Can it ever be cured
By alfieboy
@alfieboy (14)
January 5, 2007 6:00am CST
Looking back on my life, I now realise i've suffered from depression from an early age. This was probably brought on by events out of my control as a young child.
It is only recently I have admitted to myself that I do actually suffer from depression.
My life seems to go in cycles, everything is fine for 18 months or so, and then either I hit self the destruct button or something out of my control does it for me. I then spend weeks in the pit of despair when alone and pretending to be a happy go lucky chap when in public. This has resulted in two failed suicide attempts and after the last one nearly being admitted to a mental institution.
It seems I've now reached the latest depressive episode and this seems to be the worst yet. I've considered counselling, but at the moment am of the opinion that this will only prolong the agony.
Is there a light at the end of the tunnel or am I destined to forever have months where life is ok, only to be followed by months where all I want to do is shut the world out and one day there will be no way to stop the pain than to end it all.
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43 responses
@angnima (772)
• Nepal
5 Jan 07
The first and very important thing about you in this matter
is what you admitted.
That is the first step towards success.
It is possible and you are not the first person of your kind.
There are many on your path.Many have already crossed your
It is your turn to struggle .
Go for the treatment and maintain your confidence level.
It may take some time but there is cure.
You will succeed one day.
Good Luck!
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@spcbrass (1190)
• United States
5 Jan 07
I go through sort of mini bouts of depression like you do except that mine are more frequent, but much less shorter in nature then yours. I can go along great for 3 or 4 months at a time before I hit the wall. When I hit the wall it usually lasts a couple days and then I return to my normal state of thinking again. When I was younger I used to go through almost the exact same sort of thing that you did.
What is important is recognizing the triggers that cause you to tear yourself down so quickly. Sometimes it could be a bad week at work, or a fight with a family member that causes it. Other times it could be burning the candle at both ends. Working too hard by day and playing too hard by night. In times like these it can cause both you body and mind to become weak and lose focus on the things that are really important. When you recognize that these things are happening then you need to find some kind of way to get this stress out of your body.
I had been going to counseling up until about 5 years ago to get help with some of my problems. These days I can recognize when the bad moments are coming and I know what to do to minimize the rough spots. Find someone you can talk to when you begin to crash. Find something active you can do to relieve stress. Joining a gym helped me to do that. After a tough workday I would go workout all of my anger on some weights. Not only did it relieve my stress it got me in better shape and feeling better about myself in general.
Ending it all is no means to an answer either. I went though this with two of my friends and even my own mother. My one friend did not make it, but luckily for my other friend and my mother they are still living. My mother was institutionalized and sought counciling for many years afterward. She still has her tough times as well, but these days she lives a very happy life for the most part.
Never be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Never be ashamed of yourself for asking either. There are peopl eout there that can teach you ways to manage your stress and your depression. Undoing what has been done in the past is a very difficult thing to do, but if you really focus your energy into living a happier, healthier lifestyle you will see big changes in time.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Well said. Hopefully today there is no longer the stygmatism attached to mental health that there used to be, and it's great to read of a positive outcome for you and your mother. I wish you both continued good physical and mental health. I also wish your friend a rosier future, and it's superb that you can all help support each other, as many people who have not experienced how debilitating and harmful depression really is, cannot get their heads around it, even with the best intentions.
@anup12 (4177)
• India
5 Jan 07
Yes it can be absolutely cured depreswsion is from what every person suffers from
@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Depression is far to real an ailment. Yes everyone gets the blues from time to time, but depression is very different, it is a way of life, and a harmful one to the sufferer.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
5 Jan 07
wow can I ever relate! in a big way...that being said, no depression isnt curable BUT that doesnt mean at all that you are doomed or destined to live like this forever...and the fact that you even came in here says alot in itself....I suggest going to your regular doctor and getting on whatever medication you may need to balance yourself out then go to therapy and start dealing with your emotions and the root of the problem...I'll be on medication for severe depression most likely for the rest of my life however I dont feel nor do I go through what you are at this stage in the game AND that DOES NOT mean that you would be on meds forever by any means..I still have "blah" days but thats part of being human, we all have those...but I havent been in the vicious cycle you are talking about since I got on my medication....
