No more smoking in Louisiana!!
@girlfriday630 (62)
United States
December 27, 2006 2:32pm CST
Okay I get the law about no smoking in public places. The problem I have with everything is that all of a sudden the smokers no longer have any rights!! We are tossed aside like we have the plauge. I understand that second hand smoke causes damage and I also understand the damage that I am causing to myself. I just feel like we are being shunned by the public as a whole. We are being forced to quit smoking by the goverment, so what will the goverment turn to next to tax?? My guess alcohol. What you do think?
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21 responses
@armywifey (882)
• United States
27 Dec 06
I feel the smae way to an extent. Most of Indiana has laws that say we can't smoke in any public buildings unless it is a private owned club. You canlt even smoke in the bars. I know that when most people drink they smoke so it is going to be a problem for them. They are even talking about making it illegal to smoke on the streets and sidewalks. I think this is ridiculas because who is smoking outside going to hurt?
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@girlfriday630 (62)
• United States
27 Dec 06
It's the same way here. They actually passed a law that you can't smoke in your vechile with a child under 12. So why is a child's life under 12 more important than a child's life over 12?
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@armywifey (882)
• United States
27 Dec 06
That's good good question. It should just be children in general if they are going to make such a law.
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@pizahr (265)
• United States
29 Dec 06
Just stop telling me what to do that is best for me. Get your heads out of your butt and realize we dont want to be saved by you!!! You have no right to do that and it is not wanted! I stopped smoking many years ago but I do not agree with the government regulating me in anyway!!
What is next? My meals? Are you going to come up to me in a restaurant and tell me I cant eat what is in front of me because "you think" I am overweight? Or come up and cut my hair because "you think" my hair is too long? It is not about smoking, it is about you and the government regulating MY LIFE! It is not for you to decide!! I am an adult and I know what is good and bad for me! I will decide when I want to loose weight, stop smoking or what ever else I decide to do or not!
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@DeenaD (2684)
• United States
28 Dec 06
People should be allowed to smoke - in your own homes and outside! Stay out of restaurants - it's really gross. My husband and I went out to eat at a certain popular chain restaurant and the non-smoling section was on the other side of a low wall from the smoking section. The result was that the people right next to us were smoking and we could smell it. First of all, my son has respiratory problems, and secondly, it's really unappetizing! So we will not visit this restaurant again.
@girlfriday630 (62)
• United States
28 Dec 06
i understand about the restraunts, but make a seperate section, closed in if need be, for smokers.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Dec 06
whoa wait a minute are you telling me that you cant smoke ANYWHERE in Louisiana now? like if I'm walking down the street or sitting out on my front porch I cant have a damn smoke? Can someone tell me what this law is about exactly cause this is the first I've heard of it (mind you I dont live in or anywhere near Louisiana)

@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Okay thats a bit insane IMO I'm all for respecting the health of nonsmokers etc but this seems like a whole lot of overkill and even more dictation than anything...Thats ridiculous!
@girlfriday630 (62)
• United States
28 Dec 06
You will not be able to smoke in public. The law will pass on Jan 1 2007. The only place you will be allowed to smoke is at you home or in a free standing bar. Also some caniso's will have designated smoking areas.

@pizahr (265)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Ok, now what right do you have to stop me from smoking? This country was founded on freedoms and now everyone else thinks it is their right to take mine? What will be next, taking my right to buy the food I want because I am a few pounds over weight? I choose to smoke. No one forces me and I am by no means stupid. I know the dangers. Personally, I think people who have bad breath should stop breathing because it offends me. You should be taxed highly until you get your mouth cleaned. Pretty soon the jerks who think I shouldnt smoke will have nothing to complain about and they will move on. They think their desires are much more important than anyone else's and they will continue to push their beliefs on the rest of us. Any you know what? I dont care what you think!!! The government lies so much. Take a look at the vehicles driving down the street. Out of 10 cars at least half are still smoking. There arent enough police out there to stop us all. So the idiots who push these issues will be telling on us. They will be tattle tales. Society is getting so ridiculous this way. And from watching the news it is not just the US.
