that before Darwin came along, just about everybody was a theist. Darwin blew that argument out of the water. We now have a much more elegant and parsimonious explanation for the existence of life.
Just look at the picture below. It must have taken lots of effort to build it. You think the world is moving on its own?
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43 responses
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
20 Dec 06
Laptops are made by people. You can watch people assembling them.
A plant comes out of a seed - a seed that didn't even exist the previous year. It seperates from its parent plant, and if the conditions around it are right, starts the process of turning into a plant all by itself.
All living things are a collection of processes that run on autopilot. Even non-living systems like the weather, the water cycle just carry on without anything humanlike touching them.
If you are a person who believes in God, you can believe that he was the one who got all this going, but machines made by man and the natural world are very different entities.
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@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
I didn't miss your point; I just think you and other people who believe in intelligent design are making a false comparrison between nature and human technology.
Here are some questions: At what point do you think a designer is involved in the creation of a living thing? Does he just make the blueprints? Does he think things up and they just appear, or does he manipulate material physically with something akin to hands?
Does he design each tree, or did he set up an automatic process so that trees would grow all by themselves and take whatever shape made sense based on their position in relation to the sun and other plants? When do you think he started that process; did he intend that certain plants would become extinct while new ones appeared over time, or does he physically intervene every time a new type of plant appears?
Why didn't he make trees on Iceland or other areas where there is permafrost? Why is he allowing forests to get wiped out by insects like the mountain pine beetle? Why does he destroy so much of what he created with natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and earthquakes?
When I consider questions like the ones above, mindless evoltion makes a lot more sense to me than a designer.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
24 Dec 06
You missed the point actually to be frank. Yes, laptops are made my men and can be seen to be assembled. But darwin's theory essentially means that if we leave certain chemicals then over time they will make life by evolution. Now, a laptop is very complex, no one will agree that it can come up on its own over time without a designer that is a human engineer. NOw, the universe is a lot more profound than a laptop, so it MUST have a more intelligent designer. that is the logical inference. The fact that our minuscle brains and eyes cannot see God does not eman God does not exist. It only means we are very inferior. Our abilities are limited. Thanks for your post.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
25 Dec 06
Actually, several years ago, scientists did create the pre-cursor to life using a combination of chemicals and electrical charges.

@J_peso (2430)
• United States
15 Dec 06
The existence of GOD vs Darwin
So God is supposed to be a supernatural being or a superpowerful being who is the most perfect,who is believed variously to be the sole omnipotent creator, or at least the sustainer, of the universe. ( the terms could be plural/singular based on monotheistic or polytheistic beleifs)
So God is the creator and the sustainer .......If God is all powerful,perfect etc then why did God create beings that are so very less perfect than the "divine self". Was that for Gods own personal amusement? If it was for amusement then why do the beings/ things created experience grief ....is it cos God may be sadistic .......well I dont refute the existence of "god"About/darwin .....i dont understand why you do think darwin is not a scientist? .....Scientists do propose theories that are never complete .......If any theory was totally complete at all points of time then there would be no need for a beleif in God ....On theother hand if you assume the existence of a powerful being why are secrets being divulged slowly/ why are secrets being hidden.
Scientists do seem to "throw theories " out of water cos other people donot seem to have the inclination to "know " and hence never "think" (assumption 'God' assists 'we re lesser/mere mortals'concept.
A simple example of scientist creating theories is "Gravitation" was created .....the force was not known to exist to mankind before .....mankind assumed that god had placed everything everywher.....and mind you gravitational theory has a lot of loophles.........
No i donot intend to elevate or lower you to agnostism/atheism by not bein one who accepts things because generations before him/her did.......
