Evil, evil Americans and our artificial ways
@infamousaunty (241)
United States
January 4, 2007 2:36pm CST
I have been cruising this site now for a few days, and on the whole I like it a lot. There are more diverse opinions here than I have seen anywhere else in a long, long time. A gal like me could get into a LOT of fun trouble here in mylot.com .
I am noticing, too, that there are a lot of assumptions about why we Americans do as we do, from becoming surgically cosmetically enhanced all the way down to the way that we drive and especially the way that we think.
I don't want to go about world bashing here, but someone has to get our backs. I'm already well known as becoming the proverbial crazy lady who sits in her apartment, looking out her window and screaming obscenities at passers-by.
It works, so why mess with it, right?
Okay, first and foremost, and to an extent, in rebuttal to the ongoing discussion posted by a well meaning young man in the Philipines-
Not all women here have esteem problems, and the reasons for women having a procedure done in America is every bit for vanity reasons. I will speak for many of us when I say this- it ain't none of your damned business why we do what we do. I think what irritates a lot of people is that we do what we do and we don't give a damn about how anyone else feels about it. Call it the American way, call it whatever you want. The fact is that not all women get surgery done for vanity reasons only. SOmetimes there is an actual medical need.
I don't need to repeat myself about piousity and the American woman, do I?
(Piousity? Is that even a word?)
Anyhow, men get procedures done, too, and ain't it crazy? It seems that there are a LOT of people who want to come to this country to do what?
That's right- get nipped, tucked, liposuctioned and botoxed....God BLESS America!
Then there is that entire segment of the world- you know, the rest of the world- which believes that we really are truly as bad as they have been shown on the television news. Goodness I do love it when people fall into that sheep mentality of believing that every schoolyard must have a bully and look at this- we Americans are the roving band of maurauders.
Let it be known now that there is nothing worse than watching the television news (YOUR television news no less- gosh I do love DirecTv, don't you? I get all them nice and nifty world channels...)and seeing that we are once again being accused of killing all these innocent people a half a world away when in reality it is not as though we want to continue this "war" in the Middle East (that is what you all thought I was talking about, right?).
Another thing that many forget is the very generosity that we nasty, evil Americans have. I mean, when we experienced not one, but many natural disasters, here on our own soil, where were all those nations who we helped all those times?
Oh, that's right. Y'all were busy on hater patrol. I forget sometimes that we are the schoolyard bully.
Well, to all of you who feel like we are the most egotistical people on the face of the planet, I am giving you a pat on the back and a kiss on the cheek for paying attention all this time. Yes, we are vain and over-indulgent. We drive big fat cars that the rest of the world hate and use as an excuse to blame global warming on (nevermind all that industry going on in China, right?).
Am I whining? Hardly. It seems that people don't understand that even though we are the most egotitistical bunch on the globe, we are also some of the most giving, the most happy to help, and when Big Bad monsters in the shape of Tsunami, terrorists, plain old bad guys, come knocking, it is normally the Americans who are offering to help.
And further- if America and Americans are so bad, then why are people LINING UP to become American citizens? Why are our fashions and trends seen all over the planet are from here and why is it that ours is the most visited place on earth? Why the hell is it so hard to have a good time at EuroDisney but not here at the original Happiest Place on Earth?
Because people LOVE America, whether they want to admit it or not. People love the way that we are allowed to live here in the land of the free, and even though (and I am speaking only for myself right now) our leaders are playing havoc games with the rest of the planet, even though we are selfish, even though we have big mouths, even though we do as we do, good or bad, people still love us here and love to be here.
This is not to say that there are people who are just as happy staying in their own mother countries and people who do not love us, but the majority of people do.
People are dying...quite literally dying...crossing international borders to get here. People are cramming into engine rooms on ships and crossing two or three different oceans and a couple of time zones to be here. People swim from tiny little island nations, cross little waterways in the middle of the Atlantic to get here, even if they are floating in a rotting tire to get here- they are risking their lives to get here. They are dying to be American citizens.
We the people have taken in your tired, your weak, your poor, and in return we have been made tired, but not weak, for sure damned nearly poor, and why?Because everyone wants to be here. Jobs are plentiful, and at the right price everyone can have a job. You, and you and yes, even YOU, can be hired at less than minimum wage. Yay.
You say I make no sense? Well, why should I make any sense at all anyway? You're going to come here with your not-familiar-to-us ways, and we will be expected to just deal with it. BUt the same will not be in reverse.
Go to any Department of Motor Vehicles office, anywhere in the United States, and you will have a hard time finding a Driver's guide that is printed in English.
