Do you believe in the "great conspiracies"?
By Dissposition
@Dissposition (469)
January 5, 2007 5:45pm CST
There is so many possible un-truth's happening in this world in present day. Do you believe that there are HUGE secrets being withheld from us? Government relations,aliens,our history,reptillians,illuminate,knites templar,even to the present day freemasons? There is alot of hush hush "whispery" talk in the shaddows of "potentials". What are your thoughts? What do you believe may be a secret? Do you "BELIEVE"?
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43 responses
@dutchess67 (917)
• United States
6 Jan 07
For many a year I walked this earth and did not believe in such things. TO a certain extent, I still don't. HOWEVER, I must concede that there are such societies in existence.
A few year back, I decided that I was going to do something that I wanted to do from childhood... drive a truck. I went through school and got out on the road and had a really bad accident in the truck. After my period of sitting at home licking my wounds, both physical and phsychological, I got a phone call from another trucking company asking if I would come to work for them. They didn't care about what had happened with the jack-knifing of that first truck as I hadn't been in the wrong. So I went to work for them, thinking that I needed to get back on that proverbial horse or be afraid of it all my life.
I know, this isn't sounding like a response to your question, but it's getting there.
This company had a training program that you had to go through before they would allow you to drive for them. It was essentially like going through driving school all over again. When I started the program, I met quite a few people and one in particular stood out. His named was Ed Sullivan (yeah, I know... it really was his name). He was asian, and slightly older than me. We started talking quite a lot, he was from california, having been one of the silicon valley techno-nerds working on computers and gave it up to live a simpler life for his wife and kids.
We talked at great length about a great many things. Our conversations drifted toward religion. He told me about something that opened my eyes as nothing before ever had. He belonged to an organization called "The Rosecrutian Order". I had never heard of it. He explained that the Rosecrutian Order had been around for centuries. That they collected knowledge and encouraged their members to learn what they would. Much of what we discussed was in relation to the life of Jesus and subsequent events and what we each believed in regards to him.
Ed was the first person that I had ever encountered that believed as I did. He was the first person I'd ever met that openly discussed such things with me. His Rosecrutian Order was enough to convince me that secret societies do actually exist and that there is far more going on that we know about.
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@silvergillies (65)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I believe. There are too many things that happen in this world that either get "swept under the rug" or explained away. The govt. knows more than we will ever really realize. Aliens? It's possible, I would like to think that there are things like that out there. It makes life more fun and interesting. I definately think there are secret societies out there still. There always have been and probably always will be. It gives the mind something to wonder about. I love the mystery.
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Jan 07
what secret societies...what re you talking about. all this sounds pretty creepy to me!
@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
6 Jan 07
What is creepy is that information is used as a tool against people (or withheld from them). Ignorance of the masses is what corporations and governments thrive on. An ignorant, uncaring population makes life a lot easier for them because they aren't held accountable for their bad behavior.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
6 Jan 07
All sorts of conspiracies, yes. I think stories have got to start somewhere, and sure they get built onto rather than debunked over the years, but yeah, if there's enough speculation over an issue , be it alien or governmental illegalities, yes, there's at least some truth buried in it somewhere.
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@manong05 (5027)
• Philippines
6 Jan 07
I certainly do. Some things are better left unsaid for the time being, don't you agree? Talking about conspiracies, I am thinking of man's first landing on the moon. I've read books, articles and TV programs which call it a hoax and discussed the possible conspiracy. Since that is already a well known and accepted historical fact, it made me laugh, but after reading and weighing all the evidences presented, I started to ask myself, can they be true. Until now I, I still have to see a publication that answers the arguments point by point, blow by blow.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
most certainly my friend! much as I love the truth....I am a huge fan of mystery!...I don't know wat to think!(?)