But then just thot it wont hurt you to kno most of the assumptions u made to create a beleif 4 yourself/ refute something are really not totally valid:) For eg:-Is the world moving on its own ......well there are theories t prove why it is:)
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@lovewaves (157)
• India
15 Dec 06
God created beings who are so less perfect. So what? All beings are in qualtity much less. ALl qualities are less. Does this mean there is no God? You mean to say that earth is moving around the sun on its own.. there is no control. Can you even move a small disk around for such a long time?

@starr4all (2863)
15 Dec 06
Sorry, but I have to disagree with you. Darwins theory has been proven more often than not.
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@lovewaves (157)
• India
15 Dec 06
Are you saying just for the sake of saying? What is more often than not. Can you site an example?
@spcbrass (1190)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Evolution is logical and there is evidence to support this. If everything was created then why do all things live and die, why is there so much hate and so much anger in the world? Science contradicts religeon and vice versa. Which ever of these two you were taugh when you were young is going to be the one you believe in. In my family we did not follow any religeous teachings. We had what the world had to offer out in front of us and we developed the necessary skills in order to get the things we wanted. It is science, not religeon that builds building, creates jobs, and governs humanity.
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Dec 06
I have not denied evolution. But Darwin's theory is saying that evolution is the cause of everything.. NO. Eveolution is just a parameter. A supreme designer is doign it. He is letting thigns to evolve thats all. Evolution by itslef cant be so intelliently arranging random matter. Life comes from life. Life does not come from matter
@kalyanbsk (43)
• India
15 Dec 06
i believe in darwin......but i dont say there is no god......but r v the only ones in this universe who believes in god....
@Smolaru (842)
• Romania
15 Dec 06
Darwin theory ..hmmmmm well is the most belivebel theory, personely i don't belive in god but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist i just belive in me and i think that all people should that.
Well religion was invented so that people could belive in something and not dispare let go back in the past and remember how people were hanged or burned just because they couldn't explain some things. "You shall not kill" but the catolics killed so many people so what shall we belive then..?
This is my opinion and i don't try to make people to become like me just explaining them my point of view after reading some books
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@benny_boboko (52)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 06
I disagree once with darwin theory. human being is human being, monkey monkey remain to become very differing once. special possible its ancestors of just darwin which monkey....
human being by the infinite created as human being non as animal.. agree all do not?
darwin same is atheisme
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@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
16 Dec 06
i think its because the said theory did not include 'god' as the creator instead the theory stated that things here on this planet came out from i do not exactly know does atheism came about. but to think of the theory it is not really atheist to me for it merly says that 'we' evolve from some thing and where that some thing came from is really a big question. is god responsible for that some thing that 'we' evolve from or what..... greetings. : )
@Mickie30 (2626)
15 Dec 06
even darwin himself said that his theory was only after all a theory and he himself in his journals said he spend the last few years of his life believing in jesus as his savoiur.
i have a treory that yaks milk can prevent ingrowing toenails but unless someone comes and proves it to me its just a though really
@briennekb (610)
• United States
15 Dec 06
Yes, yes. Evolution is a theory. But, (here's the big but), SO IS RELIGION!
@smbilalshah (1316)
• Pakistan
15 Dec 06
hey hasnt Darwin's theorey for human evolution been rejected?
its eheist coz no religion like islam , christianity or judaism supports it they all say that the first human was Adam who was a prophet so his theory goes totally against it
@achyuta (2851)
• United States
15 Dec 06
See if you say religion says this or says that. that wont prove it scientifically. You have to say something like: Ok if there is no God then how is the earth moving in exactly in 365 or whatever days. Who designed that? Can a loptop come on its own if you leave it for million years? Does it make sense? No. SOme guy designed it. Similarly, the entire cosmic manifestation which is far mroe complex.. cnanot be not designed. It is definitely designed and by a supremely intelligent person = God.
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@achyuta (2851)
• United States
16 Dec 06
Yes if you dont deny existence of God then it would be unusual for earth or for that matter any planet to go around sun or for that matter anythign else at exactly the same intervals. Why? Because can you make anythign revolve or to anything for that matter for a large interval fo time? Can you say a laptop can evolve on tis own? No, matter (like laptop) cannot come on its own without design. Life comes from life. Life does not come from matter. That is the essense and that is why Darwin is wrong. Hope this clarifies.