Go to any urban town, and you will be able to count 10 to 1 billboards and advertisements in other languages beside English, and this is fine.
Corporate America doesn't live there. Everyone else does.
And maybe this is the real reason that America is seen as the big evil ugly schoolyard bully. We have brought capitalism into the mainstream better than anybody else anywhere in the world.
It doesn't matter, though, because people still want to be here. They will still show up on our shores, at our doorsteps and in our lives, and there is little we can do about it other than just deal with it, right?
So, anyone want to tell me I'm wrong now?
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23 responses
@janet069 (663)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I'm American too and I get tired of all of the slander.The world judges us by our politicians and we all know they are crooked. Very few of them know us as the common person who lives from one paycheck to another. They think we are arragont but as you say, they must like it. They all try to get here.
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@mircea2007 (69)
• Romania
5 Jan 07
In the new movie, Borat you can see a lot of things that are "wrong" about america. It's true that the world judges you after your politicians and that they are very crooked but the nation can change that, stop the arrogant atitude and you will see that the rest of the world will change there opinion.
Do you agree?
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@meeoww (1174)
• United States
5 Jan 07
No, I do not agree. Granted, we have the power to change it, but it is not always easy. Although we have several political parties, it is still seen basically as a two party system because there are alot of 'sheep' who vote blindly, or people who feel that they don't have enough support on the other parties to defeat the two majors, or for whatever reason...alot of people just don't vote. My opinion is that if you don't vote, I don't want to hear you b!tch. But alot of people still do it. I happen to live in "the great state of California" where we were able to recall a governor who fell from our graces. But that took alot. His term was almost finished by the time the recall was official. Trying to organize the masses, and with our checks and balances (red tape) it's just not as easy as you think.
@mircea2007 (69)
• Romania
5 Jan 07
They just love very much there country and there used to certaint way of living, I don't thing there evil, not at all, a little bit ignorant maybe but not evil.
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
6 Jan 07
No one is saying that any one country is God's greatest gift to the Earth.
What is being said is that there are a lot of people who live in the blessed place who actually love it here.
For example, I have never met a Briton who I did not like. Brits are VERY mannered, for the most part anyway, and they are extremely charming people. This is just my own experience with them. Same thing for many Aussies, Slovaks...Europeans by any means are some of the friendliest people I have ever met.
There are some folks whose island home nestled further away from the US than Hawaii who could use some manners, some training in etiquette, whow feel like they are perpetual travelers here in the US and are somehow owed by us.
Kinda dig what I am trying to say here?
Then there are all those people marching in the streets of Los Angeles, many of whom were not born here, but dare to wave their own country's flag while they say horrible things about a country and that country's people -both of which have been ever so gracious to them, no matter their legal or illegal immigrant status, and we are to be gracious still to any and all?
Please people, be realistic would you?
We are supposed to just continue to take it on the chin, right?
Apparently so
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@nuffsed (1271)
5 Jan 07
Hardly surprising Americans love their country. Damn it has some beautiful places, and the people are great (mostly), after all 300 million can't be any less varied than any other group of folks. No nobody hates the Americans really, just the most belligerant administration on Earth. And that includes the so called fundamentalist states. Bush gets all the flack, but it's his puppetmasters that need rooting out of their Corporate parasitic tax advantaged havens.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Well said, though I do find some Americans wear rose-tinted glasses when examining their own country. The major problems that America causes for those of us trying to live quiet, peaceful lives in the rest of the world IS down to their political administrations and big business. I am often accused of America bashing, though I do not hate Americans, I just wish to open some Americans eyes that no country is Utopia.

@smalltowngal (247)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Amen amen and amen!! they hate us but want our help...wonder what the world would do if we becamse heartless and not care about anything outside this country... but we wont ever do that because thats what makes our country great! we care about human life and the freedom we have here. Great post!+
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@JustSimplyLissa (547)
• United States
5 Jan 07
EVERYTHING you've said is completely TRUE. They love to hate us. Yet, when they are in distress who do they call? the american ghost busters.
All I can say is you've said it better then anyone else I've seen. RIGHT ON! Amen! God Bless America! God bless our military, and their families. God Bless our freedom, our ways, and our AMERICAN LIVES!
A billion Kudos lil lady! Well done!
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
I completely disagree with your comments, but love orungutans, so Kudos on the avatar.
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@ItTakesAllSorts (4096)
5 Jan 07
WOW that was a long speech!!
I don't think people do hate Americans, I believe it is the people who run your country who are the ones we hate.
