By 14missy
@14missy (3183)
December 18, 2006 5:04pm CST
Bullying comes in all forms. We have just moved to a new school area this year and my 12 year old who was once a very confident little girl has been bullied. A couple of girls in her class were looking through her lunch box each day and actually taking things out for themselves. My daughter didn't tell me this. It was told to me by one of her good friends. I went to the school and the teacher said they did notice that some of the girls were picking on her during sport time (she is not very sporty, but a very arty girl). The teachers said she was coping well and laughing it all off.
I want to know why I wasn't told about any of this... Now she has had 20 days off school this semester because she doesn't want to face these girls!!!!
Thank God the school year is nearly over here and she moves on to High school next year with a different mix of kids. We can only be there as friends for our kids and let them know we support them and believe them!!!
What are your thoughts???
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51 responses
@mepersoner (58)
• United States
19 Dec 06
When I was younger I was bullied and was afraid to go to school. I got a little older and learned to stand up for myself and it more or less stopped. Even now as an adult, I do not tolerate bullies, and make a point to clash with people with those kinds of attitudes.
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@itsjustmeb (1212)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I think you need to have the school more involved with this situation..
@sanell (2112)
• United States
19 Dec 06
yeah I am also surprised that none of the teachers mentioned anything and the worse part is they noticed and saw her laughing it off but what did not approach her to find out if that was something she was okay with?
I was bullied when I was in junior high as well, and High school was WAY better once I started...I hope all goes well and good luck.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
See above for my comment to Belmcstar. I hope she will have a much better in high school. I think she will as she can concentrate on some of the subjects that she loves. Not all people are sporty. She in fact is very artistic and has one awards for it in the last town we lived. Here she won't even talk about it.
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@BELMCstar (1341)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
My almost 8 year old has been having a few problems at school as well.
Her teacher picks on her, and singles her out.
She does not want to talk in front of the class as she gets her ideas laughed at.
I think that the teachers should have told you about this as soon as it started to happen.
There is no excuse for that sort of behaviour.
@dmanuel (411)
18 Dec 06
some kids are just so mean..they'd make you feel inferior and say nasty things about you. but i am really proud of you! i can sense your strong support to your daughter, that would really be helpful. Im happy to know that she'll be moving to a different school. hopefully she'll find good friends there.
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@Happygal (53)
• New Zealand
30 Dec 06
When I was 12 my family moved to a new area, and I was bullied at school, pretty much by my whole class. I thought at the time, if I told my parents the bullying would get worse, so I didn't say anything, I just put up with it and thought that I should be able to handle it, and if I couldn't then there was something wrong with me. My parents however should have noticed a change in me, as I began overeating and putting on weight and my skin broke out. They were working long hours at the time and I wasn't in the habit of having meaningful conversations with my mother anyway.
Before I was bullied I was a confident outgoing young girl, with lots of friends who was good at sport and tried hard at school. After that unfortunate year I was a wreck. I lost confidence in myself in dealing with people. Gave up trying so hard at school both in sports and school work.
The rest of my teen years were not happy ones as my self esteem was low and I ended up doing badly at school. So it has had a huge impact on my life.
I am 29 now and it hardly effects me anymore but I still lack a bit of confidence when I am with others. I still don't trust people.
I beleive the girls in my class were jealous of me, as I came from a rich family, I was a pretty girl who got the attention of the boys, and as I said I was good at sport and school work. so they may have also felt threatend by me.
So it is very important that your children can talk to you, and like you say that they know they are supported and that you beleive in them.
@14missy (3183)
• Australia
30 Dec 06
Thankyou so much for your comment. You sound very much like my daughter even though she was into art more than sport. I can understand why she doesn't want to appear too gifted in any area but it really hurts to see your children going through these things. They are all on summer holidays now so there will be the benfit of 8 weeks away from a lot of them to build up her confidence.
@caramello (4377)
• Australia
18 Dec 06
My son was bullied at both primary and secondary school by two different boys and what I did was to most parents probably would be considered wrong, but I went and had quite strong words with both of them, not threatening but letting them know I would not put up with this kind of behaviour, and to my surprise it worked, but as I say not everyone would agree to what I chose to do!
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@caramello (4377)
• Australia
18 Dec 06
And missy that is what it is all about, not having peer pressure or being able to handle it! Good for your daughter to do this and there can be consequences but she will be the better person in the end!
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
She is really a strong minded little girl, that is why I thought it so strange that the teachers said she was shy and insecure at school. At least we have the type of relationship where we talk about most things so she asks me for a lot of advice. I only hope I can give the right advice to her. It hurts to see your children upset.
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@margieanneart (26423)
• United States
21 Dec 06
All we can do is to reassure our children that we love them, are there if they need us, and pray that they will come to us if need be. You know how hard kids can be to other kids. Even in the adult world we experence this sometimes. I do hope she will make out bette in high school. Good luck dear.
