Dont you think America should mind its own business?

December 19, 2006 3:53pm CST
Its not an offense in anyway to any american, its all about policies that are really getting us on nerves now! America is talking of changing this world, transforming this world into terrorist-free world, but what America itself is doing in iraq abu gharib secret jails all over the world....Dont you think this will increase terrorism further? America wanted Democracy everywhere in this world...but is there really a democratic government in America?Why the polls are always rigged in such a big country?Where are those 'WMDs in iraq?Where is Osama and Mulla Umar?Why republicans defeated so badly?Why Iraqis hate Americans?Where are those iraqis who celebrated the so-called "VICTORY" of America?......AND MUCH MORE" Now the point is a man,a single man MR.GEORGE BUSH is doing all this,a man who doesn't even know "HOW TO EAT POPCORNS IS RULING THIS WORLD.... I would like to say Mr.Bush try to start the process of betterment of this world from yourselves...if you are good urself the world will be good....WE DONT WANT YOU...GO AWAY! PLEASE!
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112 responses
@brettbum (304)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Bush is really screwed up but where is the rest of the world? Why isn't the United Nations doing anything to help the countries of Africa? Why are so many former Soviet Countries still exporting land mines throughout the world? Why is Afghanistan and North Korea still growing and selling and addicting millions of people with opiates? Why did China let their dolphins die out? Why is Brazil in such a hurry to bull doze the Amazon rain forest to make room for more cow pastures? Why is China building up a submarine fleet and cutting deals with Opec countries? Why is Iran purposefully trying to antagonize Europe? Why are animals still held in zoos against their will? Why is there so much piracy in the Indian Ocean, Malaysia and around the horn of Africa? Does circumcision really helps stop the spread of HIV or is that some sort of strange myth? I'm not trying to upset the rest of the world, but what are each of the countries of the world doing to help themselves or their neighbors? We Americans are in the process of taking our President to task over the screwed up things he has done. What are you my brothers and sisters around the world going to do when your leaders do something as screwed up or possibly even worse?
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@brettbum (304)
• United States
20 Dec 06
yes, no one is innocent and every one is responsible for doing something to make this world a better place!
@rebelann (113519)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Jan 20
That was well put and even somewhat funny but you have some really good points.
@rebelann (113519)
• El Paso, Texas
11 Jan 20
Yep, you got that right @momofseven06
• United States
19 Dec 06
If we try to help people hate it, when we do not help other people hate it. There is no winning
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
hmmm....u r 100% correct! thnx for ur nice comments!
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• United States
20 Dec 06
I agree with you. It just seems that we can't do anything right for anyone.
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• United States
20 Dec 06
I agree partly. We definately can't keep everyone happy. By helping or not helping. WHy does our help have to be so pushy. Why does the rest of the world have top be a democracy. Why do we push our views on everyone else. Helping is one thing changing is another.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
19 Dec 06
I think what most countries don't seem to realize is America isn't trying to make the world a better place. It's trying to make it's own citizens safer. We didn't declare war on the terrorists, they declared war on us. This isn't a war that started with Bush and 9/11, it's been going on for some time now, going back as far as Jimmy Carter. The only difference is, unlike other presidents, Bush is taking the right approach and finally fighting back. And, if a country insists on hiding them, then that country's government needs to be removed. Bin Laden is a criminal in countries all over the world, including his own homeland of Saudi Arabia. If you hide him, you are as guilty as he is.
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@srhelmer (7029)
• Beaver Dam, Wisconsin
20 Dec 06
I think what the rest of the world needs to realize is, it's not the United States doing the majority of those killings. Our soldiers aren't the ones driving car bombs into residential areas and exploding them. We aren't the ones blowing up Mosques. Yet, for some reason, the world is against the United States, not against the groups who do that. They even ignore the fact we removed a dictator who did nothing but kill his own people and try to invade his neighbors whenever he could.