The biggest one that has been on my what did they used to put on our m&m's? the candy that never melted in yer hands, NOW MELTS....IN YER HANDS!...weeeiiiiiirrrrrd!
ps...have you seen a movie called "The Secret"?not really a whole lot to do with conspiracies, except that this info in the movie has been held back, more to do with "what" a human "is"...all about power of the mind and human potential...simply AWSOME! must see!
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
6 Jan 07
The conspiraces that I remember hearing about were John Lennons murder, that he wasnt really killed by a crazed gunman.
That one comes to mind first.....what do you think about that?
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@mytwo_daughters (2663)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think John Lennon was really shot.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
John, Elvis, Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG are all chillin out on a beach for the recently "deceased"?!?!.....NO I'M JUST KIDD'N!....LOL!
I dont really believe this.....they are on another planet.... with The Real George Bush's, the "real" OPRAH and th.......LOL!
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
6 Jan 07
the rumors and conspiracy theories were that chapman was brainwashed and sent to murder John from some organization.How do you feel about this?
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@kritipen (4082)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Yes, i do believe that there are a lot of things that are withheld from us but not definitely those relating to events that took place a long time ago or are history going back to hundreds of years. Because if not the government sources there are numerous private sources working on a vast number of ventures and through these agencies the truth is bound to come out some day or the other.
As far as the GOVERNMENT RELATIONS are concerned, probably there is a lot that we are not aware of untill the time they are released as unclassified documents.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
300 pages with alot of black marker and a couple paragraphs is what i think we'll get
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
6 Jan 07
One of the latest classified events happened near where I live: O'Hare Airport in Chicago. A UFO was spotted by a pilot and several ground crew and reported to the FAA and the airport officials (they were worried about interference with flights landing). It even made the Chicago papers. However, when the "Chicago Tribune" called the FAA for a comment, they said they had no reports. However, the "Chicago Tribune" then filed a Freedom of Information Act finding, and indeed the FAA did have a report. Why is the FAA lying? Whether or not you think it was a UFO or just some weird weather phenomenon (which is what the airport says), why does the FAA need to cover anything up?
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
I believe that if they are with-holding stuff it is in most of humanity's best interest. Sure I'd love to know the truth! But how often do we get the truth...anywhere in society? Honestly I think whatever the secrets may be the are with held because humans would'nt know what to do with the info. IF there are huge secrets would you really wanna know?....I mean wat if yer nieghbour was a reptile? Could you "handle" living next to a family of human eating reptoids, walk out side to check yer mail, and be like "Hi nieghbour...that last one was a screamer heh?"...and then go back to your couch and simply watch OPRAH or something?.....LOL!
I dont know what to think..'cept that if there are secrets...most of them are for our best interest!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Yes, I believe there is a whole lot that is kept from us. Definitly the ones you spoke about and I am sure much more. I know for a fact that there is intelligent life outside of our planet. I also believe that there is shady stuff going on in our govt., the masons, the illuminate etc. Some things cannot be told, if the govt. told us, the whole world would know. Big brother out there is BIG.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
7 Jan 07
fantastic movie....let's you toatally make up your own mind!
@cclay34 (486)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Of course there are conspracies. The government isnt going to tell the public about anything that they think might cause a panic. If they told us everything then they run the possibility of losing control, They damned sure arent going to risk that.
If you remember back quit a few years ago, there were reports os UFO's from all over the world Europe, Brazil, America, Africa and a lot more places I cant remember off hand , but any way the U.S. government tried to deny it all and so did europe but some other countries made the info public. Brazil televised film taken of some UFO.s and said they were keeping the public informed so there wouldnt be a mass panic
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@AnythngArt (3302)
• United States
6 Jan 07
Dissposition, do you work for the US government, some top secret agency like the CIA or the Office of Misinformation? You certainly have all of our interests at heart, that's easy to see!
@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
6 Jan 07
...I simply believe that if we knew of it all...90 percent of humanity would go into hysterics! an old Godzilla movie! I think most of it is to protect the human. Try telling most people u saw a ghost, they're scared stupid or simply wouldn't believe it! Could you imagine what would happen to those folks if an alien came rite in their face and said WAAAAAZZZZUUUP?
