Sorry to Burst Your Balloon

@mansha (6298)
January 16, 2007 4:01am CST
But SOmeone has to ask this. Everyone is promoting Agloco asking others to join in. Its been two months since I joined too But till date they have not launched their Tool Bar- how do you suppose we are going to earn? When its going to pay back for promoting it-why everyone is so hyped about a thing that does not even exist? Don't comke up with its history or whats written on the site, I want to know if before enrolling others you asked these questions too? Or we have unknowingly become part of a big scam.
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33 responses
@Maharaja (201)
• Australia
16 Jan 07
As an Agloco member, I think you have received their email. In the email, Agloco stated that the toolbar will be ready sometimes in February, maybe end of February. They are quite honest I think. They dont hide anything. I believe Agloco will be big; thousands of people sign up everyday. It is up to the individual whether to promote their network or not. Some people I know don't do anything and they wait till the Viewbar is released. That is fair enough, because how can we tell people we earn money while the Viewbar is not in operation yet? But others have made 3,000 referrals,( see ) and even 9,000 referrals (see McCall notes) because they believe they will earn a lot of money from Agloco. At the end of the day, it is entirely up to the individual. If you feel that you are wasting your time promoting Agloco, then don't. Agloco might be a scam. But for me, I will continue to promote Agloco until I can prove it that it is scam or not.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
16 Jan 07
Frankly I have not recieved any such mail. I personally believe I do not hve any right to claim that something works till I have substantial proof about it. If you have not earned a single cent from them how can I claim that its easy money. Please do not post links here, I am going to report such answers. This is the first so I wont but any other links I will. I am just marking you as negative. Better not cash in on my discussion by posting your referral links.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
16 Jan 07
I remember one like that too, neverr could find it again after a month of searching.
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@tams85 (30)
• Canada
16 Jan 07
I haven't gotten that email, but then I signed up only about a week ago.
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@BittyBiddy (2903)
• Ireland
16 Jan 07
This may be very negative and wrong by me, but I wouldn't join anything that lauches a toolbar on your browser. Chances are you'll be plagued by spy ware and spam e-mails for ever after. I had to get rid of a couple of e-mail addresses after joining similar scams.
@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
I don't think this will be an issue at all! Agloco takes this sort of thing very serious. They HAVE to as their entire integrity is based on providing a smooth, easy to use product.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
Yes what its a spy ware, I also avoid such tool bars.
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Agloco first came out YEARS ago as AllAdvantage. I made over $200 from them in a few short months. Unfortunately, they did not do their research and have the kind of backing they really needed before they launched. That caused them to go under. Now they are playing it safe, getting all their ducks in a row so to speak. I have faith in them and I'd like to have all my friends earning money with me when it starts! Since they aren't asking for you to pay them, there's not really any chance of you getting "scammed" out of this. Worst case scenario is that you wont make any FREE money off of them.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
with a company that had alrweady sunk, I doubt I will ever see any money fro this one, besides its taking too long.
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@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Mansha ... taking too long for what??????
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@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Reinydawn ... good post!
• Philippines
16 Jan 07
i get what you mean. im also a member of agloco, and though im not that active in referring people, and i havent really put effort into it, im still kinda worried that agloco is a scam that hit big. i guess the only way to find out is to wait for the toolbar to be released and wait for people to actually get paid.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
Listen I think bertus is right, thats a fine trick to get o=people's IDs and then use them to spam them later, How do you think email blasters geallthe addresses from.
@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
17 Jan 07
I think to qualify as a scam, they would have to actually charge you a fee first ...
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• Australia
19 Jan 07
Be just a little smarter... Create an email address just for Agloco, and if Agloco fails to deliver, delete the email. What's so hard about it? I think the starter of this discussion have been 'scammed' by Agloco???? Has anybody else been scammed by Agloco???? Let us know. What did Agloco scam you??? your money?? oh, no..maybe your time? well you dont even spend your time recruiting people
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@neo2neo (461)
• India
16 Jan 07
I agree with you! I have seen some members of mylot only posting in the discussions related to online money, and all they say is how every other service is bad and not good. Only thing they are promoting is the agloco. While doing this, they post a referral link of their own. It is because that site pays only when you have a down line of members joined with your referrals!!! Thats why they are trying to get more people to join under them. It is like MLM, get more members or you don't make money.
@mansha (6298)
• India
16 Jan 07
I agree with you and really think about reporting them I don't know when I last logged in to agloco for me Mylot is the only genuine thing rest are all marketing techniques of different types. I have not promoted Agloco for the simple reason it has nothing to offer anything as yet and still you find everyone asking you to sign up with them.
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• India
17 Jan 07
evan i agree with u
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@hopefoo (1145)
• Malaysia
17 Jan 07
I have been surfing around at sites looking for sites that actually do pay like mylot. the ones that i find have too much to do. I have never heard of agloco but I am about to check it out. I'm intent of building up my e-gold account. I'm also in Forex Trading and by far I think that's the best money earner, if one understands politics and economics and how it affects the currencies. If you have other sites to recommend or refer me to, do let me know. I prefer sites that deal with e-gold but paypal's okay too.
@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I would love to hear about forex trading, I am sending you a request.
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@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
I'd love to learn Forex too. It's just not something I can devote the proper amount of time to. Maybe someday ...
