What do u think abt the word 'GOD'
By foxbrain
@foxbrain (203)
December 31, 2006 5:40pm CST
I Believe in him but as a faith, I m not devoted any religion but i have faith in me that keeps me running.
What makes I believe ppl are gods, those ppl who care for other, share their supper even when they have very few left to share, when thy consider other life more important than theirs. God exist in human hood, in things we do and play as intermediate with.
Many gods like buddha thought me how to live by faith and help and I try my best be human and care for the world with jus a faith that these three word give me "GOD".
Do u really think that GOD exist, b'coz i don't entirely.
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88 responses
@quatelmon (955)
• United States
31 Dec 06
I don't really believe in a god that watches over to us an answers our prayers and that sort of thing. I think that it is used as a crutch by many people to help make them feel better and that there is a greater purpose after this life. It's unfortunate, because agree with it or not, religion in any form usually causes more problems than solutions. This is just my opinion, however.
Too many people use religion as a reason for what they do. I do not feel that we should have "in god we trust" on our money or in our courts. Also, just because I do not believe in a god does not mean that I do not have a good moral basis. You can teach morals without religion, and I think you can do it far better without it. Religions also use a lot of fear to push their beliefs, which I also feel is wrong.
These are just my oppinions, however. :) I still, of course, feel that everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and oppinions, and I do not force my beliefs on anyone else. I do enjoy discusing my ideas with people, though.
@foxbrain (203)
• India
31 Dec 06
I agree and respect u but do u feel still sometimes u can't avoid the word god at all?
Also ur rite i do hate abt things do doing arnd in name of religion i jus believe religion as term of rules that existed as laws earlier to bind ppl with good morals.
But when ppl have good morals and act good, god dissolves at at-most realization and maybe this is what they say as enlightenment. Hope more could understand it.
@zoeokeeffe (184)
1 Jan 07
I agree with these comments completely. Its nice to hear someone else thinks the same as me.
@rakeshdas (427)
• India
1 Jan 07
God is the one whose name helps to dodge past all the problems in your life. pronuncing his name can do wonders in your life :)
And to me he is Mr. Steve Harris ... the bassist of the british heavy metal band Iron maiden :)
Saluting u GOD
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@supersach (1523)
• India
1 Jan 07
I am in complete agreement with you, foxbrain. I believe in God but not in religions. I think there should be only one religion i. e . Humanity. This world would be a great place if everybody starts thinking this way.
I believe in God because their are so many things in this world that cannot be explained and I also think that everything that is there, is created by someone and that someone, whoever he may be, is God for me.
@annamswathigoud (17)
• India
1 Jan 07
beliving ourselfs is wat beliving in god .its kind of a faith ,relying on someone who is faithful because no harm in beliving in someone who wont do wrong with us , because its a kind of a beliefe.........
its a kind of meditating our selfs in deep breath so beliving is good its a kind of hope if it go's wrong it because of us if it go's right its because of us ONLY REMEMBE
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@rajatharya (62)
• India
1 Jan 07
i like your topic and your idea
i believe in GOD and his presence
because one or other force is existing on this earth
for that we are giving name as GOD
if people had a feeling of godliness then our society will be free from evils
i like the concept of seeing GOD in sacrifice and helping the poor ones
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@baylvr (25)
• United States
1 Jan 07
I do believe in God and attend a Charismatic church regularly. People are not Gods as the Bible says "put no other Gods before me". Sharing ones meal is what the Bible asks of us. Sharing a meal with others is just one way of ensuring God's Blessings on your life. As God returns giving with giving!
Everything you need to know on how to live your life, run your finances, raise your children, and correspond with others is in the Bible.
You will know Joy beyond your imagination by simply turning your life over to God and living the way the Bible has laid out life for you.
@baylvr (25)
• United States
2 Jan 07
God IS perfection. He made us in His image. There are no mistakes made on God's part. You need to keep in mind, God never fails, our "gift" of free will allows "the destroyer" the Devil to step in and "kill, steal and destroy". When we turn from God, he can't help us until we ask. That's why so many only call to him in times of trouble... but he's there... ever faithful!
@cowboyzfan (718)
• United States
1 Jan 07
To me God means the focus point of whatever religion you are.
@nomi_prince4u (248)
• Pakistan
1 Jan 07
My Dear Friend!
I believe that GOD realy exist coz if u think that this world *who is the creator of this world just think about it!!!!
*who burings the huge sun up in the morning?
*who takes the life of human?who gives the life?
*where u come from or who sent u here in this world?
*Do you bron by ur self or not?
My dear friend foxbrain 1st you think about these then you realise that is the GOD exist or not!(-_-)
@foxbrain (203)
• India
1 Jan 07
Hello prince, have u ever thought it quite natural for any species to evolve from ignorant stages and that every particle in world shares its relation to energy building?
Well if u have studied little science I can still say whats keeping the sun burning and i can also predict when it will stop burning and who takes life of human.
As for others I believe giving life is reproduction I would have been born as a result of just biological reactions.
Now i can be sure that sun will stop burning in a few far future, in case if u were at that very age will God be there to keep it burning or will he leave his creations to die?
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@colonelsanders (209)
1 Jan 07
Human needs God as He is the source of love and everything we have in the world.
If you think that science is everything then ill prove you wrong that even now ( will be forever) human cannot create one single life cell. Eventho the newest technology is used and the best knowledge is applied. How can you say that the world is created by just one 'act of accident'. It never be an accident as everything is under God's plan.