I know where you are coming from as I live in England and we are hated just as much. We are portrayed as rascist, ignorant, thick etc. Yet, the same as America, thousands are coming into our country everyday.
English people are some of the most tollerant people going. We accept people from all over the world and it is only the minority that give us a bad name.
We accept ever religion and culture, but alot of people feel that our English culture is being forgotten because of all the PC crap that now bombards us daily.
I have read alot of comments by Americans on this site and it has opened my eyes. Although I still hate Bush and his cronies as much as I hate Blair and his.
But you cannot judge a whole nation on them.
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
5 Jan 07
ANd my friend that just really bothers me that people will listen to the whining minority without first hearing the roar of the masses.
And yes, I am long winded. I am a writer and once the words take over, that's it- we're all toast!
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@iheartducks (343)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I just replied to someone saying that divorce is agonizing the children of America and I was getting so pissed because they don't even have their facts staight!! Why does everything have to blaimed on Americans??
VERY long posting - but worth every second of reading it!!!
I don't even know what else to write because you said it all!! But, I will say this: I LOVE AMERICA!!! And I LOVE BEING AN AMERICAN!!!!!!!
Thank you for your discussion, maybe this will clear up some things for the haters!!
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
4 Jan 07
This reply is for all of those who replied-
Thank you so much for your words. We are very hated worldwide, so I guess that if we gotta be the best at being the owrst, it is safe to assume that somewhere in the world, someone is trying hard to show us up!
God Bless America...
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
I think Cuterose has expressed the 'rest of the world' opinion very succinctly. Everywhere in the world there are good and bad people.
Unfortunately I have read far too many generalisation about all Islamic people being pigs, and the such coming from American citizens on this site and others I visit. That type of ignorance really offends me, but I am aware there are many Americans who do not share these ideas.
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@AndreaM76 (1164)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I think you said it all sister! I've noticed more insecurity in other nationalaties here. I see MANY women from other countries post a discussion asking if you think they are pretty or even a afew men saying do I look good. It's not just Americans people.
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@starr4all (2863)
6 Jan 07
Very well said! I too am getting tired of this America bashing here on MyLot! Keep up the good writing!
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@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
5 Jan 07
We don't hate you. There are millions and millions of people who appreciate you guys. Just because some of you guys do bad stuff doesnt mean that all of you are like that. And it's the same with the people outside your country. Why don't we all just get along? :)
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@mamabulldog60 (351)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I did read the whole thing and I applaude you wholeheartedly!!! The toy countries love to hate u s, like in high school ya know, because we are cool!
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Allow me!Firstly, large numbers of people have entered the UK to live and work, largely coming from the eastern European countries. I welcome them. Strangely, this does not mean the UK is the greatest nation on the planet, just that we pay higher wages for those willing to work hard, than Estonia does, but then again, we area much richer country than Estomia. (I don't want to seem to be singling Estonians out, just using them as 1 example). Why aren't these people trying to get into America? Because they don't want to.
In fact, the vast majority of the world is not sat at home, praying for their green card.
On behalf of the world, I should like to point out that many countries, including the UK sent aid in the form of cash, food, clothing and tents to the US after Katrina. In fact, if you were to look into this site a little deeper, you will find a really good discussion regarding 'being proud to be Indian', where an individual (I apologise for not remembering their username) from India has just given up a 40 year, 1 meal a week fast, because India has sent aid to the USA.
Possibly, the reason why you can't find the driving handbook in English, is because in reality, your country uses some bizarre form of phonetics NOT English. (Sorry, about that, but I teach advanced and business English, plus UETESOL, and find I spend most of my time correcting Japanese students grammar, because they use the spellings American overseas schools used to teach them - it's one of my pet gripes).
Your comment about 'crossing seas' is a tad of an exaggeration, because most of your immigrants cross the Mexican border. And Cuba is hardly the world, just a country bullied by America, who still maintain sanctions because they lost at the BAy of Pigs 45 years ago. Get over it.
Finally, if you do want to be a genuine mad woman, screaming abuse at passers by is not enough; you must also own about 20 cats, who wander around your apartment constantly.
(PS As an Engliish teacher, it's piety)
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
6 Jan 07
You can sit there and correct my misspelled words all you want. But after having read your reply, I am seeing that I am not the only one who has an absolute love for her country.
You have basically said the same things that I am saying about my country, and you know what else?
English is the mother tongue of this great nation of mine, of ours, and no matter what you say to correct me, to tell me that I am wrong for how I feel, no matter WHAT, I will walk away from this keyboard in a little while knowing well and absolutely that I am not the only one who feels like we are somehow hated by people who only watch news.
