Designer Dogs ? what do you think about them?

United States
January 7, 2007 7:36pm CST
I cann't stand them myself becauce basicly all they are is mixed breed dogs .Don't get me wrong mixed breed dogs can be the best pets .But people are spending thousands of dollars for laberdoodles and puggles and other such mixes when there is great mix breed dogs put to sleep in shelters every year because no one wants them .These dogs are no worse then the high price designer dogs . I don't get why breed so many mixed breeds when so many are put to sleep and why are they sold for so much? Puggle web page thats pugs and beagle mixed laberdoodle there is many other mixes out there mostly doodles poodle mixes . you can find alot of poodle mixes any day at if you only look . Thank you for your time .
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25 responses
@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
8 Jan 07
How do you think the "standard" breeds we now know and love came to be? At one time they were all just hybrids of something else. Seems foolish to me to get worked up about such things. Also, one of the reasons that poodles are being cross bred with everything under the sun is because of their fur. They don't shed like most dogs, so they are ideal for people with dog allergies.
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• United States
8 Jan 07
mainly do to the price they charge the prices are wrong I used to breed dogs I know it is not cheap but the prices for mixed breed dogs are too high pluss most of the breeders do not OFA or do eye test for PRA thats a major eyes disorder of the poodle breed and needs yearly cerft .I have no issue if they are preferming all the health test that are needed for both of the breeds that they mix but trueth is I don't know any that do .I am a chihuahua breeder and shower a defender of the breed .I would not want my dogs used to breed mix breeds not when so meny are killed every year . People who show dogs are passionate about our breeds and keeping the lines pure .
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• United States
8 Jan 07
"Standard" breeds did not evolve from "Hybred" of something else. Most breeds from 20 - 30 years ago came from careful breeding of dogs that served a particular purpose. Yes, in caveman days, who knows what type of dogs were around. But over the centuries, dogs evolved to do certain task better than others. As these dogs did their jobs well, they were bred with other like dogs that also preformed the same job well. This is what evolved into a "Standard" which became a breed. I am also refering to the Lhaso's and other breeds that were lap dogs. That was their job, to sit on laps and draw fleas from people. Todays Designer Dogs are just people breeding dogs for money. Mostly for cute names - "Puggle" "Laboodle" with no regard for what type of animal they are getting. If you want a mixed breed there are thousands in the pounds being put to sleep every day.
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@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
8 Jan 07
All I was trying to say is that any of the breeds commonly accepted today were bred from other dogs. The AKC is STILL registering new breeds. In August of 2001 alone, six new breeds were registered. Men have always bred dogs (and other domestic animals) for traits that they desire. They did not simply "evolve" As for the new mixes fetching higher prices, that is simply a matter of supply and demand. The new dogs are trendy, which creates a huge demand. As long as people continue to pay those ridiculous prices, breeders will continue to charge them. On the topic of health and breeding, any breed (or mix of breeds) will have it's own particular health issues, but responsible breeders will do their best to ensure these issues are not passed on. For instance, Chihuahuas (I use this one because it is your breed of choice) are prone to subluxation of the patella (loose kneecaps), hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), collapsing trachea (common in many small breeds) and are more prone to eye injuries than many other breeds, among other things. Any responsible breeder tests for these problems, warns owners about the possibilities, and generally does their best to discourage these issues. It is the same with responsible breeders of Labradoodles and Puggles. I am a rescuer (rabbits, not dogs, but we face the same issues), so you don't have to tell me that many dogs are put down each year. I do not, in any way, advocate IRRESPONSIBLE breeding. However, if people want to mix breeds, I see no reason to stop them, as long as they do so with the dogs' health and well-being in mind.
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@CanemX (66)
• Brazil
8 Jan 07
I donĀ“t like them neither I find them very ugly
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• United States
8 Jan 07
Well I never meet a ugly dog myself all animals are special and pretty in thier own way ,:)
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@Reviver (339)
• Romania
8 Jan 07
i agree with you :|
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@kareng (70406)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I totally agree with you. You are paying mega bucks for a MIXED breed dog. I can't believe AKC approves of this as it seems to me if it keeps on happening there will be NO purebred dogs left in a couple of years. The same thing is happing with parrots. Mixing breeds to obtain "prettier" colors. Geesh.
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• United States
8 Jan 07
the AKC only has say over the registration of akc dogs they cann't prevent mixes. I had one custermor I am a dog groomer buy a shih poo another came in with a dog she got from the animal shelter a shih tzu mix I am telling you the dogs looked the same except one had more white then the other .Look like the same litter .One paid big bucks one saved a life both got great dogs but I think going to the shelter was still better .