@nickhilll (14)
• India
1 Jan 07
Dude... first off, you gotta respect God for what he is. Secondly, it is better for us as humans to understand that our thinking ablity is limited to just things 'human'. there is something called 'supernatural' coz it indeed is something beyond the natural. that is where faith plays a role. You can consider my next sentence or ignore it, but i suggest you take it seriously and positively for your good.
Get a bible somehow, read it and believe... ask God to help ya understand it! tats all i can tell ya...
Thank you :)
@foxbrain (203)
• India
1 Jan 07
Nick i m sorry that this topic i hard on you, but when there are people who jus follow the bible. while there are lot of people who say there are gaps and unsaid things in it.
So i prefer a study bible to any of he new ones.
I stil do stand by my stance ppl are god.
@jackslaiter (371)
• India
1 Jan 07
The existence of GOD is a subject that has occupied schools of philosophy and theology for thousands of years. Most of time, these debates have revolved around all kind of assumptions and definitions. Philosophers will spens a lifetime arguing about the meaning of a word and never really get there. One is reminded of a college student who was asked how his philosophy class was going. He replied that they had not done much because when the teacher tried to call roll, the kids kept arguing about whether they existed or not.

@jackslaiter (371)
• India
1 Jan 07
Most of us who live and work in the real world do not concern ourselves with such activities. We realize that such discussions may have value & interests in the academic world, but the stress and pressure of day-to-day life forces us to deal with a very pragmatic way of making decisions. If i ask you to prove me that you have $20, you would show it to me. Even in more abstract things we use common sense with practical reasoning. If I ask you whether a certain person is honest or not, you do not flood the air with dissertations on the relative nature of honesty, you would give me evidence one way or the other. The techniques of much of the philosophical arguments that go on would eliminate most of engineering & technology if they were applied in those fields.
@santoo (36)
• India
1 Jan 07
god is eternal.believe him , I bet he will give u everything u want. GOD HELPS BUT WAITS

@biblicalpair (8)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Those "GODS" would be angels. There is only one God. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life, no one goes to the fatherr except through me." Have your faith in God above. There are no Gods on earth. First Commandment: Have no other God but me.

