Spreading the Wealth
By uvbnskoold
@uvbnskoold (499)
December 23, 2006 9:59pm CST
What would happen if the richer people in the world gave their money to the poorer people in the world? People with mutimillions or multi-billions of dollars horde their money while people in 3rd world countries or even people like me slave away to make a living.
I don't care much whether these people 'earn' what they make, I don't think anyone deserves to have millions or billions of dollars at all.
I think that if the richest people in the world gave their money to the poorer it would creatve an equilibrium. Everyone should get paid the same no matter what they do... but I also don't believe in money. We should work to better ourselves and money should be abolished.
Too many people in this world suffer while others basically burn money in their fireplace as kindling.
What do you think would happen? What are your thoughts?
45 responses
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
24 Dec 06
Nice dream, but the fact is, if all the "rich" people in the world gave up their money to make sure everyone had the same amount, within a year the rich would once again be richer and the poor would once again be poor... the only difference would be the names of the "rich" and the "poor".
I read somewhere that someone actually did a study of the world's wealth, and came to the conclusion that if all the money were spread evenly, then every man, woman and child would get about $25,000 USD.
So that means, if have over $25,000 USD in assests, then you are one of "the rich" and (by your own demands) should be forced to give up everything you have above that amount.
So, are you ready to give it up?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
25 Dec 06
Then what would be your barter medium of choice?
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
If that were the way it was, I wouldn't mind. If it meant that everyone had a chance at a long, healthy life, then so be it.
It won't happen and I don't pretend to live in this "fantasy" world. I would much prefer a society where there is no money at all.

@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
I disagree. No one knows what would happen, but I think that we would still have to survive, travel, etc. We would work to better ourselves and survive.
@canadabis1 (1952)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
You mean mnake people equal?...lmao...like that would ever happen...the rich get richer...they have and keep getting more money than anyone would ever need in thier lives...like who the hell needs a billion dollars?
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
But that's what I'm talking about. There's no reason why anyone needs a billion dollars... let alone millions of dollars. I'm sure that with the amount of money in the world, if it were to be spread evenly amongst every living person we'd all have more money than we could ever need to live on.
The question isn't will it ever happen, because we know it won't. But what do you think would happen? Would you like to see this happen? etc.
@dienutza (449)
• Romania
24 Dec 06
they don't do such things..in this world are just a little part of people who gave their money to the poor ones who really need them to live and the ones that have a lot of it they just sperad them on fun and parties expensive cars houses palats and pools with tennis field and so on..but we can smile because if we think better we realise that there are a part of ones who care about the poor ones and help them with money or resources..

@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
25 Dec 06
I've been reading this discussion from the beginning, and here is where I have to jump in! It would be a great thing if all people were truly equal, and if the very rich spread their wealth around to equalize things; but we know that would never, ever happen. Besides that, if they earned their money legally and honestly, even if we feel that they are grossly overpaid (which most of them are),it's still money that they have earned.
What needs to happen is that there has to be a way to empower all of the world's population to work and make a decent living. Which means that there has to be some governmental infrastructure to provide the resources for all of the basic things that people need to survive; everyone needs a foundation on which to build. That's what so many people in the developing nations are missing. They have absolutely no chance to succeed because they have nothing to build upon. If they had decent places to live, decent food, a safe water supply, clothing, medical care, transportation, education, and skills training schools, they would begin to be empowered to improve their situations in life. Without these basics, how can we even expect them to succeed?
One of my biggest pet peeves is the celebrities who have more money than they will ever be able to spend who use the poverty-stricken people in the world to boost their own images and status in Hollywood. I posted about this somewhere else earlier. We've all seen the celebrities who show a fake concern for the deplorable conditions and the alarmingly high number of people infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. We've seen news stories of all that these celebrities are doing for the "cause". That's a bunch of crap. They fly over there in private jets and a car and driver meets them at the airport. They go to a 5-star hotel and eat at hotel restaurants and throw money around. Then they have the driver take them to a remote village where they have their pictures taken "helping the victims of the AIDS epidemic". After which they check out of the hotel and fly back to Hollywood in time to see themselves plastered all over the news as the good-Samaritans that they are. Oh, I forgot- they might throw a bit of money at "the cause", but it's certainly not a huge help. Did you ever see one of these people spend time with the native people? (except for Angelina Jolie, of course)Did these celebrities try to get to know the people as human beings? Share a meal with them, visit their homes, maybe stay a few days with a "host family"? Never. The rich and famous are too "good" for that. These are the over-paid people who should share their money.
Sports celebrities are another thing- why is it that a professional hockey player can sign a contract for 7 million over 4 years? That's obscene!! And professional football is even worse.