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@WebGal (48)
• United States
16 Dec 06
I'm trying to follow your argument; you give the example of earth orbiting the sun in 365 days...is there something unusual or special about that? Every planet in the solar system has its own orbital period; how is earth's orbital period of 365 days supposed to be evidence of the existence of a creator?
The whole point of science is to try to explain natural phenomena by proposing models, testing that the models fit observations, making new predictions based on the models and testing whether those predictions come true. If a prediction comes true, then the model is a good one and it will continue to be used. If a prediction doesn't come true, then the model may be flawed (need a better model) or perhaps the experiment was invalid and needs to be redesigned.

@lovewaves (157)
• India
15 Dec 06
Evolution is not the problem. Darwin's theory is the problem. He tried to explain away God. That is the real issue. He may have descended from monkey. But not all humans.
@briennekb (610)
• United States
15 Dec 06
He may have descended from monkeys but not all humans? That doesn't make any sense.
@kfg20012003 (1037)
• India
25 Dec 06
some of his points like survival of the fittest are very important,and he is a scientist in biology
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I think people came up with religions in large part for the reason you said, to explain design.
However, after Darwin did research and explained it as a scientist, many people saw it for themselves and realized other parts of religion were similarly scientifically impossible.
@shivendran (219)
• India
15 Dec 06
I'm not an atheist but the truth in Darwin's theory can't be denied.whatever answers we have not got from science are termed as god.But one thing is sure.Whatever questions science answers it'll never end up with a solution but only another set of unanswered questions.thats science and thats where is god-the ultimate designer.
@Mickie30 (2626)
15 Dec 06
the birds that lay eggs on the side of cliffs darwin theoryfalls down there because if they evolved to be shaped so they would fall of these birds must of been pretty persistant maybe they flew down with the eggs as they smashed on the rocks to keep them warm for a few million years until the eggs evolved into the right shape for cliff.
also the eye cudnt of evovled either because if you have just one defect in the eye it doesnt work att all so an eye could not have gone through evolutionary stuff.
i mean people have trouble believing that Jesus was the son of God but believe this sort of stuff and teach it to their children no less.
also has or can a man ivent from nothing a frog in a lab thats were the ultimate designer comes in.
without faith it is impossible to please God.
faith being the evidence of unseen things ill leave you to theorise on that one ciao.
@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
25 Dec 06
First of all, Darwin dedicated "on the origin of species" to God. He was not an atheist. Second of all, there's no logical reason why creationism and evolution can't go hand in hand.
Third of all, if you're arguing in favor of Genesis, then you should also recognize this contradiction within it. Chap 1 says Noah took 2 or every animal. Chap 2 says Noah took 7 of every animal. Now, I'm not even sure if I"m agreeing or disagreeing with you at this point, because, to me, at least, your argument isn't very clear. My point is this, there's no reason why the Creator wouldn't have given his total creation the ability to adapt, grow, and become something better. In my opinion--I just don't understand atheism--someone had turn on the light switch. But God, is bigger than any one religion and certainly more than what any human written book can say about "Him".
@Bigred2431 (91)
• United States
24 Dec 06
well for one it doesnt even mention the existance of a God
@mapiklfish1 (212)
• United States
27 Dec 06
First of all, for those who claim evolution as fact, you can not prove it any more than I can prove there is a God. No one was there at the beginning, except God, and you can not recreate the beginning in a lab. That is science. You can not prove or disprove evolution scientifically. Darwinism is a religion called Humanism.
Secondly, you have two choices:
In the beginning God:
In the beginning primordial ooze.
Where did either come from?
It's much easier for me to believe that God always existed than ooze. Where did the ooze come from?