My star rating!!
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
January 9, 2007 9:53pm CST
i am glad to see the new feature from mylot, yet i am supprised at at the rating that i have got, there for i dont think that i am doing anything against the rules of mylot and are unawear of how i have managed to recive a quite low rating, i hope that people dont see me for being a cheater in anyway, may this feature cause any judgement on the users of mylot?
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67 responses
@Alexanderrp (163)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Yes, I'm also glad of the new feature. I think that it's a GREAT addition. However, I'm a little bit confused on how it works, and if it's even working. I never spam, never give 1 line responses, not even 2 lines! I always post valuable information, that people can benefit from. I know my rank should be ALOT higher than what it is.
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@estherlou (5015)
• United States
10 Jan 07
According to the new alert about the star rating, part of why yours is what it is, is because you are so new. The more discussions you get in, and the higher your rating, the higher your star number should be. It is still brand new. It was not here this morning and it is now here tonight, so it will take awhile for us to figure it out.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
i do also think it is a great new feature sure in time we will figure how the system works. thanks for you help i can understand what it is about more now. i think i will hopefully work on becoming a fair asset to mylot thanks.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
i shal not let it bother me,i will now just look into inproving that rating, an thank you for your responce.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
ok well this seems to be great it was only yesterday i was going on about me reciving a low rate star but for some reason it has grown in quick time this is a real confidence boost and thank you all again for your help.
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@chelsy_gal (153)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 07
Don't worry. That new feature is represent nothing. All users is good in mylot. Keep posting dude. Give your best opinion to every discussion :)
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
thank you i will do i know that all users are good people. but there have been a cupel that were not right in the past lol all the best to you thank you for your reply.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
10 Jan 07
Trick, my best guess is that you are not using punctuation very well. You are using commas but not periods at the end of a sentence. I noticed you do this alot.
Try to put in more periods and make good sentences. See if that helps you any. Good Luck.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
thanks alot i will take note of that, i was never any good at english lessons in school. As from now i will take more care of my punctuation as i should already do. thank you for this advice.
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@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
10 Jan 07
You're quite welcome and I really do hope it helps you. Keep up the good work. ;)
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@Lady_Vincy (1538)
• United States
10 Jan 07
I also liek the new star ratings. I'm still not 100% sure how it works but I am not to disappointed with my score.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
i also do think this is a great idea and look forward to seeing more of it. i dont think anybody knows how it really works. i wouldent bank on mylot knowing lol thank you for your reply.
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@sarojrath (247)
• India
10 Jan 07
I too dont have any good arting here. But i think that this is al about the target no of discussions that you achieve. Thats the way they are rating us all. I hope with increasing no of discussions you will increase your rattings and so will i too. Keep it up friend.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
iam surly going to give it my best shot and i also wish you all the best too. thank you for your kind responce.
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@profcentral (719)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
That is true! But still I tend to respond to some nonsense topics though not with a one liner. Even if it's nonsense try to make a little sense on your response, Elaborate and you'll do just fine. Just pray that the discussion won't be deleted by the administrators.
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@amitavroy (4819)
• India
10 Jan 07
yes this system is a very nice thing. it make the user think about his rating and due to this they can even post quality posts. i hope it also adds to the amount you earn. like a user with higher star may earn more because of his quality. you never know. these things might not have been disclosed by mylot. but yes you have to appritiate them for the nice things which they have developed. they are always doing something or the other for the betterment of and i am very happy for that. my rating in 9 and i am very very happy about that.
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
thats great and me and my dad was just discussing that about an increased pay for the higher rated user. i do also think that it will change the way users post on myspace as it as also made me think more about my position on mylot. Thanks
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@leonilyn (467)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
i guess the stars stands for the quality of your posts. and the ones who made it are the moderators and not the users. so dont feel bad of what you've got because according to them if you are rated low it doesnt mean that you are a bad mylot users. let us all make quality post in order to reach the #10 rating..
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
now i think that i know there star rating is dependant on the people of mylot and will now encorage me to think more deeply into the subject making sure i have a long and accurate answer to a discussion. thank you for you advice.
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
yes people do have different veiws on this nobody knows but may think they have a idea of it wich ever way it will keep mylot users ontrack hopefully thanks for your responce.
