A question for pet lovers that have experienced the death of their pets :(

January 24, 2007 10:40am CST
How do you get over the extreme pain of losing a pet you loved so much? My dog died and I can't accept it ... A part of me says to never own a pet and a part of me says to get a new one of the same breed. Mostly people around me are advising me to wait but I want to get another one in the hope that it helps ease the pain ... Its not trying to replace him because no one can take his place ... Its just is ...its so strange without my best pal. What can you advise me on this ... Thanks.
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61 responses
@cungcung (70)
• Indonesia
25 Jan 07
It's very difficult, especially when you always been together for a long time. It's just like loosing one of your best friend, may be you can asume it like part of your family. You can't never replace it. It won't be the same. Even if you buy a new one with the same size, the same breed, even you give it the same name. My suggest is you get yourself another dog, don't have to be the same kind. I suggest find the young one, not more than 2 years old, so you can teach it to listen to you. Dogs is man's best friend right ? If you lose one friend, you have to find another, but you can't replace it because it'll never be the same. Good luck
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• United States
25 Jan 07
To me, when I lost my cat I did loose mt best friend. There will always be a hole in my heart because I lost him. He was warm, furry, sweet, and full of love. Albert
@winky73 (1404)
• United States
24 Jan 07
When my Boxer passed away due to a heart attack....I cried like a little kid(at age 30).I still miss her today.....but after she was gone I missed having a dog around...so I got a new one.If you feel like it's time for you to have a new dog....go for it.Everybody grieves different....having a new puppy around helps with the healing...at least it did for me.
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• Pakistan
25 Jan 07
I'm considering it, but scared to take another blow and I even want a new one to help ease the pain. Still so confused ...
@abhisree (520)
• India
25 Jan 07
i know how it feels but i could not ease the pain out and i feel from my experience that it is best to get another one..that makes you distracted and it will ease everything out..
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@kawillow74 (1416)
• United States
25 Jan 07
I am sorry the here about your dog I know we treat our like he is a child he sleeps with us and is always with us I really don't know what we will do without him. I know someone that lost the dog and got the same kind to replace it and ended up giving it away it was to soon she said. But now I see she has another one the same kind so I would give it a little time and I know some people can't understand how we love our pets so much but they are apart of our family. time will heal. Wishing you luck in what ever you decide.
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• India
25 Jan 07
You can have one pet dog. Atleast you will forget the remembrance of your earliet pet. We had one pet dog named Charlie. He was 16 years with us . We were som much fond of him. Whereever my children go he used to follow them. Suppose we go out leaving him at home he was hesitating to eat even food. We were so much attached with our pet
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@candygurl24 (1880)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
It's hard indeed. I had Mitzy (a cat) for as long as I could remember, then one day I came home from school when I was about 14 and my nan sat me down and told me her and my grandfather put her to sleep because she was sick. I was so hurt and so angry at them for not even discussing it with me. As for jumping, you don't want to do it with a relationship, so I wouldn't suggest you do it with a pet. Let that piece of you that you lost heal a bit first, but in the mean time, why don't you see if you could donate some time at your local animal shelter to not feel so lonely. That way you are giving something back "in memory" of your lost dog, and you might even fall in love with another in time :) Take it as easy as possible, but don't rush into anything.
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@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
24 Jan 07
Get a new dog, but don't get the same breed. Don't try to replace your faithful pet. Get a new one to help keep your mind off of losing him. We had a Persian cat once that hung herself. We were devastated. However, we got a new kitten, and he completely charmed usinto loving him.
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@7nicole1 (1633)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
What I found for me when I lost my pet was I replaced it right away with another one. I know many people won't agree but when I did I had to concentrate on feeding and loving the new dog not only being sad for the other one I lost. Eventually it got easier and Im glad I got my new dog but I will always miss my other one though.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Jan 07
It is very Hard I have lost many Pets and it hurts each time my last one was our previous Dog he was a Labrador and he had to be put down he was 12 and got Cancer I stayed wih him and held him till he took his last Breath it broke my heart it really did A few Months later my Kids took me to a Kennel as I was told I am not able to work anymore they wanted me to have Company Well I fell in Love with a lovely little Fellow that needed a loving home and was scared of People he is now a happy loving and trusting little Man lol We do have the Ashes of our other Dog as we had him cremated and we will always love him but there is always another one out there that needs loving and protection it will get easier eventually believe me but you will never forget him
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@momathome (474)
• Canada
24 Jan 07
So sorry for the loss of your pet. But they all have to go at some point. It's hard to get over, we lost our dog when we went away for a weekend my inlaws were watching him and he got out and got hit, it was terrible my son cried and so did my husband. If you feel your ready for another one than go for it, we got a beagle after we lost the rotti and they are so similar its uncanny. But a new pet will fill your heart and even though you miss the one you lost when a new one licks your face and wants to play you'll smile again. Animals will change your heart and if your ready for a new one go for it.
