Good Samaritans

@emeraldisle (13139)
United States
January 2, 2007 6:34am CST
Do they still exist? I'd like to think so. In fact I had a situation recently where I met one. We had taken a friend to the airport and on the way out the road dumps into this junction between three or four different highways, two of which are toll roads. I managed not to get creamed by other cars and saw I was about to get onto the one toll road so I got off at the exit. Problem was the exit had a toll. Ok fine not a problem right; I had some money I could pay. I had a ten dollar bill and it was a $0.25 and exact change only. Oh yes so much fun. We are trying to search for a dimes, nickels, a quarter anything but all we were finding were pennies which the machine doesn't take. Suddenly the guy behind us got out of his car and I'm worried, with how road rage is at times I wasn't sure what they'd do. He came up and asked if we had the money. I explained and he said not to worry. He swiped his card for it (a prepaid type). We said thank you and he went back to his car. He was a county employee but we didn't get the license number or his name otherwise we would call to compliment him. So do you have an example of a good Samaritan? Care to share it with us?
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26 responses
@Thomas73 (1467)
• Switzerland
2 Jan 07
I wouldn't call myself a good samaritan, but here's what happened to me a few years ago. I was at a cash dispenser and the woman in front of me was struggling with the machine. A long queue was forming behind me and the woman still couldn't get any money out. She eventually gave up, cursing the machine and storming off to her car. As I was just about to slide my card in, £20 suddenly appeared and I realised instantly that this was the money she wanted from the dispenser. I grabbed the money and ran to her car as she was pulling out. I knocked on the window and she opened it, obviously wondering what I wanted. I gave her the money, telling her that the machine had finally worked. She simply took it, said "oh ok", and drove off. I had been kind to her, and my reward was actually nothing, zero, nada, zilch. I wasn't expecting anything, but even £1 to go for a drink -- yes, it was still possible to get a pint for that price at the time! -- would have been nice. After all, I could have kept the money for myself, right? All I got was to lose my place in the queue and wait another 15 minutes before I could get my own £20... I'd still do it again, though.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Jan 07
Good for you :) That was great of you to do. It's a shame she couldn't say thank you. That is the least she could have done. I would have been immensly grateful. I know I was very grateful to the man who helped me and that was for just a quarter so for a the amount you are talking I can just imagine how I'd feel.
• United States
3 Jan 07
That was a very nice thing of you to do. I Adore people that are still like that in this world, we need more of them.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Aw, you did a wonderful thing by making sure that she didn't lose her money! I'm sorry that she didn't thank you more openly for what you did. It's really lovely to hear that there are still such good people in the world as you who would help a fellow human out. I know that I would have been mortified to have lost that money if it were me, and your help would have been very very much appreciated indeed if it had been myself that you had been handing that $20 to! ^_^
@emarie (5441)
• United States
3 Jan 07
i think they do...out there...somewhere. i've tried to do small things, but on the most, me and my husband try to help whoever we can. i don't know how many people my husband has helped with their car. i know he helped a couple who locked their keys in the car and he opened the door for them. they offered to give him money bit of course he declined. he also helps our neighbors with problems...i mean, my husband is just that kind of guy who knows a lot and likes to help others. he also believes in karma, which is probably another reason he likes helping those in need. but he's a little to trusting with money sometimes. a few years back we did something good for his friend by lending hom $500 for his rent (this was almost all we had at the time and my husband wasn't earning any real income, most of this was our wedding money) well, he said his friend was very religious and would pay us back as soon as he could, but 5 years latter...NOTHING! and he even moved without telling us because i constantly tried calling him asking for the money back because we were in a real bind. so, no good deed goes un punished...i guess you can say that.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
It's a shame when kindness is returned with such like that. The so called friend should be ashamed. I know I've had friends that have done that, thankfully not that much money but I didn't have that much money at the time. Still it's nice that your husband helps others when he can. That is very nice of him.
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• United States
2 Jan 07
I don't know if I would consider myself a good Samaritan - but I shop at a Publix grocery store where a lot of elderly people shop. On more than one occasion an elderly woman has been short by a few cents to a couple dollars. I usually will give them what they are short. I just feel so bad. They are living off social security and it's tight. The look on their face when they are short after it's been wrung up is so panicked and sad. It makes me feel better to give them the money.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
2 Jan 07
That is nice of you and I'm sure they appreciate it. I wasn't neccessarily looking that so much as good samaratins who have touched your life type thing but either is good :) I like hearing positive stories.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Withoutwings, that's so sweet! I love hearing that you do that for people. ^_^
@FiredUp (270)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Yes, I believe more good samaritans are out there than we realize. Many people are just looking at only the big things and miss all the little good things people do everyday. I am talking about those little things that go un-noticed, but brighten someone's day...picking up something that was dropped, helping someone carry a heavy load, giving someone a little money when they are short in the grocery line, etc. These things we do every day without thinking about them, but they make a big impact. How much worse would the world be without that. So yes, good samaritans, both big and small are still out there, making this life more livable.