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@nuffsed (1271)
8 Jan 07
We in the UK, such a "Nation of doglovers" have the venerable Bulldog as a kind of emblem of our tenacity and courage. Yet, no Bulldog was ever born without help from a surgeon. I'm not surprised folks with money, want breeders to come up with pretty dogs to fit in with their pretty families. Crossbreeding for looks doesn't bother me, so long as the resulting animal is fully viable in the real dog world. The bulldog does not qualify by this standard.
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• United States
8 Jan 07
Well to a degree I agree I know that it seems we breed dogs to extreems and I do believe that the bull dog is one that this happened to but I hate judging thier breeders .At same time I don't think such extremism is heathy .A breed requiring some c sections is ok but no natural births is another . Like I said I used to show dogs I am not against it but most people just want pets as a groomer I have groomed some very pretty mixed breed dogs over the years so it is not just pure breeds that look good .
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• United States
8 Jan 07
I do not like what they are doing to the breeds of dogs, cats, pigs, horses, etc. just to make a buck. They are selling Designer name - not a living, breathing animal with a spirit. They have no regard for what they are breeding and why or for what purpose. Keep designer tags on clothing and apparel. Leave animals out!!!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
8 Jan 07
Exactly! I think a huge reason that our shelters are packed is because people now think of animals as commodities. Pets are living breathing creatures. So many breeders are out there just to make a buck. Not just on the designer dogs either, but there are a ton of bad purebred dog breeders who don't screen for health issues or anything.
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@bzc2008 (125)
• China
8 Jan 07
I don't see a DESIGNER DOG! But in my home town, there are some DEMI-WOLF! Very very strong!!! By the way, I will kave a look at I like dogs too ^_^ Thanks for your info!
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• United States
8 Jan 07
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that thinks it's rediculous that people are spending tons of money on mutts. I agree that some mutts can be great dogs. But why purposely breed them & start out selling them for so much. I realize that all the current breeds were "mutts" for years before they were accepted as purebreds. But that was after years of breeding them for a specific purpose & they didn't start out selling them for tons of money.
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• United States
8 Jan 07
Yeep I agree with you I also know that alot of dogs with the same mixes are being killed in shelters the only difference in them is were they come from .I guess it is like name brand cloths except these are living animals .
@Signal20 (2281)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I agree with you, so many good dogs/animals in shelters that need homes. You know what it is? It's all about status really when it comes down to it. I just cannot fathom spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on a dog, when for 50. you get one with shots, usually a free or reduced price spaying/neutering as well. The only dog I could see spending a lot of money on, would be an English Bulldog. Only because from what I understand, it's hard to breed them-very complicated. I'd love one, but again, can't see spending that much money on one. My mother in law bought a labradoodle. The lady said it was the smaller version, would only end up about 20 lbs or so. Well, the dogs pushing 50lbs now, and mother is upset lol. I think she paid over 1000. for the dang thing too. Too each their own I suppose. I'll take my pound puppies over those anyday.
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• United States
10 Jan 07
bull dogs are very hard to breed and would require a higher price . On laberdoodles I would think the first geniration a 1/2 laberdor 1/2 poodle it would be hard to get a smaller one .Even in future miixes some I would think would take after the lab and they are prett large dogs . Shelter dogs and even cats are cheaper for example I took in a stray cat that was left at a friends it cost me 70 just for her shots and test then spaying was more .My vet has a no kill shelter he charges 69 his fee includes all shots and test and it altered .I am not sorry I not sorry I got my cat but his are cheaper .His dogs are the same fee and you get the same with them .
• United States
8 Jan 07
People are using dogs as asecories. That is just wrong on so many levels. People would rather spend thousands of dollars then go save a great puppy from the pound. The worst part is after they are no longer in fashion they just drop the poor animal. Wake up people think about what you are doing. I am also against people clipping the tails and ears of certain breeds just because that's they should look. If they were ment to look that way then they would have been born that way.
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• United States
9 Jan 07
yes dogs are more then fashion asecories and take alot of tiume and work and money and some if not alot well end up in shelters .
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I hate the whole "designer dogs" thing. I love mixed breed dogs too, but there are millions of them being put to sleep each year in the shelters! Go get the designer dogs at the shelters. People don't need to be breeding more dogs when there is such a large overpopulation problem already.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
9 Jan 07
Skinny Pig - Black hairless guinea pig, known as a skinny pig, these have horrible immune systems and do not make good pets.
