Adopting new pets...breeder or rescue?

United States
January 19, 2007 4:41am CST
I just adopted a new baby! Of course, she's black as sin, weighs just 8 pounds and is covered with fur! I went to my local humane society and adopted her, after having searched endlessly (or so it seemed) for weeks on end looking for the perfect fit. I found her just this morning on the Humane Society web site and immediately ran my happy hiney down to the shelter and slapped my name down on her. We visited and bonded and I named her Mia (mee-ah). Can't wait to bring her home, but have to wait until she's spayed. I'm just wondering where most people prefer to aquire the newest members of their family, of the four legged variety. I hate the thought of dog breeders, considering how many pets there are out there without a home. There are still thousands of Katrina pets out there that need homes. So what do you prefer? Breeder or pet rescue? (correction on the photo labelling she's not 8 months, she's 8 weeks. sorry! I get in a hurry and make typos a lot! lol)
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50 responses
@mari61960 (4893)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Congratulations, Mia is so lucky that you found her. I love have a humane society near me. I won't get a dog or cat from them because they charge way too much money. I do support the animals there by donating time and supplies on a regular basis. I always refer people to a shelter when looking for a pet. I prefer to adopt from a local pet store that adopts out returned pets. I get all kinds of different pets and after keeping them for at least 2 mos to make sure they are healthy, I find permanent homes for them. I have to admit, my last two dogs came from a breeder. And my Bella that I am waiting for comes from a breeder, well not a big breeder,lol. She only has the parents and is a member of the Chihuahua MeetUp Group I belong to. It's very hard to find a small dog at any of the shelters around me. I tried to get a small mixed breed chihuahua from a "kill shelter" in another state. By the time I had made the 3 hour drive, someone else had taken him. I wish you and Mia the best of luck.
19 Jan 07
Definitely rescue! there are so many pets that need a good home. 3 of mine were rescues (the other was a gift from a friend) and they are all such good dogs and so loving. Good for you on giving a dog that needed it a good home. What kind is she? She's adorable. Good luck with her.
3 people like this
• United States
20 Jan 07
She's a Lab & shar-pei mix. Can't wait to see what she's going to look like when she gets a bit older. Thanks so much!
@clownfish (3269)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Hi! Congratulations on the new puppy! What a cutie! Oh, I much prefer pet rescues to breeders. All of the cats my family has acquired over the years were given to us, abandoned strays, or came from animal shelters. I wouldn't have traded any of them for the world! Especially mine, he was given to me by an animal control officer because he was so young the animal shelter couldn't care for him. He's 16 now and a complete joy! In fact, I found out recently there's a fish rescue a few hours away. I think I'll put my name in for the kinds of fish I'm set up to care for. :-)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I have visited the local shelter in hopes of adopting, but was unsuccessful. I believe that if an animal is meant to come home with you, it will happen. I anguish over the pets of Katrina. I have never bought from a breeder. There are too many animals that need a home at the shelter. Our kitten was brought to us by our daughter. She found her toddling along a busy highway. She was only about 4 weeks old. We cleaned her up, fed her, loved her, and she is now part of the family. Although, Benta, our older cat gets a little ticked off at her for jumping on her back all the time, she has adjusted to having her with us too.
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• United States
19 Jan 07
Oops! I wanted to say that Mia is precious. I can understand why you fell in love with her.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
Thank you. I have a very hard time walking the kennels of a shelter, wanting to take every one of those sweet dogs home with me. For the first time ever, I searched the online listings when looking for a new baby to add to my family. You should give it a look, I'll bet they have their available pets online with many notes about behavioural issues et al.
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@SplitZip (1488)
• Portugal
19 Jan 07
I have a cat, I really didn't want to buy one, because there are so many cats around and I also like the common european cats... anyway, I had checked at a local shelter, but they didn't have many cats and there was a complex visiting hours schedule to follow, it was a hassle to actually see the animals! So I found an advert of someone who was giving away kittens and got one. Many people go to breeders because they want fancy-looking cats that end up being very expensive. I got a cat expecting a common house cat and ended up with a norwegian forest cat, 100% free! I didn't even realize this was the case until her fur started to grow and become all "puffy" :P As long as the animal is in good condition and doesn't have any behavior problems, then why go to a breeder at all, if all you need is a pet?
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Sassy - This is Sassy, a cat I rescued several years ago.
What kind of puppy is she? She's cute. I don't care if they come from a breeder or shelter as long as they are healthy! I've rescued several myself. I love animals:) Good luck with your new baby!
• United States
20 Jan 07
She's a Labrador Retriever & Shar Pei mix.
@brendalee (6082)
• United States
19 Jan 07
Awe, she is adorable and bless you for saving her and giving her a family to love. I got my dog from a friend or else I probably would have gone to a rescue too. Then my dog got pregnant before we got her fixed and we ended up keeping four of her pups. Have fun with your new baby.
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• United States
19 Jan 07
thank you! I can't wait to bring her home. Beaufitul baby you've got there too. I have a real thing for black dogs. My Ana is so loving and I can't wait to bring Mia home to meet her.
