child support
By sineen1981
@sineen1981 (339)
United States
January 15, 2007 11:05pm CST
i really need child support but i am not going to be asking him about it. Sometimes i need it so bad - and raising my girl can be so tough that i gotta cry. I get so mad i need more and more help as my baby gets older, but i dont think he gets it, because he tried looking for me on my daughters birthday. So why dont he try reaching me when my daughter and i need it, when she wants to watch a different movie instead of the little mermaid over and over! How come!?!?!?!. I dont think many ignorant mama's boys understand how tough it is.
Do they?!?
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35 responses
@lafavorito (2959)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
I'm really sorry that you're having a hard time but it sounds like that man that got pregnant is very irresponsible. It will be best for you if you stop expecting any help or communication from him at all. Spare yourself the heartache and just focus on the good things about your child. Her smile, her laugh, her hugs and you'll feel better. It's so hard to focus on your job if you're thinking about your problems.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
16 Jan 07
I agree with her just stop yearning for his unavailable money and self support your kid. You can do it. When a woman decides to do something she eventually does. I think you need to be strong for your daughter, I know you ae strong only strong people can dare take up this challange of raising their kids alone. Try looking for help from some NGOs for child welfare. You can even save some money seprately just a few cents daily in a piggy bank. I was doing it and in two years I saved enough to buy my kid an insurance policy. you can do that to fulfill her little needs. Hope you get over these difficult times. Good Luck
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
thanx it takes such a toll out of me to call the child support office every week and driving downtown just to get paperwork done, all the while, (does the baby need a change in diapers?) Some days I just dont care about him being any part in our lives and others I get so fRustrated! I am focusing on what i can do for our child and eventually he will get stuck with a large bill or go to jail!!
@somnolence (460)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I hate to say it but I don't think you're going to get any help unless you ask for it at least. Most of the time they will not just offer it out of the goodness of their heart. Not that there's any excuse for it, but maybe since you don't talk about it he assumes that you're doing ok? Maybe he thinks you'd ask him if he needed it. If you don't have a good relationship with the dad and don't even want to talk about it you can go to court and get a child support order without even talking to him.
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@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
thanx but how can i ask for it when he's making himself unavailable. nothing under his name because he is a freeloader. if he's chooses to remain elusive, and out of reach for his daughter and i then i dont care much for talking to him anymore. he's a lost cause in my eyes.
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@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
there is no communication whatsoever - i dont want to even make public what stage my child support case is at, but to me its being very well taken care of. he is the kind of person that will not understand something unless he goes to jail for it. there is no point in talking to him or asking for it. He should just get a job. dont you think?
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@somnolence (460)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Ooooh, I see. That really sucks. I hope you can get some money soon. But some guys will do just about anything to get out of it. I don't think there is much more you can do besides what you're already doing, except maybe go through an agency like Support Kids.
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@nolimits (28)
• United States
17 Jan 07
If you have done your part of reporting him to the child support agency and told him the need of assistance you have done all you can as far as he goes. On the other hand you need to do as much for yourself and your daughter as you possibly can. You need to find out as much as you can about getting yourself into schoold and perhaps becoming a teacher. This is a great field to be in. How to pay for school. First, turn to our government for assistance they will pay for your education, child care expenses, light bill, rent, grocery pretty much everything if you are poor. And you car make up to about 15 thousand per year if you are a single parent and still get this assistance. And you can work a job and go to school I do both full time. Anyone can do it you must do it for your child. Take advantage of the options that are there for you because many people don't have these options. Do you know just because I begin to earn about 5 thousand dollars more than a5 thousand I no longer qualify for all of this assistance. Do you think we are in a different social class because I make 5k more than another person, not hardly. So do yourself and your baby a big favor and go to school.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Thank you I actually am going to school, my major is chemistry! :D
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
17 Jan 07
yes my case has been in the legal system for a year now and it is moving quite quickly because of my persistence which im proud to say.
@SageMother (2277)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Not pursuing child support keeps your child at a disadvantage in a couple of ways. first, you cannot provide those things the child needs. Second, your stress level will leave you emotionally and physically unable to give them the attention that will be needed as the child gets older.
There was a time, but I am pretty sure this isn't true anymore, that women who did not pursue child support when it was interrupted or stopped, were accused of neglect. That is something to think about when you look at the needs that might not be met.