@FiredUp (270)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Yes, I have seen that commercial and that is exactly what I am talking about. That is what makes the world go around. Sometimes it just takes a smile to make someone's day.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Very well said. You are right it doesn't have to be big to help. Not sure if you have seen the one commerical where the guy picks up the kid's doll and then it shows someone who saw it do something nice and it goes full circle to him? I think it's the little things sometimes that mean far more then the big ones.
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@shywolf (4514)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Aw, yes! The little things are just as important as the big!! ^_^ ^_^
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@aaron2416 (152)
• India
3 Jan 07
though they are few.....but they still exists. it once happens when a man whom i know forgot his handbag in a market (in it there are imp papers and a good amount of money). He thought he will not get it back but to his surprise, a street vendor called him in his cellphone and he get it back and the most surprising thing is that he did not even take the money when this man offered him.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
That is great to hear. He really got blessed because that could have turned out so much worse. There are some good people in this world and it's always nice when you get touched by them.
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@mrioca (137)
• Romania
3 Jan 07
Cood samaritans, i think don`t exist, or that are rarely, anyway if you meet one and help you that is a great thing. All people don`t help his almost. I`ve see a website with a non profit action, who been developed for comunities, school, churches and parents of children who has disability. I think this is a good thing but, that are just few. that was my oppinion, have a nice day on mylot.
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• United States
3 Jan 07
If any of you have children you can understand how it is when you're going somewhere and you're trying to carry them and everything else that comes with them. I can not count the endless times someone has picked up his pasifer and followed me through the store with it. I don't know what I would do if I had lost that. He lovesssssss his passy! Thank god for good people.!
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Ooh it's nice someone did that. Yeah a baby sometimes has one favorite thing and heaven help you if you lose it. I know how that is. It does help when others assist in that way.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
2 Jan 07
With all the negative topics in here lately it is so nice to hear a good postive story, it is nice to know there are still nice people around.
• United States
3 Jan 07
the only real story i have is me being a good samaritin on christmas eve of 2005 i saw a family broken down on the side of the road their car wouldnt start so i tried jumping it it would not work so i gave them a ride home.they offered me money but i would not take it i felt bad they had two babies with them and i wasnt going to leave them stranded on christmas eve and it was on my way home.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
That is wonderful that you did that. It's nice to hear that people will go out of their way to help others. I'm sure they had a much better Christmas because of you then they might have otherwise.
@multisubj (451)
• India
19 Mar 07
Nice to read this. You may like to read another example I have in a discussion started by me today.
• United States
3 Jan 07
I am a firm believer that they do exist I have been in many situations that seemed bleak (usually broken down car episodes) but it seems eventually someone does come along and offer some help maybe not as fast as they used to but there are still angels among us.
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@maapav (729)
• India
3 Jan 07
Yes they do. Once I went to my kids school for a meeting but when I returned I saw one of my car trye flat.I was too worried as I did not had my cell to call my husband.Seeing all this a person who was just passing stopped and came to help me.It was really good of him, otherwise I would have to walk home all the way.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
That is so great that someone helped you. It would have been miserable for you to try and walk home. It's very good to hear that some are willing to do that for others.
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@beau888 (37)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
Good Samaritan or kind hearted people do exist! In our country where a U$ exchange rate is rocket high (50x); a driver truck returned thousand of U$ without hesitatation, despite he needed the money for his sick child. A lot of this happened every now and then. I was thinking, what if I stumble with the situation, what I'm going to do? I conclude that the values my family had thought me will prevail.
@mageside (397)
• Japan
3 Jan 07
I believe in good samaritan, they maybe your neighbor, friend, relatives or somebody we dont know.. I was going to some place, its my first time to go there.. I dont have somebody to accompany me.. although I was not afraid.. I rode a connecting flight... When we landed to the airport, i dont know where to go next... Suddenly, a girl ask where i am going then luckily we have the same flight... She help me in things i dont know about the place especially the language... Im glad about what happened... I've earned a friend and im very thankful of it... She's a good samaritan to me...
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
3 Jan 07
Yes she was. Having someone help you when you least expect it and especially when you really need it is always a great thing to have happen. I'm glad she was there to help you.
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@sunsham68 (1376)
• India
3 Jan 07
I do believe here and there, we have our share of Good Samaritans, though what would really make the world a better place is for them to be everywhere! I am one of those people who likes to help out anyone in need and I am proud to say it. The first time I wanted to hand out a sad looking senior some money, I was very motivated, but very shy, wondering what would happen if he proudly refused it. My mother said if he does refuse, that's a sacrifice you make to make that offer, knowing it might be turned down. It still does not null your good intention. Then on, I have been making the moves and most people do appreciate it!
@Meljep (1666)
• United States
3 Jan 07
There ARE still good Samaritans in the world. There is no better feeling than helping someone who didn't expect it and seeing the look of relief and gratitude on their face.
@alchemistrx (2547)
• Philippines
3 Jan 07
I have helped out an old man to get his pension who doesn't know how to use the atm machine and I assisted him for getting his money.I was also getting the pension money for my grandpa so I might as well help them.
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@polachicago (18716)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I do not have any story. I am fortune to have good friends, who help me everyday...:)
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@sahergul (774)
• Pakistan
3 Jan 07
well i didn't experience any such thing but heard about it from others... it happens...
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@trysameer (219)
• India
3 Jan 07
i think they r alive now..
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