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@yuki87 (607)
• Italy
19 Jan 07
I prefer pet rescue. I don't see the points of wanting a breeded pet... you're right, there are so many pets out there that need someone to take care of them. :( I would take them all home with me if only I could afford it. Oh, and congratulations for your new pet! She's adorable! :)
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• United States
19 Jan 07
Thank you! I would happily bring home every dog I could if I could afford to feed them and had the room for them too!
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@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
19 Jan 07
the thing with recueing a dog from the humane society or the pound, you just do not know what they went through and if one day they are going to snap at you or your children. but if you are lucky enough to find a puppy like you then it is better to rescue them, but if you want a certain type of breed and a show dog then it is better to go to the breeder.
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• United States
20 Jan 07
That's very true. I have been searching for a new puppy for ages and have considered adopting an old lab when i was finding that I was having trouble finding what I was looking for. The one thing that gave me pause is not knowing what I was getting into with an older dog. It's a scarey thing and if I didn't already have one dog, I would have been far less concerned about it. I could deal with a few problems if I didn't already have Ana to worry about, but being as this was HER home, her needs came above that of another dog, so I opted for a baby.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
19 Jan 07
I prefer pet rescue. We have 2 who were abandoned and came to our house and they are so sweet and beautiful. I wouldn't take anything for them.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
19 Jan 07
By the way, Mia is beautiful too!
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@lauriefnp (5109)
• United States
20 Jan 07
She is absolutely beautiful! What an expressive face; and those eyes must have stolen your heart! What breed is she? I adopted all 3 of my cats over the years from the SPCA (humane society). You're right, they do need good homes, and there are some beautiful animals in those shelters. I think that sometimes you get "uppity" pets from breeders. my parents got one of their dachshunds from a breeder and that dog was the most high strung animal ever. Have fun with Mia! When is her surgery?
• United States
20 Jan 07
She's a mix between a labrador retriever and a shar-pei. her surgery should be tomorrow, so hopefully I'll be bringing her home tomorrow night. Thanks!
@ashjoe76 (1422)
• India
20 Jan 07
I go for pet rescue. it saves a life, which is important to the planet we live in, and also changes our lives for the better.
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@rana_007 (74)
• India
20 Jan 07
i agree with your thoughts of adopting a pet rather than buying it from a breeder. i think that animals should not be used as source of income when there are so many lonely ones wandering round for a caring owner
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• United States
20 Jan 07
Oh my gosh...she is just the most precious thing ever!! You are such an angel to save her. I hope she brings you as much happiness as you've given to her. I can't get over how adorable she is. Good for you for taking care of a lonely, homeless dog.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I would get a mut anyway because I know some people that breed dogs and they breed them too close together and they could have health problems and not live as long. My mother has pure breed shi-tzus. She got them from a breeder who did it the right was after they had breed only three litters which was the most she allowed in consideration on the dogs health. She ran into someone that wanted to use the male that she had adopted and discovered that he was the grandfather of the female they wanted to breed him with and my mom said no way. It's too close together a blood line. Besides it is so much rewarding to get a pet that really needs a home.
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@eaforeman6 (8979)
• United States
20 Jan 07
Its wonderful to adopt. We just have all we can have now.We now have 3 dogs and 4 birds. They are very spoiled and require an enourmous amount of attention.They think they are children. I always would rather rescue an animal that will really need a good home.I hope they find homes for all the pets from katrina.
@mrstigs (63)
• United States
20 Jan 07
I'm all for adopting dogs from shelters. There are very few cases when going to a breeder makes sense though there are valid reasons. For most people though, giving a pet a second chance for happiness is one of the greatest things you can do. I wish that people had to be licensed to have unaltered animals. There are so many critters out there that need a home that it just doesn't make sense to have a pet who isn't altered if you aren't a professional breeder. Don't get me started on people who purposefully mix breeds!
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• Pakistan
20 Jan 07
First of all congrats for the adoption and secondly I am glad to see you happy while making an adoption of a pet and its really very good work. Yeah we all know that she's black from nature and covered with fur. So it seems that you are quite choosy even in the adoption matter and you were searching for a perfect fit. So you founf her from humane society! sounds good! and one more compliment the name is very cute even if anyone prnounce it seems that her lips movement shows the expression of cuteness. Yes, you are absolutely correct that there are yet thousands of katrina pets which still needs home and special care and in this situation making new breeds would be rather inaaplicable. Pet lovers must rescue their sort of pets rather then to make breeds from their other pets. I also prefer to recue the pets rather then to make breeds and grow much more pets then the present ones which are yet un-careable by us.
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• Singapore
20 Jan 07
Definatly pet rescue!! Its for a good cause and it doesnt cost money - or it shouldnt.. Anyway i recomend that you never buy any pets from pet stores (dogs, cats etc) because they tend to die very young or get sick because of mistreatment when being moved to and from shops. Anyways i love little puppys but im more of a cat person, we've adopted 2 storm drain cats and 1 mix breed cat all of them were adopted and not bred i love them to bits!
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• United States
20 Jan 07
oh she is too cute!!! i love puppies! i would definately see if i could something fitting for my family at a shelter before i would a breeder because the animals at the shelter deserve a chance that they might not otherwise get. its so sad how many animals are in shelters.
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