I don't think of any dog as being "worth more". If I paid $10,000 for a dog, I'd still take it to the vet and spend just as much if it had a problem, than I would for a mixed breed dog I picked up at the shelter. I rescue guinea pigs, and I've had just about every breed with the exception of a baldwin. And I haven't found any difference in value, but apparently people will pay $300 for skinnies and other rare breeds. To me, that is ridiculous, especially in the case of skinnies because they have the most problems.
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• United States
9 Jan 07
Thats cool Last I went to my vet his no kill shelter had a rabbit there ,not many people think about the small animals . I think they are abused worce then dogs are cats .I know some people turn rabbits lose it is a shame .
• United States
8 Jan 07
I agree with you as I stated earlier I am a pet groomer I have two people came in with new pups one brought a shih poo the other a shelter dog mix shih tzu both looked alike like same litter .Both great dogs ,was the one worth more becauce it came from a breeder ? in my eyes it was not ..
• United States
8 Jan 07
I think it is great. What I hate is people who don't take care of there dogs. They treat them like garbage! You shouldn't have one unless you want to care for them
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• United States
8 Jan 07
Yea some people just throw them away I saw one one show a person got rid of thier poodle becauce it no longer matched her furnature .I think these people should own stuffed animals if that .
• India
8 Jan 07
I don't like them much ..
@foxsoon (150)
• Australia
9 Jan 07
Well, since my dogs are all mixed breed I guess with me having no idea of its origin, I think a lot of times they tend to look better or designed to suit humans. But sometimes I do prefer pure breed ones because it there's a long known history or identity to it. While mixed breed ones, if you are not sure of the breed it was mixed and you get a pitbull terrier mix, that's just gonna be so painful. But I guess it also now depends on your house and financial capability to keep dogs. Some people have small houses/apartment and really wants a german shepard, I guess they mixed them with chihuahua to fit them into the apartment? Well, just wondering.
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• United States
9 Jan 07
Ouch no please no chihuahua shepherd mixing lol I own both breeds they are great dogs but not meant to be mixed . There is so meny breeds and mixes already out there why make new ones .If you want a pure breed dog there is alot to pick from surely one would fit a persons needs .If you want or could love a mix breed they make as good pets there is already thousands waiting for a home in a shelter .
• United States
8 Jan 07
Designer dogs are just a fad. In about three years, VH1 will be talking about them on remember the 2000's. The only reason why they are popular now is because they are so new and expensive. But puggles are damn cute.
• United States
8 Jan 07
Puggles are cute but so are alot of mixed breed dogs any beagle mix is cute .I know they are a fad just like carring chihuahuas around in bags is for teenage girls another fad I hate becauce once it is over what well happen with the dogs ?
• United States
10 Jan 07
I love all animals. And whether it is a pure breed or a mix, they are the same. But mixes tend to be healthier, as they are not interbred. And I get my animals from the shelter. I guess each to their own.
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@jfeets726 (775)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I honestly had no idea that there was such as thing as a desinger dog or desginer dogs. I knew that there were purebred dogs, but I didn't know that people actually went through great lenghts or paid extra money to get a certain type of dogs. I don't know about the combination, but we just got a cocker spaniel begale mix not to long ago. We din't have to pay anything for him though.
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• Canada
8 Jan 07
I am with you!! I want a dog or a cat, and really don't care about the breed. Mom's dog Hudson is the product of a union between wolf and husky. He is the friendliest dog in the world, and would have been put down if no one took him. Mom took him home, and he's great. He's also very good with children.
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@paul8675 (750)
• Australia
8 Jan 07
The trouble with purebreed dogs is that they tend to often be genetically weaker than mixtures because of the inbreeding factor. For that reason, future dogs I own shall be mixtures of something.
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• India
8 Jan 07
They are status symbols for those who donot know what to do with their money ...infact these dogs are cute and can be easily used to make a fashion statement...neways its gods creation and we should show no prejudice towards love them or leave them but do not harm them......
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• United States
8 Jan 07
I don't like animals being used as status symbols myself usauly when they are the owner finds they are not worth the work and negletes or throws them in a shelter .
@BDnLacy (324)
• United States
8 Jan 07
I have to say it's wrong on many levels. The 1st being, people are attempting to redo God's creation. Another and more widely thought is this.... So many animals are abandoned already. Designer dogs are just another fad, and like all fads it will end. What happens to all those dogs then? I'll tell you. They will thrown out, abandoned, or sold for research. Designer dogs will just be another burdon on us when it is all over.