We are the PICTURE of solidarity, and my proof is in the replies.
We may be at each others' throats otherwise, but do a little bit of America-Hating and we all come unglued!
It is as if you all have forgotten somehow that there have been a lot of things in RECENT history- not 45 freakin years ago- that have happened here on OUR soil- NOT YOURS, and yeah, we are still smarting from it all.
But nevermind that, right?
And excuse me for saying so, but you are ever so full of yourself, aren't you?
What do you call that?
Well, I call it EXACTLY what I have been doing, and for that I applaud you.
However, for all the other stuff, he he
Nevermind- you can't use that kind of language on this site...
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
6 Jan 07
...and one more thing-
Have you EVER been to Las Vegas? Because if you have been, then you would know that there are WAY More people from the UK working on American Soil in the casinos, the ballrooms, the banquet halls, the sports books, the strip joints, the coffee shops, the TOWN- and there is NOT one who is willing to NOT stop bashing us WHILE THEY ARE HERE MAKING MONEY ON OUR TURF!
Call our government foolish if you want, but what you are saying is that we are ogresome people who have no mind about others than to use them.
I believe, my dear, that the shoe is surely on the other foot. These people come here, enjoy the freedom to make a LOT of money-from EVERY corner of the world- and they still have a lot of garbage to say.
Never once do you hear "Thank you" unless they are being tipped.
And furthermore-
If those people in those places were having such a great time in their mother countries, maybe they should have stayed there instead of coming here and making a living wage, eh?
Hope those folks like all they tips they have made off of me, that's for sure.
So, you were saying?
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
6 Jan 07
Bad manners are unfortunately common everywhere nowadays, not just among US immigrants - though I would rather hear nothing rather than an insincere recorded message, such as, 'have a nice day' because the person does not genuinely mean it, is is just a platitude. Often, customers are less than polite to people in the service industry, sometimes even feeling that these people are just there to serve them. This is unfortunate, and as I have said, not an America only issue.
With regard to being full-of-myself, it's called smug, condescending, arrogance - but, in my defense, I am English. As any European will tell you, this is common in England, we're famous for it.
Also, if you refer back to your original statement, you'll notice that you yourself asked whether piousity was a word - as an English teacher, I simply answerred your direct question - which I believe IS the purpose of such a site, so I was not correcting your English, I was responding to your question.
Incidentally, you also claim I am very proud of my country, which is relatively true, however, I accept that there are significant faults and problems in the UK, there is far too much racism, greed, and a government that seems to take all its policies from either tv shows or George W - that is why Tony Blair is the least popular PM on record. The turnout in our last election was tremendously low, because the electorate were given no choices, whereas, in the past, the Labour party was left of centre, but is now as right wing as your Republicans.
No country is Utopia, but as I said, some Americans on this site proclaim it as perfect, and I am more than happy to respond.
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@judysims (81)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Poverty drives hatred. It seems to me those talking out against the U.S., are people who suffer from poverty and a lack of freedom. They hate us because we have plenty and freedom.
If they themselves cannot have what we have, then they justify by using hatred. I think kind of like brain washing.
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@meeoww (1174)
• United States
5 Jan 07
aniruhd... I'm not rich. I haven't even visited another country (not because I don't want to, but because I'm not rich). I bombed no one but the fleas in my apartment. I'm no god (godess, maybe). I know very nice muslim people who I give no muslim advice to. I expect no one to bow down in front of me except the guy I'm going to ...well, nevermind that. Thank you for your prayers, love and blessings. I'll do the same for you... I think you need it more. Aloha!
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I thank you, Ms. Judy, for your words. And for those of you reading this who believe that we are all rich-
I teach hula for goodness' sake, in , of all places, THE DESERT! I so TOTALLY am NOT RICH! But I am comfortable, sort of.
I am a freelanc writer, so again- I AM NOT RICH! I have to write and prove myself BEFORE I can get paid.
I am also a college student with upwards of...let's just say it's a LOT of money. I AM NOT RICH!
ANd furthermore, our government is who people should hate, or be angry with, but it is not the case. As Ms. Judy has rightly said, there is a lot of poverty in the world, and it is all due to corrupt government. Our government is corrupt as well. The thing that seperates us from the rest of the world is that we actually vote, we actually excercise our American-born freedom of speech, the right to assemble, the right to vote, and we are all very proud to be able to say we can.