I know it is difficult to continually have this burden of the father's manipulative behaviour, but the fact of the matter is that the law says that he is repsonsible for some of the expenses a child cannot help but incur.
Please reconsider your cituation, and make sure that you have done all that you can to provide for your child.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I Pursue this every week. at least 4 times a month. for a year now and i will not ever stop. but i do sometimes need time to catch up on myself and pay attention to my needs and need time to center myself mentally. this is what i mean, its difficult. there is a fine line between pursuing this and remaining coherent
@orangepeel (90)
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
I understand your situation perfectly. My father was just like your husband, and in my age right now, I got to appreciate the efforts of our mother, raising us 3 alone, She never asked for any child support, and I saw when I was growing up the hardships she faced.
Kudos to you! I salute you for being a great mother and a perfect parent
@cliffcliff (1350)
• United States
16 Jan 07
did you say "perfect parent"? how can you say that? I have to disagree... it looks like both of the parents here are very irrespondsible. bringing children into the world without any thought of how you will raise them is far from perfect. It is not easy to raise kids. If they were perfect they would have styed together for the sake of this poor child.
sorry, but someone has to point that out, but there are too many kids with irresponsible parents, undisciplined, creating many social problems for the rest of us.
Like i said sorry if i sound insensitive,but if i am going to discuss things on MyLot i will be honest. In the end we taxpayers will eventually pay for this bum father, and irresponsible mother.
@orangepeel (90)
• Philippines
19 Jan 07
Yes. I said perfect parent. Like you said, it is not easy to raise kids. and it shows that she is trying her darnest to raise her child up. You know it's hard, and she knows it as well. If they stayed together, it would not be called perfect, but S*T*U*P*I*D*. How could a person be expected to live with a person for the rest of her life just for the sake of her child? Don't you think that it would cause further problems in the future? Did you not think about the emotional burden that they could impart to their child with that?
How in the world did you think that once a family is intact, it would automatically be considered perfect?
She is a perfect parent for her child, because she is trying her best to raise her---ALONE. Her father is not giving out support, yet still, she manages to give her child her needs.
and why not? There are MANY who has the capacity to raise their children well, yet, their children grew up to be a social problem... just becaues there are people who think that they would be irresponsible if they raise their children apart.
@Metallion (2227)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Why don't you go to court and have court ordered child support? Have you had a paternity test to prove that he is the father, or is he denying it? If so you will need to get the test done.
Also, I noticed on another thread you are saying you are saving up for a new car, unfortunately as painful as it can be, a child must come first. If your old car is still running maybe it would be better to buy her a new video yourself while you wait to get court ordered child support?
You can get the videos shipped on Ebay for less than $10 total.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
the only reason that im looking to buy a new car is because the most terrifying thing that can happen to a single mom is being stuck on the highway with a broken down car and a baby to change and feed, not to mention all the crazies out there who can pick you up, run you over, kidnap you etc. thats the only reason i want to buy a reliable car.
@Tweety2035 (662)
• United States
18 Jan 07
If you did'nt cry when you laid down with him don't cry now.You deserve help from the father and sooner or later you will realize that and it will be a great releif to you.
@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Sweetie you and your child deserve child support! You have a right to get it. He helped create your daughter and now he needs to help you support her financially. Get a lawyer and ask for what is rightfully yours.
He will never understand how tough it us unless you tell him and let him know that you need his help to raise his daughter.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
i know that is the truth, all i know is that he is married and got married after he left. therefore, i will let it catch up to him, because i dont want to be the bearer of bad news - he will understand when what "comes around goes around"
@coolcatzz (1587)
• Canada
16 Jan 07
Your child is entitled to that money so why wouldn't you ask for it? That's crazy. Get a lawyer and if you can't afford one go to legal aid and they'll provide you with one. I just don't get why you wouldn't fight for what you child deserves. If you don't want to take his money then put it in a college fund for her.
@mommaC (2)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I think that your child deserves the money. Your child deserves absolutely everything that you can give to her...but I ask you one question. Is that man what is best for your daughter? I only ask that because I fought tooth and nail for my daughter's biological father to pay child support, prove paternity, and be a part of her life. And it all turned out to be the worst choice of my life. It was a constant struggle to deal with him. He never really brought anything of value to my daugters life and didn't want to be there when he was. I finally got into a relationship that lead to marriage,and he threatened me with taking my daughter because he didn't want me to get married,and that was NOT for her best interests,it was for him. He used my daughter to get to me! I finally forced him to give up his rights so my husband could adopt my daughter and now she has the kind of father that she deserves.