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@DeepThought (433)
• South Africa
10 Jan 07
Well, if it helps, I have the same rating as you, so how about we hang out together in the MyLot ghetto, hoping that the 9 and 10 stars would see it in their hearts to throw us an occasional scrap. :)
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
lol i dont see why not but i am not to sure about hanging out in the ghetto it some how sounds scary any way thank you for your reply hope we see more of each other in discussions.
@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 07
Great feature. Mylot is certainly moving things nowadays. This should help deter cheaters from benefiting from mylot. At the same time, we will now see more quality posts and responses. May mylot come up with more firm measures to keep this site great and exciting, yet safe.
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@creationhub (3066)
• Malaysia
10 Jan 07
Something is wrong with my connection or my computer. I keep getting duplicating responses sent out. Apologies.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
that is why iam a little slow on the reply lol it kind of kicked me off :/ been trying to get on for past hour. well iam on now so i do agree with what you are saying and have that opinion myself. lets hope there will be more quality post hoping that people will not be making money from nothing. thanks for your reply
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• Philippines
10 Jan 07
Received a low rating? it doesnt mean your a cheater or anything like that, it just states how active you are at using or visiting mylot. If you receive a low rating like 1 for example. So? i do think people will post at your forum even if you have no rating at all just as long as you post quality forums
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
thank you for this reply it could well be the way this feature is working either way i will be spendind a little more time on this site going through my responces more descriptivly.
@unfathomedpsyche (858)
• Thailand
10 Jan 07
Well i hope that this new feature won't be use as a basis in determining a fairly good topic or user for that matter. According to the new rule they base the rating according to the quality response and discussion a user contributed to the mylot community. Oneliner response and topic wont get higher rating thus its better to respond and make topic with quality in mind.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
yes i will now be more careful in what discussions i take part in, and make sure that somthing that i will like to discuss will have more of a subject matter, also like to thank you for your reply.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
yes i do think so and well done to you hope that they do inprove for you. i do think it will encourrage more to give a more descriptive piece of text thank you.
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@nancygibson (3736)
• France
10 Jan 07
I'm a bit confused as well, I'm not sure its really a helpful addition, and I'm not sure why mine has suggests I've had negative marks, it only suggests 93/100 and to the best of my knowledge I have never doen anything against the rules here. Oh well, its not going to affect the way I post, so it will be interesting to see how it develops over time.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
this is much the same kind of responce i had to the new rating status. its going to now be fun to see how things change for me and others in good time iam also going to be more upfront with all my discussions and responces. thank you
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@anne_143god (5387)
• Philippines
10 Jan 07
Dont be sad maybe you just wait a little and continue what you are doing like posting good discussion and so fort and let us see what happen on your rating.
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
thank you for this i sure will be looking out for any change in rating as i feel a little more confident posting on this site.
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@ashwinee77 (784)
• India
10 Jan 07
I think the rating system of mylote help us to find cheater.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
it could well be the reason for setting it up i hope they do have a way of catching them. it will be for their own good saving them money but we dont know. thank you for your responce.
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@5555544443332210 (55)
• India
10 Jan 07
I m also very excited to this newly added feature by Mylot.
With the ratings now we can judge the person to whom we are chatting and discussing.
It will help us to keep ourself away from fake user replies.
But frens where is this rating generally displayed on the page.
I am not able to see my rating star.
@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
yep but a shame we cannot judge the users without the star ratings yet the time will come were they can see how they have done in the past 100 post.
well finally here iam after much time of replying and rating i come to a end well for now atleast. i have been made more confident and more upfront and i am thankful of every body that has taken part so far in my discussion every one has been a great help and i hope to hear more form you all as time goes on in mylot thank you.
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@kathy77 (7486)
• Australia
10 Jan 07
no you are not doing anything wrong on mylot and you will find that every day your star should be going up a little bit at a time you must be only new here so don't worry about the star nobody will judge you on mylot as they have been there as well.
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@xXxTRICKxXx (368)
10 Jan 07
i will no longer worrie about this feature and i thank you for the support time to move on now with mylot and work on being a asset to them. thank you for your kind responce.
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