I really would go to the doc if i were you OR if you prefer to get into a consultation appt with a therapist first then do that...You think it will prolong the pain but how do you know if you dont even try? Right now you are in a down swing so everythign seems hopeless I understand that and relate to it to the extreme, believe me....but what have you got to lose by going? I'll tell ya, my consultation appt did wonders for me...all she had to do was ask me why I was there, I spilled my guts, cried like crazy and so on and by the time I left I actually felt there was hope..she made me promise I wouldnt hurt myself anymore until our next appt (this was right before Xmas so I wasnt goin again til Jan) and told me to get to my reg doc becuase with all I need to deal with I needed to be medicated...then my reg doc put me on anti depressants and within a couple weeks things really started to look up..
At least TRY counseling..but give it a fair try! Seriously what do you have to lose? If it doenst work out or you feel you arent getting what you need after a few sessions with a doc your comfortable with then ok, back to the drawing board..but I think you'll be surprised.....
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@tbomb2002 (269)
• United States
5 Jan 07
If you have suffered with depression for this long, it is possible it is not just depression that is the problem. You could possibly be bipolar. It sounds like you cycle through your depression, which is a sign of being bipolar. If you were nearly admitted to a mental institution, then I am assuming you have already been seen by a doctor? If you have, then you should also be on medication. If not, then you need to go back and talk to your doctor about getting you on medication to stablize your bouts of depression. There are cases where the depression can be cured, but in your situation, it sounds more like the bipolar since you have had it for a very long time, and therefore cannot be cured but only regulated.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
5 Jan 07
Psychological help is essential in these situations. It's important to settle goals in life so that you have always something to look forward in life.
Do appreciate the little things that you have in life, think positive, make friends....
You 'll get out of the tunnel if you help yourself...
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@nancygibson (3736)
• France
6 Jan 07
Please reconsider counselling, I was very much like you until I went for a counselling session and just one visit was enough to help me put some of the major triggers of my dpression back into perspective with the rest of my life. I won't pretend that it solved everything, but it dealt with some things that had caused me major recurring problems and made a huge difference. Find a reputable counsellor, go for one trail session and see how you get on. Best £25 I ever spent!
@zainogenius (289)
• Pakistan
5 Jan 07
yes it may be u must forget all the bad things that had happened to u in the past and CHILL and try ur best to avoid trouble and always remeber the good times of life!!
as u noe life is all about enjoying!!!!!!!!!
@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Depression needn't be from the bad things, often it comes from confusion when young. Sometimes the minds eye of a child sees something it doesn't understand, so fills the gaps incorrectly, leading to a slanted mental approach which bends further and further out of shape as you grow older. A bit like building a house on unsafe foundations.
But, yours is a good upbeat message, and it does help to focus on the beautiful things around you, even if it's just the first buds of Spring, or a bird outside your window.
@schummi (924)
• India
6 Jan 07
i think everyoen goes throught this kinda process and we all cant expect life to be just normal everytime.
@bongsu (24)
• Malaysia
5 Jan 07
Try Tai Chi. This ancient chineese martial arts are good to heal your disturbed mind. I sure at your there is a centre that teach Tai Chi. This Tai Chi is also good for your health and mind.
@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
This is excellent advise for your future, but in the short term please get psychiatric help, to get to the roots of the depression - it does come from somewhere in your life, and how your mind handled it then.
Tai Chi is a tremendous form of mental and physical exercise which is of great benefit to both young and old. I can highly recommend it and agree 100% with this tried and tested practice.
@phpfrm (12)
• Malaysia
8 Jan 07
Dude... seriously, i'm feelling sory for you. i wish i could so something to help you.
don't you have friends? you might want to have some close friend who could hear your problem. a good listener.
you also might want to avoid of being alone.
try to avoid being alone. cheer up with your friend, but avoid friend that have nothing useful with them.
day by day, try not doing the same routine. try to do something new everyday. such as go to s place that you never go before and using the different route to get to some place.
the best way, i would recommend you to consider seeking help with a professional one.