All I am asking you is to look beyond the money, look at your daughter, and see if this kind of man is one that you want in her life. And even if you get him to give up his rights, she can still collect child support after she turns 18. And I do know what you are going through...I worked 2 jobs just to keep our heads above heart goes out to you. Just don't be blinded by the strugle now...keep your eyes to the future. What you expose her to now is what she will turn out to be. Much luck!
@livingtwist (410)
• United States
16 Jan 07
Wakeup and get some help. There are ways to press the issue with child support. And it doesn't matter if you are man or woman, every child deserves the support from their parents. If you can makem then be responsible for them. Is for sure he will not get it without a little pressure. You should do what you have to for the child.
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
yea ive been trying for years now. I have made an effort to reach him but its not bringing in any results. iTS frustrating. although i dont want to make public where my child support case is at the moment, im very happy with what my caseworker has done and the next step that will be taken. Which in my eyes seems severe.. but he has asked for it... so here it
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
18 Jan 07
If the guy tries to reach you, have the courage to tell what his daughter needs. Don't quarrel about it. Sometimes, nagging irritates them. If he is too insensitive and can't sense it or he has no initiative to give support, ask help from a lawyer. Allow the court to order the father to give support to ur child. It's ur child's right to be given that financial support, and as her mother, be the one to initiate it.
@avs189 (1030)
• India
16 Jan 07
I dont have any idea regarding the rules which are stated for guardian which mention abt the care that should be taken of child....I would personally suggest u to have talk with him or else if he doesnt agree sue him in court and ask for ur appropriate grievances...if not so find urself a job that would really help u a lot ...nuthing more to say...keep beleiving in urself..
@sineen1981 (339)
• United States
16 Jan 07
i've tried reaching him every possible way there is, i actually have 2 at home jobs and am doing what is needed at the moment until the law catches up with him. I do have a court order and its being taken care of in that matter.
@starmoishe (58)
• United States
17 Jan 07
ASK FOR HELP FROM THE DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE! Listen, I know that your pride is stopping you but you can't afford pride when it causes your daughter to miss out on things she deserves because her father won't help. He is being a butbag so get the D.A.'s office to help you. You will be a different person, no doubt an even better mother once you no longer have this stress on your shoulders.
@cjsmom (1423)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I am so sorry that you're having to go through this with your little girl. Please do as the others have mentioned and go to the courts to get the support you need.
I have an 8 year old son, CJ who is Autistic. I know your daughter is only 2 but she sounds sweet.
Please feel free to add me as a friend here so that you can let off steam or just talk about anything at all. Bless you and your little one.
@sarithagp (238)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I am very lucky regarding child support.My baby is 7 weeks old.When he was born I don't have anybody helping me here except my husband.He took leave for 3 weeks and stayed with me helping me with the baby.Even now I leave the baby for him during the weekends and nights.He feeds the baby during the nights so I can rest the whole night.But they will come to know only when you expalin how hard it is!
@shakadoodoo (737)
• Dallas, Texas
16 Jan 07
You have to do what you have to do!!! I was mad when child support was thrown on me too. They make me pay $1300 a month for my kids. Like I said I was mad because she did not work with me but I am glad now. It is good to know that they get that money and by paying it I do not have to hear any noise talking when I get my kids! Really it was the state that forced child support on me not her but like I said - its all good! It just makes me work harder - He may need the same encouragment! It takes a tribe to raise a child - not just you!
@cool_xanders (121)
• Indonesia
17 Jan 07
Mama's boy always act on demand...
So ask them to help you. Remember him that he has parts on bringing your girl to the world.
Ask him to help you
@Adrieanna (79)
• United States
17 Jan 07
I know that sometimes people feel as though they can do things on there own but truly, I think that if you love your child that much( and i believe that you do) then it would only be right to do whats right? Right? Well, lets see Men are going to be men so of course on here birthday he going to buy her a gift because he wants to show off! So all im saying is dont worry him about it fight through the courts and as a reminder, look at your baby girl and picture how happy she would be!