@helloitsmera (48)
• India
1 Jan 07
As an old saying GOD mean generator,organizer, and destroyer.It covers every aspect of life. I don't think there is anything wrong in naming something as GOD which gives motivation.For me GOD is force that you can feel and can't be proved by science.For example Consider Rotation of Earth. who is rotating it?I don't mind terming the power that is rotating the earth as GOD.
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@dman_25 (26)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
Here is what I gather from a source site: ... the existence of God cannot be proven or disproved. The Bible even says that we must accept by faith the fact that God exists, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him” (Hebrews 11:6). If God so desired, He could simply appear and prove to the whole world that He exists. But if He did that, there would be no need for faith. "Then Jesus told him, 'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed'” (John 20:29).
LINK: http://www.gotquestions.org/Does-God-exist.html
think about it...
@foxbrain (203)
• India
1 Jan 07
These sentences are strong in writing it induces faith into Christian religion.
'Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed' this sentence is too strong to say in other sense like those who have not seen him are blessed while others are not.
Bible gets its powers in all soft sentences, were things were written in a different style.It provided softness and soothed people for those in need of love.for eg compare and study the first creation phrases with this phrases which is more direct and rather not so "soothing". That was supposed to be in every line of bible. y is this line so direct?
And the former line states "it is impossible to please god without faith", then all other people those who believe, 'love others and help them well and do only good' and also preserve that god doesn't exist or follow his own god, pagan or others than christ, will they be put into mouths of hell?
And whats this line saying saying "because you have seen me" did christ jus refer himself to as god? while he is said to be son of god. If it is, thn God=son of god or do christians have 2 gods as per bible?
@baylvr (25)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Foxbrain... your misinterpretation of what was printed is exactly why so many turn from God.
This is exactly why people need to find a good Bible based church and hear the Word preached by those who have attended seminary and special classes and who are scholars about The Word.

@pendragon (3348)
• United States
1 Jan 07
i don't have any particular religion either, but very much believe in the humbling love tha you speak of.The mother Teresa,wisdom, share all, kind of love works best for me on whole, when thinking of religion, or my gut feelings on right and wrong.I believe that something is the glue in this universe,and holds things generally together,I think that's God,and that God is love.
@AKRao24 (27424)
• India
1 Jan 07
I don't believe in God in a personified form. All I think that there has to a power which has created this universe, our celestial system , our planet and every thing around us, the nature.Everything is systematically planned, so that every living craetures can survive comfortably in the nature. The nature has provided a ecosystem and food chain amongst the living things, which makes one wonder why and how it has been done ? Who has done it ...then not finding any answer to it, like many people I also call this power as God!
Yes doing good cause for the betterment of human being is a Godly thing.Helping others, not hurting others for your selfish motives, adopting the simple principle of live and let live are the best ways of paying our sincere thanks to God!
I really don't like people going to Temples, Chrches or to Wosques in search of God! God is omnipresent. Just look around you carefully you will get God in many forms. An unknown person or a stranger coming to help you in the event of any casuelty is the God for you at that moment.God comes to you as a saviour, may that be then in any form !
I shun the activities, pomp and show, pretentions in the name of God undertaken at various Temples, Chrches and Mosques, as God never said to undertake such meaningless things in order to please him. Our desciplined life and the attitude to protect the nature and mankind is all the God want from us in return, thats what all I feel about the God!
@absfive (145)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
yah,i alos have that kind of question giong around my mind,im always thiinking if god really exists why there is inbalanced in the world,why does not taking care of us so we will never be in hell because of doing nasty crimes,instead letting us afterwards blames us.
@baylvr (25)
• United States
2 Jan 07
There is imbalance in the world because God gave man the "gift" of free will. Man makes decisions based on emotion then blames God when it doesn't go the way he wanted it to. God already has a plan for each of us before we're ever born.
We go to hell because of our own actions... not because God is "allowing" it to happen. Again, we're acting on our free will.
You should do as the Bible says each day... "seek FIRST the kingdom of Heaven"... in other words, BEFORE you utilize the gift of free will... seek God's wisdom through prayer. Then act accordingly.
@pretty_daisy_24 (18)
• Philippines
1 Jan 07
I joined a quiz contest 5 years ago and according to the reviewer God is a three-letter word which means powerful... a creator..
@hassanchop (820)
• United States
2 Jan 07
I'm a believer, and my faith is in Jesus Christ. I'm very stimulated intellectually, and the fact that it's been shown that the higher IQ a person has, the less likely they are to be a believer in a God or gods, is rather disconcerting. Many churches don't do a good job helping to build their members' intellectual faith, almost as if expecting faith to be a "blind" faith. That's where the stereotype comes from.
@ckjaga (38)
• India
1 Jan 07
I certainly believe that there is a major governing force acting on all of us which i consider as GOD.. there is nothing wrong in worshipping him since it would atleast give some, some mental peace... but there can be only ONE and i dont want to support any particular religion... Surely : persons who proclaim themselves as god and persons who commit crime under the name of god should never supported .... as always opinions differ