@kornordie (119)
• Romania
5 Jan 07
I know exactly what you feel...I am the same way with this...I just can't control my self destruction sickness...I know about it...I know it's killin me but I still don't do anything about it because I am uncapable...someone or something is controling me and I just go with the flow and I ignore the fact that I am slowly killin myself...I tought about professional help...but that would be stupid cuz all they do is say what you wanna hear and take yo I guess all we can do to deal with this is wait...and try not to end this life...cuz life is short - too short for us to make it even shorter...good luck everyone
@bonnielass (484)
• United States
5 Jan 07
This is not true. Sometimes it takes a few trys to find the right doc and treatment but once you do you will see a world of difference.
Saying it cant help is a cop out. It means you do not want to get better and rather stay miserable. Which you will since its chemical and no amount of any positive thinking alone will cure it.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
Korn, you dear old thing, please get yourself some help. Depression will kill you eventually, slowly and like a virus, if you don't break the cycle. Many good psychologists will not just tell you what you wish to hear, but will help you to see things in a different light, removing confusion and doubt.
Please, do get some help, if your psychoanalyst doesn't help, try a different one. In the UK, we can get free mental health care, but as this is government funded, they are expected to show results. In the US, there may be some shrinks who are no better than the old medicine shows, but I am sure there must be some professional ones who actually want to help, not just keep charging by the hour. I hope you can find a good one, and that you see that life can be much better than it feels and seems right now,
Good luck, I wish you well.
@worldholdon (9)
• India
5 Jan 07
its jus now tht u feel this way... never look back friend. dont leave yourself with enough time to think bout past n rate urself depressed. Get urself out n party
@Adrenochrome (1653)
5 Jan 07
This is good advice to an extent; a positive approach, and keeping yourself occupied and entertained will help, but the underlying causes will not be addressed this way, and they will continue to be triggered throughout your life.
@besthope44 (12123)
• India
24 Oct 10
Well for depression, medicines are not solution. Do Meditation, try breathing exercise, it will help you balance and handle depression.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
A lot of people have been cured with the right combination of the right kind of therapy and medication.
@mbs730 (2147)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
Yes depression is an illness and I always thought of myself as just a pessimist or just always feeling "blah" but I think I actually do suffer from depression myself. I have a lot to be greatful for and just have a hard time counting the blessings in my life and just keep looking at the bad stuff. I am going to start counselling myself and as far as there being a cure... no I don't think so, but treatment, yes. I'm sorry you are dealing with the same stuff.
@sahergul (774)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
well suiside is a very dumb attempt ... and hopelesness is sin... just believe in God who created us and also believe that hes judging our actions... just live purposeful life.. even it just would been serving others... and this is the best purpose ever...
@usman400 (1587)
• Pakistan
6 Jan 07
Infact your case is too much complicated because it must be a part of ur personality, the cure is just all the elders can do better, in fighting scenarios, take the youngers away (if possible some where out of home) so that they cant get negative effect
@Wanderlaugh (1622)
• Australia
6 Jan 07
Remember a lot of depression is physical, not mental. That, you can do something about. I had a minor version some years ago, and I wound up changing my diet, my lifestyle, and exercising until I was able to do things I'd never been able to do.
Get out of the environments that bring you down, and find things to get your mind working on things it likes.
I really do suggest a good diet, with vitamin and minerals supplements, amino acids, and anything else you can think of which will give your body the ability to do its job. It really does tidy things up, and you do feel physically better, which is at least something.
Tell the world to mind its own business, it needs some more practice at that, anyway.
@Eeorye (6)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I understand what your talking about first hand. I too suffer from depression. Learning that you've been suffering from it early on is a good start. I believe that you can get better and that knowing what is causing your depression is a huge step. Whatever happened to you in the past and acknowledging it will help make the right steps forward. I also believe that a professional therapist is a good idea. I have been working with a pychologist for over 4 yrs and I look forward to going, knowing I can vent what I need to. You may not find the right one at first, but there are places that you can meet them first before you decide to continue. In conclusion, you will have bad days and good days. Take them as they come. But you will get to where life ain't so bad, just annoying. Ending life may only end your suffering but it will also be the beginning of forever suffering for those that love you. ~Eeorye~