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@Naseem00 (1996)
• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
Why is it thaught that lives of American people are more valuable than the lives of other prople, specially the people in the ease. Thedeath toll of Iraquis since the Americans have attacked that country till date has crossed 60,000 lives. Most of them innocent civilians, childran and women. We really do not have any statistics for Afghanistan but the deaths there must be far more than Iraq as we have witnessed use of weapons like the daisy cutter on civilians. How can Mr. Bush or his supporters justify their killings. This man is supposed to be taken off from power and prosecuted in a court of Law. He is a murderer and a symbol of shame for his own people.
• Pakistan
19 Dec 06
very nice of u! This was the reply i was actually waiting if u r saying that bush is finally fighting back..then u should also see why America openly not declare that this war is for its citizens and not for the world people...There must be something very very secret going on behind the doors..which of course no one can discuss here, as no one would like to be banned!
@j_thomas (957)
• India
20 Dec 06
Well said friend.i belive american troops should leave iraq and let iraq peoples decide the governments.and i don't think their are propaging democracy or abolishing terrorism in the world.they captured iraq for petroleum.if the really want abolish terrorism the shld go to somalia,kenya,or other afican contries where people are dieing in poverty an diseaes.
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• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
Oh beautiful....beautiful comments! You really highlighted a very good point.Their main purpose was Oil and Gas in Iraq...Otherwise if they wanted to crush terrorism they shoild beter habe checked somalia and other african countries... Nice job!
• United States
20 Dec 06
Just to set the record straight, most Americans don't want Bush either. BUT...because the cowards, whoever they were, who tried to cripple this country by smashing planes into buildings & killing innocents, the US apparently has to be the police of at least the 3rd world, the middle east...They can't seem to be able to control themselves, they have to dress their women up like mummies...excuse me, at least mummies have some shape to them! They dress them like that because they can't control their own urges. They want to cover all the women in the world up, because they can't be trusted! No control at all. And, they want to take over our country to makle it theirs. So, when other countries "mind their own business" maybe we will be able to as well.
• United States
21 Dec 06
"And, they want to take over our country to makle it theirs. So, when other countries "mind their own business" maybe we will be able to as well." I ask you, as a personal favor, just for a moment, get outside your own skin and look at this phrase you typed from an Iraqi perspective. Can you put aside your assumptions and your blind loyalty long enough to see how they might consider us hypocrites?
• India
20 Dec 06
You are right friend. Because of this attitude America it detroying one terrosist and pushing to make hundreds of others.
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@isha900 (1459)
• India
20 Dec 06
i agree with stetment
@DRoddy77 (1776)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Ive always agreed with this. Our government needs to just mind their own business and start taking care of their OWN people instead of worrying about everyone else!
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@jal1948 (1359)
• India
20 Dec 06
Ask the survivors of 9/11 in usa,ask the victims relatives who went and are still undergoing the mental,emotional trauma of losing a loved one in the bomb blasts, Ask the people of Iraq who regardshim as a saviour,If Bush has a vision to make this nation terrorist free then,we should support him,not criticize.
• United States
20 Dec 06
Does it matter if other countries (Iraq comes to mind) are terrorist free?
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@my2babes (88)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I guess I am kind of confused on this whole topic. Everyone keeps saying the Americans are greedy, they want this, that and the other....That is like saying white people can't dance. Don't blame all of America for what you don't like. There are many Americans who don't like the way the government is ran but there isn't much we can do about it. I could care less really about helping out other countries. I mean, we have enough starving people in our country, why feed the other ones we we have people here to feed? Why send aid to other countries to stop the speread of disease when we can use that $$ to cure other diseases here. Why do we have to send money to poor countries when we could be paying off our national deficite? Why are we buying and trading with other countries to help their economy? We can just buy American made stuff made in the good ole US. I agree with you, I think America should stop all trade agreements with other countries, lock down the borders and let them do with what they have. We can stop all international travel as well since the Americans are not wanted in their tourist lands. Let them make their own money somehow with out the help of tourist, etc. Everyone write to your leaders and maybe they will listen.
