Even San Diego has turned into an icebox this winter.

United States
January 21, 2007 5:17am CST
Seriously. Lows have been 30-35 almost every night. They got to the low to mid 20s last week. One morning before work I had to clear ice off of my windshield. I live just 200 feet above sea level, and nearby Escondido, which is not much higher above sea level, just a couple hundred feet or so, recieved snow last Saturday. The weather is so weird. It's been getting hotter every summer, and colder every winter. This past summer it nearly topped 120 degrees at one point. What happened to Vista being a "climactic wonderland"? Apparently, that ain't happening anymore.
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35 responses
@sechsey (1831)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
You should try to see teh film Inconvenient Truth and u will realize how real everything is that film when u compare what's been happening around the world lately. Weather changes didn't just occur in Europe and US. Even Asia is suffering from very hot summers and typhoons occuring in weeks and a month interval especially super typhoons. It's certainly something to think about and be informed.
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@wyykidd (1460)
• Singapore
21 Jan 07
The world weather has become so erratic!! I have heard how US is frozen! And even here in Singapore, we are having so much rainfall like never before!
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@tentwo67 (3382)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Is it a global warming thing? I live in South Alabama and we haven't hit 120 in the summer yet, but we have almost 100% humidity most of the time so that makes whatever temp feel even hotter. And it's been unseasonably cold too, particularly this week. In our case it cycles with really warm weather so that you might be wearing shorts one day and a winter coat the next. My husband insists that the weather does not contribute to whether or not you get a cold, and yet he and I and our son all have a cold, and I can't help but think that the crazy weather has played a part!
• United States
21 Jan 07
Actually, he's right - a cold is passed from person to person. I was in Ocean Beach standing outside for eight hours in 50-55 degree weather with a thin t-shirt last week Saturday, so if anyone should have a cold right now, it's me, but I do not.
@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Supposedly because get colds in cold weather not because of the lower temperatures, but because in cold weather people spend more time indoors, where they come into closer contact with more people and their germs.
• United States
22 Jan 07
It's been proven that being in the cold or going out in freezing whether with wet hair does not make you sick. It's bacteria passed from another person. If the cold has anything to do with it - it's that your house is so closed up due to the cold that there is more bacteria around inside your home.
@missyd79 (3438)
• United States
21 Jan 07
and while you were getting that cold front, Pennsylvania was enjoying tempertures in the 60's. usually we are the ones in the 30's in the begining of january.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
Yes but today it is in the 20's and we have warnings for ice tonight.
@matlgal (1686)
• United States
21 Jan 07
Just had to say HI Neighbor, I am in Vista also. We have had ice, and frost every single night for well over 2 weeks. I feel like I am living back in Chicago again. I am a Native Calif. gal and I hated it there. This sure reminds me of their springs!!! so cold. We live in a very old house that we are remodeling and so we have NO heater, we heat with a wooden stove. So it gets pretty chilly back in the back part of the hosue. Hopefully not too many more days of this!. Take care neighbor.
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• United States
21 Jan 07
Hey cool, another Vistan! Proof that this site really is becoming huge like MySpace.
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
21 Jan 07
You think thast bad the past couple of days its been in the single digets here. But ya thats colds even cold for you guys. Its global warming I think it has to be. Because just last week it was actually warm here and that is really strange for winter weve never experienced that before. So get ready for whatever comes your way.
@icequeen (2840)
• Canada
22 Jan 07
Yeah...it is crazy. Parts of the world that would barely see snow are getting hit with it...Europe...and other places. We have hardly seen snow here in Ontario...where as Vancouver has had some crazy weather and storms. I hope summer here isn't really hot...I hate that too. I don't know what all this weird weather means..but it is a little scary...
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• United States
22 Jan 07
My daughter called me from Tucson, AZ this afternoon to tell me that it was snowing there. I couldn't believe it. We had snow here last week, about three inches on the valley floor, which isn't real normal either. The really strange part is that it has been so cold, we still have some. I think everyone is feeling the brunt of El Nino...or global warming, either way, it sure is strange.
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@kaspyv (1011)
• United States
22 Jan 07
i live just south of Fresno and the weather here has been crazy too ...into the low 20's a lot at night..even got to 18 a couple of nights. i moved here from Texas and thought the weather there was crazy sometimes but its been colder here than it has there this year!
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@maru_047in (1007)
• India
22 Jan 07
Ya that is serious and this year is turning out to b bad in climate it is too cold and when it comes to humid conditions it ll b too hot i dont know about san diego but in here it is like that.
@inked4life (4224)
• United States
22 Jan 07
We're having the same problem here in Hotlanta. It's been mid 30's all week and we even had some freezing rain. Still not complaing though as I lived in Calgary, Canada for 17 years and it's usually in the MINUS 30's this time of year.
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• United States
22 Jan 07
The weather around the whole US and Europe has gone crazy. It's snowing in CA, the Southwest, here in the Pacific Northwest (where it usually never snows). Ice storms are pelting the Midwest, and New England is going through a spell of warm weather. And Europe had the big windstorm two days ago. Global warming, maybe?
@rllee07 (54)
• United States
22 Jan 07
I live in Minnesota and the climate has changed dramatically here say the last 10 years. We finally just got snow a week ago. Our snowfall average can't be a total of more than 8 inches all winter. Our summers are also getting not so much hotter but humid. I don't remember it being that way as a kid. It's kind of scary. I don't know if it's global warming or that el nina (sp?) thing that happened years ago????
@vega83 (6342)
• Bahrain
22 Jan 07
hey i live all the way in bahrain, but i totally feel u on this one. winter here has never been this cold and lasted so long. and the rain is falling like crazy, compared to what we used to have here. i guess no place is left out cuz it's affecting the whole earth. i'm totally beginning to think that the movie 'day after tomorrow' just might be happening soon enough. i've also been waiting for 'an inconvenient truth' to come out for this same reason
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@pondlife (467)
21 Jan 07
Hey Hassanchop, we haven't got anything like that cold yet - in fact it's been a very mild winter so far. We had really bad winds last week which actually killed a few people though! Just waiting for the snow to come... www.AddAnImage.com
• United States
22 Jan 07
I've noticed that too! I'm in the snow belt in NY and we have not had the kind of winters that we are famous for in the past few years
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@Idlewild (6090)
• United States
21 Jan 07
I've read that this winter's bizarre weather has been partly due to global warming but also has a lot to do with El Nino. In NYC it was 50 degrees F around Christmas, but New Mexico had a very rare snowstorm. Strange indeed.
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• United States
21 Jan 07
I don't know what's going on. Here in the east coast we had Spring-like weather. I could go out without a heavy coat, in January? But today its snowing so I hope your weather gets back to "normal".
• United States
21 Jan 07
i think that is wierd one of my relatives lives around there and it was colder there than over here in the east. I think it may have something to do with global warming
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• United States
21 Jan 07
i think that is wierd one of my relatives lives around there and it was colder there than over here in the east. I think it may have something to do with global warming
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