24 Jan 07
When I lost Amani, my Alaskan Husky, I thought my heart had been ripped out. I didn't go out for days. I wouldn't answer the phone. I talked to no one except my hubby. I brought Amani over to Scotland from Alaska when I got married. I took him everywhere with me. He was my best friend. I was totally gutten when he passed away. My husband and I were talking and he thought that I would never go out again. So, we decided to get another husky. Not to replace Amani, that is not possible, but to honor him. We adopted a welfare siberian husky. Kai helped me to deal with Amani's loss. I will never forget Amani, he will live on in my heart, he was apart of me. Kai was 6 years old when we got him. Two years ago, we got to thinking that when something happened to Kai, we would be faced with loss all over again, an empty house. We got a siberian husky puppy. She is a great companion to Kai and she is my little baby. She has helped Kai to become a better dog. They will never replace Amani, but they are special to us and we love them dearly. If you feel you can love another dog, then do so. You have a lot to offer a fur baby. He will ease the pain, and you will have found another friend. I know what you are going through. You can pm me if you want to.
• Pakistan
9 Feb 07
Thanks for those kind words and I'm really sorry for your loss as well and I hope that I can move on soon. And yeah you are right no one can replace someone you really love.
• United States
24 Jan 07
I am so sorry for your loss. I am still going through the grieving from my dog that I was forced to put down a while ago. I had him cremated and he is sitting in a beautiful jar on my entertainment center. I am 21 years old and his vet never thought he would make it as long as he did, but he was 21 in human years as well. We had been through everything together. As far as getting another dog, yes it does help heal the pain but I would try not to get the same breed because you will always see your buddy in him and expect him to be like him even though you may say no I won't do that it wouldn't be fair, but trust me you can't help but do it. I hope that this helps to ease your pain a little and if you want to talk about it more I am here.
• Pakistan
8 Feb 07
Thanks for the support and the kind words :)
@vicky1 (240)
• United States
24 Jan 07
It is really hard pets become so much apart of our family. For me I had to have my dog put to sleep and it was the hardest things to do. I said I wouldn't ever get a dog again because I didn't want to go through that again. I waited about a year and I wanted another animal so now I have two cats. Do what you think will make you feel good. My friend lost her dog and a week later she had another one of the same kind.
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• Australia
24 Jan 07
if you want to get a new dog, then you should go for it. Remember when dying, your pet is not suffering.. it is only you that is suffering and feeling lost. I have couple of guinea pigs as my pets and now I also have fishes.. I have had many experience on them dying.. and what makes me feel sad is that I dont know what I can do to prevent it.. and how do I ease the pain? Buy a new one.. or concentrate on the one that I have...
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@kareng (69193)
• United States
24 Jan 07
I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a pet that you have grown attached to and think of as a family member. The only thing that heals the heart is time. Just take care of yourself and remember the good times you had with your pet. As for getting another one, you will know when you are ready.
• Pakistan
26 Jan 07
Thanks for your answer!
• United States
24 Jan 07
So sorry to hear of your loss. I don't think it is something that you "get over". It's something that just dulls with time. I lost my Greyhound to a heart attack a year ago, and still get teary-eyed at times, missing her. But I still laugh alot when I think of her antics, too. I haven't gotten another...yet. I have an older mixed-breed who was here before the hound, and I've been giving him all my attention. I would like to get another greyhound tho, before the dog I have now passes. (I think he'd help with house-breaking...showing the new dog where the door is, etc. At least that's how my last greyhound learned, real quick, from watching the others) Whatever you decide, that is your personal choice. After all, it's a new member of the family!
• Pakistan
31 Jan 07
Thank you for the kind words and I'm sorry for your loss...
@monalizra (219)
• Romania
31 Jan 07
you should get a puppy... and fast! but is not a good idee to be the same breed. you'll expect the new puppy to behave the same and he won't.they have all their own personality. try a new breed... or think about adopting a rescued one.you'll fill that you make a good thing and you'll get a lot of love. a puppy can make you fill better. i'm sure. there is no way to not love him.
@Indiffer (287)
• Norway
8 Feb 07
You dont. Its as simple as that you never get over a loved one pet or not. I lost my dog when i was 19 years old. I only had her for two years. She was my friend. Im 34 soon now and i still miss her. I have had three dogs after her and i keep comparing them to her. Noone can take the place of a loved one. And dont listen to what others say, listen to yourself. If you need time to mourn and to accept your friend is gone then take that time. Then get a new friend if that is what you want. You wont feel better faster with a new friend now i think. I wish you the best, whatever decicion you take.
• United States
6 Feb 07
My friend this past summer lost her Dog he passed while I was there visiting, it was so sad Rooney was with my friend for over ten years , he was a great comfort to her, [dobie, lab, rottweiler,] anyway she was pretty upset when I left, she e-mailed me shortly after I got home and she had went out and got a pit lab mix Brendy she has filled my friends heart, No you arnt replacing your pal, but another pal wouldnt hurt, take it slow look around , you might find a pup that needs you just as much, dogs loose owners too.
@RevathyB (46)
• India
6 Feb 07
I can understand how u feel. it happened to me ..i lost two of my dogs in the span of 3 months...just get a new one it really helps...