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• Indonesia
20 Dec 06
copycat - copycat
I think America is just a puppet of Jewish or Isrealian. Israel is the true bad guy. Thousand of people die useless on Gazza and America seems don't do nothing. The media is make a side with those villants. Maybe because the media have been controlled by Jewish people.
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@DavidReedy (2378)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I Love this topic of conversation. First of all, you're blind if you do not see that the invasion of Iraq, and quite possibly 9/11 was all apart of a plan to make some rich people richer. Iraq happens to one of the biggest suppliers of oil in the world, and our current administration and croneys have a lot of wealth tied up in oil. Need I remind everyone that the Saudis we call allies, even though every pilot on 9/11 was Saudi, and that prior to our invasion of Iraq, never once has the U.S. ever been attacked in a terrorist manner by an Iraqi? Okay, and how about the Geneva Convention? And the very ideals we supposedly espouse. It is against international law to target a nation's leader as we did. We never did finish up in Afghanistan and get Osama Bin Laden. (By the way, is it a coincidence that the Bid Laden family and Bush family have been allies for numerous years?) And okay, if you disagree with me, on my ethics that's fine, so let's talk about strategy. A) During the Clinton administration, military wargames determined that we would need at least 3x as many troops to "successfully" occupy Iraq, and even then there'd still be problems. Second of all, why didn't anyone see this civil war that's brewing in Iraq coming? Everybody else but our blind administration saw it. finally, how is it so many conservative Americans can call themselves Christians and blindly support this war in the first place? What part of "Thou Shalt Not Kill" can't you understand? Now, we're in the quagmire. Iraq is ripping itself to pieces while we're there, but would/will only do so at a much faster and devastating pace if we leave. Now, we need the international communities support (the same international community we alienated) if things are ever to be stabilized again. finally, every great philosopher and religious leader has told us again and again, that violence begets violence. To put it in terms that some or the ignorami may understand, For every bomb you drop, killing another man, woman, or child in Afghanistan, Iraq, or wherever, you are very likely guaranteeing that that person's young relatives are going to grow up hating "Great Satan" a term of endearment for the U.S. in much of the world. Finally, you cannot force your ideologies on another people. I"m not going to pretend I understand the middleastern people. But I do know that American Capitalism/Democracy don't exactly blend well with conservative Islamic and eastern ideologies. It's like that famous "52%" just don't have enough brains to figure some of these, what should be so basic and obvious facts out. America is hated now, perhaps more than we've ever been. And it's because we gave the international community the middle finger, and because we stirred up a hornet's nest, unnecessarily in the middleast. WE've guaranteed our own loss of freedom, because while we're killing (and making more "terrorists") as a result, we're almost guaranteeing another attack on U.S. soil, in which the Patriot Act and recent suspension of Habeus Corpus is going to look like child's play.
@flip916 (12)
• United States
20 Dec 06
First of all Bush isn't running anything, he's a face for a movement. A movement of globalization. The elite of the world don't care about crimes commited by Saddam, if that were the case we would never have backed Iraq in the first place. These crimes we are putting him on trial for happened before we took his side against Iran. We didn't have a problem with him until he switched from the petro-dollar to the petro-euro, and when it's the 2nd largest oil holder in the world that's cause for war. If America is so concerned about war crimes then why aren't we in darfur or why didn't we do something to stop the Rwandan genocide? because they don't have the oil Iraq does. Yes, I think that our actions in dealing with terrorism have created more terrorists. But they are only terrorists to me and to you. In the lands that they come from they are freedom fighters and infadel killers. They need to be "terrorist" to me and to you otherwise there would be no way in hell we would allow our government to go invade other countries for what is basically the need for more resources. It's a hard question to answer because if you say we should mind our own business then that means falling behind in every imaginable field because we can't obtain the resources that drive creation. If you say yes than you are backing America's empirical drive to dominate all the worlds resources at the cost of millions of lives.
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• India
20 Dec 06
cant say... it totslly depends on 1 self... we can hav control over it.. but yes i do feel the same...
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• India
20 Dec 06
I totally agree with you.... America should really be minding it's own business rather than poking its nose in other country's business... What i think is that the main reason for this 'intrusion' by US is due to the fact that they seem to be losing there 'hold' on this world and are becoming increasingly insecure about their position in this new world!!!