LOL...those folks would explode or run aimlessly into a sharp object just to get away! I think that when we are "ready" as humans..we simply will have the same "access" and would see for ouselves that they were better off as secrets for humanity in the first place!
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@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
6 Jan 07
I think people like to believe conspiracies because it makes one feel like they are in on a secret. It makes you feel special and it is human nature to want to feel beterr than others.
But c'mon. Would people randomly talking in internet forums really be the kind of people that were part of uncovering a massive conspiracy? Would these kind of people know about such a secret if it was supposed to be such a big secret?
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
6 Jan 07
I know we've locked swords before, and will never agree, but please give me 5 minutes more of your time, and read the long submission I have tabled below.
I know you will probably disagree, but I should appreciate the chance to change your view, and hear your comments.
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@Adrenochrome (1653)
6 Jan 07
Information is power; and its use has been manipulated by both individuals with an axe to grind, and by the authorities, since time began.
There definitely are 'great conspiracies', and I can state this with authority, because every year I plough through the archive government documents released by the UK government under our 30/40/50 year freedom of information laws.
For example, a UK government, which spoke publicly of being anti-nuclear power, and strongly anti-nuclear proliferation, lied to the British public, and the Parliament, by making statements to this effect, whilst in reality they were selling 'heavy water' to Israel for its nuclear program. Israel itself, still refuses to acknowledge having any such programmme, and an Israeli whistle-blower was imprisoned, only being released last year, to live out his life under house arrest, and not allowed to speak to any members of the foreign press.
Some of these conspiracies are simply misinformation. Roswell is one that is often discussed, and I can only give an informed opinion on this particular incident, but hope it will be considered, before people start responding; During the post-war period, both the Soviet Union and the USA were exploring possibilities that had been raised by their nazi scientists (both gave protection to many nazi scientists in order to gain info on the German weapons programme), most notably regarding jet technology and missile delivery systems. Hence the creation of the ICBM, when original atomic bombs needed to be dropped from a plane. Also, governments all over the world were exploring wmds, mostly chemical warfare - this, too, is documented, as many families of British soldiers are now hoping to win compensation for tests carried out on our own troops to establish the effects of these chemicals (usually under the pretext of testing flu vaccines). With the Cold War well under way, and both secrecy and espionage in its most golden period, it would have been incredibly beneficial to the US programme to deflect interest from what they were actually doing, and use distraction as a tool. Anyone who has learnt basic magic tricks, and sleight of hand, will know that it is easy to make the subject follow the actions of one hand, whilst the other hand sets up the trick. PR wise, wouldn't it scare the Russians if they thought the US was getting help from aliens, and they weren't? Also, if the US public is looking to the stars for aliens, they will not see what's going on at ground level! The autopsy footage is the linch-pin, which makes me believe that the whole thing is a Pentagon staged act of misinformation. The man who sold the footage stated he was not the film-maker, but that the filmers identity needed protecting from the Pentagon. If a government agency had an alien body and was carrying out an autopsy, within a secure military base, then the army would know who they got to film the autopsy; hence, his identity would be known, and the CIA would have killed him years ago.
The Knights Templar and Illuminati are both defunct, though there may be some small groups of unimportant people who have plagiarised the names to make them feel and seem important. Anyway, you've missed a much more interesting group who date from, and were rivals to, the Knights Templar - the Knights Hospitaller (don't be fooled by the name, they are not nice doctors and nurses). They have their own country, recognised by the UN and given 'observer' status at the UN. When the Roman Catholic church started its inquisition to wipe the Templars from the face of the planet (just as they had already killed all the Cathars, Bulgars, and a lot of Gypsies), they gave all Templar property and money seized to the Hospitallers, and the Hospitallers country is 1 buiding surrounding a courtyard, within the Vatican City.
