
January 14, 2007 4:27pm CST
Do you spank your child? Why? Please let other people know your views. Answers will be rated. May God bless you.
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20 responses
• Canada
14 Jan 07
If I had children I woudln't spank them. Is it really right to teach a child what is wrong by using physical force? I think people who resort to spanking do so because "they don't know how to use your words." An expressive person with a large vocabulary and a gentle but firm tone won't need t ouse physical force, and their children will be all the better for it.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
14 Jan 07
I dont think that spanking is a very effective means of discipline. I prefer using other methods as discussing things with my son, explaining what he is doing wrong. If I dont succeed than there are other measures which I do take such not allowing to watch his favourite cartoons etc. But I try to refrain from spanking. Kids learn to fear you but they wont respect you.
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@whacks (774)
• Philippines
20 Jan 07
I am not in favor of spanking children to discipline them. There are many other ways. Spanking might be just the last recourse.
@kaka135 (14934)
• Malaysia
15 Jan 07
Well, I do not have kids now. But I totally disagree the idea of spanking the kids. If we as adult don't like to be spanked, why do we do that to our kids? Do not think kids know nothing, they are smart, and they will carry the memory to future, they remember what you've done to them when they were young, and what we've done to them build their characters. I believe we should educate our kids with love and patience. Well, I can't prove my theory is right, coz I do not have kids now. But I still think I'll apply this in future.
@stailgate (2363)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I am sure you will change your way of thinking when you become a parent. Sometimes you will find that there is no alternative, and that we as adults if we do something wrong, there is punishment for our actions, just as their is if you are a child, only the punishment is different. Love and patience is something that almost all parents have, but sometimes a little tough love is what is needed to get the method threw to your kids that you need to be taken serious. Other wise they will push and push till the tables are turned, and you have lost control.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
14 Jan 07
no, i didnt. it was on rare occasion that it was even talked about. They are grown and have become fine adults.My children were raised in church and know the lord and read the bible regularly.My oldest daughter is very comitted to Christ and her life is dedicated to him.She is always witnessing and she believes the Lord will come soon. They were good growing up and they are still very sweet people. The rules in the house were, you do your chores and you keep your homework ect up or previleges are not an option. Lots of love and lots of communication.
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• Indonesia
15 Jan 07
it's happy to read your view for the spanking the kids. It seem you're happy family with your great kids, raised in the Church, love Lord. I wanna my family like your family, close to the Christ.
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• Philippines
20 Jan 07
I have a one year old baby...and of course I dont spank him he is to young to be spanked. Although there are so many times in which I like to spank him especially if he doesnt seem to go to sleep even when its past midnight already. If il have it my way, I dont really want to spank my baby I just have to give him another punishment when he misbehaves but not spanking. Maybe when he is grown up my punishment will be " he is grounded". But maybe I cannot also tell, there are parents who were able to spank their kids out of frustration and exhaustion, as much as possible I'l hold my self not to spank the baby and just try to talk to him about the misbehaving and the wrongdoing if ever!
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• United States
15 Jan 07
When I had a child at home, I rarely spanked her. I would try to use a constuctive punishment to help her learn the right ways. On occassion, she was hit on the bottom with one smack. God bless you too.
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@janet069 (663)
• United States
20 Jan 07
My kids are grown but when they were little I did spank them. My parents spanked me and I turned out just fine. Kids nowdays don't think they should be spanked but personally I don't see the time out thing doing any good. I've always heard spare the rod and spoil the child. I agree 100%.
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@stailgate (2363)
• United States
20 Jan 07
yes I do. I only spanked my daughter a couple of times, and that was enough. She is more tender hearted I guess you could say, and hurt her more by yelling at her, then by any kind of physical punishment. My son on the other hand.... yeah. He gets them almost daily. He is only 4, but he has a mean side. He will hit, kick, and just be flat out mean to his sister. And when it comes to his dad and me, he will push us to the limit with his attitude. Sticking him in time out, taking things away, things like that are useless, we believe in your did your "crime" now, have your punishment now, you get swatted, and it's over. That's it. Go on and do whatever, if you do it again, you get swatted again. Eventually he will learn and stop. Till the next day. And then it starts again. He is just so bull headed.
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@jenbatres (799)
• United States
15 Jan 07
No I don't spank my kid. I see no point in hitting my kids, it just teaches violence. The child will then hit when they get angry; I have seen this happen many places. My children get time-outs when they mis-behave, but for the most part they know right from wrong. My oldest daughter is 9 and she now gets sent to her room instead of a time out, she calms down best listening to music.
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@zaratoga (83)
• Indonesia
15 Jan 07
No, I'll never spank to my little angel as spanking or any kind of physical punishment will be not an epective discipline for kids. I'll do discuss the things and exlplaining the wrong way that she has done wrong from heart to heart. Spanking is not the good way to teach the true to the kids
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
no. children should not be harmed physically if they do something wrong, lest, you increase his tendency to do it as well to others. They should be talked to. they understand, even if they are just kids, they know, and will understand
• Malaysia
15 Jan 07
some people may agree spanking are the good way on dicipline the children. but it may make the children had trauma and its not good for their development. In contrary, children without spank also not good. Well, therefore it is up to parents on how to educate the children. Good Luck all the parents in the world.... hope i will be one to!
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• United States
19 Jan 07
My father spanked me when I deserved it, until I was 12 years old. I'm warped! Therefore ... Uh, no, I guess I'm not warped because I was spanked .. probably because I'm just a warped person who spent a year in Vietnam with the Army? Anyway .. spanking as discipline, when it does not physically harm the child, gives the child an idea of the real world .. bad choices end up with consequences that are physical many times .. jail, eviction, divorce, etc. Better to have the bottom warmed from time to time than to have to visit that child in jail as an adult because they did not get taught the universal laws of cause and effect.
@katyzzz (2897)
• Australia
14 Jan 07
Children should not be spanked it can get out of hand and lead to violence. That's a shame.
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• Philippines
15 Jan 07
No, I don't spank them eversince they were kids. Now, they're grown ups. I have two sons and the younger had kidney transplant and if medications fail, he might pass away anytime.
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@luzamper (1357)
• Philippines
15 Jan 07
I have two daughters. The older is sometimes hard headed but I do not spank her. I believe spanking is the right way to discipline. My other daughter is a mongoloid, the more I should not spank her. She needs love and understanding and I'm happy with her although she is a mongoloid.
• United States
14 Jan 07
That is our last resort for punishment, usually we take away things or ground them form computers, Ipod and such, that seems to be effective.
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• Canada
15 Jan 07
My mom spank me when i was kid, i think its only a part to disipline us aside from heart to heart talk and now im already 24y/o and i grow up as a better person with a fear to God and im a good citizen. For me its good to spank kids but with limitation like my mom did to us. im single and if i have a kids also i will also try to spank them if they did something wrong just disipline them so that they will grow with fear to God and know to respect their parents.
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@celray (141)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I do not spank my children , i have 7 and beleive sometimes it take every ounce of self control not to , but if i do i know i will feel guilty for life.