Maybe anyone who makes over a certain amount of money or has assets in the millions should be required to pay an extra tax every year, in addition to the normal income taxes, to go into a Universal Fund of some sort that would be internationally administered with funds going to improve the living conditions of the developing countries and help to empower all people in the world to better themselves.
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
It's funny that it's usually the average/low average earners that support 3rd world country initiatives or homeless ones, etc. Sure there are rich people that do it for tax purposes, and very few that actually have good hearts when it comes to that kind of thing and of course celebrities who only use it for image - but of course there are some genuine cases too!

@lemar37 (201)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I think that even if the richest people in the world spread their money around to the poor there would still be poor and starving people because not everyone knows how to handle money or make money it is a skill.
If a lot of money was given to some homeless person they will be broke again in a short time. Everyone has the obligation to take care of themselves.
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
This could quite possibly be true. I was watching Oprah or Dr. Phil, can't remember which one, and his documentary filmmaker was on with a homeless man. They wanted to see what would happen if they gave him $100,000. Would he change his life around and take advantage of this wonderours gift or squander it?
He squandered it. He didn't know how to handle it... he told what family he had and of course all the family came out of the woods and before he knew it he bought friends cars, gave them money, etc and he is now still living on the street.
Your last statement is quite true, especially in the real world we live in.
@muralikumar2005 (622)
• India
24 Dec 06
What you are suggesting is a bit over the board. Creating an equilibrium environment where everyone has an equal economic status is highly unlikely.Do you actually think that the Ceo's of most top level companies would be willing to receive a monthly salary same as their lower level employees??? Do you think a rap singer like eminem would be willing to be paid the same amount as his sound mixer???????.I don't think so
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
25 Dec 06
No, they wouldn't like it at all. And of course it's unlikley but it's a crazy idea for sure, but it's got heart to it.
Too many people suffer and if there were many of us will billions I would be tempted to take a certain amount of that to help out as best I can... but lets face it - 1 person cannot do much, no matter how much he/she has.
I am in the music business and can't tell you, in reality I appreciate money as much as the next person.
It's just a crazy idea... a hypothetical question :)
@moneymind (10510)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
well i think this world will become a lazy populated planet. imagine we have all millions all equal in millions of dollars, you think one will go burning his/her skin picking fruits or attending the farm. mostlikely that every body will be thinking that hey i have millions of dollars why bother to work when i can buy all that i needed... greetings. : )
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Tis true... which is why I mentioned why money should also be abolished. It creates too many problems... it'll not happen for many years, probably centuries, if at all.
@kunalgaurr (536)
• India
24 Dec 06
Well, your suggestion is good that everybody will be equal then (according to you)... But when we see practically (actually according to me) poor people , whatever are they working presently, stop working at all as they may think rich people are giving money to them therefore why would they bother to work... most of the people will become lazy and will not do any work...
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Again I disagree, personally. I'm not going to repeat myself again, you can read some of my comments on this page to have said basically the same thing.
We have a system like that now that people take advantage of, it's called welfare. That's why my personal suggestion wouldn't be to split equally the world's entire money but to abolish it entirely.
@koikoikoi (1246)
• United States
24 Dec 06
I don't agree with you on the part where you say that everyone should get paid the same no matter what they do. If that would happen then there not be any singing. Except for the people that sing for the fact that they can. And former-rich people will start to fight with people that weren't rich before. The rich people are going to be driving an average person car and they're always going to be in a bad mood. Besides anyone can get rich. One way or another.
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
Sure there'd be singing... that doesn't make any sense. It'd be nice though if everyone got an equal share of all the money on the planet, and then go from there.
@kyle930 (763)
• United States
24 Dec 06
The economy would probably improve if wealth was spread evenly because rich people spend a smaller percentage of their money than poorer people do. I dont think that this will ever happen though because how are you going to convince the richer people to give away most of their money.
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@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
I agree, if that could be the case. But we all know it isn't going to happen. I can only hope that one day far into the future the human race will evolve beyond needing a system of commerce.
It's not really a matter of convincing anyone to do anything... it's just a hypothetical question to see what you all think about it.
@TheApparition (337)
• India
24 Dec 06
Firstly , if you are thinking of creating economic equality then it is impossible .
Secondly , money was meant to be a common element to be used for trade.
So it would be impracticle to carry out commerce without this element.
The problem arises when we equate happiness or our sense of worth with money ;which I think ,is a sign of immaturity.Those who realize this will lead a civilized and enlightened life.
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
You make a valid point. But if economy/commerce didn't exist... what then? Just a thought.
I am a dreamer yes, but I also know the difference between dreams and reality.
I agree with you about equating $$ = happiness. Quite immature, but it's how most people act. Could be the reason we have problems like this in the first place...
