Double standards with cheating

January 24, 2007 7:22am CST
My husband and I were discussing this last night. He told me that it's ok for men to cheat. Of course I said it's not...I told him gender shouldn't dictate if cheating is ok or not. But then he told me that men usually cheat not to start relationships but because of their need to satisfy their urges. That it's always about the physical thing and not in any way emotional. Then he differentiated it with females. He said that when females cheat it's in an emotional level, more of a relationship. This made me think....he made sense. Please do share your thoughts on this.
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65 responses
@kareng (70384)
• United States
24 Jan 07
He's just trying to justify it. Cheating is wrong and it doesn't matter if you are 5 or 35, or black or white, or man or woman. A wrong doesn't make a right.
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
24 Jan 07
why would you bring race into the discussion
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
24 Jan 07
It doesn't matter whether it is emotional or physical. It's still cheating, not if's, and's, or but's.
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• India
24 Jan 07
i think yours husband thouhts are of may be last decades since cheating is same,no matter who commits does no make any difference if it is male or female. again i like to tell him that women to have their have their physical needs and do they fish ouside if thier spouses doesnt satify them.all humen are equal .
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@emisle (3822)
• Ireland
24 Jan 07
Cheating is cheating, whatever way you look at it. If my partner cheated on me because he wanted to satisfy his 'urges', I'd still be as mad as hell! least if he'd fallen in love with the other woman and wanted to be with her than i wouldn't find it as bad, least because I wouldn't feel so worthless. Cheating to satisfy his urges is just such horrible reason to cheat.
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@caper111 (163)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
I guess in a way it does make sense. Although to me cheating is cheating. If a man's needs aren't being met at home he always has the option to leave instead of cheating. If my husband ever cheated he would be out the door. I wouldn't care what kind of urges he had. I would rather be dumped than cheated on.
24 Jan 07
I think that what he said is a load of rubbish,cheating is cheating and that is that. You cant start defining things and going down to the root and say women get emotionaly involved. its trash. If you feel the need to cheat then your obviously with the wrong person!!!
@malsun (1528)
• United States
25 Jan 07
i am sorry that he has convinced you with his crap theories. as someone here has already said, cheating is cheating, irrespective of whether it is man or woman.
• Philippines
25 Jan 07
He didn't convince me with anything. We were just having an adult conversation about it. Personally as what everybody said, I believe that cheating is cheating, no reason will ever justify that.
@MissGia (955)
• United States
24 Jan 07
It should not matter if you are male or female..cheating is cheating. I for one have never nor will i ever understand cheaters. Yes like you said they do it to fulfil an physical or emotional need...but you also have to think..if you cant have those needs met in the relationship your in..then apparently you dont need to be in it. The day i start thinking of cheating on my boyfriend is the day i'll end it..cause it means your not happy.
• Philippines
18 Feb 07
yes yes..come to think of it,your husband is right.well before i read your post i have always hated men who cheat,but now,i understand them a little.i can prove your husband is correct because of something that has happened to me.i am currently in a relationship with my boyfriend,and we have been together for 6 yrs already.there was a time last year that he has gone cold,i have suspected him of cheating on what i did,i diverted my attention,instead of nagging him,i looked for someone who could make me happy.and i did!i found him in my best guy friend,we had things going on for like a month,and he really acted like my boyfriend.and it came to a point where i was very attached to my guy friend,that i was ready to break up with my boyfriend because of him.but things went back to the way they were,and my boyfriend became sweet to me again,and the fire we had warmed up once i stopped whatever it is that i had with my guy friend.we still are friends til now,and my boyfriend doesn't know anything about what happened.we are celebrating our 6th anniversary today.i do hope we could last longer.
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• Philippines
18 Feb 07
Thanks for the response. Congratulations on your 6th year together and I am sincerely hoping that you guys will indeed stay together longer.
• United States
24 Jan 07
Your husband is oh SO wrong .. cheating is cheating .. it is infidelity .. it is a breach of trust. A contract requires three things to be valid .. a benefit, mutual consent, and competence. Marriage is a contract. And, the benefit of the contract includes fidelity . faithfulness .. trustworthiness .. exclusive romantic interest. The mentality that cheating is OK under any circumstances proves that a person does not take their contracts seriously .. in other words, their word isn't worth the hot air that drives them .. it also proves a person is immature and is incapable of being trusted with responsibility. Cheaters cannot be trusted .. ever. Someone who agrees to the contract of marriage with the idea in the back of their mind that cheating is OK is also a liar. Anyway, his thinking is warped .. he's willing to compromise the EMOTIONAL involvement of someone who is not his wife while being unfaithful TO his wife. You think that makes sense? I disagree.
• Philippines
24 Jan 07
yes that is what my husband agreed on but hoe can they ( male ) HAVE THOSE ILICIT RALATIONSHIP WITHOUT THE EMOTIONAL CONTACT?
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@MAX1966 (1029)
• Netherlands
25 Jan 07
women can have relationships without the emotional contact as well.
• United States
24 Jan 07
Cheating is cheating, be it emotional or physical. Cheating is wrong no matter how you turn it. I myself have cheated and been cheated on, its no more wrong for a woman than it is for a man. I think that men thinking that way comes down to a part of being shovanistick (sp?).
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@MAX1966 (1029)
• Netherlands
25 Jan 07
you are totally right. cheating is wrong,always..
@vdhill (65)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Doesn't matter if it's about the physical, or the emotions. Cheating is cheating and if you buy that BS from your husband, I'd like to offer you the Carnegie bridge. That's right; I'll sell it to you (and only you) for $50.00, no questions asked. On second thought, forget about the fifty spot--$20.00 out the door!
@Owllll (10)
• Sri Lanka
18 Feb 07
Tell the truth. If you want to enjoy someones body tell your partner. Do it together. Do not lock your partner out of your life.
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@msqtech (15073)
• United States
24 Jan 07
cheating is never okay and no person should think it is great to do. I think people have a hard time staying in Love but cheating isnt something to do.
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@pendragon (3348)
• United States
24 Jan 07
He's not making sense , just excuses, he can say no to "urges" and women can say no to "emotions" nad vice versa, people who condone cheating are always full of crap.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
cheating is cheating no matter who does it...but your husband does make a valid point...most women do cheat because of emotion and men tend to on physical attraction....also women are better at hiding the fact when they cheat then men as well.....
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• India
24 Jan 07
I believe that gender does not play any role whether a person is allowed to cheat or not or to justify his faults.Men should not cheat even to satisfy their urges.Then they are considered to be men of character.Women do cheat on a emotional level occasionally but it is not a reason to justify the mistakes of men.Also the no. of men who cheat may be more than the no. of women who cheat.Men should rectify their errors and should not provide reasons like these for their misbehaviour.
• United States
24 Jan 07
cheating is cheating, no matter who does it.. . they are in the wrong. It causes alot of problems when someone cheats. and it's unfaithful, lost of trust, and disrepectful as well.
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• United States
24 Jan 07
Emotional or Physical reasons do not matter, cheating is cheating. I'm a guy and I have urges but I channel these urges to more productive activites (work, sports or working out). I do these activites to avoid cheating especially in my case (I'm madly in love with my gf). Although his points do make sense, it does not justify cheating. And last I heard, women do get urges too that's why we have shows that show women (housewives) having afairs with the poolboy or gardener. 'nuff said