No spanking equals no discipline?
By crunchymama
@crunchymama (158)
United States
October 8, 2006 3:28am CST
Do you believe that spanking is the only way to achieve discipline?
If you removed spanking, what other tools you have in your arsenal?
What if you removed yelling and time-out? What do you have left?
11 responses
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I do believe in that in the bible it says spare the rod spoil the child. God Bless
@crunchymama (158)
• United States
20 Oct 06
But have you ever studied what it means by "the rod"? Think about a shepherd's rod. Does the shepherd use it to beat the sheep when they wander off? Or does he use it instead to gently guide the sheep back to where they should be?
@Sheila_Abram (1908)
• United States
21 Oct 06
That is true so you could gently spank the child and gently guide them. God Bless
@amylou (127)
• United States
18 Oct 06
There's gotta be line between spanking for discipline and beating your children. I think spanking is an effective form of discipline if the child understands why he's getting spanked. I think walking by and smacking your child for doing something wrong is completely inappropriate though. All they understand then is that it's okay to just walk by someone and smack them.
@RandyS (7)
• United States
18 Oct 06
No, I agree with amylou, there are many options you can sit down and explain why what they are doing is wrong, remove somthing that they really like to do for a while but keep within their age group, no desert after dinner, can't go out and play but use this as a last option if possible for it may not let them grow as an individual if they like to play with other kids and exercise is good instead of growing a couch potato. Remember you are the adult and they are a reflection of you and your spouse.
I was spanked as a child and I know I deserved it. Now as a parent myself There is truth to spare the rod spoil the child. There is a line to be set for rules are meant to be. If not we all would just run rampid in the world.
@amylou (127)
• United States
18 Oct 06
You sound like a good parent - those that actually take the time to consider discipline and the options get points in my book. I work in the same building as the Child Protective Services here in my state and see children come in all the time with bruises and stuff. It tears my heart out that these parents would do that to their own child. You're right too - there are lots of alternatives, you mentioned some good ones. I too was spanked as a child... and only a handful of times... I learned from that kind of discipline and think I turned out very well! : ) And although I don't have children of my own yet I think when I do I might have a different perspective.
@maya_n_bennett (4687)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I dont think spanking equals discipline, but some children do need spanking for discipline. These days, kids are smarter than when I was their age. It hard to find a way to discipline. It very hard to find a good way to discipline children right now. To me, time out dont work. Maybe for few second but children cant sit around for long time. But control spanking seems best discipline to me. All of my nephews and nieces get 3 chances to behave around me and if they dont they will get spanking at my house.
@crunchymama (158)
• United States
20 Oct 06
Wow. If someone EVER hit my children, call it a spanking or whatever, they would never, ever be around my children again.
@Tanya8 (1733)
• Canada
19 Oct 06
I'm someone who doesn't spank or use time outs. (I'm ashamed to admit I yell once in a while, but I consider it my own problem to solve rather than a discipline tactic).
I'm a huge fan of the books: How to Talk so Kids will Listen, Playful Parenting, Easy to Love; Difficult to Discipline
Some of the tools I find most effective are:
- Teaching children what you WANT them to do rather than what you don't want them to do.
- Walking right up to them, crouching down to make direct eye contact and telling them in a gentle tone what you want done, rather than calling out from across the room (which can make it appear like you're not serious).
- Looking at every opportunity of misbehavior as an opportunity to teach, rather than getting upset about it.
- Showing them how to make things right & expecting them to do so, if they behave in such a way that they break something, spill something or harm someone.
- Making sure I model the kind of qualities I want them to have.
@fatpixie (100)
• South Africa
19 Oct 06
I find that alot of what you have put in your posting is how I deal with my son. You are so right and I have seen drastic changes in his behaviour and MY stress levels. Boys are naturally more adventurous and loud.
I do give him A spank once in a blue moon, but not too often, it works and he knows then that he has pushed his boundaries too far.
Well done!!
@khushboo1984 (1257)
• India
20 Oct 06
spanking is never the solution for anything. When I was a small kid my parents used to talk to me and explain to me that what I am doing is wrong. They never shouted nor spanked me. The lesson they had taught me I still remeber even after so many years
@ArsonCuff (3114)
• United States
20 Oct 06
I think spanking is an outdated practice and ineffective...maybe at a younger age a swat on the butt lets a kid know you mean NO , but as the age you're going to have to develop methods that work better anyway and spending all the time in the world yelling and making threats will fall short as well...each situation with each individual family will be different of course
@amarines13ytch (243)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I think spanking a child on the bottoms is okay, or tapping their hand is okay.. I do not believe in beating a child, or being unfair. Child do not understand as an adult does, and it will take until they are older to understand right from wrong. I saw an ex friend pop her 5 MONTH OLD SON on the hand for trying to suck his thumb.. I could've hurt her SOOO bad right then and there.. I walked out, and that would be why she is indeed an EX friend. I don't believe in belts, paddles, or anything of the sort. I'll use my hand if it's needed, but first I will try to talk right and wrong into my child, without yelling at them and scaring them to nothing. I still have a few years until that one comes though. Lol.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I baby sat these kids who were so use to spankings that one was acting up and the other was screaming "spank him"
When I took the boy and put him in a chair in the corner of the room to face the wall, he was absolutly in tears in 15 minutes. Never been punished with a time out and thought that was the worse. The parents were shocked when I told them I had no problems ever again with them. They were spanking them a lot for punishment. They decided to change methods later.
@tarheelnancy (1317)
• United States
19 Oct 06
I don't believe in spanking in the first place but I do believe in time out, it is very effective. But if I was to know longer do that than I would use other things I currently use. I remove privledges, take away toys, radio, tv, etc..depends on the extent of the misbehaviour. I also have good and bad behaviour charts, good behaviour earns rewards like extra 30 minute tv time, bad behaviour removes items from the good behaviour chart. And I always maintain eye contact with them when talking to them about their misbehaviour.