@venshida (4836)
• United States
24 Dec 06
This sounds like a marxist idea. I think if money is just given to people they would become lazy and wont try to work for themselves. I think money is more valuable when people work for it so I think giving it away is not a good idea. It might create an equilibrium, but for how long. Some people are going to blow it in no time, and then we will still have the same scenario. If money is abolished, what do we use in its place?
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@mukesh3685 (56)
• India
24 Dec 06
ya your idea are very right but not that it make equilibrium at any time. this make world destroy.
@josan181237 (1204)
• Philippines
24 Dec 06
yeah..i think everyone should share their blessings. this doesn't apply to millionaires or billionaires only. if we have some extra money, we should give it to those people who can't even afford a meal. or we can donate something to them.
@mukesh3685 (56)
• India
24 Dec 06
it is like begger if you want meal you should work. if you are billionare then provide them work just they never be hungry not provide money that they never thin to work.
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@kiwi02 (9)
• New Zealand
24 Dec 06
I'm not sure your right. A good number of the very rich people in the world dontate a lot to charity and helping others out.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are high profile most recent examples, see link here:
In a much smaller way all of the "Rich People" I know or know about donate huge sums either publically or privately.
There is no perfect system but democracy and capitalism or derivatives there of have repeatedly served mankind well down through history. The facts are if you want to be a leader you have to make significant sacrifice - with sacrifice must come reward - or else no-one would lead and the world would be a poorer place.
@uvbnskoold (499)
• Canada
24 Dec 06
It's not a matter of right and wrong, I just want to hear what you people think. I have my own thoughts and you have yours.
Most rich people do it for tax purposes, but there are some who have a genuine cause they care about. I would be arrogant to wrong to lump every rich person into the same stereotype.
It's true that there are decisions to be made, but I think they are usually made for selfish reasons. Theres nothing wrong with wanting to make money, but there's no need to hog millions when someone is dying because he can't afford to eat.
@valmiki9 (1171)
• India
25 Dec 06
Rich people cannot give money to the poor directly because it will affect the self respect of the poor.Ancient india had found the ideal solution to this problem. The temple was a common place for every one and rich and poor king and commoner bowed to god with equal respect.
All used to accept theofferings to god as god given. So rich people used to give their wealth to the temple committee with request that every day so many hundred should be fed free at the tmple with lunch offered to the lord.
similarly clothes used to be distributed and also free choultries for stay of trvelers.The poor used to get the benefit of these tings and they were great ful to god for arranging things for them.now taking over of the temple management by government and misutilisation of funds and corruption has eradicated all good things.
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@harsh1985 (593)
• India
25 Dec 06
what is this.if you got the billions of dollars then you will give to poor people without any reason...i will not..
those richer people is not get this position in one day, a very great effort is behind this..charity,helping poor people to improve their status is OK rather nice thing..
if poor people work hard they will get sucess surely... because NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.
@vhmehta (621)
• United States
25 Dec 06
Well I guess you want a world without currency!! Human minds are developed to compete. If not money they will find something else. I dont feel everyone should be paid the same. A more qualified person should get more than a person who is not qualified. Hard work and qualifications are the two factors which should decide the salary. Some of the rich people have also worked there way up through hard work. Why should they give away there money? I am a middle class hard working Engineer and am happy with what I get and what other rich people get. Atleast rich people I have met are working hard to earn that money.
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@koerporation (367)
• Indonesia
25 Dec 06
do you think if you are given one million dollars you would use it to open your business? i guess not, people attend to spend it for fun until they realise that they dont have any more money. the different between the poors and the richers is on how they fought their life. do you think becoming poor make them want to beg? i see some poor people who not complaining about their life and avoiding to beg, they still have dignity to work though it doesnt ear much money. dont underestimate poors as they always suffer or something
@nikki_arce (78)
• Philippines
25 Dec 06
then everybody else would get lazy. no one would care to work anymore. they'd just lie around and wait while the rich come to them to give them money to spend. i mean, i'm all for the eradication of poverty and all. but even now, there are a lot of poor people who don't even do anything to get a living to earn some money. just last night, there was this man who was "caroling" outside our house. he wanted some money, i assume. but the man was always "caroling" at our house since the start of december. and he was not even really singing. he was just banging a stick on a tin can. he didn't even have any rhythm or melody at all. and then there's this noontime show here in our country where the hosts give away huge amounts of money. i'm talking really huge amounts of money. the hosts try to give away one million pesos everyday! and everyday, there are poor people lining outside the studios just so they could get a chance to play for the one million. they get up at 3 o'clock in the morning just so they could fall in line outside the studio, instead of going to work! once everyone decides that the rich should give their money to the poor, people like them would become worse.
@dbratnam123 (80)
• India
25 Dec 06
If this really happens then there will not be the words rich and poor.Every one will be happy.But again the difference arises because the god has not given every one the same strength,intelligence,hard working etc.,