@UPLANA (3159)
• India
20 Dec 06
i am totally agree with u!it become a nature of americe that it always try to poke it"s nose into other"s matters!
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• United States
20 Dec 06
I think the United States should re-orient its goals to take into consideration "the world we live in" and not "the world it wants."
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@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
19 Dec 06
Very perceptive! No, there is no democracy in America, and the USA has never been a democratic nation. As a matter of fact, the USA is currently a police state. About minding its own business, the USA government simply will do no such thing - in fear that its people will finally realize what a diabolic government they in fact have. It uses nosiness as a tactic to divert attention from its domestic problems.
• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
oh so nice of you America! But what abt the news that said When there was a disaster in China some years before and you sent ur "AID", the planes used to transport that "AID" were caught by Chinese Men Spying over their territory! Am waiting ur response....Please!
@otshock (271)
• United States
20 Dec 06
I agree with you on this. They start wars to distract the citizens and make them rally behind the President. They pass laws to supposedy "protect" us, but it's really just to have more control over us. It really ticks me off that more people don't realize what's going on here and stand up against all of this BS.
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@katprice (805)
• United States
20 Dec 06
Whenever there's a major natural disaster the US is usually the first one to step up and provide aid. We sent TONS of help to the victims of the Tsunami in Indonesia, yet there was a huge protest last time Bush visited there. What's up with that?!
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• United States
20 Dec 06
I would like to personally thank the original poster as well as several other non-Americans who have replied for realizing that the American government and the American people are not always one and the same. You are better people than George W. Bush (not the highest compliment, I realize). Many (actually most) of us agree with you.
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• United States
20 Dec 06
it really shouldnt be our business whether another country is in need. when we have a crisis you dont see many other countries comming to help us. why should we help them?
• United States
21 Dec 06
Oh for crying out loud. We suck up resources, we manipulate to enrich ourselves, and our insatiable greed has ensured that even our poor are in better shape than most of the rest of the world. We BETTER do something when there is a crisis (we are notoriously stingy, although it's always announced in the press with trumpets and great fanfare while the rest of the world smiles weakly and says "thanks"). And if other countries want to help when we have a crisis then they are gracious and generous to a country who cares only for itself.
• Pakistan
21 Dec 06
Yes this may be one of the consequences, but i would say that during the days of Mr.Clinton i think this was not the conditions coz he was actually doing every thing for his own people..not like Bush
• United States
20 Dec 06
Amen!! New Orleans still looks like a war zone in some area's and no one came to our aid. But God forbid another country have a hurricane or some natural disaster and we would be giving them money out the yin yang!
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
20 Dec 06
There were WMD's (chemical agents and nuclear plans) in Iraq. Not to mention the 16 UN Resolutions they were violating. Iraqis don't hate America, lots of Iraqis cheered when we came in. Many still cheer when they help establish the democracy and help 70% of the people vote in democratic elections. When the US troops build schools and centers for them. You just don't see the boring stuff on TV. And it was a pretzel, not popcorn.
• United States
20 Dec 06
As any country would do in those circumstances.
• United States
20 Dec 06
The only thing Iraq has ever had that could even be considered WMDs are the ones WE GAVE THEM.
• Pakistan
20 Dec 06
Mr. I really respect your right of having your own opinion. But, you must not overlook the harsh realities. You said that there were weapons of mass destruction like chemical agents and nuclear plans, but where are they now!!! If the US government has found anything why dont they make it public, why didn't they show it to the International Community?? The answer is simple "They didn't find any WMDs" Your own government and its allies have realized that they were wrong as Mr. Blair termed the invasion of Iraq as a mistake. About what you said regarding the Iraqi people, then you must know that all those who were celebrating the American invasion are Kurds not Iraqies!!! Yes US troops builds schools and centers but what they do in prisons and at streets is well known. Yes the Iraqi people do welcome the American troops with stones and all weapons the civilian can use in order to register their protest.
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