In the News Yesterday!Another crazy Mother!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
United States
January 11, 2007 6:43am CST
A woman in Florida was charged with abuse for putting her baby in the oven..It was stated that she had put the baby right on the racks and that the baby was heard crying by the boyfriend or father..who rescued the child. The child suffered burns..and who knows what else!!
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29 responses
@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
11 Jan 07
OMG! How could someone do this to their baby? That's so sad, that poor, poor baby!!!
Like I've said before, and I'll say it again...
I believe that if anyone abuses, rapes, murders, or tortures a child, it ought to be done right back to them in the same way they did it to the child but 10 times worse!!!
Stick that crazy wench on a hot grill about 1000 times and see how she likes it. Tie her tubes and put her in with general population so she can know how it feels to have no control and to be tortured!!!!!!!!!!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Indeed murder is murder! And child abuse is child abuse...The child survived.but can you imagine the trauma instilled in that young child?
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@Stephanie5 (2946)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I don't want to imagine it. This makes me ill. I've been angry with my children before, and I mean REALLY angry and never, not once have I ever thought about hurting them like that. What comes around...goes around. That worthless excuse for a human being will get just what she deserves!!
@ladybear (128)
• Denmark
11 Jan 07
Some where in the manul for the oven it says keep away from children. Or dangerous for children. Some kind of warning not to put your children in the oven just incase you didn't have enough common sence to figur that one out on your own.
I hope that they take her child/children away from her and never give them back.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Well this mother apparently did not read the manual or simply didn't care..Anyone in their right mind would know if you put a child in the oven, it will die after some time; especially with it turned on!
@ausnikki (4054)
• Brisbane, Australia
11 Jan 07
Oh that poor baby.Thank goodness there was someone there to help.This woman needs major psychiatric help.I can't fathom why people want to hurt or even kill their own children.My children are so precious to me and I would never dream of harming them.I hope the baby hasn't suffered too much and will recover quickly.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
You are right she needs major help.. What was she thinking ..did she actually contemplate the fact that she was going to burn up her own baby?
@sweetlady10 (3611)
• United States
11 Jan 07
It's unbelievable. How someone can put a baby in the oven, and she is the mother of that baby. I don't have words to condem this.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Just imagine how hot it must have gotten for the baby to start crying!
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
11 Jan 07
I have children as my own and as a mother I can not understand how any mom could possibly do anything to harm a child. I hope that the baby is ok, and I hope that they do not allow this woman to have her child back later or allow her to even have anymore children. This is so sad and had to be scary for the child.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
It's just a terrible and sad story..things like these makes you wonder about the world we live in these days.
@mapiklfish1 (212)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Hopefully they took the baby away from her. Very sad. Another baby in foster care. I'm trying to figure out the reasoning for putting the baby in the oven of all places. She must have mental problems.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Indeed we have sick people and girls becoming mothers before they have matured enough to take care of children.
@MakDomMom (1474)
• United States
11 Jan 07
That is crazy! Some people just shouldn't have children! It makes me so mad to hear about people that cannot handle the day to day stresses of having children, yet they continue to try to care for them. Children are precious and are to be treated with tender love.
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
What causes a mother to do this? What must have gone through her mind? Has anyone here have any idea?
@greengal (4286)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Oh my God!! How ruthless of the mother! what is the world coming to?? I mean what happened to good motherhood and care and love..all we see on the news nowadays is children in dryers and ovens, put in their by their own parents and not some stranger. Maybe even a stranger would have thought twice before putting kids in there (unless he was a psycho!) Poor kids, they are suffering more and more at the hands of such irresponsible parents. It sure is a pity.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Ruthless and unreasonable..what it is that makes people do such things?
@limosonia1 (1559)
• United States
11 Jan 07
How disgusting. It's own mother. How could she be so cold as to hurt her own child. I am assuming that it was an infant since it fit in the oven. Not that it matters it's cruel either wat. Children depend on thier parents to protect them not be the ones causing them harm.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Yes, it's disgusting and I do think it was an infant..I don't follow up on every story.
