If abortion isn't wrong, why do girls cry afterwards?
By PlanetProzac
@PlanetProzac (166)
United States
13 responses
@docjudie (42)
• United States
10 Feb 07
Because it is a medical procedure,,it's scary and they are coming ut from under anesthisia...many people cry after anesthesia no matter what the procedure.
They have mixed emotions or have been brainwashed that they are now "a horrid person"
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@Gigglygrrl (362)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Not all who abort cry and even if they do it proves nothing. Abortion terminates a pregnancy and pregnancy causes surges in hormones when the termination is complete it doesn't get rid f the hormones in the body. It can be purely physical. Some other women may cry because of the potential being gone. Who knows why people sry unless you ask them, even then, some may not know.
@PlanetProzac (166)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Crying proves that some of it is partly biological, but I also believe there is a guilt feeling as well. Unless of course one has no conscious.
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@Gigglygrrl (362)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Your opinion that crying=guilt is ridiculous. I cry when I am ragging and hormonal, I know loads of women that do. Sometimes if I am PMSing I cry at commercials. Crying proves nothing. And no woman who aborts has anything to feel guilty about.
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@galadriel (7)
14 Jan 07
abortion of course, makes a girl cry for the physical and mental stress she has to undergo. Nevertheless, girls opt for abortion for various reasons. some of them are...unplanned pregnancy, physically unfit to conceive, if the scan shows deformed fetus etc.
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@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
9 Jan 07
They cry because they know that they committed murder and killed a baby inside their bodies. There are many women who wants to have a child but can't have one because their body won't let them, still there are girls who aborts their babies, thinking "it's their life at stake" it's not only their lives that are in stake, the unborn child's life is at stake too. They should not be called a woman or women, because woman is a word for matured girls, and thinking only about yourself is the biggest sign of immaturity.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
6 Aug 07
That photo is faked, and not even a quality fake. The umbilicus is not the right colors, too large for a baby that size and deformed (it's forked at the end that would have been attached to the placenta- they don't look like that). Further, even if it were accurate- it would be a late term abortion. A far less common procedure that is seldom done for reasons other than the health of the woman or the lack of viability in the fetus.
@WildRider (63)
• United States
6 Aug 07
Anayden wrote: I honestly think that abortion is killing a living thing...
Of course it's killing a "living thing," but that "thing" isn't a baby. It's an ovum, a zygote, an embryo or a fetus, depending upon the stage of development. If we're going to discuss this realistically and factually, we have to use the right terms.
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@WildRider (63)
• United States
6 Aug 07
planetprozac wrote: they feel bad, but society will make them accept it.
Accept what? That they aborted? That's a fact they have to accept, no matter what society says.
Now to the main question: if abortion isn't wrong, why do girls cry afterward?
Complicated question with no one right answer.
Many cry because they hurt. Like all forms of surgery, pain exists for a while afterwards. Why don't you ask the same question about other forms of surgery? Why did I cry after surgery on my broken ankel? Why did my friend cry after getting a pace maker? Why didn't you ask why people cry after these operations?
Having a problem resolved is another reason why people cry. Not just an unwanted pregnancy but many other problems. My friend cried when she was able to stop the foreclosure on her home. Another friend cried when she found out her teenager was not going to die. Women who face the hardships imposed by unwanted pregnancies have every right to feel the same relief once their pregnancy is terminated.
Some cry because they know how badly they were decieved before they got pregnant. The horrid choice they had to make (often on their own) might be a direct result of a man who lied to them about loving them and being willing to stand by them if a pregnancy occurs. They cannot know that lie until after they are pregnant. Only then can they make the brave choice to abort or not knowing they are on their own.
BTW, it isn't only girls who cry afterwards. Adult women do too. Why shouldn't they? They've had to face a wrenching decision and endure a medical surgery that is invasive. I would find it unnatural if they didn't cry for one reason or another.
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@WildRider (63)
• United States
6 Aug 07
rajdarbaar wrote: personally, I actually wish abortion had never even or never will of been thought of, but it has, and it's here now...we already had pre-abortion....