Many people worldwide believe that we are the most evil country in the world, say horrible things about us, the citizens, and in reality those same people haven't the very slightest clue about who we really are. They judge us for what they have seen on news reports without realizing that what they see is as fabricated as the woman or man who is reporting it. Nothing in the news is real anymore, no matter what you or anyone else might think and believe.
That anyone would hate us based on heresay is telling of where your mind and heart are.
Thanks for your comment Ms. Judy
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@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
6 Jan 07
"...college student...upwards...lots of money"-
What that is SUPPOSED to read is that I am a college student with upwards of x-amount in student loans to the tune of...well, let's just say LOTS of money...
That's all...feel free to begin ranting again
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@Reviver (339)
• Romania
5 Jan 07
o, I do not agree. Granted, we have the power to change it, but it is not always easy. Although we have several political parties, it is still seen basically as a two party system because there are alot of 'sheep' who vote blindly, or people who feel that they don't have enough support on the other parties to defeat the two majors, or for whatever reason...alot of people just don't vote. My opinion is that if you don't vote, I don't want to hear you b!tch. But alot of people still do it. I happen to live in "the great state of California" where we were able to recall a governor who fell from our graces. But that took alot. His term was almost finished by the time the recall was official. Trying to organize the masses, and with our checks and balances (red tape) it's just not as easy as you think.
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@steffylikewoah (1762)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Yay! I've been getting sick of all the American bashing posts. Someone needed to say this, and I think you said it perfectly! I doubt the bashers will read it.. but at least some of us American's got a little giggle from it :P.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 Jan 07
That was a great speach and so very, very true. I couldn't agree more and you know if they don't like it so what? To quote Popeye "I am what I am" and that is how America is. We aren't going to change just because someone whines at us. For everyone that whines there are at least 2 trying to come into the country, we must be doing something right if everyone wants to come in here.
The rest is also true. I mean I wouldn't move over there and expect them to adopt my ways, to not learn their language and expect them to cater to me and they wouldn't either. If I didn't want to learn their ways and language forget it. They wouldn't want anything to do with me. However come here and it's another story all together. Then we are the mean guys for not being understanding, for not trying to be supportive. Well sorry I'm tired of trying to read signs that are not in English, of trying to figure out what others are saying around me because it's in some foreign language.
So go on and hate us if you want. That is your choice and we won't stop you from that. Just remember in the words of Popeye "I am what I am" and America is just that. We are what we are and we aren't going to change any time soon.
@nuffsed (1271)
5 Jan 07
"It seems that people don't understand that even though we are the most egotitistical bunch on the globe, we are also some of the most giving, the most happy to help, and when Big Bad monsters in the shape of Tsunami, terrorists, plain old bad guys, come knocking, it is normally the Americans who are offering to help."
As I've written elsewhere, America is all to big on promises, but fails to deliver. Even to it's own, in times of disaster.
The outdated sanctions against Cuba, don't stop Cuba being top of the league when it comes to sending qualified Doctors and Nurses all around the globe to stricken peoples. Bravo Cuba!!
No it's not the people of America that are under fire. It's that Administration that looks more like a Mafia the closer you look.
Of course folks from around the world want to get into America. America has plundered and impoverished every country it has ever traded with. Meanwhile it encourages consumption and waste that the planet cannot sustain. The poor with no future may as well try to grab a piece of your action, before the global warming detritus, hits the fan.
And don't lose sight of the fact that seventy percent of all your consumables are made in China today. Why? Because that's the stuff you buy. Not your own produce, you actually prefer Chinese goods shipped halfway around the world.
And your own Corporations make more money that way. Making use of slave labour, with no rights or benefits to sell you the meaningless designer labels you covet and admire.
Fact is America consumes more and craps more than it's population numbers can justify. And China is supporting the Dollar!!
You go figure.
@infamousaunty (241)
• United States
5 Jan 07
Ever heard of the Illuminati?
Try reading about it...you will find then that we are not the ONLy mafioso on the planet...
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Oh dear, Aunty,
You are not really a conspiracy theorist are you. The real Illuminati were wiped out a couple of centuries ago. Please, take your Dan Brown books and burn them now.
The Neo-cons, Christian Zionists, Freemasons & The Knights Hospitaller are more than enough to worry about without ressurecting small organisations who plagiarise old names to feel important.
Have you got the cats, yet?
Enjoyed the rant, I find them to be very cathartic for the soul.
And, Nuffsaid (I may have spelt that wrong)- Viva Fidel.
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@goldilocks70 (89)
• United States
6 Jan 07
To know ya is to love ya!! Bravo girlie. That was excellent. Keep it up. One of your finest pieces yet!!
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