The Freemasons are just a group of back-scratching corrupt people, - I, myself, was responsible for having 3 masons fired from their police jobs here in the UK, for destroying all paperwork regarding a small criminal incident, that involved a Mason. Unfortunately, these people pervade all levels of UK Civil Service, local and central government, and many in professional business. Most of them are harmless, but the web of corruption is real. The masons are the reason I left working for the UK government, plus I discovered I had morals, and the government didn't.
There are several groups who do have more power than they should, and these are the Hospitallers, Neo-Cons, Military Intelligence (not just the Pentagon, but UK, French, etc), and the 'Berg'.
Generally, you'll never know what these people are doing, and there's nothing you can really do to stop them, so don't let them stop you sleeping at night.
Just as a footnote, I have stated an opinion on Roswell, but not on aliens, where I find it hard to believe we are the only cogniscent peoples in the many universes that exist, but don't know whether any are close enough to have visited, however, the Belgian airforce is the only government to have officially stated that they believe their craft MAY have encountered alien craft, though not contact!
Anything contained in a Dan Brown book should be enjoyed for its story line, and immediately forgotten afterwards. Strange that he doesn't think that the Templars would have escaped to their walled island stronghold (so well defended that even the Germans couldn't conquer it a millenium later) - Malta. Also, the Spanish King tried many Templars for herecy, and found them innocent. The only country where they faced major trouble was France, because the King (Peter the Fair?!) owed them a lot of money, and even here, their property was seized, but few Knights killed. 3 definitely were, the leaders in France were roasted for 3 days over burning charcoal on a small isle in the middle of the Seine.
Hope this was helpful and informative.
@glasser3 (354)
• Hibbing, Minnesota
6 Jan 07
Yes i do believe that the government has covered up a lot of things, ranging from aliens, to terrorists, to the JFK assasination, and many many more. And im sure alot of what is classified we will never see unless some disposed CIA offical or someone from another like agency decides to "leak" the information and there again whose to say that that information will be the truth it will probally be the "truth" but will it be the TRUTH? One site that i know of that has some interesting information is it collects and organizes declassified government documents. What do i think is a secret you ask? well i really cant answer that because there are so many various things that have been reported and then suddenly disappear and the government and military take a stance that it never exsisted or that it was a weather balloon or what ever.I think its time that somebody MAKES the government give us information on what really has happened in our wars and in terrorist attacks and everything else. Granted i understand covering some things up that would put us in danger of being attacked 911 style again but really there again we are just as easy of a target now as we were when 911 happened so really what is big brother doing for us other then lying to us and taking our rights away to "protect" us ... from who and from what? because the way i see it they arent making us any safer now then we were before and they are also covering things up that really we should know we have a right to know for our own safety. But i guess theres not much i can do to change any of that regardless of how i feel about our government , there cover ups, ect .
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@gifana (4833)
• Portugal
6 Jan 07
There is so much going on in my life and perhaps little time left that I am not going to worry about what anyone thinks about conspiracies. I find that so many of these so called conspiracies are put out by frustrated writers who can't find success in other ways turn to sensationalism or "conspiracies" to entertain or infuriate (in my case) the populace. I am not saying that perhaps there are half truths in what they say but the way that it is presented makes a non-thinker tend to accept it as gospel truth. And then the whole thing gets blown up out of proportion. I have better ways to spend my time than worrying about the what if's going on around me. Ill believe it when I see it and not before.
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@gajodhar_pande (274)
• India
6 Jan 07
well i have started believing in the conspiracy of the first lunar landing
while i am not sure about them
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@swapnil1985 (219)
• India
6 Jan 07
You can't believe in the each of the 'great conspiracies' present in the world. Every secrets can't be taken out of the government offices. if there are bad people then there are also good people too in the universe.
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@maru_047in (1007)
• India
6 Jan 07
i do believe in great conspiracies. Yes every body knows about that. Yes u r right in this fact. that is true that lot of whisspery is going on in the shadows of potentials. i do agree with all ur points i think so that are the secrets which they does not want to leak it.
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