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@mchu519 (465)
• United States
17 Jan 07
Even though I signed up, I'm not promoting it because its not making any money yet. The fact that it has to be a toolbar on top of everything and cannot be covered is plain annoying. I signed up to see how it goes when the really do launch the toolbar. I just want to find something that really works and then promote it. I want to get credibility for my efforts of something that works and then refer other people to join that will make me more money. I don't they are a scam because they are originally AllAdvantage and they do pay. I made $70 off of them until they came to an end because of cheaters and hackers.
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@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
You will only need to have the ViewBar running 5 hours a month. That's only about 10 minutes per day. It also just sits down at the bottom of the screen so even for the few minutes each day that you will have it running, it shouldn't be that intrusive!
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@UcoksBaBa (800)
• Indonesia
16 Jan 07
I also was waiting that for two months but when I login yesterday not yet their signs began, they promised in january to begin but this has entered the middle of their month also did not yet begin, but was tried by me was waiting until having the further news.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I know someone in this discussion has told me now its going to be mid february.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Jan 07
I know I've seen a ton of links and discussions for joining this and a few others. I checked it out and once I saw you won't actually be earning anything for awhile I backed off quick. My thought is why promote something you don't know for sure is legitimate or not? I know I don't. Yeah it might take me longer to get referrals but I'd rather know I'm not sending people on a wild goose chase. I only recommend sites that I have gotten paid from. Until then I might plug along waiting for the payout but at least I know if I got scammed I didn't cause anyone else to be.
@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I agree, I also prefer this way. Better to be slow, steady and reliable rather than quick and fizzle out and loose trust of others.
• India
16 Jan 07
Be patience man, we all are eagerly waiting for AGLOCO's toolbar. It will soon launch and keep referring people, only we can develop this website. thanx
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
nishi here you are getting paid everymonth have yuou got single vent from agloco, after waiting and waisting so much of net surfing time and money promoting it. They could at least have paid a .01 cent to us for each member or at least in points till they launch so that we could have got something in return even if some concession at wal mart or something. Still we say its a good programme, why?
@Pekachu (1112)
• United States
16 Jan 07
lol i have been wondering that myself thought i was missing something i even visited the site again thinking oh it must be good i keep seeing people promoting it but nope still nothing arnt we all silly promoting a site that isnt even done setting up i thought that was rule number 1 dont publish site till it is done as it doesnt look professional
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I agree, I am asking atleast they could give pointsto members that can be redeemed for something else till they don't launch the bar. But we are stupidly claiming a wonderful programme, new site -wonderful oppurtunity. what has taken over our reasoning?
@avs189 (1030)
• India
18 Jan 07
Yea ur correct the alogoco is really illusion built around by the community of mylot as well as other memebers ,but for me as long we stop banning these fraudulent discussions and ask mylot to take severe actions for promoting websites other than mylot users wont stop...what u think...
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@GDAYBRO (384)
• Australia
20 Jan 07
It is clear that both of you are a bit drunk because of too much criticism to others. Just look at your words: alos, memebers, alogoco, promoyers, aI.... Have some rest..don't say anything you don't really know.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I am alos going to report such promoyers and aI am glad you think so too.
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@bestbiz (74)
• Indonesia
17 Jan 07
i read somewhere that Agloco is a new company made by the former paid-to-surf AllAdvantage. is it true ?
@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
yes thats what they say at lest the one who initiated is from there.
@lello60 (17)
• Italy
17 Jan 07
Hi it is better perhaps to analyze the everything before giving responses.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
Please explain yourself, I didn't get you.
@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
My thoughts exactly lello60.
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@Lydia1901 (16351)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I think it could be possible that it can be a scam. But, hang in there maybe it won't be. So, you'll just have to be patient. I haven't joined yet because I'm not convienced that it could be true at all.
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• India
17 Jan 07
ur doubts are well defined as a member of the same community even i have doubts but their is nothing to lose if the programmes is fake but lots to gain if it starts working!!
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
why we are just giving them away our ID's and for ever opening our email addresses to them to spam
@CosmoCo (252)
• Canada
19 Jan 07
Mansha ... did you give your email to MyLot when you signed up?
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@suedarr (2382)
• Canada
16 Jan 07
Thank you for posting this about Agloco. I have heard all the hype too and have been asked by others to join. However I've been holding off until I hear something positive that goes beyond the coming soon stuff. It might be a scam, I don't know, but until I hear otherwise I won't enroll with that program.
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@mansha (6298)
• India
18 Jan 07
I think you have done a wise thing.
@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
18 Jan 07
I checked into Agloco when I first heard about it on MyLot, but it seemed like a scam so I didn't even join it. I'm not really that into earning money at all of these sites, anyways. Sure, I like the extra money that I make here, but it's also fun and I feel like I'm learning things and meeting people, which is more important to me. At least we know that MyLot does pay what it promises to pay. I think it's pretty sneaky that these people are using MyLot to get referrals for another site; MyLot is paying them for a "discussion", and they are just soliciting for another site. What a scam.
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• Thailand
17 Jan 07
I have checked it out too, what do i think??? i think that toolbar they promised to be launced is a sales pitch to drive people to join them. I don't know about guys but im having second thoughts about this site. I real money making site don't promise anything they just give it like mylot is doing.
@stonehr (818)
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
16 Jan 07
If I'll start such a business than I'll have already software toolbar developed. I'll not start anything in public from my idea before I develop this software. I used 8 years ago Spedia toolbar I got twice checks from them, but they had from the beginning working toolbar. Some people was said spedia is scam, but these people tried to cheat spedia toolbar..:) About Agloco, I don't know You'll see when they finally release their toolbar to the public. I thought to join Agloco couple days ago but I give up because they haven't yet released this toolbar.
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