I cant wait till the day comes when you go grocery shopping and they have a scale at the checkout. When you put your food on bells will go off and you will not be able to purchase what you want because you are heavy. "Sorry sir/madam, you are 10 lbs overweight and you cant buy that." The person behind you will tell you that you are too fat and you can not buy those potato chips or pizza. Then when you refuse the "fat" police will come and arrest you. Get out of my life and let me do what the @#$% I want to. It is none of your business what I do in my life or with my body!!!!
@girlfriday630 (62)
• United States
28 Dec 06
i agree totally with you! eveything the govenment is doing we will soon be headed to a communist country. we are free, we have the right to do and say and feel what we want. no one should be able to take that from us.
@mamabulldog60 (351)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Last I looked La has way bigger fish to fry than smokin, oh say gov corruption, disaster preparedness, mega welfare recipients that go on like a family trust fund, smoking is an issue. I agree with you we pay more taxes and are treated like second class citizens
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@girlfriday630 (62)
• United States
28 Dec 06
thats another good point! louisiana is more concerned with the smokers than with all the other issues here! what is this state coming to? Insurance is higher, gas is high, everything has gone up but our pay! i think we just might move out of state maybe things would be better elsewhere!
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@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
28 Dec 06
I am all for smoking being banned everywhere and I feel that anyone who does not feel that way, is selfish. Especially if they have kids.
@suren2k6cse (2621)
• India
28 Dec 06
smoking in public place is not good, because you spoil the life of other people also. it should be baned in public place.
@tanmayangre (841)
• India
28 Dec 06
well i dont like smokers specially the smoke is what i hate and cant tolerate i urge smokers to quit........
well i also try to save their life in turn
@vikceo (1301)
• India
28 Dec 06
well i must say that from your angle it seems bad to ban smoking in public places. but government to thinks about effect of such habits on the coming generation like kids, your health and a lot of other factors like pollution etc. there are a lot of people around you who are either allergic to smoking or sometimes have some serious problems if somebody is smoking around you. i do not thing that you will really want to be a person who becomes a trouble for a lot of people who have problems with smoking. what you say friend?
@amafrias (455)
• United States
31 Dec 06
Wow, I know they made it where you could not smoke in any bar that served a certain percent of it's profits in food here in Fl. All the bars just stopped serving food. I just don't get how our government can start stepping in on what we do in our own car with our own children.(from above post) Where does the dictatorship stop and become a democracy here? I thought that is how it's suppose to be. I didn't mind when they cut it out of restaurants, no biggie, but when they start cutting me off in my own darn yard I am going to be pissed..
@attitudewidrulz (112)
• Pakistan
28 Dec 06
i think it is good to creat law againt smoking becoz u arent smoking cirgrits, actualy its smokes ur life's
@polachicago (18716)
• United States
28 Dec 06
member of my family die from lung cancer. she was second hand smoker (her husband smoke at home!). basicly he killed her. I have no mercy for smokers. sorry.
@flutterby74 (75)
• United States
28 Dec 06
Second hand smoke is bad. As a nonsmoker you should not take away my right to breathe clean air! Aside from second hand smoke, I don't care for my children to see people smoking and get the idea that since so many people do it, it must be ok.
@WebMann (4731)
• Canada
28 Dec 06
You are destroying your health with smoking and those around you, plus you smell like an ashe tray most of the time. Let's kiss, that sounds like fun.
I need more coffee I think.
I smoked for most of my life, starting at 15. I am now in my 50s. I had a couple of heart attacks and imagine that. I quit smoking.
Really though smoking is just plain stupid. We suck on hot coals and cough until we sweat and spit up crap but it's our body and we should be able to abuse it right?
Stop thinking of your rights as a smoker. You obviously can't take care of yourself or you would just quit, so maybe if you can't smoke anywhere but under a rock it will help you to stop smoking.
I play guitar a little bit and I go to friends home to play where they smoke all the time. I never complain because I could choose to stay home couldn't I.
I know their hooked, as I was too, but it is their life and I choose to keep them as friends and to sit in their smokey living room while we party.
I wanted to put that in there so you would know I don't go around preaching to people about quitting.
Although it would be healthier for you and those around you. :)
@rafaelpinese (49)
• Brazil
28 Dec 06
i hate smoking .... uehhh !!!! =/ in brazil sometimes all people smoking all time =/