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@DeeBloomers (688)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I am so sorry that your daughter has to go through that. My little sister quit school just a few months before graduation and we didn't know the reason why until years later. All we knew is that there was no changing her mind. We found out later that there were two girls who were picking on her too. They were slapping her around and saying threatening things to her until she could not handle it any longer. We have never understood why she didn't tell us. We had 6 kids in our family and all went to that school and we would have handled it, if we would have known. I have learned since that most Bullys have a deep emotional problem. Maybe a bad home life that makes them feel powerless and are in need of having power over others because of it, so they bully them into doing what they want them to do.
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@DeeBloomers (688)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Best of luck to you. Just do whatever you can to keep her self esteem up. That is about all any parent can do in a case as yours.
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@14missy (3183)
• Australia
19 Dec 06
Thanks for your comment. I know one of the girls is from a broken home but she was miss popular and my daughter wouldn't pander to her so that is how it started. A long as my daughter gets through all this with a belief in herself and what is right it will be ok.
@dip_cool (411)
• India
19 Dec 06
well when i was in school not so long ago i had to also face some bullies and i was quite slim and short for the boys of my age.so i know how it feels.i gueee if your daughter is able to cope well with them by laughing the matter off then i guee she is really an intelligent kid.
and about the teachers not telling you anything about this is i guess that they did not want to take up the trouble of managing those bullies and also it may have been that they have been keeping an eye on them and was not informing you in case you may get upset.im sure they would have contacted you if your daughter was not able to handle them.
@shiboleth (270)
• Canada
18 Dec 06
Bullying is very difficult for children. I feel sorry for your daughter to have to deal with this, especially at such a young age. The teachers are very negligent to let this kind of thing happen.
@sangeethsaagar (6)
• India
21 Dec 06
this is part and parcel of the education life..u know tat..thing is we should not be preoccupied with it so tat it affects our performance..everything is acceptable to a certain level beyond which it should be curbed.ofcourse it helps to be a bit acceptable to our environ sometimes be a part of it itself..as u said be a friend always..tat will make alot of diff no matter how great the problem is..
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@lucyobythomas (276)
• China
21 Dec 06
you have to teach her to stand up for her self
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@theaterjunkie (342)
• United States
19 Dec 06
I am so sorry that your daughter has to deal with all of this. :( It's not fair, and your daughter should speak up.
I was bullied in my school years since first grade because I was very different...I grew up in a rich community where moms were accountants and dads were lawyers, Your dad drove you to school in a convertible...and mostly everyone was blonde-haired and blue eyed. I had brown hair, brown eyes, and we haven't been financially well-off. Also I had a scar on my face, from surgery when I was born with a benign tumor. People made fun of me and called me names.
It's difficult to be the parent of a bullied child. I know my parents felt terrible that they couldn't do anything about it (the school system did NOTHING.) I guess all you can do is console your daughter and hope that things get better. But I'm sorry your daughter has to go through the bullying. :(
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@ainpat (279)
19 Dec 06
As a parent, we should make sure our children have nice educational environment, without such causes that will discourage them from pursuing their future career, and also make sure that the principal and the teachers should keep an eye on our kids that no other children will bully them around, make sure that we know the conditions our children at school at all times.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
19 Dec 06
I'm sorry to hear this and I hope she has an easier time in high school. But take it from someone who WAS bullied back in the day. I was too embarassed and ashamed to say anything to my parents. I was always different. Not the smartest, not the prettiest, I was weird, overweight and had acne. I have always suffered from low self esteem and still do. No one physically did anything to me but I was always made fun of and it was bad but I kept it in and I really wish I hadn't. I think today I would be less bitter, less critical and less angry if I had said something. But I bet anything she is embarassed to say anything.
@mikecoolguy17 (240)
• United States
19 Dec 06
kids are so mean. im sorry that your daughter has to go through this. maybe you should bring it up with a principal or a guidance counsuler. Nobody should have to ever go through the torture of being picked on.
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@hasuydam (3)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Does the school have any kind of life skills program? My daughter is only in first grade and this is an issue they discuss in her life skills class. It is a problem at all age levels. I think one of the keys is communication between the school and parents. Unfortunately alot of schools are seriously lax in their communication with the parents. They have some good books out their about bullying that maybe you and your daughter can read together and discuss. I would find out if the parents' of these bullies' would be willing to discuss the fact that their children are bullies.' I wish I could offer you more. Good luck!
@GwilledWabbit (48)
• United States
19 Dec 06
When I first went to High School, I felt that I was safer there rom bullies than a normal Middle School. At High school, you can hang out with more friends, and there's safet in numbers. Usually, the people who bully you are not being bullied by an even bigger bully, and you won't get bullied because you're under protection of your friends.
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