Pre-abortion? When would that have been? Abortion existed during Biblical times -- and wasn't condemned. The only Biblical reference is in Numbers 11-27 where the "Lord" mandates a "trial by ordeal" for women accused of adultery. The "Lord" instructs the rabbis to force the woman to drink a potion that will induce an abortion if she is guilty. There seems to be no thought of the damage that will be done to the fetus if an abortion is not the result. That shouldn't surprise us though because other passages show how God repeatedly orders the torture and murder of women and children on a routine basis.
rajdaar wrote: if you're going out and fuccking, having unprotected se**xx and basicly just throwing the dice on getting pregnant, you deserve to have the kid...
What a novel thought. A baby as punishment. Is this punishment for men too or only women? And how does this work in the baby's favor? Shouldn't every baby be wanted and loved? How terrible would that baby's life be if it was hated? Haven't we seen enough bad results for children in this predicament? Why would anyone advocate more of the same?
Frankly, the attitude that a baby should be used as punishment is worse than abortion. The effects on the lives of all involved would be infinitely worse in the former than the latter.
@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
8 Feb 07
Maybe it isn't entirely feeling bad and crying for that reason. Sometimes during certain procedures, the anesthesia that is given causes crying. When I woke up from having my wisdom teeth out, I wasn't scared or in pain, but I was crying anyway. Perhaps that is a factor here.
@ronita34 (3922)
• Canada
9 Feb 07
Of course one feels bad as not everyone has their own interests in mind. Some woman have an abortion because they can not support or even handle the thought of having this baby. Some woman become pregnant due to rape and feel that the baby will only bring back bad memories!
@prettypinkbug (437)
• United States
8 Jan 07
The girls know that they are killing something that is living inside of them, but if they have the child they will be giving up so much. They choose to have a life, especially young girls, but feel bad for disposing of the child. If they had it to do again they would probably do the same thing.
It is a sad thing to have to choose. Maybe they really wanted to keep it but someone, like mom or dad or even the boyfriend who said he would leave if she didn't do it, comvinces her to do it.
There are so many reasons really. It depends on the particular situation.
@somnolence (460)
• United States
9 Feb 07
Many reasons. Because it is very painful physically. Because inducing an abortion causes a massive rush of hormones into the bloodstream which can have immediate psychological effects. Because they may want the child but be unable to care for it.
Many women cry after childbirth too. Some for a very long time. Why not assume childbirth is also wrong?
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@Critter028 (77)
• United States
9 Feb 07
I do not even know how to accurately give my opinion on this statement. The question of abortion being right or wrong is irrelevant in this case. Why do girls cry after? Because no matter what prompted those girls to make that decision, pro choice or pro life, it is one of the toughest decisions to make. It is extremely emotionally grueling, it is also physically painful and often causes intense feelings of depression and guilt. The feelings that are produced by the act itself are the same, and it does not matter if you think abortion is right or wrong. A loss is a loss, even if you give permission.
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@leechamp (186)
• Philippines
27 Jul 07
they cry because they knew very well that a part of their life was lost with it...and they will never find peace knowing fully well that they have killed a life right there in their own body. even if they would have moved on and gotten married or even have children, the fact that sometime in their life, one innocent life was abandoned, it's unforgiveable.
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@WildRider (63)
• United States
7 Aug 07
Lady Dulce wrote: Most abortions are performed by people who just weren't using any [birth control].
Pregnant women don't perform abortions. Their doctors do.
As to your claim that most women who seek abortions don't use birth control, can you cite me the stats that prove this? A url where the stats can be viewed by everyone?
I've heard this claim more than once, but no one has been able to prove the truth of it with valid stats from a government agency or another reputable source.
Until it is proven valid, we should assume it is not true and is only one more piece of propaganda put out to "prove" women do not have the capacity to make good decisions in their own life.

@eden32 (3973)
• United States
8 Aug 07
"A good, neutral site for facts on contraceptives and their uses and side effects (including abortions) is..."
If that site is "neutral" I'm the Queen of England! WildRider- you should go check it out though if you haven't already. There are some great, giggle-worthy "facts" on the site; such women having a higher risk of contracting HIV if they've had an abortion and withdrawal being a method of birth control!
@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
8 Aug 07
A good, neutral site for facts on contraceptives and their uses and side effects (including abortions) is http://www.contracept.info/abortifacient.php