@babystar1 (4233)
• United States
11 Jan 07
people that do that to there own kids are crazy.It is so sad to here this.This is happening more all the time.Just the other day I read in the newspaper that a babys own father got mad for the baby crying so he shook her and slammed her into a wall.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Oh ..if only the world was like it was before adam and even fell:)
@meeshee1 (188)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Why the heck do people carry children in their tummies, pay for health insurance and go to the doctor 100 times before the baby is born, go through the pain of labor and childbirth, only to turn around and do things like this? It makes NO sense to me. How about BIRTH CONTROL? There's an idea!!!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Same question I have..We must pray for all the mothers of our world..Today's society and television instills in them so many crazy ideas!
@shywolf (4514)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Oh no! :( That is absolutely horrible! Why would anyone do such a thing to their own child? _How_ could she do it? I couldn't even subject a bug to torture of that sort. I guess that I am just extra sensitive to the creatures of the world, but I don't even like killing bugs, let alone harming another human being.. even a human being that I disliked! *laugh* I could never wish to harm my own child, if I had a child!
@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I say the same..some people treat others worse than they would their own animals..Isn't it a awful shame?
@fiveisallofus (273)
• United States
11 Jan 07
This makes me soooo sad!! That poor child. I wish I could just hold him/her.
There was a story similar to this, A women is San fransico walked her children to the end of a pier and THREW them in to the water!! They did not make it!! Imagine how these children feel, the one person that is supposed to love and protect, turn on them. I am soooo sad!!
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
Yes, indeed we are all so sad at all this..and all we can do is pray..pray for our world.
@SisterLove (304)
• United States
11 Jan 07
When I hear things like this the only thing I can image it to be is the devil. I mean how can a mother do this you create this child outta love carry the baby for nine months and then have a life time fullied with happiness from this child. I'm speachless there are woman out there that cant have babies and wish they could be a mother, and here this crazy *itch would do something like this. I hope that anyone who heard of this just prays for the child to recover physically and mentally and has someone in his/her family who can take this child and shower him/her with endless love. God bless this child...
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I believe that the devil is running around this world of ours..corrupting children..causing unrest..and promoting violence..The bible speaks of a time that the devil would be let loose..and I believe it's now
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
12 Jan 07
I don't like to hear about things like this it makes me sick to my stoomach, poor babies!!!
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@sexysilver (928)
• United States
11 Jan 07
My friends had mentioned this today. I was horrified by this. I don't see how anyone can harm a child.
My understanding of this incident is the mother & father were arguing, she put the baby in the oven & after the fight the baby's dad's BROTHER went into the kitchen (he came over to help his brother move out) & heard the baby in the oven. So I say both the mom AND the dad need to be locked up.
Poor baby. :(
@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
11 Jan 07
Yes I agree if the father was in the home, then they both should be put away and never aloud to have children again.
@tambdy (1967)
11 Jan 07
This is sick, the women deserves to be put in a oven and burned alive, what do these people think to be able to do that to her own child and not comprehend what they are doing.
You have to think she must have serious mental health disabilities for someone to do this.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
We are hearing more and more of situations like this..Maybe the mother came to a point that she couldn't handle motherhood anymore? Whatever the reason, the situation is very sad
@classy56 (2880)
• United States
11 Jan 07
this women sounds crazy.thank god someone else was there to save the baby.the mother should be locked up an never get out of know that baby had to feel alot of makes my stomach sick just to think about this.i sure hope the baby lives.
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@littlefranciscan (18327)
• United States
13 Jan 07
I feel very sorry for all the little children that suffer abuse at the hands of parents, grandparents or siblings...I think we are seeing the signs of the times:(
@swasti (1157)
• India
11 Jan 07
oh my god!! i cant believe it . amother put her own baby into oven??? she must be really stupid. how horrid the baby must have felt. whats wornd with her. if she is mentally sick i think , her housemates must not have allowed her alone with the baby.
really people are going crazy i think. i have a baby too and i simply cant imagine how some1 can even hurt a baby. i simply love my baby dearly.
@Adrenochrome (1653)
12 Jan 07
I don't think 'stupid' is really the word, I don't suspect she was trying to dry the baby. I would image that she probably has 'post partem' depression, or some similar, mental illness. Don't underestimate the power of one's own mind to screw with you; I've known of a woman who could not see her baby when she looked at her, she saw a ball of fire! This woman needs help, not condemnation.
I'm glad you don't have this kind of problem, and twice as glad that your baby has loving parents.
@xXmeganxX (4420)
13 Jan 07
ah no way, that is pure cruelty to children :( she shouldn't of done that!!!! that is sickening, i feel so sorry for that child and that lady doesn't deserve to have another child! :(